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Goto OWL 2 Full Semantics Page

The changed OWL 1 Full semantics of general comprehension principles.

Note: Only general comprehension principles are regarded here. The language feature specific comprehension principles are discussed with the resp. language features.

Comprehension Principles for sequences

There needs to be only one comprehension principle for sequences over owl:Thing. In particular, the comprehension principle for sequences over owl:Class can be dropped, since it is automatically included.

   x_1, ..., x_n ∈ IOT
 THEN ∃ l_1, ..., l_n ∈ IL:
   (l_1,x_1) ∈ EXT_I(S_I(rdf:first)), (l_1,l_2) ∈ EXT_I(S_I(rdf:rest)),
   (l_n,x_n) ∈ EXT_I(S_I(rdf:first)), (l_n,S_I(rdf:nil)) ∈ EXT_I(S_I(rdf:rest))


Goto OWL 2 Full Semantics Page