13:57:19 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:57:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-i18nits-irc 13:57:24 meeting: i18n ITS WG 13:57:26 chair: Yves 13:57:29 scribe: Felix 13:57:33 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:57:48 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0025.html 13:58:12 I18N_TS()9:00AM has now started 13:58:14 +??P5 13:59:51 Jirka has joined #i18nits 14:00:15 +??P6 14:00:16 -??P6 14:00:16 +??P6 14:01:10 Felix: for some reason our phone lines are completely dead right now :( Please start without me when everyone is there. 14:01:38 +ChriLi 14:02:12 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:03:06 +Felix 14:03:48 working again... I'm coming 14:03:56 +Yves_Savourel 14:04:25 present: Christian, Bartosz, Yves, Jirka, Felix 14:04:29 topic: action items 14:04:32 http://www.w3.org/International/its/track/actions/open 14:05:05 ACTION-2 OPEN waiting for XHTML2 WG, Felix will contact them again 14:05:13 ACTION-3 OPEN 14:06:22 ACTION-11 Felix will XForms people, will ping them again during their CR or PR phase 14:06:32 ACTION-24 OPEN 14:06:39 ACTION-31 OPEN 14:07:54 ACTION-45 also open, Felix proposes to follow up offline with Richard - agreement 14:11:09 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html#GenPrecInherit 14:11:28 ACTION-34 OPEN, Felix will bring charter to the team 14:11:35 ACTION 41 - CLOSED 14:11:37 ACTION 42 - CLOSED 14:13:12 Jirka: update on XProc: tomorrow we will see a new draft which addresses some of our comments 14:13:29 topic: Reviewing 14:13:44 http://www.w3.org/TR/#last-call 14:14:44 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html 14:14:47 topic: Best Practices Working Draft 14:16:48 everybody is fine with Richard's edits 14:17:17 topic: TODOs in the WD 14:19:22 Yves: Richard finished sec. 2, I'll finalize the tables 14:19:34 topic: meetings 14:19:49 we have four more meetings, one is 26th of December, few people on the call 14:21:00 Yves: we should be able to finish the BP WG this year, please bring up other topics 14:24:40 topic: AOB 14:25:04 some update on ITS converter tool 14:25:12 -ChriLi 14:25:13 -Felix 14:25:13 -Bartosz 14:25:15 -Yves_Savourel 14:26:44 Jirka has left #i18nits 14:27:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:33:39 rrsagent, bye 14:33:39 I see no action items