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@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix owl2: <http://www.w3.org/2006/12/owl2#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix f: <http://example.com/owl/families#> .
@prefix g: <http://example.com/owl2/families#> .

<http://example.com/owl/families> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:imports <http://example.com/owl2/families> .

# Object properties

f:hasAncestor rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ,
        owl:TransitiveProperty ,
        owl2:IrreflexiveProperty .

f:hasChild rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasAncestor ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person ;
    rdfs:range f:Person ;
    owl:equivalentProperty g:child .

_:x0 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:hasValue f:female .
_:x1 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x0) .
f:hasDaughter rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:range _:x1 ,
        f:Person ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasChild ;
    rdfs:domain f:Parent ;
    owl2:disjointObjectProperties f:hasSon .

f:hasGender rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .

f:hasHusband rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    owl:inverseOf f:hasWife .

f:hasSon rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:x3 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:hasValue f:male .
_:x4 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x3) .
f:hasSon rdfs:range _:x4 ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasChild ;
    rdfs:range f:Person ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person ,
        f:Parent .

f:hasSpouse rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ,
        owl:SymmetricProperty ,
        owl2:IrreflexiveProperty .

f:hasWife rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ,
        owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ,
        owl:FunctionalProperty ,
        owl2:AsymmetricProperty ,
        owl2:IrreflexiveProperty ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person ;
    rdfs:range f:Person ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:loves ;
    rdfs:range f:Woman ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasSpouse ;
    rdfs:domain f:Man .

f:loves rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person .

# Data properties

f:hasAge rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ,
        owl:FunctionalProperty ;
    rdfs:domain f:Person ;
    rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
    owl:equivalentProperty g:age .

# Classes

f:Adult rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x5 rdf:type owl2:DataRange ;
    owl2:onDataRange xsd:integer ;
    owl2:minInclusive "21"^^xsd:int .
_:x6 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:someValuesFrom _:x5 .
_:x7 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x6) .
f:Adult owl:equivalentClass _:x7 ,
        g:Grownup .

f:Child rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x8 rdf:type owl2:DataRange ;
    owl2:onDataRange xsd:integer ;
    owl2:minInclusive "21"^^xsd:int .
_:x9 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:someValuesFrom _:x8 .
_:x10 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:complementOf _:x9 .
_:x11 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x10) .
f:Child owl:equivalentClass _:x11 .

f:CivilMarriage rdf:type owl:Class .

f:Man rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:subClassOf f:Parent .
_:x12 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:hasValue f:male .
_:x13 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x12) .
f:Man owl:equivalentClass _:x13 .

f:Marriage rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x14 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:unionOf (f:CivilMarriage f:ReligiousMarriage) .
f:Marriage owl:equivalentClass _:x14 .

f:Narcissist rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x15 rdf:type owl2:SelfRestriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:loves .
_:x16 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (_:x15 f:Person) .
f:Narcissist owl:equivalentClass _:x16 .

f:Parent rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:subClassOf f:Parent .
_:x17 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasChild ;
    owl2:onClass f:Person ;
    owl:minCardinalityQ "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:x18 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x17) .
f:Parent owl:equivalentClass _:x18 .

f:Person rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x19 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:oneOf (f:female f:male) .
_:x20 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:allValuesFrom _:x19 .
_:x21 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:x22 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:x23 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (_:x20 _:x21 _:x22) .
f:Person rdfs:subClassOf _:x23 .

f:ReligiousMarriage rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:disjointWith f:CivilMarriage .

f:Teenager rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x24 rdf:type owl2:DataRange ;
    owl2:minInclusive "13"^^xsd:int ;
    owl2:maxExclusive "20"^^xsd:int ;
    owl2:onDataRange xsd:integer .
_:x25 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:someValuesFrom _:x24 .
_:x26 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x25) .
f:Teenager owl:equivalentClass _:x26 .

f:Woman rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:subClassOf f:Parent .
_:x27 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasGender ;
    owl:hasValue f:female .
_:x28 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x27) .
f:Woman owl:equivalentClass _:x28 .

f:YoungChild rdf:type owl:Class .
_:x29 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:unionOf (f:Adult f:Teenager) .
_:x30 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:complementOf _:x29 .
_:x31 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:intersectionOf (f:Person _:x30) .
f:YoungChild owl:equivalentClass _:x31 .

# Individuals

# Bill
_:x32 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    owl:complementOf f:Narcissist .
f:Bill rdf:type _:x32 ;
    f:hasAge "13"^^xsd:integer ;
    f:hasGender f:male .

# Ellen
_:x33 rdf:type owl2:DataRange ;
    owl2:minInclusive "15"^^xsd:int ;
    owl2:onDataRange xsd:integer ;
    owl2:maxInclusive "21"^^xsd:int .
_:x34 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:someValuesFrom _:x33 .
f:Ellen rdf:type _:x34 .

# Emily
_:x35 rdf:type owl2:DataRange ;
    owl:oneOf ("39"^^xsd:integer "49"^^xsd:integer) .
_:x36 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasAge ;
    owl:someValuesFrom _:x35 .
f:Emily rdf:type _:x36 .

# Jack
_:x37 rdf:type owl2:NegativeDataPropertyAssertion ;
    rdf:subject f:Jack ;
    rdf:predicate f:hasAge ;
    rdf:object "53"^^xsd:integer .

# Jeff
_:x38 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty f:hasChild ;
    owl:cardinality "2"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
f:Jeff rdf:type _:x38 ;
    f:hasAge "77"^^xsd:integer ;
    f:hasChild f:Ellen ;
    f:hasWife f:Emily ;
    f:loves f:Jeff ;
    f:hasChild f:Jack .

# John
f:John rdf:type f:Person ;
    f:hasDaughter f:Susan ;
    f:hasGender f:male ;
    f:hasWife f:Mary ;
    f:hasSon f:Bill ;
    f:hasAge "33"^^xsd:integer ;
    owl:sameAs f:Jack .

# Mary
f:Mary f:hasAge "31"^^xsd:integer ;
    f:hasGender f:female ;
    f:hasSon f:Bill ;
    f:hasDaughter f:Susan .

# Susan
f:Susan f:hasAge "8"^^xsd:integer ;
    f:hasGender f:female .

f:female owl:sameAs g:feminine .
f:male owl:sameAs g:masculine .

# General axioms

_:x39 rdf:type owl:AllDifferent;
    owl:distinctMembers (f:John f:Mary f:Bill f:Susan).

_:x40 rdf:type owl:AllDifferent;
    owl:distinctMembers (f:Jeff f:Emily f:Jack f:Ellen f:Susan) .

_:x41 rdf:type owl:AllDifferent;
    owl:distinctMembers (f:male f:female) .

# The following representation passes validation, but does not conform to the Turtle specification.
#(f:hasSpouse f:hasSon) rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasSon .
_:x42 rdf:first f:hasSon ;
    rdf:rest rdf:nil .
_:x43 rdf:type rdf:List ;
    rdf:first f:hasSpouse ;
    rdf:rest _:x42 ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasSon .

# The following representation passes validation, but does not conform to the Turtle specification.
#(f:hasSpouse f:hasDaughter) rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasDaughter .
_:x44 rdf:first f:hasDaughter ;
    rdf:rest rdf:nil .
_:x45 rdf:type rdf:List ;
    rdf:first f:hasSpouse ;
    rdf:rest _:x44 ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf f:hasDaughter .