14:51:46 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:51:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-bpwg-irc 14:51:48 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:51:48 Zakim has joined #bpwg 14:51:50 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:51:50 ok, trackbot-ng; I see MWI_BPWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 14:51:52 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:51:54 Date: 06 December 2007 14:54:16 [but seriously folks 14:55:20 Chair: DKA 14:55:27 :) 14:55:44 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2007Dec/0009.html 14:55:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-bpwg-minutes.html dom 14:56:55 Regrets: EdM, Nacho, Abel, Miguel, Alan 14:57:43 Regrets+ Phil 14:57:55 Regrets+ Adam 14:58:52 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has now started 14:59:00 +DKA 14:59:11 zakim, who is here? 14:59:11 On the phone I see DKA 14:59:13 On IRC I see RRSAgent, DKA, Jo, matt, francois, trackbot-ng, dom 15:00:10 +jo 15:00:14 -DKA 15:00:16 +DKA 15:00:40 +Sophia-meeting 15:01:00 rob has joined #bpwg 15:02:47 zakim, who's on the call? 15:02:47 On the phone I see DKA, jo, Sophia-meeting (muted) 15:02:48 Sophia-meeting has Dom, Francois 15:03:16 + +1.703.265.aaaa 15:03:50 zakim, aaaa is AlanTai 15:03:50 +AlanTai; got it 15:04:41 +Shahriar 15:04:58 rob has joined #bpwg 15:05:11 zakim, who is here? 15:05:11 On the phone I see DKA, jo, Sophia-meeting, AlanTai, Shahriar 15:05:12 Sophia-meeting has Dom, Francois 15:05:14 On IRC I see rob, Zakim, RRSAgent, DKA, Jo, matt, francois, trackbot-ng, dom 15:05:23 ScribeNick: dom 15:05:26 drooks has joined #bpwg 15:05:57 DKA: Welcome Alan from AOL! 15:06:15 Jo: Welcome Francois 15:06:16 ack Sophia 15:06:51 Francois: Hi everybody 15:07:00 ... met some of you in Boston (but had no status back then) 15:07:17 ... my background is in mobile-based search, initially in a French start-up, later bought up by Microsoft 15:07:22 +rob 15:07:30 ... I'll be working with Dom on getting up to speed 15:07:31 srowen has joined #bpwg 15:07:47 DKA: welcome francois ! 15:07:57 ... Glad to hear Dom will help as well 15:08:19 +Sean_Owen 15:08:41 q+ to suggest hearing from AlanT 15:08:49 ack Sophia 15:09:30 AlanT: I work at AOL 15:09:47 +??P29 15:09:47 ... I joined the group because the previous rep had left 15:09:54 zakim, ??P29 is drooks 15:09:54 +drooks; got it 15:10:02 ... I also work on mobile search in AOL 15:10:18 ... I met DKA at the mobile ajax workshop back in September 15:10:24 ... I'm still trying to get up to speed 15:10:34 ... I'm hoping to be able to participate in some of the important issues here 15:11:03 DKA: the work we're trying to inititate is a follow-up on the discussions we had at the mobile ajax workshop 15:11:15 ... one of the documents will be the BP 2nd phase doc, which will focus on mobile web applications 15:11:35 ... in the meantime, you'll hear a lot about our other task forces on content transformation, mobileOK checker, etc 15:11:58 ... (just as a rough idea for this meeting, which may not focus so much on the mobile web applications doc) 15:12:06 Alan_Tai has joined #bpwg 15:12:18 hi guys 15:12:19 Topic: Report from task forces 15:12:58 DKA: first, the CT task forces 15:12:58 Topic: Content Transformation Task Froce 15:12:58 s/Froce/Force/ 15:13:03 Jo: nobody has volunteered to become the lead for this task force 15:13:08 zakim, who is here? 15:13:08 On the phone I see DKA, jo, Sophia-meeting (muted), AlanTai, Shahriar, rob, Sean_Owen, drooks 15:13:10 Sophia-meeting has Dom, Francois 15:13:11 On IRC I see Alan_Tai, srowen, drooks, rob, Zakim, RRSAgent, DKA, Jo, matt, francois, trackbot-ng, dom 15:13:11 ... I won't be able to act as task force lead for much longer 15:13:46 ... that said, we have a draft document with lots of editorial comments, but has its basic shape formed 15:14:10 ... got contributions from ATT (Bryan) that we need to wove into the text 15:14:41 ... the doc needs a bit more review by the task force... we won't have a public FPWD before christmas 15:14:53 ... we're looking into asking for possible extensions to HTTP 15:15:01 ... have asked Mark Nottingham for feedback on this 15:15:14 ... Dom has also suggested we contact Yves Lafon from W3C on this point 15:15:17 ... which I haven't done yet 15:15:25 ... We need to be careful on what the task force does in this regard 15:15:32 ... since we can't recommend more than what HTTP allows 15:15:42 DKA: you're saying we won't have a public document soon 15:15:51 ... but the editors drafts are public, right? 15:16:15 ... so, what do you think is stopping us from making this an official public draft, on which we can call comments? 15:16:29 Jo: we need to fill up some missing sections, and get consensus in the TF 15:16:48 ... various members of the TF are extremely busy at this time 15:17:12 DKA: PLEASE, could you post the DAMN URI of the doc? 15:17:26 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/editors-drafts/Guidelines/071124 draft 1b 15:17:58 DKA: I wonder what we can do to have the doc published before the end of the year? 15:18:14 Jo: given the scheduled absences for the upcoming two weeks, it's simply not an option 15:18:28 q+ to suggest a specific action for getting a tf lead 15:18:37 ack sophia 15:19:25 ACTION: Dan to recruit a TF lead for CT 15:19:25 Created ACTION-608 - Recruit a TF lead for CT [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2007-12-13]. 15:20:24 DKA: is the call for the TF pre-emptively canceled next week? 15:20:27 Jo: No 15:20:33 DKA: I suggest it should 15:20:55 ... and see what can be done on the second week 15:21:11 ... see if we can get it ready before the moratorium 15:21:19 ... (even if the editors draft is already public) 15:21:24 q? 15:21:28 ack dom 15:21:28 dom, you wanted to suggest hearing from AlanT and to suggest a specific action for getting a tf lead 15:21:43 Topic: mobileOK checker TF 15:21:59 Sean: not a lot specific to report 15:22:08 ... we've received bug reports 15:22:20 ... we need to decided when to draw the line for the beta release 15:22:28 ... we don't have specific criteria 15:22:52 ... hoping to get even more comments on a beta release, and then release a final version sometimes next year 15:23:17 DKA: I have a question on the checker, related to the Korean mobileOK Basic profile 15:23:36 ... how much the code is parametrizable for things like page weight? 15:23:47 ... so that they could re-use the code for the Korean profile? 15:24:08 Sean: most of this kind of changes seem pretty trivial to make in the current code 15:24:23 ... but we could make it even easier (e.g. through configuration) 15:24:37 DKA: obviously, it's not idea they get their own mobileOK version 15:24:47 ... but it would be even less ideal that they would get their own library 15:24:55 ... it would be much better if they can use the same code 15:25:10 Sean: once their profile is finalized, we can see what needs to be adapted 15:25:29 DKA: when do you think the beta can be released? before the end of the year? 15:25:39 Sean: I guess we can pick the time as we need 15:25:46 ... I don't think we're in much hurry 15:25:55 q+ to say this relates to the test suite question for mobileOK Basic 15:26:01 q? 15:26:05 ... I think we can play by the ear 15:26:14 ... and declare it as beta when we feel like it 15:26:17 ack dom 15:26:18 ack sophia 15:26:18 dom, you wanted to say this relates to the test suite question for mobileOK Basic 15:27:25 dom: this relates to the test suite we needs for mobileOK CR 15:29:08 ACTION: Dom to get the work on the mobileOK test suite started 15:29:08 Created ACTION-609 - Get the work on the mobileOK test suite started [on Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux - due 2007-12-13]. 15:30:12 SeanP has joined #bpwg 15:30:17 Topic: mobileOK Pro TF 15:30:34 DKA: we have an agreed date and location for the work session on mobileOK Pro tests 15:30:52 ... early February in London 15:31:04 ... room is reserved at Vodafone's offices 15:31:11 +SeanP 15:31:26 q+ to mumble about charter, formal leader of the TF timescales etc. 15:31:30 q? 15:31:33 ack jo 15:31:33 Jo, you wanted to mumble about charter, formal leader of the TF timescales etc. 15:32:05 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/37584/MobileOK-Pro/results Results of mobileOK Pro survey 15:32:17 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/37584/MobileOK-Pro/results#xq3 List of persons interested in editing mobileOK Pro 15:32:24 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/ Task Force 15:32:46 Jo: if we want mobileOK Pro to be handled by a TF, we need to set it up as a TF according to our rules (e.g. having a leader, a web space) 15:32:54 s/Task Force/Task Force Rules/ 15:33:03 DKA: we had a number of people stepping up to help building the spec 15:33:16 ... willing to put time on this work item 15:33:35 ... but we weren't able to schedule this before the end of year, and so this has been pushed back to February 15:33:36 q+ to say that this is going to take longer and needs a longer term commitment 15:33:48 ... my personal idea is that we'll deal with defining the paramters of the TF during that session 15:33:58 s/mter/meter/ 15:34:19 ... so, given the delay before that meeting, it might be a good idea for the group to discuss this parameters beforehand 15:34:23 ... but maybe not today 15:34:24 q? 15:34:26 ack jo 15:34:26 Jo, you wanted to say that this is going to take longer and needs a longer term commitment 15:34:30 ... what about putting on next week's agenda? 15:34:49 Jo: sounds good 15:35:08 ... I think Kai is proposing himself as a leader of this TF 15:35:30 DKA: right, but that predates the notion of TF itself 15:36:15 Jo: we should check if he's interested in being the leader of this TF 15:36:27 ... and if he is, action-ing him to write a charter for the TF 15:36:46 ACTION: Dan to check with Kai if he's interested in leading the mobileOK pro TF and asking him to prepare a TF charter if so 15:36:46 Created ACTION-610 - Check with Kai if he's interested in leading the mobileOK pro TF and asking him to prepare a TF charter if so [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2007-12-13]. 15:38:03 Topic: Issues and Actions Tidy Up 15:38:15 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/ Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Issue/Action Summary 15:38:19 q? 15:39:06 DKA: (about the accessibility doc) does it make sense to go through the document without Alan on the call? 15:39:13 Jo: Alan won't be on the call next week either 15:39:27 ... members of the group are supposed to have read the document by now 15:39:44 ... I think the group should give Alan feedback asap 15:39:57 ... the group hasn't reviewed the document at all yet 15:40:06 DKA: we did at the F2F 15:40:20 Jo: I'd rather not have to lead the discussion on the accessibility document 15:40:38 i/DKA: (/Topic: Accessibility document/ 15:40:47 s/document/document because my voice will not hold out/ 15:40:48 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/Accessibility/drafts/lates 15:41:02 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/Accessibility/drafts/latest Accessbility doc editors's draft 15:41:45 DKA: my understanding is that the document is organized from a perspective of content authors who are interested both in accessibility and mobile web best practices 15:42:18 ... it describes what needs to be done if you've followed the BP and want to make your content accessible 15:42:35 ... from what I understand, the document is intended to be informational rather than normative 15:42:38 ack sophia 15:43:26 Dom: that's also my understanding 15:44:06 DKA: section 2 describes the high-level view of the commonalities between accessibility and mobility 15:44:32 ... section 3 on how people with disabilities use the mobile web, but it is still empty 15:44:36 ack sopha 15:44:38 ack sophia 15:45:07 ... does anybody knows whether this is going to be filled up? 15:45:28 ... that may not be a showstopper, but would be good to know Alan's plans for this section 15:45:47 ... Section 4 explains in details how each BP can help accessibility-wise 15:46:01 ... and relates it to the level of WCAG 1.0 compliance as relevant 15:46:36 ... the document also means to cover wcag 2.0, but is currently still sketchy 15:47:05 ... I don't have enough background on WCAG 2.0 to make a judgment call on whether this matched what WCAG 2.0 or not 15:47:21 ... I think it's really up to Alan to sync with Shawn Henry and the WAI EO WG on this 15:48:43 ... the document finishes on how to use both WCAG and BP to achieve Web nirvana 15:48:56 ... there is still lots of missing stuff, but already plenty good stuff too 15:49:24 ... since the doc is now part of the WG-as-a-whole, I think we need to split up the work among WG participants to complete the missing parts 15:49:55 ... although it seems to be a prerequisite to be knowledgeable on WCAG 1.0 and 2.0 to be able to work on this 15:50:19 ... either by being already familiar with it, or doing extended research on it 15:50:39 ... except for Alan and Charles, I don't think many of us are very familiar with them unfortunately 15:50:53 ... Any suggestions as to how we can speed up the process in these conditions? 15:51:09 Jo: I don't really know how we can avoid that problem really 15:51:22 DKA: could we involve the community on this? 15:51:24 q+ 15:51:27 ack sophia 15:51:29 ack dom 15:52:14 Dom: the best way to get community involvement is to release the doc as FPWD, I would say 15:52:20 DKA: I agree 15:52:35 ... we probably need to get agreement from the EO WG though 15:53:21 q+ to note that a similar amount of work is needed on the ProTests - so caveat Pro Task Force 15:53:29 ... should I check with Alan and Shawn on whether they're ok with it? 15:53:34 ack me 15:53:34 Jo, you wanted to note that a similar amount of work is needed on the ProTests - so caveat Pro Task Force 15:53:57 Dom: sounds good; make it clear we're very much aware this isn't anywhere ready, but we're trying to get more visibility on that work 15:54:08 Jo: the amount of work needed is huge 15:54:30 ACTION: Dan to check with Shawn and Alan on getting current doc as FPWD 15:54:30 Created ACTION-611 - Check with Shawn and Alan on getting current doc as FPWD [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2007-12-13]. 15:54:48 [and a similar amount is needed on the Pro Tests, so the Pro Task force needs to be aware of that] 15:56:20 s/current doc as FPWD/current editors draft of accessibility document as FPWD/g 15:56:40 DKA: we could go through issues and actions, or end the call early 15:57:22 Topic: Action and issue review 15:57:56 DKA: ok, let's end early, and leave it to group members to update their actions before next week 15:58:09 [adjourned] 15:58:17 -jo 15:58:18 -Shahriar 15:58:19 -Sophia-meeting 15:58:20 -drooks 15:58:21 -SeanP 15:58:23 As of this point the attendees have been DKA, jo, Dom, Francois, +1.703.265.aaaa, AlanTai, Shahriar, rob, Sean_Owen, drooks, SeanP 15:58:26 -DKA 15:58:28 RRSagent, draft minutes 15:58:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-bpwg-minutes.html dom 15:58:32 -rob 15:58:33 -AlanTai 15:58:42 -Sean_Owen 15:58:43 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has ended 15:58:44 Attendees were DKA, jo, Dom, Francois, +1.703.265.aaaa, AlanTai, Shahriar, rob, Sean_Owen, drooks, SeanP 15:58:53 Jo has left #bpwg 15:58:55 rob has left #bpwg 18:01:25 Zakim has left #bpwg