13:58:42 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:58:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/21-i18nits-irc 13:58:50 Zakim has joined #i18nits 13:59:02 meeting: i18n ITS WG 13:59:05 chair: Yves 13:59:09 scribe: Felix 13:59:12 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:59:35 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0024.html 14:00:22 I18N_TS()9:00AM has now started 14:00:23 +??P5 14:00:47 +Jirka 14:00:48 -Jirka 14:00:48 +Jirka 14:00:54 +Felix 14:03:24 +ChriLi 14:03:55 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:04:16 topic: action items 14:04:26 http://www.w3.org/International/its/track/actions/open 14:04:39 ACTION-2 OPEN 14:04:50 ACTION-3 OPEN 14:05:05 ACTION-11 OPEN 14:05:19 ACTION-24 OPEN 14:05:31 ACTION-31 OPEN 14:05:44 ACTION-33 OPEN 14:06:15 ACTION-34 OPEN 14:06:53 Felix: will try to move charter proposal forward within w3c 14:07:05 .. please sent more feedback via mail 14:07:28 ACTION-42 OPEN , see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0052.html 14:10:12 r12a has joined #i18nits 14:10:15 present: Bartosz, Christian, Jirka, Richard, Felix 14:10:33 zakim, dial richard 14:10:33 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:10:35 +Richard 14:10:46 zakim, drop richard 14:10:46 Richard is being disconnected 14:10:48 -Richard 14:11:18 zakim, dial richard 14:11:18 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:11:20 +Richard 14:14:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0043.html 14:29:48 Felix will summarize discussion in a mail, move this forward after Yves is back 14:30:42 YvesS has joined #i18nits 14:30:57 Sorry for being late... I'm coming. 14:31:22 ACTION-42 input path example at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0052.html 14:31:52 +Yves_Savourel 14:34:24 Richard: Yves example was a real example, right? 14:34:34 Yves: yes, but a reviewer had a problem to understand that 14:34:56 .. proposal in 0052 mail may be more clearer for that 14:36:50 ACTION-43 see proposal at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0051.html 14:37:49 everybody fine with Felix proposal, and Christian's amendments 14:38:14 ACTION-44 , see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0046.html 14:38:18 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html#idIntro 14:39:23 fine to Richard & Felix 14:39:32 topic: format review 14:39:34 nothing new 14:39:37 topic: discussion 14:39:41 BP 8 and 9 14:39:44 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0038.html 14:42:20 Richard and Yves discuss the mail 14:49:11 s/Richard and Yves discuss the mail/discussion of the mail/ 14:55:32 BP 12, 13 and 15. Richard saw http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007OctDec/0054.html mail from Christian, is working on it 14:55:42 topic: BP progress 14:56:01 Richard: focusing on first two sections of the document, hope to finish these 14:56:23 topic: AOB 14:57:07 general thanks to Richard! 15:01:54 topic: ITS2Y tool 15:02:17 Felix makes a report on the current state. Richard says that it's ok to link to this from the i18n HP 15:04:28 Christian, Richard: put W3C software license on it, and make clear that it is a w3c deliverable of the WG 15:04:42 Christian: make sure that this is W3C work, and part of the ITS WG 15:05:09 Richard: sounds fine, Felix, let's make sure there are no issues here 15:05:55 Christian: I'll update the description document and send an updated version 15:06:28 .. I'll send it to all people on the call 15:06:50 -Jirka 15:06:51 -ChriLi 15:06:52 -Bartosz 15:06:53 -Felix 15:06:54 -Yves_Savourel 15:07:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/21-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:07:25 Jirka has left #i18nits 15:11:53 disconnecting the lone participant, Richard, in I18N_TS()9:00AM 15:11:56 I18N_TS()9:00AM has ended 15:11:57 Attendees were Jirka, Felix, Bartosz, ChriLi, Richard, Yves_Savourel 15:15:58 action: Felix to summarize discussion at 21 Nov. call of "this version vs. latest v. links" 15:15:58 Created ACTION-45 - Summarize discussion at 21 Nov. call of \"this version vs. latest v. links\" [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-11-28]. 15:16:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/21-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:16:43 rrsagent, bye 15:16:43 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/21-i18nits-actions.rdf : 15:16:43 ACTION: Felix to summarize discussion at 21 Nov. call of "this version vs. latest v. links" [1] 15:16:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/21-i18nits-irc#T15-15-58 15:16:47 zakim, bye 15:16:47 Zakim has left #i18nits