17:00:34 RRSAgent has joined #owl 17:00:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/19-owl-irc 17:00:48 +Carsten 17:01:03 +MikeSmith 17:01:28 ok, seemed to just need the zakim invite to open things up 17:01:29 zakim, mute me 17:01:29 Carsten should now be muted 17:01:42 +??P6 17:01:49 zakim, ??p6 is me 17:01:49 +bijan; got it 17:01:56 zakim, mute me 17:01:56 bijan should now be muted 17:02:14 +Alan_Ruttenberg 17:02:50 zakim, who is on the call 17:02:50 I don't understand 'who is on the call', MikeSmith 17:03:29 zakim, who's here? 17:03:34 On the phone I see ??P2 (muted), +44.789.107.aaaa (muted), Carsten (muted), MikeSmith, bijan (muted), Alan_Ruttenberg 17:03:40 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Carsten, MikeSmith, uli, bijan, sandro, trackbot-ng 17:03:46 zakim, ??P2 is me 17:03:51 +uli; got it 17:04:15 jeremy 17:04:19 alanr 17:05:03 do we have an agenda? 17:05:22 Agenda at http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/DataType.Telecon.2007.11.19/Agenda 17:08:33 mike: introduces agenda, rqmts for in-line, external data types 17:08:46 zakim, unmute me 17:08:46 bijan should no longer be muted 17:08:58 http://protege.stanford.edu/plugins/owl/xsp.html 17:09:13 alanr: innteresting to hear what the motivation is for in-line datatypes. what would go wrong with just external? 17:09:56 bijan: people don't like having definitions in external file, experience from Protege 3.x 17:10:49 bijan: avoid overhead for always naming types 17:11:52 alanr: is there an argument that necessitates a separate syntax for RDF/OWL? 17:12:16 bijan: the argument is that its not clear tools could find XML Schema syntax in-line 17:12:28 q? 17:12:57 bijan: some argue its more familiar for people from RDF background 17:13:11 q+ 17:13:33 zakim, mute me 17:13:33 bijan should now be muted 17:13:55 ack 17:14:00 q+ alan 17:14:47 zakim, +44.789,107.aaaa is jeremy 17:14:47 sorry, MikeSmith, I do not recognize a party named '+44.789,107.aaaa' 17:14:51 zakim, +44.789,107.aaaa is jjc 17:14:51 sorry, MikeSmith, I do not recognize a party named '+44.789,107.aaaa' 17:14:58 zakim, +aaaa is jjc 17:14:58 sorry, MikeSmith, I do not recognize a party named '+aaaa' 17:15:03 zakim, aaaa is jjc 17:15:03 +jjc; got it 17:15:39 jjc: unnamed datatypes are advantageous, use-case for in-line user defined datatypes 17:16:03 q- jjc 17:16:23 -Alan_Ruttenberg 17:16:49 jjc: issue with serialization of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML, particularly qnames in attributes 17:17:13 q- aaaa 17:17:15 +Alan_Ruttenberg 17:17:21 q- 17:17:46 acks next 17:18:20 acks uli 17:18:42 uli: issue with XML schema types is closely related to using other types in OWL 17:18:47 http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n#NoNSPrefixRewriting 17:19:07 q+ to reply to uli 17:20:02 I can almost define rationals in xml schema 17:20:16 Definiteately in XML schema + an additional constraint 17:20:19 acks alan 17:20:34 zakim, who's talking 17:20:34 I don't understand 'who's talking', MikeSmith 17:20:39 zakim, who is talking 17:20:39 I don't understand 'who is talking', MikeSmith 17:20:44 bijan, ...i see - but will they look like the "true" xml schema types? 17:20:50 yep 17:20:54 zakim, unmute me 17:20:54 bijan should no longer be muted 17:21:25 acks bijan 17:21:25 bijan, you wanted to reply to uli 17:21:46 alan: concern over defiing, e.g. owl:rational 17:22:19 bijan: owl extensibility requires URIs. owl:rational could be defined, doesn't seem to be a big deal 17:23:12 bijan: clarifying Uli, Alan, are you saying reusing XML Schema syntax might put burden on future datatypes 17:23:25 uli: concern was that other datatypes look like native types 17:23:36 bijan: yes, I believe that they would 17:23:58 bijan: we could use a relax ng type syntax as an inline syntax 17:24:00 q? 17:24:25 acks jjc 17:24:55 jjc: take it that XML Schema types are a given, largely b/c OWL 1.0 supported XML Schema types 17:25:12 jjc: query about how the value space mapping for rational could work 17:25:21 q? 17:26:19 discussion of representation of rational as pair of integers 17:26:38 zakim, mute me 17:26:38 bijan should now be muted 17:29:19 discussion of XSCD, what they offer, are needed 17:29:55 jjc: the rqmt for us, is less than all of XSCD. we could take less of a solution if it provided re-usable URIs 17:30:22 a query has been sent to the XML Schema WG chair on the status of XSCD 17:32:21 zakim, unmute me 17:32:21 bijan should no longer be muted 17:33:06 alanr: can we say that if URI is present you can reference external 17:33:08 zakim, mute me 17:33:08 bijan should now be muted 17:33:24 alanr: suggest we move forward with that proposal, on Wed telecon 17:34:13 -jjc 17:34:15 -Carsten 17:34:15 bye 17:34:15 -bijan 17:34:17 -Alan_Ruttenberg 17:34:17 -MikeSmith 17:34:19 uli has left #owl 17:34:24 -uli 17:34:26 SW_OWL()12:00PM has ended 17:34:27 Attendees were MikeSmith, +44.789.107.aaaa, Carsten, bijan, Alan_Ruttenberg, uli, jjc 17:34:57 scribenick: mikesmith 17:35:08 scribenick: MikeSmith 17:35:21 RRSAgent, make record public 17:42:40 rrsagent, publish minutes 17:42:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/19-owl-minutes.html MikeSmith 17:56:04 zakim, leave 17:56:05 Zakim has left #owl 19:35:18 sandro has joined #owl 21:20:18 sandro has joined #owl