13:55:53 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:55:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/12-i18nits-irc 13:55:58 meeting: i18n ITS WG 13:56:00 chair: Yves 13:56:02 scribe: Felix 13:56:07 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:56:32 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0030.html 13:59:02 I18N_TS()9:00AM has now started 13:59:09 +??P10 13:59:14 bbogacki has joined #i18nits 13:59:51 +Felix 14:00:54 + +29946aaaa 14:01:09 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:01:32 zakim, who is here? 14:01:32 On the phone I see Bartosz, Felix, Yves 14:01:33 On IRC I see chriLi, bbogacki, RRSAgent, Zakim, YvesS, fsasaki, trackbot-ng 14:01:49 +Christian 14:02:07 present: Bartosz, Christian, Yves, Felix 14:02:18 regrets: Richard 14:02:58 http://www.w3.org/International/its/track/actions/open 14:03:09 topic: action items 14:03:20 ACTION-2 - closed 14:04:41 ACTION-11 nothing heard from XForms folks, Felix will ping them again 14:04:48 ACTION-24 same with XProc 14:05:09 ACTION-33 and ACTION-45 pending 14:05:46 -Bartosz 14:05:54 ACTION-34 ongoing 14:06:34 +??P10 14:07:34 Felix: got some feedback : should we couple WG and IG time? 14:07:55 Yves: hope to finish WG in time and first, and after that move on to interest group 14:08:11 (agreement) 14:08:33 ACTION-46 to be discussed today 14:08:49 (Yves has created some text) 14:09:45 ACTION-47 closed, thanks to Bartosz for the proposal and RI and FS for implementing that 14:09:45 ACTION-47 Look into having numbers for BPs in the table of contents, Richard to see if he has some code for that closed 14:10:07 ACTION-48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0108.html 14:12:10 Yves: went through the text, didn't find any issues 14:14:12 (agreement that the text is fine) 14:14:17 ACTION-49 tbd 14:14:48 topic: Reviews 14:16:04 nothing new 14:16:08 topic: BP discussion 14:16:24 BP 24 14:16:29 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0106.html 14:20:00 Christian: proposal looks good, also Martin's remarks 14:20:13 Felix: +1 14:21:20 Yves: I'll continue the AI, ACTION-46 14:21:45 topic: BP "TBD" 14:21:50 Yves: look at tables 14:22:02 .. Richard has not looked at some parts in sec. 4 14:22:30 .. not much work has been done on grey text 14:22:46 .. e.g. some BP have a lot of links, others only one 14:24:49 .. in some cases it would just be fine 14:25:32 Felix: 1-6, Yves 7-12, Christian: 13-18, Bartosz 19-24 14:26:38 action: Felix and all others to go through grey text (links) Felix: 1-6, Yves 7-12, Bartosz 13-18, Christian: 19-24 14:26:38 Created ACTION-50 - And all others to go through grey text (links) Felix: 1-6, Yves 7-12, Bartosz 13-18, Christian: 19-24 [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-12-19]. 14:27:24 s/Christian: 13-18/Christian: 19-24/ 14:27:38 s/Bartosz 19-24/Bartosz 13-18/ 14:27:45 topic: BP other issues 14:27:58 Yves: some formatting in examples, need to look at it 14:28:23 topic: AOB 14:30:33 discussing upcoming meetings 14:31:44 Felix: propose to have another meeting on 9th January and publish 14 January 14:31:52 Yves: another meeting next week, 19 Dec. 14:32:07 .. after that no call for two weeks 14:32:15 (agreement) 14:33:16 topic: ITS-2-Y 14:33:20 Christian gives an update 14:43:13 Christian and Felix will send the latest stylesheets around 14:44:04 -Christian 14:44:06 -Felix 14:44:06 -Yves 14:44:07 I18N_TS()9:00AM has ended 14:44:08 Attendees were Felix, Bartosz, +29946aaaa, Yves, Christian 14:44:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/12-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:49:28 rrsagent, bye 14:49:28 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/12-i18nits-actions.rdf : 14:49:28 ACTION: Felix and all others to go through grey text (links) Felix: 1-6, Yves 7-12, Bartosz 13-18, Christian: 19-24 [1] 14:49:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/12-i18nits-irc#T14-26-38 14:49:30 zakim, bye 14:49:30 Zakim has left #i18nits 14:49:32 fsasaki has left #i18nits