18:58:46 RRSAgent has joined #sml 18:58:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/31-sml-irc 18:58:52 Zakim has joined #sml 19:00:11 Valentina has joined #sml 19:00:22 Sandy has joined #sml 19:01:02 Kumar has joined #sml 19:02:12 + +1.425.836.aaaa 19:02:27 zakim, aaaa is Kumar 19:02:27 +Kumar; got it 19:02:34 Jordan has joined #sml 19:03:02 +jboucher 19:03:13 +[Microsoft] 19:03:32 Zakim, Microsoft is me 19:03:32 +pratul; got it 19:03:32 zakim, please call MSM-Office 19:03:33 ok, MSM; the call is being made 19:03:35 +MSM 19:03:52 scribe: Kumar Pandit 19:03:57 scribenick: Kumar 19:04:18 meeting: SML Teleconference 19:04:51 johnarwe has joined #sml 19:06:41 chair: John 19:07:49 zakim, who is here? 19:07:49 On the phone I see Jim, johnarwe, Sandy, Valentina, Kumar, jboucher, pratul, MSM 19:07:51 On IRC I see johnarwe, Jordan, Kumar, Sandy, Valentina, Zakim, RRSAgent, Jim, pratul, ZULAH, MSM, trackbot-ng 19:08:14 topic: Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s) 19:08:54 john: any objections to the minutes? 19:09:03 no objections heard. Minutes approved. 19:10:46 john: schema working group will not meet in mar/april. This gives us opportunity to move our meeting days if we want. 19:11:40 john: does anyone object to keeping the current meeting dates? 19:11:58 no objections heard. We will keep the same meeting dates. 19:12:23 topic: meeting dates 19:14:36 Pratul: the June meeting may not be held in Zurich because of availability of hotels is unclear. 19:15:26 john: we can decide about June meeting over email. 19:16:36 [For the record, the address given for a previous meeting at (what I believe is) the same Oracle site is: Conference Center, 350 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA.] 19:17:09 Suggest someone points out what advantages there might be to meeting in conjunction with the rest of W3C. Also, speculate on where we will be in our process. 19:17:19 topic: action items 19:17:46 john: Date for Pratul's and Kumar's action items to be updated. 19:18:02 topic: Review bugs with no keywords or target 19:20:02 john: when a bug is not marked, we have 3 options: 1) editors can work on such bugs if they think the bug is editorial 2) same as 1 but force such bugs to be marked needsReview 3) editors must not touch such bugs. 19:20:44 jim: proposes #2 19:21:49 john: any objection to Jim's proposal? 19:22:02 no objections heard. Proposal #2 accepted. 19:24:39 topic: bug# 5398 19:24:55 john: I believe this is editorial. 19:25:54 ...discussion on the second part of this bug. Empty content v/s no child elements. 19:27:14 msm: I prefer empty content for both. This reduces confusion. 19:28:26 sandy: does this preclude comments ? 19:30:10 E.g. what happens with 19:30:11 ? 19:30:39 sandy: if comment is present, we cannot call it empty content. 19:39:43 [If we retain the current rule, then effectively must be treated as if the document is not part of the interchange set, but is NOT covered by the rule. 19:41:31 sandy: no child element => allows comments/PIs, empty content => does not allow comments/PIs. we need to fix that inconsistency. 19:42:05 sandy: prefers defining the end result. that is, no document present after extracting. this should be worded carefully by the editors. 19:42:49 instruct editors to draft wording to use phrases like "if no document is present" for both "data" and "base64data"; failing that, fall back to use different conditions: no child element for "data" and 0-length base64 for "base64data". 19:43:15 [A concrete sketch: something like: 19:43:15 If the element has no child element, it is said to contain a 19:43:15 'vacuous document'. If the has a zero-length sequence of 19:43:16 octets as its value, it similarly contains a 'vacuous document' 19:43:16 If the model/*/document element contains only a vacuous document, then 19:43:16 the SML-IF consumer MUST treat the document as if it is not part of 19:43:18 the interchange set. 19:43:20 ] 19:45:37 topic: bug# 5400 19:45:57 msm: xpath2 does not have node-set. only node-sequences. 19:47:58 msm: deref() input is node-set, output is node-set. I pass in 7 ref elts. each ref resolves to 1 elt. how many elts are in the output set? The logical expectation is that there would be 7 elts in the output node-set. 19:48:34 s/The logical expectation is/I believe I heard some WG members saying they expect/ 19:48:44 msm: if the above returns less than 7 then that would surprise some users. 19:56:49 john: proposal: in the case above, anywhere between 1 and 7 elts are returned. 20:02:13 john: the above requires removing dup nodes from the output nodeset. 20:02:57 john: any objection to the above proposal? 20:03:09 no objections heard. mark the bug editorial. 20:04:13 topic: bug# 5407 20:06:33 kumar: I propose that we add explicit version numbers to section 7 20:09:53 john: proposal: use explicit version number in section 7 bullet 2 in the first bulleted list. 20:10:12 s/number/numbers 20:12:50 msm: agree with John's proposal. 20:15:15 john: mark as editorial 20:16:12 proposal: mark 5407 editorial, add spec version numbers to section 7 first item 2, editors to consider whether to remove section 3 paragraph 2 in light of previous change/ 20:17:39 topic: bug# 5409 20:18:02 john: I believe this should be editorial. 20:18:30 john: mark as editorial. it does not need to be reviewed after editorial changes. 20:18:54 topic: 5411 20:19:14 sandy: this looks like dup of 5400 20:19:27 john: mark as dup of 5400 20:20:14 topic: 5416 20:27:57 discussion similar to the one in Orlando f2f meeting... 20:33:18 One possibility: keep 'satisfied' in row 1, and add to each instance validation rule the sentence "Intances of E that are not SML references satisfy the 20:33:18 constraint vacuously." 20:34:15 Another possibility: Add to each instance validation rule the sentence "The N.N. constraint does not apply to instances of E that are not SML references." and change row 1 to 'does not apply' 20:36:41 jim: proposal: leave the table where it is and apply Kirk's comment# 2 of the bug. 20:40:27 Third possibility: Note: the target required, target element, and target type constraints 20:40:27 do not apply to element instances that are not SML references. 20:40:34 Fourth: Note: the target required, target element, and target type constraints 20:40:35 are trivially satisfied for element instances which are not SML 20:40:35 references. 20:42:45 topic: bug# 5417 20:43:38 action: Sandy to suggest wording for bug# 5417 20:43:38 Created ACTION-168 - Suggest wording for bug# 5417 [on Sandy Gao - due 2008-02-07]. 20:44:01 action: Michael to suggest wording for bug# 5417 20:44:01 Created ACTION-169 - Suggest wording for bug# 5417 [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-02-07]. 20:44:20 john: mark 5417 as needsAgreement 20:44:51 w.r.t. diff between acyclic and target*: their pre-conditions are different for good reasons. (even targetrequired is different from targetelement/type.) 20:45:05 topic: bug# 5419 20:45:34 john: mark editorial 20:46:22 topic: bug# 5423 20:46:32 john: mark editorial 20:47:43 topic: bug# 5424 20:47:52 john: mark editorial 20:49:40 topic: bug# 5428 20:50:45 john: mark editorial 20:51:18 topic: bug# 5429 20:56:18 john: mark editorial (except one change: the second suggested change, about rule binding, should be handled as separate bug) 20:57:39 topic: bug# 5430 20:57:46 john: mark editorial 20:59:13 topic: bug# 5437 20:59:26 john: mark editorial, needsReview after changes 21:00:12 topic: bug# 5438 21:00:18 john: mark needsAgreement 21:00:48 topic: bug# 5442 21:00:59 Jim has left #sml 21:01:02 -Sandy 21:01:16 -Jim 21:01:25 john: mark editorial 21:01:59 topic: bug# 5443 21:02:01 john: mark editorial 21:02:08 -pratul 21:03:01 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:03:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/31-sml-minutes.html Kumar 21:03:08 rrsagent, make log public 21:03:22 rrsagent, where am i? 21:03:22 See http://www.w3.org/2008/01/31-sml-irc#T21-03-22 21:04:09 minutes look available to me 21:05:09 -johnarwe 21:05:11 -Valentina 21:05:13 -Kumar 21:05:20 -MSM 21:08:19 johnarwe has left #sml 21:10:20 disconnecting the lone participant, jboucher, in XML_SMLWG()2:00PM 21:10:23 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 21:10:24 Attendees were Jim, johnarwe, Sandy, Valentina, +1.425.836.aaaa, Kumar, jboucher, pratul, MSM 21:27:59 Zakim has left #sml 21:39:55 ZULAH has joined #sml 23:28:13 ZULAH has joined #sml