14:37:08 RRSAgent has joined #rif 14:37:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/10/09-rif-irc 14:37:30 Zakim, this will be rif 14:37:30 ok, csma; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 23 minutes 14:38:02 Meeting: RIF telecon 9 October 2007 14:38:20 Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie 14:39:02 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2007Oct/0026.html 14:40:07 csma has changed the topic to: 9 Oct RIF telecon agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2007Oct/0026.html 14:41:10 agenda+ Admin 14:41:19 zakim, reset agenda 14:41:19 I don't understand 'reset agenda', csma 14:41:25 zakim, close agenda 14:41:25 I don't understand 'close agenda', csma 14:41:35 zakim, cancel agenda 14:41:37 I don't understand 'cancel agenda', csma 14:41:45 zakim, erase agenda 14:41:45 I don't understand 'erase agenda', csma 14:41:52 agenda- 14:41:58 agenda? 14:42:11 agenda- 5 14:42:25 agenda- 4 14:42:48 agenda+ BLD WD2 issues 14:43:14 agenda+ Arch: naming conventions 14:43:31 agenda+ Arch: Test cases 14:43:39 agenda+ AOB 14:46:54 patranja has joined #rif 14:52:38 ChrisW has joined #rif 14:53:43 barry_b has joined #rif 14:58:52 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 14:58:58 +??P17 14:59:25 zakim, ??P17 is me 14:59:25 +csma; got it 14:59:29 AllenGinsberg has joined #rif 15:00:40 +Sandro 15:00:43 -csma 15:00:44 +csma 15:00:45 Hassan has joined #rif 15:00:57 + +1.703.453.aaaa 15:01:36 zakim, aaaa is me; 15:01:37 +me;; got it 15:01:37 josb has joined #rif 15:01:38 +josb 15:02:09 +PaulaP 15:02:09 Doug has joined #rif 15:02:49 zakim, aaaa is AllenGinsberg 15:02:49 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:59 +DougL 15:03:01 sorry, AllenGinsberg, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:03:03 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, me;, josb, +49.892.1.aacc, +1.512.342.aadd 15:03:11 zakim, me is AllenGinsberg 15:03:22 +AllenGinsberg; got it 15:03:29 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:30 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, AllenGinsberg, josb, +49.892.1.aacc, +1.512.342.aadd 15:03:40 Zakim, aadd is me 15:03:40 +Doug; got it 15:03:49 Zakim, who is on the phone 15:03:50 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Doug 15:03:59 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:59 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, AllenGinsberg, josb, PaulaP, Doug 15:04:09 IgorMozetic has joined #rif 15:04:26 +??P24 15:04:56 zakim, ??P24 is Hassan 15:04:56 +Hassan; got it 15:05:43 I am having trouble phoning in. The usual conference key is not working. 15:05:50 zakim, mute me 15:05:50 AllenGinsberg should now be muted 15:05:55 AdrianP has joined #RIF 15:06:23 barry, the code is rifwg 15:07:07 Harold has joined #rif 15:07:18 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:07:18 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, AllenGinsberg (muted), josb, PaulaP, Doug, Hassan (muted) 15:07:35 PaulVincent has joined #rif 15:07:43 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 15:07:51 LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif 15:07:52 +[NRCC] 15:08:02 zakim, unmute me 15:08:02 AllenGinsberg should no longer be muted 15:08:05 +Gary_Hallmark 15:08:14 zakim, [NRCC] is me 15:08:14 +Harold; got it 15:08:19 +??P31 15:08:35 zakim, mute me 15:08:35 AllenGinsberg should now be muted 15:08:46 AdrianP has joined #RIF 15:08:48 Scribe:Gary Hallmark 15:08:59 +??P39 15:08:59 GaryHallmark has joined #rif 15:09:00 +??P35 15:09:03 scribenick: GaryHallmark 15:09:31 ??P35 is me 15:09:38 zakim, next agendum 15:09:38 agendum 1. "Admin" taken up [from ChrisW] 15:09:52 +AdrianP 15:10:12 zakim, ??P35 is me 15:10:12 +LeoraMorgenstern; got it 15:10:16 zakim, mute me 15:10:16 LeoraMorgenstern should now be muted 15:10:28 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:10:28 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, AllenGinsberg (muted), josb, PaulaP (muted), Doug, Hassan (muted), Harold, Gary_Hallmark, DaveReynolds, PaulVincent, LeoraMorgenstern (muted), 15:10:32 ... +49.351.6.aaee 15:10:45 Zakim, aaee is me 15:10:45 +AdrianP; got it 15:11:39 Zakim, mute me 15:11:39 AdrianP should now be muted 15:11:57 resolved: f2f7 minutes accepted 15:12:07 zakim, next agendum 15:12:07 agendum 2. "Liason" taken up [from ChrisW] 15:12:53 action 342 continued 15:13:12 No PRR news 15:13:31 josb: who is owl liason? 15:13:46 sandro: 1st telecon tomorrow 15:14:02 ... for new OWL WG 15:14:42 I expect to 15:14:44 sandro is OWL liason 15:16:09 zakim, next agendum 15:16:09 agendum 6. "BLD WD2 issues" taken up [from csma] 15:17:04 csma: sandro, any f2f8 updates? 15:17:12 zakim, list agenda 15:17:12 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 15:17:13 6. BLD WD2 issues [from csma] 15:17:14 7. Arch: naming conventions [from csma] 15:17:15 8. Arch: Test cases [from csma] 15:17:16 9. AOB [from csma] 15:19:10 action on sandro to send reminder to register for f2f8 15:19:36 action 355 completed 15:20:05 action 354 continued 15:20:45 action 353 continued 15:22:11 action 352 continued, 351 dropped (duplicate) 15:22:19 action 350 continued 15:22:29 action 349 continued 15:23:19 action 349, 250 deadline Oct 20 15:23:29 s/250/350 15:24:27 csma: split BLD? 15:24:29 q+ 15:24:36 ack josb 15:24:55 josb: defer until after WD2 15:25:14 +Sandro.a 15:25:25 -Sandro 15:25:36 csma: docs may not be complete enough to split 15:26:46 sandro: is OWL/RDF separable (and ignorable)? 15:27:18 q+ 15:27:23 josb: they are completely separable 15:27:39 ... no dependencies from main doc 15:28:20 ack harol 15:28:44 q+ 15:29:09 MichaelKifer has joined #rif 15:29:09 harold: also concerned about separability 15:30:35 +??P40 15:30:43 sandro: split may not take much effort 15:30:52 zakim, ??P40 is me 15:30:52 +IgorMozetic; got it 15:30:57 zakim, mute me 15:30:57 IgorMozetic should now be muted 15:31:26 +??P20 15:31:36 csma: editor's note could describe possible future doc split 15:31:39 zakim, P20 is me 15:31:39 sorry, MichaelKifer, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 15:32:12 zakim, ??P20 is me 15:32:12 +MichaelKifer; got it 15:32:20 zakim, mute me 15:32:20 MichaelKifer should now be muted 15:33:15 ... editor's notes to call out sections that are not required for specific purposes 15:34:07 ack josb 15:35:15 josb: confident of semantic independence of owl/rdf section 15:35:42 sandro: good idea to split now 15:36:34 +1 15:36:36 +1 15:36:38 +1 15:36:39 +1 15:36:40 who is in favor of splitting? 15:36:41 +1 splitting 15:36:44 +1 15:36:47 1 15:36:49 +1 15:36:52 +1 15:36:57 +1 15:37:06 -1 15:37:14 0 15:37:18 no splitting indicated by -1 15:37:21 0 15:37:22 0 15:37:26 0 15:37:27 0 15:37:43 csma: clear preference to split 15:37:48 i didn't hear jos' argument 15:38:00 but I think I am opposed to spitting 15:38:11 worth being clear -- in this case "-1" did NOT mean "object". It was already set that no one was objecting. 15:38:37 PROPOSED: to split RDF compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously 15:39:15 wait ten minutes for this vote please 15:39:23 ok 15:40:10 shortname "rif-rdf-owl" not "bld-rdf-owl" 15:40:10 I gather we are talking only about RIF-RDF Compatibility 15:40:21 not about RIF-OWL Compatibility, for now. 15:41:05 Harold, the document will also contain OWL compatibility (not in working draft 2, but it should in working graph 3) 15:41:29 s/graph/draft/ 15:42:30 csma: prefer rif-bld rather than superscript notation 15:42:32 +[IBM] 15:42:46 ChrisWelty has joined #rif 15:43:10 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:43:10 On the phone I see csma, AllenGinsberg (muted), josb, PaulaP (muted), Doug, Hassan (muted), Harold, Gary_Hallmark, DaveReynolds, PaulVincent, LeoraMorgenstern (muted), AdrianP 15:43:13 ... (muted), Sandro.a, IgorMozetic (muted), MichaelKifer (muted), [IBM] 15:43:22 zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me 15:43:22 +ChrisWelty; got it 15:43:22 i dont care. rif-bld is fine 15:43:55 zakim, unmute me 15:43:55 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 15:44:11 csma: any objections to RIF Basic Logic Dialect and RIF-BLD 15:44:12 zakim, ChrisWelty is ChrisW 15:44:12 +ChrisW; got it 15:44:20 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:44:20 On the phone I see csma, AllenGinsberg (muted), josb, PaulaP (muted), Doug, Hassan (muted), Harold, Gary_Hallmark, DaveReynolds, PaulVincent, LeoraMorgenstern (muted), AdrianP 15:44:24 ... (muted), Sandro.a, IgorMozetic (muted), MichaelKifer, ChrisW 15:44:38 +1 for RIF-BLD assuming no logicians will be injured... 15:45:37 zakim, mute me 15:45:37 MichaelKifer should now be muted 15:45:39 PROPOSED: the name of the dialect is RIF basic logic dialect and the short notation is RIF BLD 15:45:42 (Sorry for being late with this: Jos, I see. So what would be the short name of the working draft 2 (actually *its* working draft 1) of RIF-RDF Compatibility?) 15:45:45 how about RiFbLd 15:46:21 roflbld 15:46:36 R-FB*D 15:46:48 csma's proposal is resolved 15:47:05 zakim, unmute me 15:47:05 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 15:47:13 rif:text 15:47:28 Michael, RIF-BLD 15:47:52 It could be called "RIF Semantic Web Compatibility" or "RDF and OWL compatibility of RIF" 15:47:54 csma's resolution ammended to RIF-BLD 15:48:06 q+ 15:48:15 q- 15:48:55 q+ 15:49:07 csma: do we keep OWL compatibility in WD2? 15:49:08 ack josb 15:49:22 josb: should be out, because there is no substance yet 15:49:45 csma: subclass and membership in BLD? 15:49:57 ... keep and mark as open issues 15:50:40 Subclass and membership: Keep it and mark it. 15:50:47 no objections to keep and mark 15:50:52 q+ 15:51:04 ack dave 15:51:12 there should be a link to the issues tracker 15:51:21 dave: rif:text issues 15:51:35 q+ 15:52:21 ack josb 15:52:27 .. vs. string@lang 15:52:58 josb: lexical space is unicode strings, not pairs (string, tag) 15:54:21 this is very weird..... 15:54:41 dave: withdraws objection 15:54:49 +1 DaveReynolds, I have a worry.... but it's not specific enough to object. 15:55:29 Jos: This is a result of putting language tags into the datatype mechanism 15:55:46 issue for the issues list? 15:56:07 sandro: let others raise the issue if they are worried 15:56:31 (very very weakly.) 15:56:50 hassan: issue should be raised 15:57:03 zakim, mute me 15:57:03 MichaelKifer should now be muted 15:57:13 action on dave to frame the issue 15:57:24 ACTION: Dave to raise an issue about xml:lang in rif:text 15:57:24 Created ACTION-356 - Raise an issue about xml:lang in rif:text [on Dave Reynolds - due 2007-10-16]. 15:57:29 zakim, unmute me 15:57:29 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 15:57:41 zakim, mute me 15:57:44 MichaelKifer should now be muted 15:58:39 csma: any objects to rif constants being scoped to ruleset? 15:59:01 ... rif local constants 15:59:22 s/objects/objection 15:59:52 Constants rif:local should be scoped to an entire ruleset, otherwise you could not express even simple Prolog textbook examples. 16:00:36 +1 to Hassans concerns 16:00:46 no objections to ruleset scope 16:00:49 one can also use URIs for textbook examples 16:01:05 hassan: but other scopes could be reasonable as well 16:01:07 c =/= c() 16:01:09 likes(john,X) :- likes(X,wine). 16:01:10 likes(mary,wine). 16:01:28 wine must be scoped to the entire ruleset, 16:02:21 q+ 16:02:27 ack josb 16:02:41 should a constant be distinct from 0-arity function with same name? 16:02:49 q+ 16:03:14 current-time() would an (active) built-in! 16:03:53 current-time would be just a (passive) constant. 16:03:58 harold: they are different in current signature formalism 16:04:10 zakim, unmute me 16:04:10 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 16:04:17 this is sounding like the "treatment of builtins" issue 16:04:28 hassan: but logically they are the same (both constants) 16:05:22 ack hassan 16:05:40 q+ 16:05:56 ack chrisw 16:05:57 michael: should not have 2 different things that are really the same 16:06:00 leave both, a and a() 16:06:37 Prolog dosn't have nullary because it's relational. Functional languages do have such nullary functions, e.g. for builtins. 16:07:18 chrisw: distinguish between builtins and functions rather than between constants and functions 16:07:47 ... (rhetorically) 16:08:00 Also for mapping operator arguments to lists, it's necessary to keep zero arguments corresponding to the empty list []. 16:08:12 -csma 16:09:32 f(...) can be mapped to unary f([...]). 16:09:36 zakim, list agenda 16:09:36 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 16:09:37 6. BLD WD2 issues [from csma] 16:09:38 7. Arch: naming conventions [from csma] 16:09:39 8. Arch: Test cases [from csma] 16:09:40 9. AOB [from csma] 16:09:51 f() can be mapped to unary f([]). 16:10:06 zakim, mute me 16:10:06 MichaelKifer should now be muted 16:10:18 PROPOSED: to split RIF-RDF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF-RDF (WD 1). 16:10:55 q+ 16:11:00 zakim, unmute me 16:11:00 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 16:11:15 chrisw: either 2nd doc is part of BLD or a new dialect 16:11:44 q+ 16:11:49 ...what does 2nd doc describe? 16:12:12 harold: its a bridge for interoperability, not a dialect 16:12:36 ... also applies to dialects other than BLD 16:12:58 josb: 2nd doc describes how 2 languages work together 16:13:35 ... also don't have to read RDF doc if you don't care to interoperate with RDF 16:14:06 josb: not a dialect, but a bridge 16:14:22 It starts like this: 16:14:23 This section defines combinations of RIF rules with RDF graphs, taking into account the various (normative) entailment regimes defined by RDF. A typical case where RIF rules and RDF graphs are combined is when an RIF rule set refers to one or more RDF data sets or RDFS ontologies (which are also RDF graphs). 16:14:50 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Core/RIF-RDF_Compatibility 16:15:01 ?? Why is RDF more important to RIF-BLD versus say XML - not sure I get the rationale for embedding RDF into BLD doc... 16:15:05 chrisw: do I need a bridge doc for FLORA, or for XML Schema? 16:15:36 sandro: need such a doc to roundtrip FLORA <-> RIF 16:16:02 We are a chartered to produce docs for RIF-RDF Compatibility and RIF-OWL Compatibility. Not *chartered* for any other language. 16:16:22 chrisw: proliferation of "bridge docs" seems antithetical to RIF 16:16:56 q? 16:17:33 ... RDF doc creates questionable precedent 16:17:34 Chris, this may be only since RDF, OWL and RIF would be the enhanced *uniform* basis for the semweb. 16:17:57 ... ok to be part of BLD due to special semantic web status of RDF 16:18:18 q+ 16:18:20 q+ 16:18:30 q- 16:18:51 (Other languages would not be part of that enhanced W3C SemWeb 'triad'.) 16:19:20 chrisw: if not a dialect, then it creates new category of "bridge" documents 16:19:32 Chris, soon we may need another 'bridge' doc: 16:19:39 PRD and BLD. 16:19:55 not exactly chris: we do have a charter to treat RDF and OWL specially 16:20:16 +1 to Chris' concerns - this is why this should be out of the base BLD doc ... 16:20:21 josb: no matter what you call it, it has to be specified 16:20:44 ... i.e. how will RIF work with data language "X" 16:20:57 RIF Core = BLD --bridge-- PRD 16:20:59 q- 16:21:02 ack jos 16:21:04 ack harold 16:21:05 q- 16:21:16 Yes, that was the general consensus 16:21:23 +1 to Harold's description of CORE 16:21:52 Dave: back to the question of working with external data models 16:22:10 ... we support XML schema and RIF 16:22:19 ... not unbounded 16:22:43 sandro has joined #rif 16:22:46 ... FLORA is "out of bounds" 16:23:23 zakim, mute me 16:23:23 MichaelKifer should now be muted 16:23:46 s/and RIF/and RDF/ 16:24:30 chrisw: combine RDF interop doc with Architecture doc? 16:24:34 josb: not sure 16:25:06 dave: need more work on Arch doc 16:25:49 PROPOSED: to split RIF-RDF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF-RDF (WD 1). 16:26:29 q+ 16:26:36 q- 16:26:43 q- 16:26:49 PROPOSED: to split RIF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF-RDF (WD 1). 16:27:25 PROPOSED: to split RIF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF (WD 1). 16:27:45 chris, "rif-comp" 16:27:51 s/,/:/ 16:27:56 zakim, list agenda 16:27:56 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 16:27:57 6. BLD WD2 issues [from csma] 16:27:58 7. Arch: naming conventions [from csma] 16:28:00 8. Arch: Test cases [from csma] 16:28:01 9. AOB [from csma] 16:28:02 PROPOSED: to split RIF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF (WD 1). 16:28:02 16:28:25 zakim, next agendum 16:28:25 agendum 7. "Arch: naming conventions" taken up [from csma] 16:28:26 PROPOSED: to split RIF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF-COMP (WD 1). 16:28:41 sandro: not required for WD2 16:29:11 zakim, unmute me 16:29:11 MichaelKifer should no longer be muted 16:30:31 issues with IE browser rendering special symbols in our docs 16:30:36 RESOLVED: to split RIF Compatibility from BLD and publish 2 drafts simultaneously: RIF-BLD (WD 2) and RIF-COMP (WD 1). 16:31:05 Sandro, WIKI-TR currently doesn't process BLD: >>Warning: SGML2PL(sgml): []:2: Element "p" not allowed here<< etc. (cf. my Friday email) 16:31:40 Yes, Harold, I'm working on that. (and hating prolog. :-) 16:31:44 -PaulaP 16:31:51 Zakim, unmute me 16:31:51 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:31:59 -AdrianP 16:32:12 -Hassan 16:32:14 -MichaelKifer 16:32:16 -IgorMozetic 16:32:17 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:32:17 -PaulVincent 16:32:22 -Harold 16:32:24 -AllenGinsberg 16:32:28 zakim, list attendees 16:32:28 As of this point the attendees have been csma, Sandro, +1.703.453.aaaa, me;, josb, PaulaP, DougL, AllenGinsberg, Doug, Hassan, Gary_Hallmark, Harold, DaveReynolds, AdrianP, 16:32:31 ... PaulVincent, LeoraMorgenstern, IgorMozetic, MichaelKifer, ChrisW 16:32:31 -Doug 16:32:33 -DaveReynolds 16:32:35 rrsagent, make minutes 16:32:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/09-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:32:42 -josb 16:33:09 Regrets: MohamedZergaoui 16:33:12 rrsagent, make minutes 16:33:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/09-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:33:27 rrsagent, make logs public 16:34:17 -Gary_Hallmark 16:35:25 -ChrisW 16:35:26 -Sandro.a 16:35:27 SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended 16:35:28 Attendees were csma, Sandro, +1.703.453.aaaa, me;, josb, PaulaP, DougL, AllenGinsberg, Doug, Hassan, Gary_Hallmark, Harold, DaveReynolds, AdrianP, PaulVincent, LeoraMorgenstern, 16:35:30 ... IgorMozetic, MichaelKifer, ChrisW 16:40:51 AdrianP has joined #RIF