OWL Working Group

Minutes of 13 August 2008

Diego Calvanese Rinke Hoekstra Alan Ruttenberg Bernardo Cuenca Grau Markus Krötzsch Achille Fokoue Zhe Wu Ian Horrocks Uli Sattler Ivan Herman Peter Patel-Schneider Jie Bao Evren Sirin Michael Schneider
Bijan Parsia Mike Smith Jeff Pan
Alan Ruttenberg
Rinke Hoekstra
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Accept Previous Minutes (6 August) link
  2. close Issue 129 as postponed link
  3. close 135 with Boris' note http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html link
  4. Close 104 saying: Use "disallowed vocabulary" in place of "reserved vocabulary". Then list namespaces from which terms are disallowed and an explicit list of allowed terms as exceptions link
00:00:00 <Rinke> PRESENT: calvanese, Rinke, Alan Ruttenberg, bcuencagrau, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe, IanH, uli, Ivan, Peter_Patel-Schneider, baojie, evrensirin, m_schnei
00:00:00 <Rinke> REGRETS: Bijan Parsia, Mike Smith, Jeff Pan
00:00:00 <Rinke> CHAIR: Alan Ruttenberg
16:36:51 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/13-owl-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/13-owl-irc

16:36:55 <Rinke> zakim, this will be owl

Rinke Hoekstra: zakim, this will be owl

16:36:55 <Zakim> ok, Rinke; I see SW_OWL()1:00PM scheduled to start in 24 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Rinke; I see SW_OWL()1:00PM scheduled to start in 24 minutes

16:37:15 <Rinke> RRSAgent, make records public

Rinke Hoekstra: RRSAgent, make records public

16:38:41 <Rinke> ScribeNick: Rinke

(Scribe set to Rinke Hoekstra)

16:47:04 <Rinke> Zakim, this will be owlwg

(No events recorded for 8 minutes)

Zakim, this will be owlwg

16:47:04 <Zakim> ok, Rinke; I see SW_OWL()1:00PM scheduled to start in 13 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Rinke; I see SW_OWL()1:00PM scheduled to start in 13 minutes

16:57:34 <Zakim> SW_OWL()1:00PM has now started

(No events recorded for 10 minutes)

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_OWL()1:00PM has now started

16:57:41 <Zakim> +[IBM_Watson]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM_Watson]

16:58:45 <Zakim> +??P11

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P11

16:58:50 <Rinke> zakim, ??P11 is me

zakim, ??P11 is me

16:58:50 <Zakim> +Rinke; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Rinke; got it

16:58:55 <Rinke> zakim, mute me

zakim, mute me

16:58:55 <Zakim> Rinke should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Rinke should now be muted

16:59:25 <calvanese> zakim, mute me

Diego Calvanese: zakim, mute me

16:59:25 <Zakim> sorry, calvanese, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, calvanese, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

16:59:34 <Zakim> +Jonathan_Rees

Zakim IRC Bot: +Jonathan_Rees

16:59:38 <calvanese> zakim, IBM_Watson is me

Diego Calvanese: zakim, IBM_Watson is me

16:59:38 <Zakim> +calvanese; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +calvanese; got it

16:59:45 <Zakim> +??P14

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14

16:59:48 <calvanese> zakim, mute me

Diego Calvanese: zakim, mute me

16:59:48 <Zakim> calvanese should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: calvanese should now be muted

16:59:52 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, ??P14 is me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, ??P14 is me

16:59:52 <Zakim> +bcuencagrau; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bcuencagrau; got it

16:59:52 <alanr> zakim, Jonathan_Rees is alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, Jonathan_Rees is alanr

16:59:53 <Zakim> +alanr; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +alanr; got it

17:00:04 <alanr> zakim, mute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, mute me

17:00:04 <Zakim> alanr should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should now be muted

17:00:52 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

17:01:31 <Zakim> +[IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM]

17:01:43 <Achille> zakim, IBM is me

Achille Fokoue: zakim, IBM is me

17:01:43 <Zakim> +Achille; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Achille; got it

17:01:46 <Zakim> +Zhe

Zakim IRC Bot: +Zhe

17:01:52 <Zhe> zakim, mute me

Zhe Wu: zakim, mute me

17:01:52 <Zakim> Zhe should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Zhe should now be muted

17:01:59 <Zakim> +Ian_Horrocks

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ian_Horrocks

17:02:04 <Zakim> +??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P6

17:02:06 <alanr> Jonathan Rees is also listening in

Alan Ruttenberg: Jonathan Rees is also listening in

17:02:07 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip

17:02:07 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made

17:02:09 <Zakim> +Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan

17:02:15 <uli> zakim, ??P6 is me

Uli Sattler: zakim, ??P6 is me

17:02:15 <Zakim> +uli; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +uli; got it

17:02:25 <IanH> zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

Ian Horrocks: zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

17:02:25 <Zakim> +IanH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +IanH; got it

17:02:26 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:02:26 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:02:38 <Zakim> +Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: +Peter_Patel-Schneider

17:02:47 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:02:47 <Zakim> uli should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should now be muted

17:02:56 <IanH> zakim, mute me

Ian Horrocks: zakim, mute me

17:02:56 <Zakim> IanH should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: IanH should now be muted

17:03:08 <Zakim> + +1.202.408.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.408.aaaa

17:03:09 <Zakim> +baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: +baojie

17:03:11 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:03:11 <Zakim> On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr (muted), bcuencagrau, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr (muted), bcuencagrau, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

17:03:15 <Zakim> ... +1.202.408.aaaa, baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +1.202.408.aaaa, baojie

17:03:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

17:03:35 <Zakim> - +1.202.408.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.202.408.aaaa

17:03:39 <alanr> zakim, unmute me

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, unmute me

17:03:39 <Zakim> alanr should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr should no longer be muted

17:04:08 <Zakim> + +1.202.408.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.408.aabb

17:04:23 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:04:23 <Zakim> On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider, baojie,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider, baojie,

17:04:26 <Zakim> ... +1.202.408.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +1.202.408.aabb

17:04:27 <Zakim> On IRC I see jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

17:04:37 <Rinke> omit: who's aabb?
17:04:41 <Rinke> topic: admin

1. admin

17:04:46 <Rinke> omit: subtopic: roll call
17:04:47 <Zakim> - +1.202.408.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.202.408.aabb

17:04:48 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:04:48 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:04:55 <Rinke> zakim, who is here?

zakim, who is here?

17:04:55 <Zakim> On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau (muted), MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau (muted), MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

17:04:58 <Zakim> ... baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: ... baojie

17:04:59 <Zakim> On IRC I see jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

17:05:07 <alanr> zakim, who is here?

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, who is here?

17:05:07 <Zakim> On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau (muted), MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see calvanese (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bcuencagrau (muted), MarkusK, Achille, Zhe (muted), IanH (muted), uli (muted), Ivan (muted), Peter_Patel-Schneider,

17:05:10 <Zakim> ... baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: ... baojie

17:05:11 <Zakim> On IRC I see m_schnei, jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see m_schnei, jar, ivan, IanH, Zhe, uli, Achille, MarkusK, bcuencagrau, calvanese, alanr, baojie, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, pfps, sandro, trackbot

17:05:21 <Rinke> subtopic: agenda amendments

1.1. agenda amendments

17:05:45 <Rinke> PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (6 August)

PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (6 August)

17:05:53 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:05:54 <pfps> they seem acceptable tome

Peter Patel-Schneider: they seem acceptable tome

17:05:58 <baojie> +1

Jie Bao: +1

17:06:06 <Rinke> +1


17:06:09 <Rinke> RESOLVED: Accept Previous Minutes (6 August)

RESOLVED: Accept Previous Minutes (6 August)

17:06:19 <Zakim> +??P10

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P10

17:06:19 <Rinke> subtopic: pending review actions

1.2. pending review actions

17:06:27 <m_schnei> zakim, ??P10 is me

Michael Schneider: zakim, ??P10 is me

17:06:27 <Zakim> +m_schnei; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +m_schnei; got it

17:06:31 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:06:31 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:06:50 <Rinke> ACTION-171, discussion later in the meeting

ACTION-171, discussion later in the meeting

17:07:03 <Rinke> ACTION-176, looks done, close the action

ACTION-176, looks done, close the action

17:07:30 <Rinke> ACTION-157, moot, close, robert stevens as intermediary (?)

ACTION-157, moot, close, robert stevens as intermediary (?)

17:07:37 <Rinke> ACTION-178, closed

ACTION-178, closed

17:07:49 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:07:54 <Rinke> ACTION-162 and ACTION-165 done per emails

ACTION-162 and ACTION-165 done per emails

17:08:00 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:08:03 <Rinke> ACTION-173


17:08:15 <Rinke> alanr: can't remember what this was

Alan Ruttenberg: can't remember what this was

17:08:29 <Rinke> alanr: we're ok as far as datatypes go

Alan Ruttenberg: we're ok as far as datatypes go

17:08:36 <Rinke> alanr: close?

Alan Ruttenberg: close?

17:08:40 <Rinke> ACTION-174


17:08:57 <Rinke> alanr: peter, do you want to comment on this?

Alan Ruttenberg: peter, do you want to comment on this?

17:09:11 <Rinke> pfps: email on annotations has 90% of what's needed for Bijan's stuff

Peter Patel-Schneider: email on annotations has 90% of what's needed for Bijan's stuff

17:09:22 <Rinke> alanr: this is the annotations on annotations stuff, right?

Alan Ruttenberg: this is the annotations on annotations stuff, right?

17:09:27 <Rinke> pfps: yup

Peter Patel-Schneider: yup

17:09:42 <Rinke> alanr: you were working with bijan on rich annotations

Alan Ruttenberg: you were working with bijan on rich annotations

17:09:48 <Rinke> alanr: what's the outcome of that?

Alan Ruttenberg: what's the outcome of that?

17:10:16 <Rinke> pfps: we consider ACTION-174 at least doesn't need to be done immediately as it is likely to be taken over by events

Peter Patel-Schneider: we consider ACTION-174 at least doesn't need to be done immediately as it is likely to be taken over by events

17:10:27 <Rinke> alanr: not done, anyone any comments?

Alan Ruttenberg: not done, anyone any comments?

17:10:32 <Rinke> topic: Issues

2. Issues

17:10:32 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-129

2.1. ISSUE-129

17:11:05 <Rinke> alanr: proposed was to close ISSUE-129 without action

Alan Ruttenberg: proposed was to close ISSUE-129 without action

17:11:16 <Rinke> alanr: we're not closing off the possibility

Alan Ruttenberg: we're not closing off the possibility

17:11:41 <IanH> works for me

Ian Horrocks: works for me

17:11:50 <Rinke> alanr: suggestions for wording?

Alan Ruttenberg: suggestions for wording?

17:12:05 <Rinke> alanr: difference between postponing vs. 'no action'?

Alan Ruttenberg: difference between postponing vs. 'no action'?

17:12:18 <pfps> isn't this a chair kind of decision?

Peter Patel-Schneider: isn't this a chair kind of decision?

17:12:46 <Rinke> alanr: I'll go for postpone

Alan Ruttenberg: I'll go for postpone

17:12:47 <Zakim> + +1.202.408.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.408.aacc

17:12:47 <alanr> PROPOSED: close Issue 129 as postponed

PROPOSED: close ISSUE-129 as postponed

17:13:07 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:13:09 <Rinke> +1


17:13:11 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:13:12 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:13:16 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:13:16 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:13:21 <evrensirin> +1

Evren Sirin: +1

17:13:32 <Achille> +1

Achille Fokoue: +1

17:14:05 <m_schnei> +1 (129 as postponed)

Michael Schneider: +1 (129 as postponed)

17:13:36 <alanr> RESOLVED: close Issue 129 as postponed

RESOLVED: close ISSUE-129 as postponed

17:13:39 <IanH> omit: 202.408 is back!
17:13:41 <evrensirin> omit: +1.202.408.aacc is evrensirin
17:13:43 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-135

2.2. ISSUE-135

17:13:57 <Rinke> alanr: importing rdf without ontology headers

Alan Ruttenberg: importing rdf without ontology headers

17:13:59 <IanH> zakim, aacc is evrensirin

Ian Horrocks: zakim, aacc is evrensirin

17:13:59 <Zakim> +evrensirin; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +evrensirin; got it

17:14:06 <Rinke> alanr: boris had a proposed solution in email

Alan Ruttenberg: boris had a proposed solution in email

17:14:11 <Rinke> alanr: any comments? look good to me

Alan Ruttenberg: any comments? look good to me

17:14:18 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:14:26 <Rinke> Rinke: look good to me as well

Rinke Hoekstra: look good to me as well

17:14:28 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:14:30 <alanr> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

Alan Ruttenberg: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

17:14:33 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:14:52 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

17:14:59 <evrensirin> +1

Evren Sirin: +1

17:15:00 <Zhe> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

17:15:09 <alanr> PROPOSED: close 135 with Boris' note saying it's effectively there already

PROPOSED: close 135 with Boris' note saying it's effectively there already

17:15:13 <Rinke> +1


17:15:17 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:15:19 <ivan> +1 (again:-)

Ivan Herman: +1 (again:-)

17:15:20 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:15:21 <evrensirin> +1

Evren Sirin: +1

17:15:21 <MarkusK> +1

Markus Krötzsch: +1

17:15:22 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:15:27 <alanr> note= http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

Alan Ruttenberg: note= http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

17:15:29 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:15:39 <Zhe> +1 (again)

Zhe Wu: +1 (again)

17:15:47 <alanr> RESOLVED: close 135 with Boris' note http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

RESOLVED: close 135 with Boris' note http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jul/0454.html

17:15:58 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-104

2.3. ISSUE-104

17:16:04 <Rinke> alanr: disallowed vocabulary

Alan Ruttenberg: disallowed vocabulary

17:16:22 <Rinke> alanr: I discussed this with Ian, the email ref wasn't clear enough

Alan Ruttenberg: I discussed this with Ian, the email ref wasn't clear enough

17:16:51 <Rinke> alanr: shouldn't we for clarity explicitly list those terms that are 'in'

Alan Ruttenberg: shouldn't we for clarity explicitly list those terms that are 'in'

17:17:07 <Rinke> alanr: use  reserved instead of disallowed vocabulary

Alan Ruttenberg: use reserved instead of disallowed vocabulary

17:17:09 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:17:14 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:17:20 <Rinke> pfps: I'm going to channel Boris

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'm going to channel Boris

17:17:40 <Rinke> pfps: should not list the disallowed vocabulary because we could get it wrong

Peter Patel-Schneider: should not list the disallowed vocabulary because we could get it wrong

17:18:05 <Rinke> alanr: I meant we should say the disallowed vocabulary is any term in these 4 namespaces instead of the list ...

Alan Ruttenberg: I meant we should say the disallowed vocabulary is any term in these 4 namespaces instead of the list ...

17:18:13 <pfps> that's OK by me

Peter Patel-Schneider: that's OK by me

17:18:14 <Rinke> alanr: we should be as explicit as we can

Alan Ruttenberg: we should be as explicit as we can

17:18:31 <Rinke> alanr: any comments on this?

Alan Ruttenberg: any comments on this?

17:18:53 <Rinke> alanr: action someone to write the list

Alan Ruttenberg: action someone to write the list

17:19:35 <alanr> PROPOSED: Close 104 saying: Use "disallowed vocabulary" in place of "reserved vocabulary". Then list namespaces from which terms are disallowed and an explicit list of allowed terms as exceptions.

PROPOSED: Close 104 saying: Use "disallowed vocabulary" in place of "reserved vocabulary". Then list namespaces from which terms are disallowed and an explicit list of allowed terms as exceptions.

17:19:52 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:19:57 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:20:19 <Rinke> pfps: in some sense, reserved sounds a bit better, but I understand being consistent with owl 1 is good

Peter Patel-Schneider: in some sense, reserved sounds a bit better, but I understand being consistent with owl 1 is good

17:20:37 <Rinke> alanr: no strong objections... let's vote

Alan Ruttenberg: no strong objections... let's vote

17:20:40 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

17:20:41 <Rinke> +1


17:20:41 <pfps> +0.5 because I prefer 'reserved', but I can live with this

Peter Patel-Schneider: +0.5 because I prefer 'reserved', but I can live with this

17:20:44 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:20:45 <MarkusK> +1

Markus Krötzsch: +1

17:20:45 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:20:46 <evrensirin> +1

Evren Sirin: +1

17:20:46 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:20:46 <Zhe> 0

Zhe Wu: 0

17:20:47 <calvanese> +1

Diego Calvanese: +1

17:20:48 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:21:00 <alanr> fwiw, I think reserved is better word too...

Alan Ruttenberg: fwiw, I think reserved is better word too...

17:21:23 <alanr> RESOLVED:  Close 104 saying: Use "disallowed vocabulary" in place of "reserved vocabulary". Then list namespaces from which terms are disallowed and an explicit list of allowed terms as exceptions

RESOLVED: Close 104 saying: Use "disallowed vocabulary" in place of "reserved vocabulary". Then list namespaces from which terms are disallowed and an explicit list of allowed terms as exceptions

17:21:41 <Rinke> topic: issue discussions

3. issue discussions

17:21:47 <evrensirin> q+

Evren Sirin: q+

17:21:56 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-133

3.1. ISSUE-133

17:21:56 <Rinke> alanr: start off with unique name assumption (ISSUE-133)

Alan Ruttenberg: start off with unique name assumption (ISSUE-133)

17:21:56 <alanr> ack evrensirin

Alan Ruttenberg: ack evrensirin

17:22:29 <Rinke> evrensirin: issue is that there are two maximum subsets. In one you can use key, but then you need UNA. Or you exclude functionality and key, and you can use sameAs

Evren Sirin: issue is that there are two maximum subsets. In one you can use key, but then you need UNA. Or you exclude functionality and key, and you can use sameAs

17:22:35 <calvanese> q+

Diego Calvanese: q+

17:22:39 <Rinke> evrensirin: these two cannot be included in the profile at the same time

Evren Sirin: these two cannot be included in the profile at the same time

17:23:19 <Rinke> evrensirin: right now UNA is necessary for dl-lite profile (according to diego\'proposal)

Evren Sirin: right now UNA is necessary for dl-lite profile (according to diego\'proposal)

17:23:38 <Rinke> evrensirin: though this is fine in DB, but in linked data use cases you don't want to make UNA

Evren Sirin: though this is fine in DB, but in linked data use cases you don't want to make UNA

17:23:54 <Rinke> evrensirin: include neither in the profile, but allow the extension

Evren Sirin: include neither in the profile, but allow the extension

17:24:08 <alanr> ack calvanese

Alan Ruttenberg: ack calvanese

17:24:10 <Rinke> evrensirin: flexible enough for both use cases, but the selection of the extension is left to the tools

Evren Sirin: flexible enough for both use cases, but the selection of the extension is left to the tools

17:24:43 <Rinke> calvanese: dl-lite is born in two different versions, one side having functionality and the other roles and inclusion

Diego Calvanese: dl-lite is born in two different versions, one side having functionality and the other roles and inclusion

17:25:04 <Rinke> calvanese: we now have a language that combines both features, but relies on UNA

Diego Calvanese: we now have a language that combines both features, but relies on UNA

17:25:29 <Rinke> calvanese: having or not having UNA does not make any difference wrt inference. If you drop functionality and leave UNA in there, you still get the same answers as w/o UNA

Diego Calvanese: having or not having UNA does not make any difference wrt inference. If you drop functionality and leave UNA in there, you still get the same answers as w/o UNA

17:25:53 <evrensirin> q+

Evren Sirin: q+

17:25:58 <uli> q+

Uli Sattler: q+

17:26:02 <Rinke> calvanese: having the UNA actually gives you more than not having it. It captures an intended use case. But if you want to use it in a way that includes functionality, you can use it as if it doesn't make the UNA

Diego Calvanese: having the UNA actually gives you more than not having it. It captures an intended use case. But if you want to use it in a way that includes functionality, you can use it as if it doesn't make the UNA

17:26:02 <alanr> ack evrensirin

Alan Ruttenberg: ack evrensirin

17:26:25 <Rinke> evrensirin: but having UNA is not compatible with my use cases. Having UNA forces everybody to use the UNA even if they don't want it

Evren Sirin: but having UNA is not compatible with my use cases. Having UNA forces everybody to use the UNA even if they don't want it

17:26:28 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:26:36 <Rinke> evrensirin: It may not have any observable inferences, then why have it?

Evren Sirin: It may not have any observable inferences, then why have it?

17:26:47 <Rinke> calvanese: it allows us to add functionality as well

Diego Calvanese: it allows us to add functionality as well

17:27:14 <Rinke> calvanese: other point, dl-lite was born to deal with data in databases. For that use case we believe UNA and functionality are both important

Diego Calvanese: other point, dl-lite was born to deal with data in databases. For that use case we believe UNA and functionality are both important

17:27:29 <Rinke> calvanese: it's important to have this feature

Diego Calvanese: it's important to have this feature

17:28:05 <Rinke> calvanese: rdf/triple store language users could adopt DL lite in their setting. DL -lite is within owl DL, so it doesn't have any meta-features. So it reduces its use in RDF

Diego Calvanese: rdf/triple store language users could adopt DL lite in their setting. DL -lite is within owl DL, so it doesn't have any meta-features. So it reduces its use in RDF

17:28:24 <alanr> ack uli

Alan Ruttenberg: ack uli

17:28:26 <uli> zakim, unmute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, unmute me

17:28:26 <Zakim> uli was not muted, uli

Zakim IRC Bot: uli was not muted, uli

17:28:29 <Rinke> calvanese: that's one reason why I would claim that the important use cases come from DB's and not in coming form RDF

Diego Calvanese: that's one reason why I would claim that the important use cases come from DB's and not in coming form RDF

17:28:46 <Rinke> uli: I was trying to see clear. I have two choices: 1) functionality + keys, needs UNA

Uli Sattler: I was trying to see clear. I have two choices: 1) functionality + keys, needs UNA

17:29:28 <Rinke> uli: other allows us to have role hierarchies and use sameAs, is a bit more RDF-ish

Uli Sattler: other allows us to have role hierarchies and use sameAs, is a bit more RDF-ish

17:29:41 <evrensirin> q+

Evren Sirin: q+

17:29:48 <Rinke> uli: so it's not about whether we can drop UNA, you need to have it

Uli Sattler: so it's not about whether we can drop UNA, you need to have it

17:29:48 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:29:59 <Rinke> calvanese: yes, you need the UNA for functionality

Diego Calvanese: yes, you need the UNA for functionality

17:30:06 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:30:06 <Zakim> uli should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should now be muted

17:30:16 <calvanese> q+

Diego Calvanese: q+

17:30:17 <Rinke> alanr: what about general compatibility. We have this principle to have the same syntax mean the same thing

Alan Ruttenberg: what about general compatibility. We have this principle to have the same syntax mean the same thing

17:30:37 <uli> zakim, unmute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, unmute me

17:30:37 <Zakim> uli should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should no longer be muted

17:30:50 <Rinke> alanr: should we have some kind of global restriction that says e.g. that you need to make the una explicit by enforcing sameAs

Alan Ruttenberg: should we have some kind of global restriction that says e.g. that you need to make the una explicit by enforcing sameAs

17:30:56 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:30:58 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:30:58 <Zakim> uli should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should now be muted

17:30:59 <Rinke> alanr: you allow all three, but disallow their combination

Alan Ruttenberg: you allow all three, but disallow their combination

17:31:06 <alanr> ack calvanese

Alan Ruttenberg: ack calvanese

17:31:16 <Rinke> calvanese: you could make it, if you have a sameas then that may work

Diego Calvanese: you could make it, if you have a sameas then that may work

17:31:47 <alanr> o(n)

Alan Ruttenberg: o(n)

17:31:59 <Rinke> calvanese: what we need to have this fragment work in the same way than the other profiles, you need to make the uNA explicit. THis is inefficient for databases

Diego Calvanese: what we need to have this fragment work in the same way than the other profiles, you need to make the uNA explicit. THis is inefficient for databases

17:32:17 <bcuencagrau> omit: +q
17:32:18 <alanr> omit: q+ alanr
17:32:27 <alanr> ack evrensirin

Alan Ruttenberg: ack evrensirin

17:32:33 <Rinke> calvanese: have an implicitly represented una, this is given once you have functionality.

Diego Calvanese: have an implicitly represented una, this is given once you have functionality.

17:32:34 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, unmute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, unmute me

17:32:34 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

17:32:43 <alanr> ack bcuencagrau

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bcuencagrau

17:32:52 <alanr> you folks have nicks that are too long :)

Alan Ruttenberg: you folks have nicks that are too long :)

17:33:13 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:33:19 <Rinke> bcuencagrau: if you make the UNA, it's a semantic condition. How would UNA work as semantic condition. Not sure how this is supposed to work

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: if you make the UNA, it's a semantic condition. How would UNA work as semantic condition. Not sure how this is supposed to work

17:33:48 <Rinke> calvanese: imposing that every pair of individuals is different by enforcing assertions

Diego Calvanese: imposing that every pair of individuals is different by enforcing assertions

17:34:04 <Rinke> alanr: we can already have a shorthand to make this

Alan Ruttenberg: we can already have a shorthand to make this

17:34:08 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:34:10 <Rinke> alanr: for sets of individuals

Alan Ruttenberg: for sets of individuals

17:34:28 <Rinke> bcuencagrau: this is a clear set of syntax that you could interpret differently. Switch is a good idea

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: this is a clear set of syntax that you could interpret differently. Switch is a good idea

17:34:38 <Rinke> alanr: have a global switch

Alan Ruttenberg: have a global switch

17:34:52 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:34:56 <calvanese> q+

Diego Calvanese: q+

17:34:57 <Rinke> bcuencagrau: otherwise we need to rig reasoners to recognise the profile and work under the UNA

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: otherwise we need to rig reasoners to recognise the profile and work under the UNA

17:35:04 <alanr> ack calvanese

Alan Ruttenberg: ack calvanese

17:35:04 <Rinke> alanr: could you make a suggestion?

Alan Ruttenberg: could you make a suggestion?

17:35:16 <uli> q?

Uli Sattler: q?

17:35:28 <Rinke> calvanese: I agree with bernardo, you have a valid ontology for this profile if you have that bit of syntax in there.

Diego Calvanese: I agree with bernardo, you have a valid ontology for this profile if you have that bit of syntax in there.

17:35:41 <IanH> I am worried that we are now doing language design on the fly.

Ian Horrocks: I am worried that we are now doing language design on the fly.

17:35:55 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:35:55 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:35:56 <evrensirin> q+

Evren Sirin: q+

17:36:03 <Rinke> alanr: do we have a way forward, that we can stop the conversation and that the proposal comes up to generalise this

Alan Ruttenberg: do we have a way forward, that we can stop the conversation and that the proposal comes up to generalise this

17:36:27 <Rinke> alanr: have a global restriction for functional/keys you need una

Alan Ruttenberg: have a global restriction for functional/keys you need una

17:36:30 <alanr> ack evrensirin

Alan Ruttenberg: ack evrensirin

17:36:50 <Rinke> evrensirin: we also want the sameas added to the profile, with the restriction that sameas cannot be used together with functional and una

Evren Sirin: we also want the sameas added to the profile, with the restriction that sameas cannot be used together with functional and una

17:37:02 <Rinke> alanr: we already have that from the global restriction.

Alan Ruttenberg: we already have that from the global restriction.

17:37:13 <Rinke> evrensirin: I would like to assert that I don't get an inconsitency

Evren Sirin: I would like to assert that I don't get an inconsitency

17:37:23 <calvanese> q+

Diego Calvanese: q+

17:37:26 <Rinke> alanr: evrensirin do you wnat to draft a proposal with calvanese

Alan Ruttenberg: evrensirin do you wnat to draft a proposal with calvanese

17:37:34 <alanr> ack calvanese

Alan Ruttenberg: ack calvanese

17:37:56 <Rinke> calvanese: if you add same as explicitly, you lose the computational properties (introduces recursive propagation)

Diego Calvanese: if you add same as explicitly, you lose the computational properties (introduces recursive propagation)

17:38:03 <uli> ..but not if you don't have functionality?

Uli Sattler: ..but not if you don't have functionality?

17:38:04 <alanr> Action: Diego to come up with proposal for UNA + function in language by global restriction, with Mike or Evren

ACTION: Diego to come up with proposal for UNA + function in language by global restriction, with Mike or Evren

17:38:05 <trackbot> Created ACTION-192 - Come up with proposal for UNA + function in language by global restriction, with Mike or Evren [on Diego Calvanese - due 2008-08-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-192 - Come up with proposal for UNA + function in language by global restriction, with Mike or Evren [on Diego Calvanese - due 2008-08-20].

17:38:11 <Rinke> evrensirin: don't agree, you can preprocess the sameas assertion at the beginning

Evren Sirin: don't agree, you can preprocess the sameas assertion at the beginning

17:38:18 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:38:48 <alanr> gentlemen?

Alan Ruttenberg: gentlemen?

17:39:00 <Rinke> calvanese: you lose computational property nonetheless

Diego Calvanese: you lose computational property nonetheless

17:39:12 <Rinke> evrensirin: but you only do it once

Evren Sirin: but you only do it once

17:39:21 <Rinke> alanr: work this out in your conversation

Alan Ruttenberg: work this out in your conversation

17:39:29 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-136

3.2. ISSUE-136

17:39:32 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:39:32 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

17:39:39 <Rinke> alanr: m_schnei could you remind us please

Alan Ruttenberg: m_schnei could you remind us please

17:40:04 <Rinke> m_schnei: we had in owl 1 only these different individuals, now we also have disjoint classes and properties

Michael Schneider: we had in owl 1 only these different individuals, now we also have disjoint classes and properties

17:40:04 <calvanese> zakim, mute me

Diego Calvanese: zakim, mute me

17:40:04 <Zakim> calvanese should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: calvanese should now be muted

17:40:11 <uli> you sound muffled

Uli Sattler: you sound muffled

17:40:20 <IanH> More muffled than quiet

Ian Horrocks: More muffled than quiet

17:40:32 <Rinke> m_schnei: we have three different n-ary axioms.

Michael Schneider: we have three different n-ary axioms.

17:40:46 <Rinke> m_schnei: in owl 1 we had only one, distinctmembers

Michael Schneider: in owl 1 we had only one, distinctmembers

17:41:03 <alanr> is anyone else having trouble with access to the wiki?

Alan Ruttenberg: is anyone else having trouble with access to the wiki?

17:41:06 <Rinke> m_schnei: now we have owl:member for everything else, I suggest owl:member to be used for owl:allDifferent and the

Michael Schneider: now we have owl:member for everything else, I suggest owl:member to be used for owl:allDifferent and the

17:41:16 <evrensirin> q+

Evren Sirin: q+

17:41:18 <Rinke> m_schnei: rest ... (?)

Michael Schneider: rest ... (?)

17:41:22 <alanr> ack evrensirin

Alan Ruttenberg: ack evrensirin

17:41:49 <Rinke> evrensirin: I think that it would be good to have one term and combine the different things. Wouldn't it be a backwards-compatibility issue?

Evren Sirin: I think that it would be good to have one term and combine the different things. Wouldn't it be a backwards-compatibility issue?

17:42:07 <Rinke> evrensirin: owl 1.0 would no longer be able to use rewritten axioms

Evren Sirin: owl 1.0 would no longer be able to use rewritten axioms

17:42:12 <alanr> is that backwards or forwards compat?

Alan Ruttenberg: is that backwards or forwards compat?

17:42:16 <Rinke> evrensirin: not sure whether simplification outweighs this

Evren Sirin: not sure whether simplification outweighs this

17:42:29 <m_schnei> that's forward compatibility, if at all

Michael Schneider: that's forward compatibility, if at all

17:42:47 <Rinke> alanr: we need to get a compatibility person, ivan?

Alan Ruttenberg: we need to get a compatibility person, ivan?

17:42:48 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:42:48 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:42:49 <ivan> zakim, unmute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, unmute me

17:42:50 <Zakim> Ivan should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should no longer be muted

17:42:51 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:42:51 <Zakim> uli was already muted, uli

Zakim IRC Bot: uli was already muted, uli

17:43:16 <Rinke> ivan: I was looking at the old document, and owl:member is only in 1.1. I'm not sure I understand evren's problem

Ivan Herman: I was looking at the old document, and owl:member is only in 1.1. I'm not sure I understand evren's problem

17:43:28 <IanH> No! only one choice - new.

Ian Horrocks: No! only one choice - new.

17:43:42 <Rinke> alanr: you have two choices in OWL2, if it chooses the new, then ... oh

Alan Ruttenberg: you have two choices in OWL2, if it chooses the new, then ... oh

17:43:43 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:43:43 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

17:43:51 <Rinke> alanr: m_schnei were you adding something?

Alan Ruttenberg: m_schnei were you adding something?

17:43:52 <IanH> q+

Ian Horrocks: q+

17:43:57 <alanr> ack ian

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ian

17:43:58 <IanH> zakim, unmute me

Ian Horrocks: zakim, unmute me

17:43:59 <Zakim> IanH was not muted, IanH

Zakim IRC Bot: IanH was not muted, IanH

17:44:00 <Rinke> m_schnei: adding!

Michael Schneider: adding!

17:44:12 <evrensirin> the problem is OWL 1 tool would not be able to process an OWL 1 ontology generated by an OWL2 tool

Evren Sirin: the problem is OWL 1 tool would not be able to process an OWL 1 ontology generated by an OWL2 tool

17:44:13 <ivan> that is how I understood

Ivan Herman: that is how I understood

17:44:13 <Rinke> m_schnei: you can also use the members property ....

Michael Schneider: you can also use the members property ....

17:44:14 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:44:14 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:44:52 <Rinke> IanH: what you said, alan, was that when serialising OWL 2 there would be a choice between the two options. don't think that would be the intention, and if so I strongly disagree

Ian Horrocks: what you said, alan, was that when serialising OWL 2 there would be a choice between the two options. don't think that would be the intention, and if so I strongly disagree

17:45:02 <m_schnei> +1 to deterministic. so serializing would bring *new* term, right. That's forward compatibility issue

Michael Schneider: +1 to deterministic. so serializing would bring *new* term, right. That's forward compatibility issue

17:45:19 <IanH> zakim, mute me

Ian Horrocks: zakim, mute me

17:45:19 <Zakim> IanH should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: IanH should now be muted

17:45:20 <Rinke> IanH: it would be definately the case loading an ontologiy in OWL1 tool won't work

Ian Horrocks: it would be definately the case loading an ontologiy in OWL1 tool won't work

17:45:42 <Rinke> alanr: there are other examples of this, aren't there?

Alan Ruttenberg: there are other examples of this, aren't there?

17:46:06 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:46:12 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

17:46:15 <Rinke> alanr: is the analogy correct, or is this a stronger issue?

Alan Ruttenberg: is the analogy correct, or is this a stronger issue?

17:47:07 <Rinke> ivan: IanH is right if the serialisation keeps to the new terminology only, however, if it uses the old vocab to stay compatible. We can use separate terms in RDF serialisation to remain compatible, and translate it back correctly to the FS

Ivan Herman: IanH is right if the serialisation keeps to the new terminology only, however, if it uses the old vocab to stay compatible. We can use separate terms in RDF serialisation to remain compatible, and translate it back correctly to the FS

17:47:17 <m_schnei> ah yes, i did not say enything about what *must* be serialized

Michael Schneider: ah yes, i did not say enything about what *must* be serialized

17:47:22 <Rinke> alanr: the old serialisation be used for the old cases, and the new be used for the new cases

Alan Ruttenberg: the old serialisation be used for the old cases, and the new be used for the new cases

17:47:35 <Rinke> ivan: if you write in rdf you have the choice of using both

Ivan Herman: if you write in rdf you have the choice of using both

17:48:00 <Rinke> ivan: indeed, if you write an OWL2 ontology in rdf, you might write something that won't work with an OWL1 environment

Ivan Herman: indeed, if you write an OWL2 ontology in rdf, you might write something that won't work with an OWL1 environment

17:48:14 <Rinke> alanr: the action on this would be a minor change to the reverse mapping, do I have that right peter?

Alan Ruttenberg: the action on this would be a minor change to the reverse mapping, do I have that right peter?

17:48:18 <Rinke> pfps: maybe

Peter Patel-Schneider: maybe

17:48:34 <m_schnei> right, this would only have a meaning for the reverse mapping

Michael Schneider: right, this would only have a meaning for the reverse mapping

17:48:37 <Rinke> alanr: if it is just a change to the reverse mapping to get this done, could we get a strawpoll?

Alan Ruttenberg: if it is just a change to the reverse mapping to get this done, could we get a strawpoll?

17:48:53 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

17:48:54 <m_schnei> 1

Michael Schneider: 1

17:48:54 <pfps> -0.5

Peter Patel-Schneider: -0.5

17:48:54 <Rinke> alanr: STRAWPOLL

Alan Ruttenberg: STRAWPOLL

17:48:56 <baojie> 0

Jie Bao: 0

17:48:59 <evrensirin> -0

Evren Sirin: -0

17:48:59 <Zhe> 1

Zhe Wu: 1

17:49:01 <Rinke> +0.5


17:49:04 <alanr> +.5

Alan Ruttenberg: +.5

17:49:05 <uli> 0

Uli Sattler: 0

17:49:06 <MarkusK> 0

Markus Krötzsch: 0

17:49:07 <IanH> 0

Ian Horrocks: 0

17:49:09 <bcuencagrau> 0

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: 0

17:49:17 <Achille> 0

Achille Fokoue: 0

17:49:41 <ivan> -1

Ivan Herman: -1

17:49:42 <pfps> -1

Peter Patel-Schneider: -1

17:49:42 <uli> -1

Uli Sattler: -1

17:49:43 <evrensirin> -1

Evren Sirin: -1

17:49:44 <Rinke> STRAWPOLL: if it's a more work, is it worth pursuing

STRAWPOLL: if it's a more work, is it worth pursuing

17:49:44 <IanH> -1

Ian Horrocks: -1

17:49:46 <pfps> -1

Peter Patel-Schneider: -1

17:49:48 <m_schnei> -1

Michael Schneider: -1

17:49:49 <MarkusK> -1

Markus Krötzsch: -1

17:49:50 <Rinke> -1


17:49:51 <alanr> -1

Alan Ruttenberg: -1

17:49:56 <Zhe> -01

Zhe Wu: -01

17:49:58 <Zhe> -1

Zhe Wu: -1

17:50:26 <Rinke> alanr: would somebody be willing to have a look at the mapping to see what the change would have to be? So that we can at least make a decision based on the facts

Alan Ruttenberg: would somebody be willing to have a look at the mapping to see what the change would have to be? So that we can at least make a decision based on the facts

17:50:22 <IanH> Yes, Peter is willing to do that.

Ian Horrocks: Yes, Peter is willing to do that.

17:50:29 <Rinke> omit: s
17:50:36 <pfps> what, me override??

Peter Patel-Schneider: what, me override??

17:50:45 <pfps> no

Peter Patel-Schneider: no

17:50:47 <Rinke> alanr: or, peter is your objection strong?

Alan Ruttenberg: or, peter is your objection strong?

17:50:51 <m_schnei> yes

Michael Schneider: yes

17:51:00 <m_schnei> I raised it. so I have to do it

Michael Schneider: I raised it. so I have to do it

17:51:05 <Rinke> alanr: would you be willing? m_schnei ?

Alan Ruttenberg: would you be willing? m_schnei ?

17:51:13 <alanr> action: m_schnei to look into reverse mapping change for issue 136

ACTION: m_schnei to look into reverse mapping change for ISSUE-136

17:51:13 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - m_schnei

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - m_schnei

17:51:24 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:51:29 <Rinke> action: michael to look into reverse mapping change for issue 136

ACTION: michael to look into reverse mapping change for ISSUE-136

17:51:29 <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - michael

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - michael

17:51:29 <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. msmith9, mschneid, msintek)

Trackbot IRC Bot: Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. msmith9, mschneid, msintek)

17:51:31 <m_schnei> q-

Michael Schneider: q-

17:51:43 <Rinke> topic: General Discussion

4. General Discussion

17:52:01 <Rinke> alanr: two subjects, we can also spend some time on OWL RL

Alan Ruttenberg: two subjects, we can also spend some time on OWL RL

17:52:09 <Rinke> alanr: there's some mail traffic about annotations

Alan Ruttenberg: there's some mail traffic about annotations

17:52:09 <Rinke> subtopic: Annotations

4.1. Annotations

17:52:32 <Rinke> alanr: we have quite a reasonable amount of annotations. We have a couple of priority features, on the list as being desirable

Alan Ruttenberg: we have quite a reasonable amount of annotations. We have a couple of priority features, on the list as being desirable

17:52:51 <Rinke> alanr: the subproperty relations between annotation properties and domains and ranges are not supported

Alan Ruttenberg: the subproperty relations between annotation properties and domains and ranges are not supported

17:53:05 <Rinke> alanr: also important to make SKOS compatible with OWL DL (as SKOS uses these)

Alan Ruttenberg: also important to make SKOS compatible with OWL DL (as SKOS uses these)

17:53:33 <Rinke> alanr: we have been postponing annotations until we got to the point that the generalised rich annotations aren't going to be there

Alan Ruttenberg: we have been postponing annotations until we got to the point that the generalised rich annotations aren't going to be there

17:54:08 <Rinke> alanr: one more thing, we had a discussion about this at F2F2 where it was thought that having RA's is good even if it affects the schedule

Alan Ruttenberg: one more thing, we had a discussion about this at F2F2 where it was thought that having RA's is good even if it affects the schedule

17:54:18 <Rinke> alanr: what ideas do we have for accommodating these features

Alan Ruttenberg: what ideas do we have for accommodating these features

17:54:18 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:54:31 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:54:45 <Rinke> alanr: put myself on the queue, offer some choices

Alan Ruttenberg: put myself on the queue, offer some choices

17:55:24 <Rinke> alanr: 1) use the mapping proposal that pfps and bijan were going to do. Fairly well specified, close to being able to do this... two ontologies coming out of the same ontology document (annotaiton ontology, and main ontology)

Alan Ruttenberg: 1) use the mapping proposal that pfps and bijan were going to do. Fairly well specified, close to being able to do this... two ontologies coming out of the same ontology document (annotaiton ontology, and main ontology)

17:55:44 <Rinke> alanr: we need new blood on this, will volunteer myself

Alan Ruttenberg: we need new blood on this, will volunteer myself

17:56:21 <Rinke> alanr: 2) how to support just these features without the generalised annotations which I think would require .... (?) ... from people more into DL.

Alan Ruttenberg: 2) how to support just these features without the generalised annotations which I think would require .... (?) ... from people more into DL.

17:56:52 <Rinke> alanr: global domain and range restrictions, having ... work with that

Alan Ruttenberg: global domain and range restrictions, having ... work with that

17:56:59 <Rinke> omit: i can hear now
17:57:04 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

17:57:10 <Zhe> zakim, unmute me

Zhe Wu: zakim, unmute me

17:57:10 <Zakim> Zhe should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Zhe should no longer be muted

17:57:15 <alanr> not use annotations in restrictions

Alan Ruttenberg: not use annotations in restrictions

17:57:16 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:57:28 <Rinke> Zhe: isn't there another option not to spec it at all

Zhe Wu: isn't there another option not to spec it at all

17:57:54 <Rinke> alanr: that is a proposal that has been ... it's a very longstanding request

Alan Ruttenberg: that is a proposal that has been ... it's a very longstanding request

17:57:55 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:57:58 <alanr> ack Zhe

Alan Ruttenberg: ack Zhe

17:58:26 <Rinke> Zhe: to us this is very complex and hard to implement this in a scalable fashion. Unlikely that we will be able to support this

Zhe Wu: to us this is very complex and hard to implement this in a scalable fashion. Unlikely that we will be able to support this

17:58:28 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:58:37 <pfps> +1 to Zhe

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 to Zhe

17:58:56 <Rinke> pfps: I put myself on to agree with Zhe

Peter Patel-Schneider: I put myself on to agree with Zhe

17:59:18 <IanH> q+

Ian Horrocks: q+

17:59:27 <IanH> zakim, unmute me

Ian Horrocks: zakim, unmute me

17:59:27 <Zakim> IanH should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: IanH should no longer be muted

17:59:28 <alanr> ack Ian

Alan Ruttenberg: ack Ian

17:59:34 <Rinke> alanr: mixed properties, if you didn't allow annotations in restrictions whether subproperties became possible (question to uli)

Alan Ruttenberg: mixed properties, if you didn't allow annotations in restrictions whether subproperties became possible (question to uli)

18:00:29 <alanr> q+ alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ alanr

18:00:33 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:00:39 <uli> q+

Uli Sattler: q+

18:00:39 <Rinke> IanH: thinking of what Zhe said... what he said was not spec it, basically you could achieve most of what you want to achieve already with the current features. One options is not to spec it, in the sense that you do not include it in a MUST be supported part of the spec. To not force people like Zhe to implement it

Ian Horrocks: thinking of what Zhe said... what he said was not spec it, basically you could achieve most of what you want to achieve already with the current features. One options is not to spec it, in the sense that you do not include it in a MUST be supported part of the spec. To not force people like Zhe to implement it

18:00:59 <Rinke> alanr: that's the same strategy as with n-ary. If you're going to do it, then this is the way to do it

Alan Ruttenberg: that's the same strategy as with n-ary. If you're going to do it, then this is the way to do it

18:01:03 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

18:01:05 <uli> zakum, unmute me

Uli Sattler: zakum, unmute me

18:01:06 <alanr> ack uli

Alan Ruttenberg: ack uli

18:01:11 <Rinke> alanr: not fond of this, in my experience they don't come to be

Alan Ruttenberg: not fond of this, in my experience they don't come to be

18:01:38 <alanr>  Missing: Subproperties on annotations, domains and ranges of them.

Alan Ruttenberg: Missing: Subproperties on annotations, domains and ranges of them.

18:02:27 <evrensirin> +1 for Uli

Evren Sirin: +1 for Uli

18:02:28 <Rinke> uli: we now have a large proposal that allows almost anything users have asked for. Like zhe said, we wouldn't explain what has to be done about them. This is where bijan's proposal slightly fell over. Now I'm guessing, but we could even put in there that some property could be a subproperty of an annotation property.... you'd be fine

Uli Sattler: we now have a large proposal that allows almost anything users have asked for. Like zhe said, we wouldn't explain what has to be done about them. This is where bijan's proposal slightly fell over. Now I'm guessing, but we could even put in there that some property could be a subproperty of an annotation property.... you'd be fine

18:02:39 <IanH> The other trouble with rich annotations is that there are *many* ways that it could be done; it's not at all clear which is the right one; there is *zero* implementation experience.

Ian Horrocks: The other trouble with rich annotations is that there are *many* ways that it could be done; it's not at all clear which is the right one; there is *zero* implementation experience.

18:02:46 <Rinke> alanr: you could have an *optional* specification, but a full specification?

Alan Ruttenberg: you could have an *optional* specification, but a full specification?

18:02:57 <Rinke> uli: we don't even need to spec this, it's already almost in there

Uli Sattler: we don't even need to spec this, it's already almost in there

18:03:09 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

18:03:18 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

18:03:19 <Rinke> alanr: if we don't spec things, they're not really there. Experience with optional... not a raging succes

Alan Ruttenberg: if we don't spec things, they're not really there. Experience with optional... not a raging succes

18:03:24 <Rinke> uli: peter will clarify

Uli Sattler: peter will clarify

18:03:25 <uli> zakum, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakum, mute me

18:03:51 <IanH> +1 -- as I said above

Ian Horrocks: +1 -- as I said above

18:03:52 <alanr> We're behind

Alan Ruttenberg: We're behind

18:04:13 <uli> +1 to Peter

Uli Sattler: +1 to Peter

18:04:14 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:04:15 <Rinke> pfps: I agree with uli, it is premature to state how these things should be use. I don't see any significant usage and processing model. Why are we running so far ahead on something that is primarily a tool issue. Let's put it in the spec, and see what the tools do

Peter Patel-Schneider: I agree with uli, it is premature to state how these things should be use. I don't see any significant usage and processing model. Why are we running so far ahead on something that is primarily a tool issue. Let's put it in the spec, and see what the tools do

18:04:18 <Rinke> +1


18:04:35 <alanr> no body *can* do it

Alan Ruttenberg: no body *can* do it

18:04:39 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:04:40 <Rinke> pfps: nobody's doing it yet, why force it on them?

Peter Patel-Schneider: nobody's doing it yet, why force it on them?

18:04:43 <alanr> Ack Zhe

Alan Ruttenberg: Ack Zhe

18:05:03 <Rinke> Zhe: i truly agree with peter. Annotatiosn on annotations are just too complex for ordinary users.

Zhe Wu: i truly agree with peter. Annotatiosn on annotations are just too complex for ordinary users.

18:05:14 <alanr> ack zhe

Alan Ruttenberg: ack zhe

18:05:38 <Rinke> alanr: we're not actually talking about annotations on annotations. We're talking about features already possible in OWL RL

Alan Ruttenberg: we're not actually talking about annotations on annotations. We're talking about features already possible in OWL RL

18:06:14 <Rinke> alanr: subproperties of annotations etc. That's more crucial: we really only need one level of annotations on annotations, but we've also got clear cases for subproperties and domain/ranges

Alan Ruttenberg: subproperties of annotations etc. That's more crucial: we really only need one level of annotations on annotations, but we've also got clear cases for subproperties and domain/ranges

18:06:23 <Rinke> alanr: both historically and now with SKOS

Alan Ruttenberg: both historically and now with SKOS

18:06:36 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:06:43 <Rinke> Zhe: for that kind of simple things, developers can do it in their applications instead of putting it in the spec.

Zhe Wu: for that kind of simple things, developers can do it in their applications instead of putting it in the spec.

18:07:09 <Rinke> alanr: well, I guess, don't know why this is true on this and not on other parts of the spec

Alan Ruttenberg: well, I guess, don't know why this is true on this and not on other parts of the spec

18:07:15 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

18:07:17 <m_schnei> I just created ACTION-193: "m_schnei to look into reverse mapping change for issue 136"

Michael Schneider: I just created ACTION-193: "m_schnei to look into reverse mapping change for ISSUE-136"

18:07:19 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:07:30 <Rinke> alanr: the things I'm suggesting are already going to be in OWL RL. I am proposing to have them in OWL DL

Alan Ruttenberg: the things I'm suggesting are already going to be in OWL RL. I am proposing to have them in OWL DL

18:07:51 <Rinke> pfps: skos:prefLabel subproperty of rdfs:label going to be in OWL RL?

Peter Patel-Schneider: skos:prefLabel subproperty of rdfs:label going to be in OWL RL?

18:08:16 <Rinke> Zhe: isnt RL in DL?

Zhe Wu: isnt RL in DL?

18:08:24 <Rinke> alanr: no, because we're talking annotation properties here

Alan Ruttenberg: no, because we're talking annotation properties here

18:08:46 <Rinke> pfps: omit: skos:prefLabel subproperty of rdfs:label going to be in OWL RL?

Peter Patel-Schneider: omit: skos:prefLabel subproperty of rdfs:label going to be in OWL RL?

18:08:55 <Rinke> alanr: next subject

Alan Ruttenberg: next subject

18:09:10 <Rinke> subtopic: Conformance, Warnings, Errors

4.2. Conformance, Warnings, Errors

18:09:22 <Rinke> alanr: I guess there was some discussion on this last week

Alan Ruttenberg: I guess there was some discussion on this last week

18:09:38 <Rinke> alanr: two aspects, 1) what it means to be conformant/compliant OWL RL implementation

Alan Ruttenberg: two aspects, 1) what it means to be conformant/compliant OWL RL implementation

18:09:51 <Rinke> alanr: ian responded... we haven't discussed this

Alan Ruttenberg: ian responded... we haven't discussed this

18:10:04 <Rinke> alanr: 2) what to do, should there be an error, or 'it should not be the case that'

Alan Ruttenberg: 2) what to do, should there be an error, or 'it should not be the case that'

18:10:19 <Rinke> alanr: we don't have mike and bijan here who have been thinking the most about this

Alan Ruttenberg: we don't have mike and bijan here who have been thinking the most about this

18:10:22 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:10:25 <Rinke> alanr: start the discussion nonetheless

Alan Ruttenberg: start the discussion nonetheless

18:10:32 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

18:10:49 <IanH> q+

Ian Horrocks: q+

18:10:54 <alanr> ack Ian

Alan Ruttenberg: ack Ian

18:11:03 <Rinke> alanr: what wording would we use to say what a compliant RL implementation

Alan Ruttenberg: what wording would we use to say what a compliant RL implementation

18:11:15 <Rinke> IanH: you picked the hardest case now on discussion

Ian Horrocks: you picked the hardest case now on discussion

18:11:24 <alanr> pointer?

Alan Ruttenberg: pointer?

18:11:27 <Rinke> IanH: look at existing owl test document. there's a section on conformance

Ian Horrocks: look at existing owl test document. there's a section on conformance

18:11:38 <Rinke> IanH: on parser, fragment, profile, reasoner and so on

Ian Horrocks: on parser, fragment, profile, reasoner and so on

18:11:55 <Rinke> IanH: we need something relatively similar to that. for most of the fragments/profiles that's relatively straightforward

Ian Horrocks: we need something relatively similar to that. for most of the fragments/profiles that's relatively straightforward

18:12:05 <Rinke> IanH: we can copy and paste what it says there

Ian Horrocks: we can copy and paste what it says there

18:12:22 <Rinke> IanH: where should it go? And OWL RL is slightly more complicated

Ian Horrocks: where should it go? And OWL RL is slightly more complicated

18:13:08 <alanr> http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/#scope

Alan Ruttenberg: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/#scope

18:13:22 <Rinke> IanH: I'm happy to discuss...in a way if people haven't looked at the old test document, I don't know whether having a discussion is very useful

Ian Horrocks: I'm happy to discuss...in a way if people haven't looked at the old test document, I don't know whether having a discussion is very useful

18:13:24 <alanr> http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/#conformance

Alan Ruttenberg: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/#conformance

18:13:35 <Rinke> omit: s/usefull/useful
18:13:47 <ivan> I think that the one, Alan

Ivan Herman: I think that the one, Alan

18:14:13 <Rinke> alanr: these are phrased in terms of consistency with respect to a datatype map, where the map is a variable. Is that still relevant?

Alan Ruttenberg: these are phrased in terms of consistency with respect to a datatype map, where the map is a variable. Is that still relevant?

18:14:31 <Rinke> IanH: we can tighten this up, because we're going into a lot more detail wrt. the datatype map

Ian Horrocks: we can tighten this up, because we're going into a lot more detail wrt. the datatype map

18:14:42 <Rinke> IanH: that makes things a lot easier. The flavour would still be the same

Ian Horrocks: that makes things a lot easier. The flavour would still be the same

18:14:52 <Rinke> alanr: thinking of actions on getting things going

Alan Ruttenberg: thinking of actions on getting things going

18:15:06 <Rinke> alanr: for the owl RL completeness is a different question than for owl DL

Alan Ruttenberg: for the owl RL completeness is a different question than for owl DL

18:15:32 <Rinke> IanH: owl RL completeness, there's a discussion going on there now, not keen on saying whats 'proposed'

Ian Horrocks: owl RL completeness, there's a discussion going on there now, not keen on saying whats 'proposed'

18:15:54 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

18:16:05 <Rinke> IanH: for OWL RL there would be a conformance statement, and the OWL RL one might be a slightly different form than the others if one of the current proposals will be accepted

Ian Horrocks: for OWL RL there would be a conformance statement, and the OWL RL one might be a slightly different form than the others if one of the current proposals will be accepted

18:16:08 <alanr> ack Zhe

Alan Ruttenberg: ack Zhe

18:16:56 <Rinke> Zhe: vendor perspective. The bare minimum that we can accept, if we implement the set of rules as in the spec, we must be able to claim that we are OWL RL compliant. Independent of how we define completeness

Zhe Wu: vendor perspective. The bare minimum that we can accept, if we implement the set of rules as in the spec, we must be able to claim that we are OWL RL compliant. Independent of how we define completeness

18:17:07 <IanH> Understood -- this is the intention.

Ian Horrocks: Understood -- this is the intention.

18:17:14 <uli> ...there is an ongoing discussion

Uli Sattler: ...there is an ongoing discussion

18:17:15 <Rinke> alanr: anybody working on this right now? do we have any actions?

Alan Ruttenberg: anybody working on this right now? do we have any actions?

18:17:45 <Rinke> alanr: sufficient to put together a proposal to get a section started on this

Alan Ruttenberg: sufficient to put together a proposal to get a section started on this

18:17:50 <Rinke> IanH: I'm willing to draft a proposal

Ian Horrocks: I'm willing to draft a proposal

18:17:55 <Rinke> alanr: I'll action you

Alan Ruttenberg: I'll action you

18:17:59 <alanr> Action: Ian to come up with a proposal for conformance

ACTION: Ian to come up with a proposal for conformance

18:17:59 <trackbot> Created ACTION-194 - Come up with a proposal for conformance [on Ian Horrocks - due 2008-08-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-194 - Come up with a proposal for conformance [on Ian Horrocks - due 2008-08-20].

18:18:18 <Rinke> IanH: don't think its' all that difficult/controversion (except perhaps the RL debate)

Ian Horrocks: don't think its' all that difficult/controversion (except perhaps the RL debate)

18:18:33 <Rinke> subtopic: ISSUE-137

4.3. ISSUE-137

18:18:42 <Rinke> alanr: any questions about it?

Alan Ruttenberg: any questions about it?

18:19:18 <Rinke> alanr: in owl 1 you could use rdfs:Class as long as the entity is an owl:Class somewhere in the imports closure

Alan Ruttenberg: in owl 1 you could use rdfs:Class as long as the entity is an owl:Class somewhere in the imports closure

18:19:29 <Rinke> alanr: in owl 2 these should be in the *same* document.

Alan Ruttenberg: in owl 2 these should be in the *same* document.

18:19:34 <Rinke> omit: s/shoul/should
18:20:02 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:20:05 <Rinke> alanr: the simplest repair would be to not have it be that you not have rdfs:Class triples on their own

Alan Ruttenberg: the simplest repair would be to not have it be that you not have rdfs:Class triples on their own

18:20:15 <Rinke> alanr: peter is working on that

Alan Ruttenberg: peter is working on that

18:20:23 <Rinke> alanr: do you agree this is the simplest repair?

Alan Ruttenberg: do you agree this is the simplest repair?

18:20:35 <Rinke> pfps: it's indeed a backwards compatibility issue, but not simple

Peter Patel-Schneider: it's indeed a backwards compatibility issue, but not simple

18:20:56 <Rinke> alanr: what are the issues?

Alan Ruttenberg: what are the issues?

18:21:15 <Rinke> pfps: the whole structure of the reverse mapping works on documents, as far as I remember

Peter Patel-Schneider: the whole structure of the reverse mapping works on documents, as far as I remember

18:21:21 <Rinke> pfps: let me see

Peter Patel-Schneider: let me see

18:21:30 <Rinke> pfps: dedadedadeda

Peter Patel-Schneider: dedadedadeda

18:21:34 <Rinke> pfps: diededie

Peter Patel-Schneider: diededie

18:21:36 <alanr> My proposal: Reverse mapping removes any occurrance of :foo rdf:type rdfs:Class

Alan Ruttenberg: My proposal: Reverse mapping removes any occurrance of :foo rdf:type rdfs:Class

18:22:11 <Rinke> pfps: either the reverse mapping works on graphs (then a lot of changes) in a single document, or it works on multiple graphs in multiple documents

Peter Patel-Schneider: either the reverse mapping works on graphs (then a lot of changes) in a single document, or it works on multiple graphs in multiple documents

18:22:28 <Rinke> pfps: if it works on single documents, then major changes need to be made

Peter Patel-Schneider: if it works on single documents, then major changes need to be made

18:22:34 <IanH> zakim, mute me

Ian Horrocks: zakim, mute me

18:22:34 <Zakim> IanH should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: IanH should now be muted

18:22:35 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

18:22:39 <Rinke> alanr: what about simply removing all rdfs:Class

Alan Ruttenberg: what about simply removing all rdfs:Class

18:22:40 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

18:22:40 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

18:22:40 <alanr> ack m_schei

Alan Ruttenberg: ack m_schei

18:23:19 <Rinke> m_schnei: i didn't look at your problem. I checked the mapping some weeks ago. there's a table with reverse mapping where these rdfs:Classes exist in an old ontology.

Michael Schneider: i didn't look at your problem. I checked the mapping some weeks ago. there's a table with reverse mapping where these rdfs:Classes exist in an old ontology.

18:23:45 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

18:23:53 <alanr> ack m_schnei

Alan Ruttenberg: ack m_schnei

18:23:56 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

18:24:06 <Rinke> alanr: when you see (table 4) rdfs:Class and type owlClass both, then you remove the rdfsClass. I propose to change the mapping to also remove the rdfsClass if it's on its own

Alan Ruttenberg: when you see (table 4) rdfs:Class and type owlClass both, then you remove the rdfsClass. I propose to change the mapping to also remove the rdfsClass if it's on its own

18:24:15 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

18:24:15 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

18:24:21 <Rinke> pfps: indeed technically easy, but whether it's the right thing to do is an entirely different manner

Peter Patel-Schneider: indeed technically easy, but whether it's the right thing to do is an entirely different manner

18:24:27 <Rinke> pfps: it's the wrong thing to do

Peter Patel-Schneider: it's the wrong thing to do

18:24:40 <Rinke> pfps: because you might take documents .... eh... that's a good question

Peter Patel-Schneider: because you might take documents .... eh... that's a good question

18:24:46 <Rinke> pfps: dudeduh

Peter Patel-Schneider: dudeduh

18:25:10 <Rinke> pfps: I fear that you may do fairly drastic surgery to the status of certain documents

Peter Patel-Schneider: I fear that you may do fairly drastic surgery to the status of certain documents

18:25:40 <Rinke> alanr: action, to see what/how.. anytime before going to last call

Alan Ruttenberg: action, to see what/how.. anytime before going to last call

18:25:56 <Rinke> alanr: we need to close it, look into it

Alan Ruttenberg: we need to close it, look into it

18:26:34 <Rinke> pfps: we have looked into it, don't believe it ever occurred in existing ontologies. It's a minor backward compatibility issue that the chairs will have to mention somewhere

Peter Patel-Schneider: we have looked into it, don't believe it ever occurred in existing ontologies. It's a minor backward compatibility issue that the chairs will have to mention somewhere

18:27:05 <Rinke> alanr: let's think on this, and if you feel like looking more closely ... if not, perhaps someone else?

Alan Ruttenberg: let's think on this, and if you feel like looking more closely ... if not, perhaps someone else?

18:27:13 <Rinke> topic: AAB?

5. AAB?

18:27:25 <Rinke> ADJOURNED


18:27:25 <Zhe> omit: thanks.
18:27:28 <m_schnei> omit: bye
18:27:29 <Zakim> -uli

Zakim IRC Bot: -uli

18:27:29 <calvanese> omit: bye, thank you
18:27:30 <Zakim> -alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: -alanr

18:27:30 <Zakim> -Achille

Zakim IRC Bot: -Achille

18:27:31 <Zakim> -MarkusK

Zakim IRC Bot: -MarkusK

18:27:32 <Zakim> -IanH

Zakim IRC Bot: -IanH

18:27:32 <Rinke> omit: bye, thanks
18:27:33 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

18:27:34 <Zakim> -Zhe

Zakim IRC Bot: -Zhe

18:27:36 <Zakim> -evrensirin

Zakim IRC Bot: -evrensirin

18:27:38 <Zakim> -Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: -Peter_Patel-Schneider

18:27:40 <Zakim> -calvanese

Zakim IRC Bot: -calvanese

18:27:41 <Zakim> -Rinke

Zakim IRC Bot: -Rinke

18:27:51 <calvanese> omit: quit
18:27:53 <Zakim> -baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: -baojie

18:27:54 <alanr> Action: Alan to look in to what happens with OWL-RL ruleset applied to annotation properties with subproperty axioms

ACTION: Alan to look in to what happens with OWL-RL ruleset applied to annotation properties with subproperty axioms

18:27:54 <trackbot> Created ACTION-195 - Look in to what happens with OWL-RL ruleset applied to annotation properties with subproperty axioms [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2008-08-20].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-195 - Look in to what happens with OWL-RL ruleset applied to annotation properties with subproperty axioms [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2008-08-20].

18:28:00 <alanr> omit: s/OWL-R/OWL-RL/
18:28:17 <Rinke> RRSAgent, pointer?

RRSAgent, pointer?

18:28:17 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2008/08/13-owl-irc#T18-28-17

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See http://www.w3.org/2008/08/13-owl-irc#T18-28-17

18:28:45 <Zakim> -bcuencagrau

Zakim IRC Bot: -bcuencagrau

18:28:47 <Zakim> -m_schnei

Zakim IRC Bot: -m_schnei

18:28:47 <Zakim> SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

18:28:48 <Zakim> Attendees were Rinke, calvanese, bcuencagrau, alanr, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe, Ivan, uli, IanH, Peter_Patel-Schneider, +1.202.408.aaaa, baojie, +1.202.408.aabb, m_schnei,

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Rinke, calvanese, bcuencagrau, alanr, MarkusK, Achille, Zhe, Ivan, uli, IanH, Peter_Patel-Schneider, +1.202.408.aaaa, baojie, +1.202.408.aabb, m_schnei,

18:28:51 <Zakim> ... +1.202.408.aacc, evrensirin

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +1.202.408.aacc, evrensirin

This revision (#1) generated 2008-08-14 06:53:23 UTC by 'rhoekstr', comments: 'Initial cleanup. Ready for review.'