OWL Working Group

Minutes of 18 March 2009

Peter Patel-Schneider Sandro Hawke Ian Horrocks Bernardo Cuenca Grau Boris Motik Ivan Herman Jie Bao Mike Smith Achille Fokoue Alan Ruttenberg Michael Schneider Christine Golbreich Antoine Zimmermann Zhe Wu Elisa Kendall Bijan Parsia Evan Wallace
Bernardo Cuenca Grau
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. accept previous minutes link
  2. add xsd:float and xsd:double to datatypes supported in OWL RL link
<bcuencagrau> PRESENT: Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik (muted), Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alan ruttenberg (muted), Michael Schneider, Christine, zimmer, zhe, elisa, bijan, evan
16:49:57 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #owl

RRSAgent IRC Bot: RRSAgent has joined #owl

16:49:57 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/18-owl-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/18-owl-irc

16:50:02 <Zakim> Zakim has joined #owl

Zakim IRC Bot: Zakim has joined #owl

16:50:24 <alanr> alanr has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.18/Agenda

Alan Ruttenberg: alanr has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.18/Agenda

16:53:55 <bcuencagrau> bcuencagrau has joined #owl

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: bcuencagrau has joined #owl

16:57:47 <ivan> ivan has joined #owl

Ivan Herman: ivan has joined #owl

16:58:31 <bmotik> bmotik has joined #owl

Boris Motik: bmotik has joined #owl

16:58:56 <IanH> IanH has joined #owl

Ian Horrocks: IanH has joined #owl

16:59:14 <bmotik> Zakim, who is on call?

Boris Motik: Zakim, who is on call?

16:59:14 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, bmotik.

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand your question, bmotik.

16:59:19 <bmotik> Zakim, who is on phone?

Boris Motik: Zakim, who is on phone?

16:59:19 <Zakim> I don't understand your question, bmotik.

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand your question, bmotik.

16:59:42 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the call?

16:59:42 <Zakim> sorry, sandro, I don't know what conference this is

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, sandro, I don't know what conference this is

16:59:43 <Zakim> On IRC I see IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

16:59:47 <sandro> zakim, this is owl

Sandro Hawke: zakim, this is owl

16:59:47 <Zakim> ok, sandro; that matches SW_OWL()1:00PM

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, sandro; that matches SW_OWL()1:00PM

16:59:49 <IanH> IanH has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.18/Agenda

Ian Horrocks: IanH has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.18/Agenda

16:59:54 <sandro> RRSAgent, make records public

Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, make records public

17:00:01 <bmotik> Zakim, who is on the call?

Boris Motik: Zakim, who is on the call?

17:00:01 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, ??P7, Sandro, bcuencagrau.a

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, ??P7, Sandro, bcuencagrau.a

17:00:11 <bmotik> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, ??P7 is me

17:00:11 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:00:13 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:00:13 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:00:19 <zimmer> yes

Antoine Zimmermann: yes

17:00:29 <bmotik> Zakim, bcuencagrau.a is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, bcuencagrau.a is me

17:00:29 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:00:32 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:00:32 <Zakim> bmotik was already muted, bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik was already muted, bmotik

17:00:44 <Zakim> -bmotik.a

Zakim IRC Bot: -bmotik.a

17:00:49 <Zakim> +Ian_Horrocks

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ian_Horrocks

17:00:52 <Zakim> +bmotik.a

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik.a

17:01:01 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, bmotik.a is bcuencagrau

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, bmotik.a is bcuencagrau

17:01:01 <Zakim> +bcuencagrau; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bcuencagrau; got it

17:01:05 <IanH> zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

Ian Horrocks: zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

17:01:05 <Zakim> +IanH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +IanH; got it

17:01:05 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:01:06 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:01:08 <Zakim> +bcuencagrau.a

Zakim IRC Bot: +bcuencagrau.a

17:01:15 <bmotik> Zakim, bcuencagrau.a is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, bcuencagrau.a is me

17:01:15 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:01:17 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:01:17 <Zakim> bmotik was already muted, bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik was already muted, bmotik

17:01:23 <baojie> baojie has joined #owl

Jie Bao: baojie has joined #owl

17:01:23 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip

17:01:24 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made

17:01:26 <Zakim> +Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan

17:01:27 <bmotik> zakum, unmute me

Boris Motik: zakum, unmute me

17:01:30 <alanr> I am off site and can't be certain about connectivity. I'll hope for the best.

Alan Ruttenberg: I am off site and can't be certain about connectivity. I'll hope for the best.

17:01:32 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:01:32 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:01:35 <msmith> msmith has joined #owl

Mike Smith: msmith has joined #owl

17:01:35 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:01:35 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:01:37 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:01:37 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:01:38 <IanH> ScribeNick: bcuencagrau

(Scribe set to Bernardo Cuenca Grau)

17:01:45 <ivan> yes

Ivan Herman: yes

17:02:03 <Zakim> +baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: +baojie

17:02:05 <bmotik> Zakim, bmotik.a is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, bmotik.a is me

17:02:05 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:02:08 <Zakim> +msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: +msmith

17:02:11 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:02:11 <Zakim> bmotik was already muted, bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik was already muted, bmotik

17:02:12 <Achille> Achille has joined #owl

Achille Fokoue: Achille has joined #owl

17:02:13 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:02:15 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:02:15 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:02:18 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:02:22 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:02:22 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:02:55 <Zakim> +[IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM]

17:03:05 <sandro> zakim, who is on the phone?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the phone?

17:03:05 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, [IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, [IBM]

17:03:09 <Achille> zakim, ibm is me

Achille Fokoue: zakim, ibm is me

17:03:10 <Zakim> +Achille; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Achille; got it

17:03:12 <Zakim> + +1.212.239.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.212.239.aaaa

17:03:14 <bmotik> Zakim, bmotik.aa is bmotik

Boris Motik: Zakim, bmotik.aa is bmotik

17:03:14 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:03:16 <alanr> zakim, aaaa is me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, aaaa is me

17:03:16 <Zakim> +alanr; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +alanr; got it

17:03:22 <bmotik> Zakim, who is on the call?

Boris Motik: Zakim, who is on the call?

17:03:22 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr

17:03:23 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:03:24 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:03:29 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:03:30 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

17:03:33 <Zakim> On IRC I see Achille, msmith, baojie, IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Achille, msmith, baojie, IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

17:03:54 <sandro> zakim, drop bmotik

Sandro Hawke: zakim, drop bmotik

17:03:54 <Zakim> bmotik is being disconnected

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik is being disconnected

17:03:55 <Zakim> -bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: -bmotik

17:04:02 <bmotik> Zakinm, bmotik.aaa is me

Boris Motik: Zakinm, bmotik.aaa is me

17:04:05 <sandro> zakim, who is on the phone?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the phone?

17:04:05 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik.aaa, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

17:04:08 <bmotik> Zakim. bmotik.aaa is me

Boris Motik: Zakim. bmotik.aaa is me

17:04:13 <bmotik> Zakim, bmotik.aaa is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, bmotik.aaa is me

17:04:13 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

17:04:13 <sandro> zakim, who is on the phone?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the phone?

17:04:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik, Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

17:04:23 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:04:23 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:04:24 <sandro> queue=

Sandro Hawke: queue=

17:04:31 <pfps> ack bmotik.a

Peter Patel-Schneider: ack bmotik.a

17:04:34 <sandro> zakim, who is on the phone?

Sandro Hawke: zakim, who is on the phone?

17:04:34 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik (muted), Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik (muted), Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

17:04:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:04:45 <bcuencagrau> yes


17:04:55 <bcuencagrau> roll call

roll call

17:04:56 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:04:56 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik (muted), Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, Sandro, IanH, bcuencagrau (muted), bmotik (muted), Ivan (muted), baojie, msmith, Achille, alanr (muted)

17:04:58 <Zakim> On IRC I see Achille, msmith, baojie, IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Achille, msmith, baojie, IanH, bmotik, ivan, bcuencagrau, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, pfps, zimmer, sandro, trackbot

17:05:08 <bcuencagrau> agenda maendments?

agenda maendments?

17:05:20 <bcuencagrau> ianH: previous minutes

Ian Horrocks: previous minutes

17:05:24 <ivan> me

Ivan Herman: me

17:05:25 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:05:26 <bcuencagrau> ianH: accept them?

Ian Horrocks: accept them?

17:05:28 <pfps> they are perfect :-)

Peter Patel-Schneider: they are perfect :-)

17:05:34 <bcuencagrau> ianH: accepted

Ian Horrocks: accepted

17:05:44 <IanH> RESOLVED: accept previous minutes

RESOLVED: accept previous minutes

17:05:53 <Zakim> +??P7

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P7

17:05:57 <bcuencagrau> IanH: action item status

Ian Horrocks: action item status

17:06:01 <bmotik> That's done

Boris Motik: That's done

17:06:03 <bcuencagrau> IanH: add new examples

Ian Horrocks: add new examples

17:06:05 <zimmer> Zakim, ??P7 is me

Antoine Zimmermann: Zakim, ??P7 is me

17:06:05 <Zakim> +zimmer; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +zimmer; got it

17:06:15 <pfps> all pending appear done to me

Peter Patel-Schneider: all pending appear done to me

17:06:17 <bcuencagrau> IanH: pending review actions

Ian Horrocks: pending review actions

17:06:21 <pfps> (as well as 300)

Peter Patel-Schneider: (as well as 300)

17:06:37 <bcuencagrau> IanH: fine, move on to due actions

Ian Horrocks: fine, move on to due actions

17:06:49 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Sandro, did you talk to RIF?

Ian Horrocks: Sandro, did you talk to RIF?

17:07:03 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Zhe, waht about Andy Seaborne?

Ian Horrocks: Zhe, waht about Andy Seaborne?

17:07:11 <bcuencagrau> Zhe: he's ok with all our changes

Zhe Wu: he's ok with all our changes

17:07:28 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:07:40 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:07:40 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:07:46 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

17:07:53 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: it seems that everything in the doc is now OK

Boris Motik: it seems that everything in the doc is now OK

17:08:01 <schneid> schneid has joined #owl

Michael Schneider: schneid has joined #owl

17:08:03 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: concerning rdf:text

Boris Motik: concerning rdf:text

17:08:18 <bcuencagrau> Zhe: he wanted it said more explicitly

Zhe Wu: he wanted it said more explicitly

17:08:28 <pfps> let's make Andy happy

Peter Patel-Schneider: let's make Andy happy

17:08:53 <bcuencagrau> sandro: he was also worried about future rdf syntaxes

Sandro Hawke: he was also worried about future rdf syntaxes

17:08:53 <Zakim> +??P8

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P8

17:09:01 <schneid> zakim, ??P8 is me

Michael Schneider: zakim, ??P8 is me

17:09:01 <Zakim> +schneid; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +schneid; got it

17:09:04 <schneid> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:09:04 <Zakim> schneid should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should now be muted

17:09:05 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:09:06 <pfps> :-)

Peter Patel-Schneider: :-)

17:09:07 <christine> christine has joined #owl

Christine Golbreich: christine has joined #owl

17:09:10 <ivan> ack ivan

Ivan Herman: ack ivan

17:09:11 <bcuencagrau> IanH: none of this is really problematical, so let's make him happy

Ian Horrocks: none of this is really problematical, so let's make him happy

17:09:13 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

17:09:16 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:09:16 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:09:26 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:09:29 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:09:29 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:09:31 <pfps>  rdf:text -> LC is fine by me

Peter Patel-Schneider: rdf:text -> LC is fine by me

17:09:49 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, unmute me

Zakim, unmute me

17:09:49 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

17:09:54 <pfps> let's schedule a decision on this for next week

Peter Patel-Schneider: let's schedule a decision on this for next week

17:10:00 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Zakim, mute me

17:10:00 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:10:12 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:10:21 <bcuencagrau> ivan: it seems that we are not quite ready to make publication decision on rdf:text doc

Ivan Herman: it seems that we are not quite ready to make publication decision on rdf:text doc

17:10:48 <bcuencagrau> IanH: could we be ready next week to vote for last call?

Ian Horrocks: could we be ready next week to vote for last call?

17:11:00 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we should first have reviewers

Ivan Herman: we should first have reviewers

17:11:04 <pfps> I'll review it.

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'll review it.

17:11:12 <bcuencagrau> IanH: volunteers

Ian Horrocks: volunteers

17:11:20 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

17:11:31 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: I have seen that the doc contains editorial comments

Boris Motik: I have seen that the doc contains editorial comments

17:11:40 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: when are they going to be resolved?

Boris Motik: when are they going to be resolved?

17:11:47 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: should they be deleted?

Boris Motik: should they be deleted?

17:12:01 <bcuencagrau> Zhe: some of them are not strictly editorial

Zhe Wu: some of them are not strictly editorial

17:12:21 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

17:12:40 <christine> zakim, ??P13 is me

Christine Golbreich: zakim, ??P13 is me

17:12:40 <Zakim> +christine; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +christine; got it

17:12:40 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: we should delete most of the notes

Boris Motik: we should delete most of the notes

17:12:51 <bcuencagrau> IanH: can you review the doc?

Ian Horrocks: can you review the doc?

17:12:55 <pfps> where is the current draft of rdf:text?

Peter Patel-Schneider: where is the current draft of rdf:text?

17:12:55 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: I am an author

Boris Motik: I am an author

17:13:08 <alanr> I will

Alan Ruttenberg: I will

17:13:22 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anyone else?

Ian Horrocks: anyone else?

17:13:29 <bcuencagrau> IanH: will 2 be enough?

Ian Horrocks: will 2 be enough?

17:13:29 <pfps> I need a pointer to the document!

Peter Patel-Schneider: I need a pointer to the document!

17:13:35 <alanr> ditto

Alan Ruttenberg: ditto

17:13:38 <bcuencagrau> sandro: yes, enough

Sandro Hawke: yes, enough

17:13:49 <baojie> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

Jie Bao: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

17:13:51 <bcuencagrau> ianH: could one of the authors post a pointer?

Ian Horrocks: could one of the authors post a pointer?

17:14:16 <pfps> action pfps: review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

Peter Patel-Schneider: action pfps: review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

17:14:16 <trackbot> Created ACTION-310 - Review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-310 - Review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

17:14:27 <alanr> Jie, can you send a note to us when the document is ready for review?

Alan Ruttenberg: Jie, can you send a note to us when the document is ready for review?

17:14:40 <bcuencagrau> IanH: snadro, fix wiki links

Ian Horrocks: snadro, fix wiki links

17:14:49 <ivan> action alanr:  review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

Ivan Herman: action alanr: review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec

17:14:49 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - alanr

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - alanr

17:14:54 <bcuencagrau> baojie: I will be off next week

Jie Bao: I will be off next week

17:15:01 <bcuencagrau> IanH: doesn't matter

Ian Horrocks: doesn't matter

17:15:22 <bcuencagrau> sandro: i will do the wiki links when I deal with the publication stuff

Sandro Hawke: i will do the wiki links when I deal with the publication stuff

17:15:31 <bcuencagrau> IanH: the QRG review?

Ian Horrocks: the QRG review?

17:15:37 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Christine?

Ian Horrocks: Christine?

17:15:42 <bcuencagrau> christine: next week

Christine Golbreich: next week

17:15:55 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Bijan is not on the call

Ian Horrocks: Bijan is not on the call

17:16:25 <bcuencagrau> IanH: the other docs are ready to be reviewed before the next publication

Ian Horrocks: the other docs are ready to be reviewed before the next publication

17:16:37 <bcuencagrau> IanH: structural spec?

Ian Horrocks: structural spec?

17:16:42 <pfps> I think that SS&FS is ready for review

Peter Patel-Schneider: I think that SS&FS is ready for review

17:16:49 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:17:07 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: there is still a problem with the HasKey syntax

Boris Motik: there is still a problem with the HasKey syntax

17:17:09 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:17:09 <Zakim> alanr should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should no longer be muted

17:17:15 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:17:18 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: will post an email when it is ready for review

Boris Motik: will post an email when it is ready for review

17:17:34 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there is an unresolved issue concerning numeric datatypes

Alan Ruttenberg: there is an unresolved issue concerning numeric datatypes

17:17:42 <bcuencagrau> IanH: what is the issue?

Ian Horrocks: what is the issue?

17:18:04 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:18:06 <bcuencagrau> alanr: the docs point to XML Schema, but the XML docs are not clear enough

Alan Ruttenberg: the docs point to XML Schema, but the XML docs are not clear enough

17:18:23 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

17:18:25 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:18:25 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:18:25 <bcuencagrau> alanr: we should make the model theory explicit for those datatypes

Alan Ruttenberg: we should make the model theory explicit for those datatypes

17:18:36 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we should refer to XML Schema docs

Ivan Herman: we should refer to XML Schema docs

17:18:39 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:18:43 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:18:43 <Zakim> alanr should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should no longer be muted

17:18:45 <bmotik> +1 to ivam

Boris Motik: +1 to ivam

17:18:46 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:18:49 <bcuencagrau> ivan: if something is not clear, we should let them know

Ivan Herman: if something is not clear, we should let them know

17:19:19 <pfps> we are completely compatible with XML Schema

Peter Patel-Schneider: we are completely compatible with XML Schema

17:19:20 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:19:21 <bcuencagrau> ivan: It is not up to us to fix those problems

Ivan Herman: It is not up to us to fix those problems

17:19:35 <bcuencagrau> alanr: by referring to that doc we expose ourselves to changes

Alan Ruttenberg: by referring to that doc we expose ourselves to changes

17:20:06 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:20:09 <bcuencagrau> alanr: we didn't agree to be dependent on XML schema

Alan Ruttenberg: we didn't agree to be dependent on XML schema

17:20:30 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we said that we would use xsd datatypes

Ivan Herman: we said that we would use xsd datatypes

17:20:46 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:20:46 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:20:49 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we shouldn't spend more time on it now and we should review the docs

Ian Horrocks: we shouldn't spend more time on it now and we should review the docs

17:21:03 <alanr> march 31, IIRC

Alan Ruttenberg: march 31, IIRC

17:21:22 <bcuencagrau> IanH: the deadline is 15th april for publication

Ian Horrocks: the deadline is 15th april for publication

17:21:35 <bcuencagrau> IanH: the reviews should be done before

Ian Horrocks: the reviews should be done before

17:21:50 <bcuencagrau> IanH: ivan

Ian Horrocks: ivan

17:21:53 <bcuencagrau> me


17:22:14 <sandro> I think 2 is okay

Sandro Hawke: I think 2 is okay

17:22:19 <bcuencagrau> IanH: two reviewers is enough?

Ian Horrocks: two reviewers is enough?

17:22:35 <pfps> action bernardo: review SS&FS by 1 April

Peter Patel-Schneider: action bernardo: review SS&FS by 1 April

17:22:35 <trackbot> Created ACTION-311 - Review SS&FS by 1 April [on Bernardo Cuenca Grau - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-311 - Review SS&FS by 1 April [on Bernardo Cuenca Grau - due 2009-03-25].

17:22:39 <schneid> me : mapping

Michael Schneider: me : mapping

17:22:42 <pfps> action ivan : review SS&FS by 1 April

Peter Patel-Schneider: action ivan : review SS&FS by 1 April

17:22:42 <trackbot> Created ACTION-312 - : review SS&FS by 1 April [on Ivan Herman - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-312 - : review SS&FS by 1 April [on Ivan Herman - due 2009-03-25].

17:22:44 <sandro> syntax reviewer - ivan and bernardo

Sandro Hawke: syntax reviewer - ivan and bernardo

17:22:46 <bcuencagrau> IanH: mapping to RDF graphs

Ian Horrocks: mapping to RDF graphs

17:22:53 <pfps> i think that it is ready

Peter Patel-Schneider: i think that it is ready

17:23:06 <pfps> action michael: review RDF mapping

Peter Patel-Schneider: action michael: review RDF mapping

17:23:06 <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - michael

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - michael

17:23:06 <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. msmith9, mschneid, msintek)

Trackbot IRC Bot: Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. msmith9, mschneid, msintek)

17:23:06 <bcuencagrau> IanH: michael will review it

Ian Horrocks: michael will review it

17:23:17 <pfps> action msmith: review RDF mapping

Peter Patel-Schneider: action msmith: review RDF mapping

17:23:17 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - msmith

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - msmith

17:23:24 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anybody else?

Ian Horrocks: anybody else?

17:23:33 <schneid> me : direct

Michael Schneider: me : direct

17:23:38 <bcuencagrau> IanH: direct semantics

Ian Horrocks: direct semantics

17:23:39 <schneid> (really both!)

Michael Schneider: (really both!)

17:23:40 <pfps> action mike: review RDF mapping

Peter Patel-Schneider: action mike: review RDF mapping

17:23:40 <trackbot> Created ACTION-313 - Review RDF mapping [on Michael Smith - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-313 - Review RDF mapping [on Michael Smith - due 2009-03-25].

17:23:42 <msmith> !

Mike Smith: !

17:23:49 <pfps> direct semantics ready to go

Peter Patel-Schneider: direct semantics ready to go

17:23:51 <msmith> msmith should have been schneid

Mike Smith: msmith should have been schneid

17:23:52 <msmith> 1+

Mike Smith: 1+

17:24:06 <msmith> q+

Mike Smith: q+

17:24:07 <pfps> action schneid: review RDF mapping

Peter Patel-Schneider: action schneid: review RDF mapping

17:24:07 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - schneid

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - schneid

17:24:08 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anyone else?

Ian Horrocks: anyone else?

17:24:13 <alanr> can we solicit one of the previous reviewers by mail?

Alan Ruttenberg: can we solicit one of the previous reviewers by mail?

17:24:17 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:24:20 <schneid> yes, because the both documents are important for my work on OWL Full

Michael Schneider: yes, because the both documents are important for my work on OWL Full

17:24:37 <IanH> ack msmith

Ian Horrocks: ack msmith

17:24:50 <msmith> yes. that's right

Mike Smith: yes. that's right

17:25:09 <bcuencagrau> IanH: schneid will review direct semantics and RDF mapping

Ian Horrocks: schneid will review direct semantics and RDF mapping

17:25:23 <bcuencagrau> IanH: I'll take this procedure offline

Ian Horrocks: I'll take this procedure offline

17:25:33 <alanr> Markus and Tom Schneider were previous reviewers

Alan Ruttenberg: Markus and Tom Schneider were previous reviewers

17:25:43 <bcuencagrau> ivan: what are the docs ready to review

Ivan Herman: what are the docs ready to review

17:25:50 <schneid> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:25:50 <Zakim> schneid should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should no longer be muted

17:25:55 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:25:55 <bcuencagrau> IanH: what about RDF semantics?

Ian Horrocks: what about RDF semantics?

17:26:01 <bcuencagrau> schneid: not quite

Michael Schneider: not quite

17:26:13 <bcuencagrau> schneid: some editorial notes to do

Michael Schneider: some editorial notes to do

17:26:19 <bcuencagrau> schneid: next week

Michael Schneider: next week

17:26:24 <pfps> action schneider: review direct semantics

Peter Patel-Schneider: action schneider: review direct semantics

17:26:24 <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - schneider

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - schneider

17:26:24 <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. mschneid, tschneid)

Trackbot IRC Bot: Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. mschneid, tschneid)

17:26:28 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:26:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:26:39 <pfps> action mschneid: review direct semantics

Peter Patel-Schneider: action mschneid: review direct semantics

17:26:39 <trackbot> Created ACTION-314 - Review direct semantics [on Michael Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-314 - Review direct semantics [on Michael Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

17:26:52 <pfps> action mschneid: review RDF mapping

Peter Patel-Schneider: action mschneid: review RDF mapping

17:26:52 <trackbot> Created ACTION-315 - Review RDF mapping [on Michael Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-315 - Review RDF mapping [on Michael Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

17:27:14 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:27:17 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

17:27:33 <bcuencagrau> ivan: I can review RDF semantics

Ivan Herman: I can review RDF semantics

17:27:36 <pfps> action ivan: review RDF semantics

Peter Patel-Schneider: action ivan: review RDF semantics

17:27:36 <trackbot> Created ACTION-316 - Review RDF semantics [on Ivan Herman - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-316 - Review RDF semantics [on Ivan Herman - due 2009-03-25].

17:27:42 <alanr> I can review that

Alan Ruttenberg: I can review that

17:27:44 <bcuencagrau> IanH: conformance and test cases?

Ian Horrocks: conformance and test cases?

17:27:46 <schneid> schneid: RDF-Based Semantics will be finished someday next week, but I can't tell /when exactly/ next week; worst case end of next week, but not later

Michael Schneider: RDF-Based Semantics will be finished someday next week, but I can't tell /when exactly/ next week; worst case end of next week, but not later [ Scribe Assist by Michael Schneider ]

17:27:53 <msmith> q+

Mike Smith: q+

17:28:18 <bcuencagrau> msmith: next monday will be ready

Mike Smith: next monday will be ready

17:28:21 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:28:31 <pfps> action alanr: reivew conformance

Peter Patel-Schneider: action alanr: reivew conformance

17:28:31 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - alanr

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - alanr

17:28:33 <IanH> ack msmith

Ian Horrocks: ack msmith

17:28:33 <bcuencagrau> IanH: alan will be a reviewer

Ian Horrocks: alan will be a reviewer

17:28:45 <pfps> action alan: review conformance

Peter Patel-Schneider: action alan: review conformance

17:28:45 <trackbot> Created ACTION-317 - Review conformance [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-317 - Review conformance [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2009-03-25].

17:28:50 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anyone else?

Ian Horrocks: anyone else?

17:28:56 <bcuencagrau> IanH: profiles?

Ian Horrocks: profiles?

17:29:01 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

17:29:04 <bcuencagrau> profiles should be ready

profiles should be ready

17:29:05 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:29:10 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:29:11 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:29:12 <Achille> I can review the Profiles. I'll have my review ready in two weeks

Achille Fokoue: I can review the Profiles. I'll have my review ready in two weeks

17:29:12 <bcuencagrau> IanH: profiles is ready

Ian Horrocks: profiles is ready

17:29:13 <Zakim> alanr was not muted, alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr was not muted, alanr

17:29:30 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there is an issue with sameAs in OWL QL

Alan Ruttenberg: there is an issue with sameAs in OWL QL

17:29:51 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:29:57 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there is a paragraph to be inserted

Alan Ruttenberg: there is a paragraph to be inserted

17:29:57 <pfps> I'll review RDF semantics (when it is ready)

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'll review RDF semantics (when it is ready)

17:30:03 <pfps> action pfps: review RDF semantics

Peter Patel-Schneider: action pfps: review RDF semantics

17:30:03 <trackbot> Created ACTION-318 - Review RDF semantics [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-318 - Review RDF semantics [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2009-03-25].

17:30:09 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:30:09 <Zakim> bmotik was not muted, bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik was not muted, bmotik

17:30:10 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:30:10 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:30:18 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:30:18 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:30:20 <bcuencagrau> bmotik: did we promise to do that?

Boris Motik: did we promise to do that?

17:30:28 <bcuencagrau> IanH: it may be useful

Ian Horrocks: it may be useful

17:30:57 <alanr> ok

Alan Ruttenberg: ok

17:31:00 <bcuencagrau> IanH: this should be done by the end of the week

Ian Horrocks: this should be done by the end of the week

17:31:01 <baojie> I can review profile too, but can not finish until the first week of April

Jie Bao: I can review profile too, but can not finish until the first week of April

17:31:05 <bmotik> s/did we promies to do that?/Uli promise to do that.

Boris Motik: s/did we promies to do that?/Uli promise to do that.

17:31:11 <Achille> I'll review it

Achille Fokoue: I'll review it

17:31:18 <alanr> and jie

Alan Ruttenberg: and jie

17:31:22 <bcuencagrau> IanH: achille will review it

Ian Horrocks: achille will review it

17:31:24 <pfps> action achille: review Profiles

Peter Patel-Schneider: action achille: review Profiles

17:31:24 <trackbot> Created ACTION-319 - Review Profiles [on Achille Fokoue - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-319 - Review Profiles [on Achille Fokoue - due 2009-03-25].

17:31:30 <bcuencagrau> IanH: jie as well

Ian Horrocks: jie as well

17:31:35 <pfps> action baojie: review profiles

Peter Patel-Schneider: action baojie: review profiles

17:31:35 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - baojie

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - baojie

17:31:43 <pfps> action jie: review profiles

Peter Patel-Schneider: action jie: review profiles

17:31:43 <trackbot> Created ACTION-320 - Review profiles [on Jie Bao - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-320 - Review profiles [on Jie Bao - due 2009-03-25].

17:31:45 <Achille> I will review it in two weeks

Achille Fokoue: I will review it in two weeks

17:31:49 <bcuencagrau> IanH: manchester syntax

Ian Horrocks: manchester syntax

17:31:51 <pfps> ready to review in my opinion

Peter Patel-Schneider: ready to review in my opinion

17:32:03 <alanr> can review it, but 1st week of april

Alan Ruttenberg: can review it, but 1st week of april

17:32:04 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anyone volunteering?

Ian Horrocks: anyone volunteering?

17:32:13 <alanr> agreed

Alan Ruttenberg: agreed

17:32:19 <bcuencagrau> IanH: let's get this offline

Ian Horrocks: let's get this offline

17:32:29 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:32:36 <bcuencagrau> IanH: what about NF&R?

Ian Horrocks: what about NF&R?

17:33:03 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:33:03 <Zakim> alanr should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should no longer be muted

17:33:04 <christine> NF&R ready for review

Christine Golbreich: NF&R ready for review

17:33:05 <christine> NF&R ready for review

Christine Golbreich: NF&R ready for review

17:33:08 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:33:12 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:33:19 <bcuencagrau> alanr: I disagree with Christine

Alan Ruttenberg: I disagree with Christine

17:33:28 <christine> +q

Christine Golbreich: +q

17:33:31 <bcuencagrau> alanr: I reviewed the doc and it is not quite ready

Alan Ruttenberg: I reviewed the doc and it is not quite ready

17:33:35 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:33:48 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there should be a run of editing

Alan Ruttenberg: there should be a run of editing

17:33:56 <IanH> ack christine

Ian Horrocks: ack christine

17:34:10 <bcuencagrau> christine: we should still have reviewers

Christine Golbreich: we should still have reviewers

17:34:14 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:34:14 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:34:35 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:34:42 <bcuencagrau> IanH: I don't think NF&R is in so much worse shape than other docs

Ian Horrocks: I don't think NF&R is in so much worse shape than other docs

17:34:53 <alanr> zakim, unmute

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute

17:34:53 <Zakim> I don't understand 'unmute', alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'unmute', alanr

17:34:57 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:34:57 <Zakim> alanr should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should no longer be muted

17:34:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:35:03 <bcuencagrau> Ianh: alan, could you fix those little editorial issues?

Ian Horrocks: alan, could you fix those little editorial issues?

17:35:10 <bcuencagrau> alanr: some of them are not so minor

Alan Ruttenberg: some of them are not so minor

17:35:18 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:35:24 <bcuencagrau> alanr: the doc is long and there is a lot of repetition

Alan Ruttenberg: the doc is long and there is a lot of repetition

17:35:36 <christine> please send it as review

Christine Golbreich: please send it as review

17:35:41 <bcuencagrau> alanr: the content is good but the presentation should be improved

Alan Ruttenberg: the content is good but the presentation should be improved

17:35:43 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:36:15 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:36:21 <alanr> I've said what I need to.

Alan Ruttenberg: I've said what I need to.

17:36:26 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:36:26 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:36:30 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:36:38 <christine> q

Christine Golbreich: q

17:36:38 <bcuencagrau> christine: could alan entr his comments? we should not delayed too much

Christine Golbreich: could alan entr his comments? we should not delayed too much

17:36:52 <bcuencagrau> christine: Elisa has already volunteered

Christine Golbreich: Elisa has already volunteered

17:37:05 <alanr> ok

Alan Ruttenberg: ok

17:37:22 <bcuencagrau> IanH: alan and Elisa will review it

Ian Horrocks: alan and Elisa will review it

17:37:28 <pfps> action elisa: review NF&R (perhaps after some editing)

Peter Patel-Schneider: action elisa: review NF&R (perhaps after some editing)

17:37:28 <trackbot> Created ACTION-321 - Review NF&R (perhaps after some editing) [on Elisa Kendall - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-321 - Review NF&R (perhaps after some editing) [on Elisa Kendall - due 2009-03-25].

17:37:32 <bcuencagrau> IanH: XML serialization

Ian Horrocks: XML serialization

17:37:37 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Bijan is not here

Ian Horrocks: Bijan is not here

17:37:42 <pfps> action alan: review NF&R

Peter Patel-Schneider: action alan: review NF&R

17:37:42 <trackbot> Created ACTION-322 - Review NF&R [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-322 - Review NF&R [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2009-03-25].

17:37:46 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:37:52 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:37:57 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

17:38:03 <bcuencagrau> pfps: it needs to get pushed

Peter Patel-Schneider: it needs to get pushed

17:38:25 <bcuencagrau> IanH: last one is also a Bijan's issue, but it is only a note

Ian Horrocks: last one is also a Bijan's issue, but it is only a note

17:38:30 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:38:42 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we should not spend too much time on this one

Ian Horrocks: we should not spend too much time on this one

17:38:43 <pfps> again, we need to make sure that it is ready for some pub by mid-Apr

Peter Patel-Schneider: again, we need to make sure that it is ready for some pub by mid-Apr

17:39:09 <bcuencagrau> IanH: xsd: double and sxd:float supported in OWL 2 RL?

Ian Horrocks: xsd: double and sxd:float supported in OWL 2 RL?

17:39:31 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:39:39 <bcuencagrau> IanH; we agreed that xsd;float and xsd:doable should be removed from OWL 2 RL

IanH; we agreed that xsd;float and xsd:doable should be removed from OWL 2 RL

17:39:47 <IanH> PROPOSED: add xsd:float and xsd:double to datatypes supported in OWL RL

PROPOSED: add xsd:float and xsd:double to datatypes supported in OWL RL

17:39:49 <pfps> s/removed/added/!!!!

Peter Patel-Schneider: s/removed/added/!!!!

17:39:55 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

17:39:55 <pfps> +1 ALU

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 ALU

17:40:01 <alanr> Thought we don't add action items for people who are not here

Alan Ruttenberg: Thought we don't add action items for people who are not here

17:40:02 <baojie> +1

Jie Bao: +1

17:40:06 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

17:40:06 <alanr> we have added one for elisa

Alan Ruttenberg: we have added one for elisa

17:40:06 <bcuencagrau> +1


17:40:08 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:40:09 <schneid> +1

Michael Schneider: +1

17:40:11 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

17:40:11 <msmith> +1

Mike Smith: +1

17:40:15 <zimmer> +1

Antoine Zimmermann: +1

17:40:21 <pfps> Zhe's position is in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2009Mar/0271.html

Peter Patel-Schneider: Zhe's position is in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2009Mar/0271.html

17:40:38 <Achille> +0

Achille Fokoue: +0

17:40:48 <bcuencagrau> IanH: resolved

Ian Horrocks: resolved

17:40:48 <IanH> RESOLVED: add xsd:float and xsd:double to datatypes supported in OWL RL

RESOLVED: add xsd:float and xsd:double to datatypes supported in OWL RL

17:41:13 <elisa> elisa has joined #owl

Elisa Kendall: elisa has joined #owl

17:41:14 <bcuencagrau> IanH: last call comments

Ian Horrocks: last call comments

17:41:22 <alanr>  Reviewers: Actions are default due next week. Please set the due date to be realistic.

Alan Ruttenberg: Reviewers: Actions are default due next week. Please set the due date to be realistic.

17:41:23 <bcuencagrau> IanH: some of the comments are ready to send

Ian Horrocks: some of the comments are ready to send

17:41:30 <schneid> q+ on MS8

Michael Schneider: q+ on MS8

17:41:35 <bcuencagrau> IanH: any objections?

Ian Horrocks: any objections?

17:41:36 <schneid> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:41:36 <Zakim> schneid was not muted, schneid

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid was not muted, schneid

17:41:39 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:41:57 <bcuencagrau> schneid: MS8 comment, I am not happy with one of the sentences

Michael Schneider: MS8 comment, I am not happy with one of the sentences

17:42:18 <bcuencagrau> schneid: one of the sentences concerning named dataranges should be removed

Michael Schneider: one of the sentences concerning named dataranges should be removed

17:42:28 <schneid> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:42:28 <Zakim> schneid should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should now be muted

17:42:32 <bcuencagrau> schneid: modulo that I am happy with it

Michael Schneider: modulo that I am happy with it

17:42:35 <pfps> I'll fix the wording for MS8

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'll fix the wording for MS8

17:42:53 <pfps> I should have removed the sentence when I added point 3

Peter Patel-Schneider: I should have removed the sentence when I added point 3

17:43:00 <schneid> schneid: happy with MS8, but remove sentence about "contemplating about named data ranges"

Michael Schneider: happy with MS8, but remove sentence about "contemplating about named data ranges" [ Scribe Assist by Michael Schneider ]

17:43:05 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anything else to say?

Ian Horrocks: anything else to say?

17:43:16 <bcuencagrau> IanH: those should then be sent

Ian Horrocks: those should then be sent

17:43:51 <alanr> yes, kudos to Peter for the number of responses he authored!

Alan Ruttenberg: yes, kudos to Peter for the number of responses he authored!

17:43:59 <bcuencagrau> IanH: comments with some ongoing discussion

Ian Horrocks: comments with some ongoing discussion

17:44:04 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:44:08 <schneid> q-

Michael Schneider: q-

17:44:11 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:44:13 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:44:13 <bcuencagrau> IanH: disjointness of xsd: datatypes comments

Ian Horrocks: disjointness of xsd: datatypes comments

17:44:33 <bcuencagrau> alanr: I wanted to remove one of the lines in the response concerning implementation experience

Alan Ruttenberg: I wanted to remove one of the lines in the response concerning implementation experience

17:44:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:45:09 <pfps> I will acceed to the change.

Peter Patel-Schneider: I will acceed to the change.

17:45:18 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:45:18 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:45:28 <bcuencagrau> IanH: peter will make that change and send it

Ian Horrocks: peter will make that change and send it

17:45:39 <bcuencagrau> ianH: OWL 2 RL datatypes

Ian Horrocks: OWL 2 RL datatypes

17:45:53 <bcuencagrau> IanH: the questionnable part is...?

Ian Horrocks: the questionnable part is...?

17:45:57 <alanr> are we not waiting for sandro?

Alan Ruttenberg: are we not waiting for sandro?

17:46:14 <bcuencagrau> pfps: we had no decision at the time on those datatypes

Peter Patel-Schneider: we had no decision at the time on those datatypes

17:46:45 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:46:48 <bcuencagrau> IanH: then, it should be ready to go, right?

Ian Horrocks: then, it should be ready to go, right?

17:46:53 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:46:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:47:01 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we are ready to go

Ian Horrocks: we are ready to go

17:47:02 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

17:47:04 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:47:04 <Zakim> alanr was already muted, alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr was already muted, alanr

17:47:21 <bcuencagrau> pfps: we should write an addendum to oracle

Peter Patel-Schneider: we should write an addendum to oracle

17:47:32 <bmotik> I'd just like to point out that the Profiles document has already been updated with float and double

Boris Motik: I'd just like to point out that the Profiles document has already been updated with float and double

17:47:32 <bcuencagrau> IanH: could you do that peter?

Ian Horrocks: could you do that peter?

17:47:50 <Zakim> +Elisa_Kendall

Zakim IRC Bot: +Elisa_Kendall

17:47:58 <bcuencagrau> IanH: responses to TopQuadrant

Ian Horrocks: responses to TopQuadrant

17:48:13 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:48:15 <bcuencagrau> IanH: they seem ready to go

Ian Horrocks: they seem ready to go

17:48:20 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

17:48:24 <pfps> I concur - we expect some squawking, of course

Peter Patel-Schneider: I concur - we expect some squawking, of course

17:48:41 <schneid> "GRDDL: The working group has resolved to add GRDDL support to the OWL XML syntax (see [15]). "

Michael Schneider: "GRDDL: The working group has resolved to add GRDDL support to the OWL XML syntax (see [15]). "

17:48:47 <bcuencagrau> ivan: the GRDDL thing seems to be open

Ivan Herman: the GRDDL thing seems to be open

17:49:08 <bcuencagrau> IanH: that issue is closed

Ian Horrocks: that issue is closed

17:49:09 <pfps> from 34b response GRDDL: The working group has resolved to add GRDDL support to the OWL XML syntax (see [15]).

Peter Patel-Schneider: from 34b response GRDDL: The working group has resolved to add GRDDL support to the OWL XML syntax (see [15]).

17:49:50 <bcuencagrau> IanH: anybody else?

Ian Horrocks: anybody else?

17:50:41 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we discuss 34 and 35 first

Ian Horrocks: we discuss 34 and 35 first

17:50:57 <bcuencagrau> ianH: 40: restructuring of XML Schema

Ian Horrocks: 40: restructuring of XML Schema

17:50:59 <pfps> wait until done

Peter Patel-Schneider: wait until done

17:51:08 <bcuencagrau> IanH: Bijan is doing the restructuring

Ian Horrocks: Bijan is doing the restructuring

17:51:12 <alanr> i agree

Alan Ruttenberg: i agree

17:51:18 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we cannot send it until the restructuring is done

Ian Horrocks: we cannot send it until the restructuring is done

17:51:21 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:51:24 <bcuencagrau> IanH: 66

Ian Horrocks: 66

17:51:24 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:51:30 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:51:42 <bcuencagrau> alanr: I have some concerns

Alan Ruttenberg: I have some concerns

17:52:01 <bcuencagrau> alanr: the text has changed so conformance says that we are relying with XML schema

Alan Ruttenberg: the text has changed so conformance says that we are relying with XML schema

17:52:13 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:52:13 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there is an issue with n-ary datatypes

Alan Ruttenberg: there is an issue with n-ary datatypes

17:52:47 <bcuencagrau> alanr: I am also not comfortable to rely completely on XML Schema

Alan Ruttenberg: I am also not comfortable to rely completely on XML Schema

17:53:18 <bcuencagrau> alanr: we should think about it again before drafting a response

Alan Ruttenberg: we should think about it again before drafting a response

17:53:27 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:53:28 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:53:32 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:54:48 <bcuencagrau> ianH;: ypur issues are architectural

ianH;: ypur issues are architectural

17:55:00 <bcuencagrau> IanH: it is not our reponsibility

Ian Horrocks: it is not our reponsibility

17:55:12 <bcuencagrau> alanr: it is not covered by Web Architecture

Alan Ruttenberg: it is not covered by Web Architecture

17:55:19 <schneid> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:55:26 <schneid> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:55:26 <Zakim> schneid should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should no longer be muted

17:55:33 <IanH> ack schneid

Ian Horrocks: ack schneid

17:56:07 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:56:09 <bcuencagrau> schneid: why should we not be in sync with XML Schema?

Michael Schneider: why should we not be in sync with XML Schema?

17:56:18 <bcuencagrau> alanr: because of interoperability issues

Alan Ruttenberg: because of interoperability issues

17:56:30 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:56:57 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:56:59 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:57:13 <bijan> bijan has joined #owl

Bijan Parsia: bijan has joined #owl

17:57:17 <cgolbrei> cgolbrei has joined #owl

Christine Golbreich: cgolbrei has joined #owl

17:57:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:57:44 <bcuencagrau> schneid: if they do something wrong is their problem

Michael Schneider: if they do something wrong is their problem

17:57:45 <schneid> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:57:45 <Zakim> schneid should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should now be muted

17:57:51 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:57:53 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

17:58:00 <bijan>  /me so embarressed

Bijan Parsia: /me so embarressed

17:58:10 <bcuencagrau> ivan: my understanding is that n-ary datatypes are not a part of the core language

Ivan Herman: my understanding is that n-ary datatypes are not a part of the core language

17:58:12 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

17:58:20 <bcuencagrau> ivan: why are they a discussion issue?

Ivan Herman: why are they a discussion issue?

17:58:31 <bijan> zalo, ??p16

Bijan Parsia: zalo, ??p16

17:58:32 <bcuencagrau> alanr: becuase we will have at least one implementation

Alan Ruttenberg: becuase we will have at least one implementation

17:58:38 <bijan> zakim, ??p16

Bijan Parsia: zakim, ??p16

17:58:38 <Zakim> I don't understand '??p16', bijan

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand '??p16', bijan

17:58:46 <bijan> zakim, ??p16 is me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, ??p16 is me

17:58:46 <Zakim> +bijan; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bijan; got it

17:58:51 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:58:54 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we should not be discussing this

Ivan Herman: we should not be discussing this

17:59:21 <bcuencagrau> ivan: there are interoperability issues because the hooks will be implemented differently anyway

Ivan Herman: there are interoperability issues because the hooks will be implemented differently anyway

17:59:33 <bijan> What?!

Bijan Parsia: What?!

17:59:36 <bijan> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:59:41 <bcuencagrau> alanr: we hould revise then the conformance

Alan Ruttenberg: we hould revise then the conformance

17:59:45 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:59:55 <bijan> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

17:59:55 <Zakim> bijan was not muted, bijan

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan was not muted, bijan

18:00:00 <IanH> ack bijan

Ian Horrocks: ack bijan

18:00:02 <schneid> IMHO, general extensibility of the core datatype map is a major market aspect

Michael Schneider: IMHO, general extensibility of the core datatype map is a major market aspect

18:00:25 <bcuencagrau> bijan: why are extensions non-confromant?

Bijan Parsia: why are extensions non-confromant?

18:00:34 <msmith> the objection is only w.r.t. the *name* of the nary predicate

Mike Smith: the objection is only w.r.t. the *name* of the nary predicate

18:00:54 <msmith> alan wants to be sure its not in owl: , xsd: ,  etc.

Mike Smith: alan wants to be sure its not in owl: , xsd: , etc.

18:01:00 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:01:01 <schneid> and I understand this to be the idea behind the RDF datatype map: it is (almost) empty, and vendors can add to it whatever they want

Michael Schneider: and I understand this to be the idea behind the RDF datatype map: it is (almost) empty, and vendors can add to it whatever they want

18:01:04 <bcuencagrau> ivan: I said that the core spec is silent wrt n-ary datatypes except for the hooks

Ivan Herman: I said that the core spec is silent wrt n-ary datatypes except for the hooks

18:01:17 <bcuencagrau> alanr: they can also appear on teh datatype maps

Alan Ruttenberg: they can also appear on teh datatype maps

18:01:17 <msmith> q+

Mike Smith: q+

18:01:23 <bijan> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

18:01:27 <bcuencagrau> bijan: the datatype map is part of the hook

Bijan Parsia: the datatype map is part of the hook

18:01:30 <IanH> ack msmith

Ian Horrocks: ack msmith

18:02:14 <bcuencagrau> msmith: I think alan's concerns are related to certain namespaces

Mike Smith: I think alan's concerns are related to certain namespaces

18:02:39 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:02:40 <pfps> How is this germane to LC Comment 66, which reads I believe that it is our intention that implementation specific

Peter Patel-Schneider: How is this germane to LC Comment 66, which reads I believe that it is our intention that implementation specific

18:02:42 <pfps> datatype maps don't define behavior for, e.g. future datatypes added

Peter Patel-Schneider: datatype maps don't define behavior for, e.g. future datatypes added

18:02:44 <pfps> to XML Schema (or datatypes we have rejected). AFAIK, there is no

Peter Patel-Schneider: to XML Schema (or datatypes we have rejected). AFAIK, there is no

18:02:45 <IanH> ack bijan

Ian Horrocks: ack bijan

18:02:46 <pfps> proscription against this and I would like to have there be.

Peter Patel-Schneider: proscription against this and I would like to have there be.

18:02:46 <schneid> we only guarantee interop on systems that have our spec'ed datatype map, for everything else, it's the business of the vendor

Michael Schneider: we only guarantee interop on systems that have our spec'ed datatype map, for everything else, it's the business of the vendor

18:03:30 <bcuencagrau> bijan: we can say that some namespaces are reserved

Bijan Parsia: we can say that some namespaces are reserved

18:03:37 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:03:51 <pfps> we no longer reserve the XSD namespace

Peter Patel-Schneider: we no longer reserve the XSD namespace

18:04:06 <bcuencagrau> bijan: we should stick with standard mechanisms

Bijan Parsia: we should stick with standard mechanisms

18:04:07 <pfps> we just say "be nice to XML Schema datatypes"

Peter Patel-Schneider: we just say "be nice to XML Schema datatypes"

18:04:28 <bcuencagrau> IanH: let's get this one offline

Ian Horrocks: let's get this one offline

18:04:53 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:05:00 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

18:05:11 <bcuencagrau> IanH: responses to 34

Ian Horrocks: responses to 34

18:05:23 <bijan> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

18:05:23 <Zakim> bijan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan should now be muted

18:05:55 <bcuencagrau> alanr: there is an unresolved issue concerning how we refer to OWL 2 Full anf DL

Alan Ruttenberg: there is an unresolved issue concerning how we refer to OWL 2 Full anf DL

18:06:08 <bcuencagrau> alanr: whether we refer to syntax or to semantics or both

Alan Ruttenberg: whether we refer to syntax or to semantics or both

18:06:10 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:06:39 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we agreed to use the term OWL 2 Full as little as possible

Ian Horrocks: we agreed to use the term OWL 2 Full as little as possible

18:07:34 <bcuencagrau> alanr: the note doesn't state what OWl 2 Full referred to before

Alan Ruttenberg: the note doesn't state what OWl 2 Full referred to before

18:07:34 <schneid> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

18:07:39 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:07:44 <schneid> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

18:07:44 <Zakim> schneid should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: schneid should no longer be muted

18:07:46 <bcuencagrau> alanr: could we rewrite this very clearly?

Alan Ruttenberg: could we rewrite this very clearly?

18:07:48 <IanH> ack schneid

Ian Horrocks: ack schneid

18:08:20 <bcuencagrau> schneid: I did a poll in my institutwe

Michael Schneider: I did a poll in my institutwe

18:08:48 <pfps> having at least some email notice of objections to LC responses before the TC would be *very* nice

Peter Patel-Schneider: having at least some email notice of objections to LC responses before the TC would be *very* nice

18:08:51 <bcuencagrau> schneid: almost everyone daid `the combination of syntax and semantics'

Michael Schneider: almost everyone daid `the combination of syntax and semantics'

18:09:01 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:09:33 <bcuencagrau> schneid: there seems to be clear objection to use OWL 2 Full and DL only as `Syntax'

Michael Schneider: there seems to be clear objection to use OWL 2 Full and DL only as `Syntax'

18:10:07 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:10:07 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

18:10:17 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we were just suggesting that we could use OWL 2 instead of OWL 2 Full

Ian Horrocks: we were just suggesting that we could use OWL 2 instead of OWL 2 Full

18:10:46 <bcuencagrau> IanH: there is no consensus on this

Ian Horrocks: there is no consensus on this

18:10:54 <schneid> q-

Michael Schneider: q-

18:10:54 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:11:09 <bcuencagrau> IanH: let's have an email discussion then

Ian Horrocks: let's have an email discussion then

18:11:11 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:11:31 <bcuencagrau> IanH: GRDDL discussion

Ian Horrocks: GRDDL discussion

18:11:43 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:12:52 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we could create a GRDDL file that would refer to several implementations

Ivan Herman: we could create a GRDDL file that would refer to several implementations

18:13:14 <schneid> I cannot tell what the people in my institute department will say, if I tell them that we decide to call the syntax "OWL 2 DL", so I cannot talk about formal objections here; I can only tell you what I have learnt to be the general opinion in my institute department

Michael Schneider: I cannot tell what the people in my institute department will say, if I tell them that we decide to call the syntax "OWL 2 DL", so I cannot talk about formal objections here; I can only tell you what I have learnt to be the general opinion in my institute department

18:13:27 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:13:35 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we also need a pure XLST GRDDL transformation

Ivan Herman: we also need a pure XLST GRDDL transformation

18:13:51 <bcuencagrau> ivan: that transformation should be done by someone

Ivan Herman: that transformation should be done by someone

18:13:54 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

18:13:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:14:06 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

18:14:06 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

18:14:08 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

18:14:13 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

18:14:27 <bcuencagrau> pfps: what about the non-executable GRDDL?

Peter Patel-Schneider: what about the non-executable GRDDL?

18:14:56 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:15:41 <alanr> so we have to get one. qed.

Alan Ruttenberg: so we have to get one. qed.

18:15:45 <pfps> ivan: TQ will not be happy if there is no XSLT transform

Ivan Herman: TQ will not be happy if there is no XSLT transform [ Scribe Assist by Peter Patel-Schneider ]

18:16:06 <pfps> +1 to asking TQ to provide same

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 to asking TQ to provide same

18:16:09 <bcuencagrau> ivan: peter is right

Ivan Herman: peter is right

18:16:23 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

18:16:38 <pfps> OK

Peter Patel-Schneider: OK

18:16:52 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:17:01 <IanH> ack sandro

Ian Horrocks: ack sandro

18:17:02 <sandro> ian: Suggestion is to tell TQ: if you want one, please help us provide one

Ian Horrocks: Suggestion is to tell TQ: if you want one, please help us provide one [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:17:03 <bcuencagrau> bcuencagrau has joined #owl

bcuencagrau has joined #owl

18:17:16 <alanr> and i to help

Alan Ruttenberg: and i to help

18:17:25 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:17:35 <bijan> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

18:17:43 <bijan> +1 to Sandro

Bijan Parsia: +1 to Sandro

18:17:53 <bcuencagrau> bcuencagrau has joined #owl

bcuencagrau has joined #owl

18:17:54 <pfps> sandro: asking TQ may not be effective

Sandro Hawke: asking TQ may not be effective [ Scribe Assist by Peter Patel-Schneider ]

18:18:00 <bcuencagrau> I am back

I am back

18:18:08 <bcuencagrau> but lost

but lost

18:18:21 <pfps> ianh: but if TQ says no, that may weaken their case

Ian Horrocks: but if TQ says no, that may weaken their case [ Scribe Assist by Peter Patel-Schneider ]

18:18:22 <sandro> sandro: Sure, it's worth a try, asking TQ to provide one.

Sandro Hawke: Sure, it's worth a try, asking TQ to provide one. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:18:28 <bcuencagrau> ok


18:18:33 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:18:37 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

18:18:58 <bcuencagrau> alanr: We should approach TopQuadrant offline

Alan Ruttenberg: We should approach TopQuadrant offline

18:19:00 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:19:05 <sandro> alan: Let's not imply "if you don't provide it, no one will".

Alan Ruttenberg: Let's not imply "if you don't provide it, no one will". [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:19:10 <bcuencagrau> alanr: to see if they support the proposal

Alan Ruttenberg: to see if they support the proposal

18:19:16 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:19:24 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

18:19:24 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

18:19:52 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:19:52 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we should determine whether we can send the responses to TopQuadrant

Ian Horrocks: we should determine whether we can send the responses to TopQuadrant

18:20:14 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we could be more specific about certain issues than we were at the F2F

Ivan Herman: we could be more specific about certain issues than we were at the F2F

18:20:20 <bijan> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

18:20:20 <Zakim> bijan should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan should no longer be muted

18:20:20 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:20:24 <IanH> ack bijan

Ian Horrocks: ack bijan

18:20:26 <ivan> q-

Ivan Herman: q-

18:20:37 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:20:44 <bcuencagrau> bijan: we shouldn't sollicit from TopQuadrant

Bijan Parsia: we shouldn't sollicit from TopQuadrant

18:20:58 <bcuencagrau> bijan: they could use that to beat us

Bijan Parsia: they could use that to beat us

18:21:13 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:21:33 <bcuencagrau> bijan: we should be as minimalist as possible

Bijan Parsia: we should be as minimalist as possible

18:21:35 <bijan> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

18:21:35 <Zakim> bijan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan should now be muted

18:21:38 <IanH> ack ivan

Ian Horrocks: ack ivan

18:21:55 <bijan> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

18:22:01 <alanr> In any case JC1a can go through as it doesn't depend on this issue

Alan Ruttenberg: In any case JC1a can go through as it doesn't depend on this issue

18:22:01 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we are short of manpower to do this

Ivan Herman: we are short of manpower to do this

18:22:15 <bcuencagrau> ivan: to have the XSLT transformation

Ivan Herman: to have the XSLT transformation

18:22:19 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:22:27 <alanr> say "we're not sure we can do it" rather than "we can't do it"

Alan Ruttenberg: say "we're not sure we can do it" rather than "we can't do it"

18:22:28 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we could ask the community to produce it

Ivan Herman: we could ask the community to produce it

18:22:57 <bcuencagrau> IanH: I feel nervous about that

Ian Horrocks: I feel nervous about that

18:23:09 <bcuencagrau> IanH: it would mean that we are not done until we have it

Ian Horrocks: it would mean that we are not done until we have it

18:23:16 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:23:17 <bijan> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

18:23:18 <Zakim> bijan should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan should no longer be muted

18:23:18 <bcuencagrau> IanH: we should not have external dependencies

Ian Horrocks: we should not have external dependencies

18:23:22 <IanH> ack bijan

Ian Horrocks: ack bijan

18:23:36 <bcuencagrau> bijan: I could do it even if I do not want to do it

Bijan Parsia: I could do it even if I do not want to do it

18:23:52 <alanr> what is the difference between proof of concept and real thing?

Alan Ruttenberg: what is the difference between proof of concept and real thing?

18:24:01 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:24:16 <alanr> then we should do it

Alan Ruttenberg: then we should do it

18:24:26 <bcuencagrau> bijan: it is not that we are saying that it is `too hard'; it is just tedious

Bijan Parsia: it is not that we are saying that it is `too hard'; it is just tedious

18:24:34 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

18:24:36 <alanr> can you not delegate some to sandro and I?

Alan Ruttenberg: can you not delegate some to sandro and I?

18:24:38 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:24:46 <bcuencagrau> bijan: I don't think it is useful anyway

Bijan Parsia: I don't think it is useful anyway

18:25:05 <bcuencagrau> IanH: would you still be willing to do it?

Ian Horrocks: would you still be willing to do it?

18:25:35 <bcuencagrau> sandro: the problem is that I don't know XSLT

Sandro Hawke: the problem is that I don't know XSLT

18:25:49 <alanr> be willing to take questions ....

Alan Ruttenberg: be willing to take questions ....

18:25:51 <bcuencagrau> sandro: if you can produce an example of a feature, i could produce the rest

Sandro Hawke: if you can produce an example of a feature, i could produce the rest

18:26:19 <bcuencagrau> bijan: this is a reasonable compromise

Bijan Parsia: this is a reasonable compromise

18:26:19 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:26:25 <IanH> ack sandro

Ian Horrocks: ack sandro

18:26:46 <alanr> sounds good!

Alan Ruttenberg: sounds good!

18:26:54 <bcuencagrau> bijan: I can provide advise on XSLT but not do it myself

Bijan Parsia: I can provide advise on XSLT but not do it myself

18:26:55 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:27:05 <IanH> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/97

Ian Horrocks: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/97

18:27:14 <bcuencagrau> IanH: bijan will produce an example and sandro will do the rest

Ian Horrocks: bijan will produce an example and sandro will do the rest

18:27:15 <alanr> we're on the same page.

Alan Ruttenberg: we're on the same page.

18:27:46 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:27:53 <alanr> q- alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: q- alanr

18:28:05 <bijan> ACTION: bijan help sandro

ACTION: bijan help sandro

18:28:05 <trackbot> Created ACTION-323 - Help sandro [on Bijan Parsia - due 2009-03-25].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-323 - Help sandro [on Bijan Parsia - due 2009-03-25].

18:28:11 <sandro> rofl

Sandro Hawke: rofl

18:28:23 <bcuencagrau> IanH: it seems that we have a concrete action plan wrt to GRDDL

Ian Horrocks: it seems that we have a concrete action plan wrt to GRDDL

18:28:33 <bcuencagrau> IanH: and there are a few responses dependent on that

Ian Horrocks: and there are a few responses dependent on that

18:28:37 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:28:39 <pfps> LC 17 is 'what about GRDDL?"

Peter Patel-Schneider: LC 17 is 'what about GRDDL?"

18:28:52 <pfps> LC 17 *is* TM1

Peter Patel-Schneider: LC 17 *is* TM1

18:29:03 <pfps> q?

Peter Patel-Schneider: q?

18:29:11 <pfps> ack ivan

Peter Patel-Schneider: ack ivan

18:29:31 <bcuencagrau> ivan: we should say that the WG is planning to provide a GRDDL tranformation

Ivan Herman: we should say that the WG is planning to provide a GRDDL tranformation

18:29:39 <bcuencagrau> IanH: I will fix up those responses

Ian Horrocks: I will fix up those responses

18:29:45 <pfps> ready by me

Peter Patel-Schneider: ready by me

18:29:53 <IanH> IanH has joined #owl

Ian Horrocks: IanH has joined #owl

18:29:55 <bcuencagrau> IanH: other than that, are we ok with 34a and 34b?

Ian Horrocks: other than that, are we ok with 34a and 34b?

18:30:03 <bcuencagrau> pfps: ok by me

Peter Patel-Schneider: ok by me

18:30:07 <bijan> I'm fine

Bijan Parsia: I'm fine

18:30:07 <schneid>  /I/ am ready to go, now :) sorry, have to get my train

Michael Schneider: /I/ am ready to go, now :) sorry, have to get my train

18:30:09 <bijan> Ship it

Bijan Parsia: Ship it

18:30:10 <alanr> They are as good as we can do

Alan Ruttenberg: They are as good as we can do

18:30:20 <alanr> so ship

Alan Ruttenberg: so ship

18:30:20 <Zakim> -schneid

Zakim IRC Bot: -schneid

18:30:24 <pfps> ship them

Peter Patel-Schneider: ship them

18:30:59 <pfps> :-(

Peter Patel-Schneider: :-(

18:31:01 <ivan> ivan has left #owl

Ivan Herman: ivan has left #owl

18:31:06 <alanr> bye all!

Alan Ruttenberg: bye all!

18:31:07 <msmith> bye

Mike Smith: bye

18:31:16 <Zakim> -baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: -baojie

18:31:17 <Zakim> -msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: -msmith

18:31:31 <elisa> bye!

Elisa Kendall: bye!

18:31:41 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

18:31:42 <Zakim> -Elisa_Kendall

Zakim IRC Bot: -Elisa_Kendall

18:31:42 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

18:31:42 <zimmer> bye

Antoine Zimmermann: bye

18:31:43 <Zakim> -IanH

Zakim IRC Bot: -IanH

18:31:44 <Zakim> -bijan

Zakim IRC Bot: -bijan

18:31:45 <Zakim> -alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: -alanr

18:31:45 <Zakim> -bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: -bmotik

18:31:47 <Zakim> -bcuencagrau

Zakim IRC Bot: -bcuencagrau

18:31:49 <Zakim> -Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: -Peter_Patel-Schneider

18:31:55 <Zakim> -zimmer

Zakim IRC Bot: -zimmer

18:31:57 <Zakim> -Achille

Zakim IRC Bot: -Achille

18:32:05 <Zakim> -christine

Zakim IRC Bot: -christine

18:32:07 <Zakim> SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

18:32:08 <Zakim> Attendees were Peter_Patel-Schneider, bcuencagrau, Sandro, bmotik, IanH, Ivan, baojie, msmith, Achille, +1.212.239.aaaa, alanr, zimmer, schneid, christine, Elisa_Kendall, bijan

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Peter_Patel-Schneider, bcuencagrau, Sandro, bmotik, IanH, Ivan, baojie, msmith, Achille, +1.212.239.aaaa, alanr, zimmer, schneid, christine, Elisa_Kendall, bijan

18:32:08 <evan> evan has joined #owl

Evan Wallace: evan has joined #owl

18:35:13 <msmith> msmith has left #owl

Mike Smith: msmith has left #owl

18:41:37 <bmotik> bmotik has left #owl

(No events recorded for 6 minutes)

Boris Motik: bmotik has left #owl

19:39:25 <bijan> bijan has joined #owl

(No events recorded for 57 minutes)

Bijan Parsia: bijan has joined #owl

21:36:50 <Zakim> Zakim has left #owl

(No events recorded for 117 minutes)

Zakim IRC Bot: Zakim has left #owl

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2009-03-19 16:48:49 UTC by 'ihorrock2', comments: None