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Spelling differences

class functional rdf rdf proposed resolution
bothnew ExistsSelf owl:SelfRestriction Choose one and use in both places
cap ExactCardinality owl:cardinality owl:qualifiedCardinality Change functional to use 'Cardinality'
plural EquivalentClasses owl:equivalentClass Change functional to match rdf
EquivalentProperties owl:equivalentProperty Change functional to match rdf
DisjointClasses owl:disjointWith owl:AllDisjointClasses not sure. Consider distinguishing cases in functional syntax.
DatatypeRestriction owl:withRestrictions not sure.
InverseProperties owl:inverseOf Change functional to match rdf. Note that 'InverseOf' also maps to owl:inverseOf
PropertyDomain rdfs:domain Change functional to match rdf.
PropertyRange rdfs:range Change functional to match rdf.
bothnew DisjointProperties owl:propertyDisjointWith owl:AllDisjointProperties not sure. Consider distinguishing cases in functional syntax.
SameIndividual owl:sameAs Change functional to match rdf.
cap DifferentIndividuals owl:differentFrom owl:AllDifferent not sure. Consider distinguishing cases in functional syntax.
PropertyAssertion rdf:Statement use 'Statement' in functional syntax
plural Import owl:imports Change functional to match rdf.
DataProperty owl:dataTypeProperty Change functional to match rdf.
NamedIndividual Remove from language

Comments by Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Qualified Cardinality Constraints

I only see disadvantages in requiring a different keyword for qualified cardinality constraints in the functional syntax. The need for the extra keyword occurs only in RDF because of the paucity of its syntax—there is no advantage to having the limitations of RDF impinge on the functional syntax.

Alan - agreed by all. This proposal has been removed

N-ary Functional Syntax Constructions

EquivalentClasses, DisjointClasses, EquivalentProperties, DisjointProperties, and DifferentIndividuals reflect the ability in the functional syntax to have n-ary constructs. A singular version of their names would not be descriptive. Note that SameIndividual is singular because its semantics that makes multiple names for the same individual.


InverseProperties is much more descriptive than InverseOf in an axiom, and serves to distinguish the axiom from the constructor.

Case differences only

Propose to do nothing.

cap Label rdfs:label
cap IntersectionOf owl:intersectionOf
cap UnionOf owl:unionOf
cap ComplementOf owl:complementOf
cap OneOf owl:oneOf
cap AllValuesFrom owl:allValuesFrom
cap SomeValuesFrom owl:someValuesFrom
cap HasValue owl:hasValue
cap/nm SubClassOf rdfs:subClassOf
cap/nm SubPropertyOf rdfs:subPropertyOf
cap PropertyChain owl:propertyChain
bothnew HasKey owl:hasKey
cap Comment rdfs:comment
cap/bothnew Deprecated owl:deprecated
cap MaxCardinality owl:maxCardinality
cap MinCardinality owl:minCardinality
cap/bothnew DisjointUnionOf owl:disjointUnionOf
cap InverseOf owl:inverseOf