The World Wide Web Consortium

Mauro Nunez, <>

3 views of Earth

The World Wide Web Consortium

Mauro Nunez
North American Business Manager
World Wide Web Consortium


24 May 2007

These slides:



Web's Success

and the

Role of Standards

"Over 1 Billion Served"

Internet usage vs. continent


Note: in 1995, there were ~16,000,000 Internet users, or 0.4% of global population

(see also: Top languages on the Internet [graphic, link],
English 30% w/ 135% growth, Chinese 14% w/ 347% growth per year)

"Over 100 Million Serving"

Number of Web Sites (domain names and content)

Web servers vs. time


(Users:Servers ratio ~ 1996 = 150:1. 2000 = 50:1. 2006 = 10:1)

What Led to the Web's Success?

Happy child at computer, and very busy person at desk

Why are Open Standards Important?

People meeting

World Wide Web Consortium

Founded by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994, W3C is:

Graph of Globe

... expanding ...

A Unique Standards Organization

(Membership / Benefits / "At a Glance" brochure)

Why Participate in W3C?

W3C Member logo

(Membership / Benefits / How to join W3C / "At a Glance" brochure)

Engineering the Web's Interoperable Foundation

W3C technology stack

(Description of technologies in the stack)

The Real Question

Web for Everyone

Web for Everyone

Children's hands on globe

Universal Access ...

Web of Data and Services

Web of Data & Services

Metro Map illustrating power of a Web of linked information and services

Interoperable information and programs ...

Semantic Web: Why?

Semantic Web: Linked Data on the Web

Tim's Semantic Web Stack (2005) Machine-processable, global Web standards:
  • Assigning unambiguous names (URI)
  • Expressing and linking data, including metadata (RDF)
  • Capturing ontologies (OWL)

Semantic Web = Web 3.0? (Markoff, NYT, Nov 2006)

(W3C's Semantic Web Activity / Semantic Web overview slides / example)



2006 Tech Plenary meeting, participants, from the back of room