1. White text on a green background in a yellow region.
Everything is opaque.
2a. White text on a 50% fuchsia background in a
transparent region.
2b. Fuchsia text on a 50% white background in a transparent region.
3. White text on a green background in a transparent region.
Text (white) is 50% transparent.
4. White text on a transparent background in a gray region.
Text (white) is 50% transparent.
5. White text on a green background in a yellow region.
Text (white) is fully transparent.
6. White text on a green background in a yellow region.
Text background (green) is 50% transparent.
7. Maroon text on a green background in a yellow region.
Text background (green) is fully transparent.
8. White text on a green background in a yellow region.
Region background (yellow) is 50% transparent.
9. White text on a green background in a transparent region.
Region is transparent, text and text background are 50% transparent.
10. In-fading white text on a green background in a transparent region.
Region, text and text background are 50% transparent. mediaOpacity="50%" mediaBackgroundOpacity="50%" backgroundOpacity="50%" backgroundColor="yellow"
11. White text on a green background in a transparent region.
Region, text and text background are 50% transparent. textFontSize="large" textFontStyle="normal" mediaOpacity="50%" mediaBackgroundOpacity="50%" backgroundColor="yellow" backgroundOpacity="50%"