19:00:25 RRSAgent has joined #sml 19:00:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/29-sml-irc 19:00:47 + +1.603.823.aabb 19:00:49 +[Microsoft] 19:00:53 pratul has joined #sml 19:00:59 Jordan has joined #sml 19:01:02 zakim, aabb is me 19:01:02 +ginny; got it 19:01:09 +Sandy 19:01:24 zakim, aabb is me 19:01:24 sorry, Kirk, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 19:01:30 + +1.303.495.aacc 19:01:35 zakim, aaaa is me 19:01:35 +ginny; got it 19:01:38 zakim, ginny is really Kirk 19:01:38 +Kirk; got it 19:01:44 zakim, aacc is me 19:01:44 +Jordan; got it 19:01:47 zakim, who's here? 19:01:47 On the phone I see MSM, ginny.a, [Microsoft], Kirk, Sandy, Jordan 19:01:48 On IRC I see Jordan, pratul, RRSAgent, Zakim, Sandy, Kirk, MSM, ginny, trackbot-ng 19:01:49 Valentina has joined #sml 19:01:56 zakim, Microsoft is me 19:01:56 +pratul; got it 19:01:59 + +1.845.433.aadd 19:02:14 mute ginny.a 19:02:32 zakim, who's muted 19:02:32 MSM, you need to end that query with '?' 19:02:35 zakim, who's muted? 19:02:35 I see no one muted 19:02:41 + +1.416.386.aaee 19:02:41 zakim, mute ginny.a 19:02:42 ginny.a should now be muted 19:02:49 zakim, aaee is me 19:02:49 +Valentina; got it 19:02:53 zakim, unmute ginny 19:02:53 ginny.a should no longer be muted 19:03:04 johnarwe has joined #sml 19:03:29 zakim, who's here? 19:03:29 On the phone I see MSM, ginny.a, pratul, Kirk, Sandy, Jordan, +1.845.433.aadd, Valentina 19:03:31 On IRC I see johnarwe, Valentina, Jordan, pratul, RRSAgent, Zakim, Sandy, Kirk, MSM, ginny, trackbot-ng 19:03:37 zakim, aadd is me 19:03:37 +johnarwe; got it 19:03:38 zakim, mute Kirk 19:03:39 Kirk should now be muted 19:03:44 zakim, unmute Kirk 19:03:44 Kirk should no longer be muted 19:05:43 i'm here, too ;-) 19:06:41 meeting: W3C SML Teleconference of 2007-11-29 19:06:46 scribe: Sandy Gao 19:06:50 scribenick: Sandy 19:07:00 chair: John Arwe 19:07:29 topic: Approval of minutes from previous meeting 19:07:32 +[Microsoft] 19:08:29 Kumar has joined #sml 19:08:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Nov/0301.html 19:09:27 RESOLUTION: approve meeting minutes from 11/26 at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Nov/0301.html. 19:09:35 topic: Upcoming meetings 19:10:32 John: Jan.08 local arrangement page not available yet. 19:11:16 John: SML needs to decide whether we want to attend Tue. activity. 19:13:05 RESOLUTION: WG believes we have enough meeting time even if we finish early on Tue. and attend the activity. 19:13:13 topic: Action items 19:13:56 139: reassigned to Kumar 19:15:10 153: reassigned to Ginny 19:15:49 topic: Review bugs with no keywords or target 19:16:40 5283 "interchange set" or "interchange model" 19:17:07 RESOLUTION: postpone. set target milestone to "CR". 19:18:21 topic: fragments bug(s) 4636, 4656 19:25:21 RESOLUTION: WG approves changes suggested in comment #8 of bug 4656. Change 4656 to "resolved+fixed". 19:26:19 s/ 4636, 4656/ 19:26:45 rrsagent, make log public 19:26:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 19:26:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/29-sml-minutes.html Sandy 19:27:23 RESOLUTION: WONTFIX for 4657 19:28:33 RESOLUTION: WONTFIX for 5133 19:29:03 topic: "data" bugs 19:31:42 RESOLUTION: WG approves changes suggested in comment #5 of bug 5272. Change 5272 to "resolved+fixed". 19:32:19 topic: "schema" bugs 19:35:14 MSM: suggest to change "may not be able" to "may be unable", because "may not" could be read as "must not". 19:35:56 RESOLUTION: WG approves changes suggested in comment #2 of bug 5178, with MSM's above amendment. Change 5178 to "resolved+fixed". 19:39:49 SG: About the question raised in comment #5, suggest to add back the attribute wildcard to "dataType". 19:40:11 s/comment #5/comment #5 of bug 4770 19:40:34 MSM has joined #sml 19:40:43 +Zulah_Eckert 19:42:13 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comment #4 and #5 of 4770, as well as the change suggested above to add back the attribute wildcard to "dataType". 19:42:49 cgi-irc has joined #sml 19:46:08 Ginny: propo 19:46:47 s/propo/the proposal in comment #6 of bug 4774, why ignore schemaLocation on imports? 19:48:42 Sandy: schema allows different behaviors regarding handling. here we try to prescribe a deterministic approach for assembling schemas. 19:49:22 MSM: why make optional? 19:49:39 Ginny: and what impact does it have to inter-op? 19:50:44 John: A compromise to help existing implementations. 19:53:27 Ginny: what problems did try to solve? 19:53:53 John: multiple versions, chameleon includes, schema document exchange etc. 19:54:32 John: for most cases, workaround is available. 19:56:05 MSM: a little uneasy about being optional. 19:56:24 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comment #6 of bug 4774. 19:57:14 topic: EPR bugs 20:00:52 Zulah: question about the EPR proposal. don't understand why we need EPR in additional to URI scheme. 20:03:37 Kirk: Valentina sent out use cases earlier. linked from comment #1 in bug 4637. 20:04:23 Ginny: for guaranteed inter-op, SML URI scheme should be used. 20:04:50 We will defer this bug till the call next Monday. Zulah will study Kirk's proposal and Valentina's use cases and post her comments before then. 20:06:02 Pratul: do other people have comments on the EPR proposal? 20:08:28 Ginny: also wondering whether we need to include ERP in our spec. So only include URI schema. 20:08:52 Zulah: I share Ginny's concern. 20:10:18 Kirk: Certain EPR can provide inter-op. 20:12:06 Ginny: level 1 and level 2 in IF affects inter-op. 20:12:47 John: level 2 allows cross-vendor inter-op; level 1 allows intra-vendor interchange without having to always use the URI scheme. 20:14:12 Pratul: level 1 and 2 apply to documents, not producer/consumers. 20:18:02 Will put this on the agenda for next Monday. 20:18:24 topic: identity constraint bugs 20:20:58 RESOLUTION: WG approves changes suggested in comment #4 of bug 5024. Change 5024 to "resolved+fixed". 20:27:30 Ginny: about 4995, trying to see whether the "ref" attribute can be used to reduce the need to duplicate keys. if so, may be able to live with "scope". 20:28:14 Kumar: "scope" is a big implementation burden. can be added in a later version, which is not a breaking change. 20:30:29 Kumar: and it can be worked around in most cases by using existing mechanisms. 20:30:56 -Zulah_Eckert 20:31:02 Ginny: not completely satisfied, but can live with not having "scope". 20:32:27 RESOLUTION: won't fix for 4995. 20:33:57 topic: DTD handling 4687 20:39:26 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comments #6, #7, and the amendment in #9, of 4687. 20:40:18 Editors should make sure the amendment in comment #9 is clearly specified in the wording. 20:40:49 topic: localization bugs 20:41:03 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comments #2 of 4772. 20:41:23 topic: cycle bugs 20:44:30 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comments #15 of 4639. 20:46:20 John: suggest to make 5108 dependent on 4793. 20:47:15 ... and mark 5108 as editorial. 20:51:09 RESOLUTION: make 5108 editorial and depend on 4793. 20:52:55 topic: 5181 xml base 20:55:39 Kumar: when for bullet 3.d, when the primary alias is absolute, then the IF baseURI is ignored. 20:56:45 Sandy: would help to have a conceptual alias, which is always absolute. if the syntax to specify an alias is relative, then it is absolutized using the IF-wide baseURI. 20:57:00 ... then whenever we talk about "alias", it's always absolute. 21:00:30 MSM: maybe we can specify that xml:base can only appear once in SML-IF document, then we don't need to invent our own baseURI element. 21:01:27 -pratul 21:01:38 -Kirk 21:01:40 -Jordan 21:01:42 -ginny.a 21:01:43 -johnarwe 21:01:44 -[Microsoft] 21:01:46 -Sandy 21:01:47 -Valentina 21:01:47 -MSM 21:01:49 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 21:01:51 Attendees were MSM, +1.530.823.aaaa, +1.603.823.aabb, Sandy, +1.303.495.aacc, Kirk, Jordan, pratul, +1.845.433.aadd, +1.416.386.aaee, Valentina, johnarwe, [Microsoft], Zulah_Eckert 21:02:06 RESOLUTION: accept proposal in comment #4 of 5181, as clarified above. 21:02:20 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:02:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/29-sml-minutes.html Sandy 21:07:27 rrsagent, bye 21:07:27 I see no action items