14:26:32 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:26:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/07/24-dawg-irc 14:26:38 Zakim, this will be DAWG 14:26:38 ok, ericP; I see SW_DAWG()10:30AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 14:26:48 Scribe: AndyS 14:26:58 ScribeNick: AndyS 14:27:24 agenda+ Review ACTION Items 14:27:40 agenda+ Test overview page 14:27:49 agenda+ EARL overview page 14:27:51 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has now started 14:27:57 +??P0 14:27:59 zakim, ??P0 is me 14:27:59 +AndyS; got it 14:28:04 agenda+ Soliciting implementation reports 14:28:14 agenda+ Test progress 14:28:29 agenda+ Test features 14:28:42 agenda+ Test harness 14:28:49 agenda? 14:29:49 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 14:29:49 ok, ericP; the call is being made 14:29:51 +EricP 14:30:25 chimezie has joined #dawg 14:34:03 chimezie, dialing in? 14:34:28 Hi folks - telecon time - who's dialing in today? 14:34:50 I'm trying now 14:35:56 yes 14:36:28 +Chimezie_Ogbuji 14:36:33 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:36:33 On the phone I see AndyS, EricP, Chimezie_Ogbuji 14:36:48 chair: ericP 14:39:10 ACTION: LeeF to generate overview page of data-r2 tests [DONE] 14:39:19 ACTION: LeeF to put up a document with sample EARL results and call out important points (e.g. foaf:homepage URI and/or URIs for implementations [DONE] 14:40:03 ACTION: LeeF to put up a document with sample EARL results and call out important points (e.g. foaf:homepage URI and/or URIs for implementations [DONE] 14:40:12 action -3 14:40:25 ACTION: ericP to poke IETF folks about registering SPARQL media types (esp. application/sparql-query) [CONTINUES] 14:40:41 ACTION: ericP to write explanatory text saying that, like xsd:integer and xsd:dateTime, the relative order of simple literals and xsd:strings is not defined here [CONTINUES] 14:40:56 ACTION: EricP to run the yacker tool over and annotate the existing tests to summarize coverage [CONTINUES] 14:41:37 ACTION: ericP & chimezie to see if all the identified algebraic forms fit into the XPath-based facet approach [CONTINUES] 14:41:49 Chime: progress on action 7. 14:42:16 ACTION: ericP to requisition /TR/SPARQL as a switcher document pointing to the real specs [CONTINUES] 14:42:28 ACTION: EliasT to come up with feature list for protocol testing [CONTINUES] 14:42:46 ACTION: ericP to write a test showing that langMatches doens't do extended matching [CONTINUES] 14:42:58 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JulSep/0031 ericP checking with i18n-core 14:44:07 ACTION: LeeF to mark 10 distinct tests in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data-r2/distinct/manifest.ttl as approved [CONTINUES] 14:44:21 ACTION: LeeF to mark type promotion tests approved http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data-r2/type-promotion/manifest.ttl [CONTINUES] 14:44:33 ACTION: AndyS or LeeF to mark non-SELECT tests using :QueryForm classes, and to move those URIs to the qt: namespace [CONTINUES] 14:44:51 ACTION: Eric+Andy to identify and collect mf:requires URIs and put in documentation [CONTINUES] 14:45:04 ACTION: ericP, AndyS to add the mf:requires labels to the manifest namespace document [CONTINUES] 14:45:17 Zakim, take up next agendum 14:45:17 agendum 1. "Review ACTION Items" taken up [from ericP] 14:45:25 Zakim, take up agendum 2 14:45:25 agendum 2. "Test overview page" taken up [from ericP] 14:46:28 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/r2 DAWG Testcases overview 14:47:01 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/ old DAWG Testcases overview 14:48:08 AndyS: tests don't link to the URL of the test in the manifest 14:48:49 +??P13 14:49:10 AndyS: do we want the overview page to give/link of the test? 14:49:31 EricP: we have two URLs for a test - manifest and overview doc. 14:49:35 We could use a section describing the naming convention for tests (used in test reporting: EARL) 14:50:48 Regrets: LeeF, Souri 14:52:21 EricP: Have a "manifest.html" and use content neg. More work. 14:53:57 ... chime had @prefix _7: 14:54:14 ... so it's the manifest.ttl# version :-( 14:56:41 ... coudl clean up but there are other tasks to do as well. 14:56:52 s/coudl/could/ 14:57:05 EricP: report discussion back to LeeF 14:57:13 Zakim, who is here? 14:57:13 On the phone I see AndyS, EricP, Chimezie_Ogbuji, ??P13 14:57:15 On IRC I see chimezie, RRSAgent, Zakim, AndyS, azazello, iv_an_ru, ericP, afs, SteveH 14:57:25 Zakim, P13 is iv_an_ru 14:57:25 sorry, chimezie, I do not recognize a party named 'P13' 14:57:32 Zakim, ??P13 is iv_an_ru 14:57:32 +iv_an_ru; got it 14:57:33 Zakim, take up next agendum 14:57:33 agendum 1. "Review ACTION Items" taken up [from ericP] 14:57:49 Zakim, close this agendum 14:57:49 agendum 1 closed 14:57:50 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:57:53 3. EARL overview page [from ericP] 14:58:01 iv_an_ru was that you who just joined? 14:58:03 Zakim, take up next agendum 14:58:03 agendum 3. "EARL overview page" taken up [from ericP] 14:58:41 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/earl 14:58:59 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/earl DAWG: Implementation Reporting - EARL results 14:59:37 +??P18 15:00:02 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:00:04 On the phone I see AndyS, EricP, Chimezie_Ogbuji, iv_an_ru, ??P18 15:00:07 no, it was me (Aziz). I just joined. 15:00:07 iv_an_ru has joined #dawg 15:00:23 Zakim, ??P18 is azazello 15:00:23 +azazello; got it 15:00:44 -iv_an_ru 15:02:48 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:02:49 agendum 4. "Soliciting implementation reports" taken up [from ericP] 15:03:27 LeeF: What else do we want to do before contacting implementers? 15:04:17 Chime: in favor of contact sooner 15:04:21 +??P35 15:04:22 AndyS: ditto 15:04:26 Implementors will anyway do local tests first, then SPARQL protocol tests, they can start right now. 15:05:14 -??P35 15:05:18 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:05:36 agendum 5. "Test progress" taken up [from ericP] 15:06:31 EricP: progress on doc for test classification and facets 15:06:50 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/facets-test.pl group test facets 15:08:20 &utf8::decode($rq); 15:08:20 my $root = new SPARQL()->parse($rq)->[0]; 15:08:20 my $parseTree = $root->toXML(''); 15:08:20 &utf8::encode($parseTree); 15:08:20 my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $parseTree); 15:17:30 Discussion on scope/coverage of test suite 15:18:11 Chime: avoid redundancy to reduce DAWG workload 15:21:50 EricP: There are regexp outside Perl regexp: should we put them in? 15:24:51 Adding regex is very simple. PCRE is really great piece of code :) 15:25:05 AndyS: will decide when specific cases arise. 15:25:12 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:25:12 agendum 6. "Test features" taken up [from ericP] 15:25:46 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:25:46 agendum 6 was just opened, ericP 15:25:55 No new tests submitted this week. 15:25:55 Zakim, close this agendum 15:25:55 agendum 6 closed 15:25:56 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:25:57 7. Test harness [from ericP] 15:26:15 I've sent an e-mail with what I intended to describe. 15:26:38 is it in the archive? 15:26:47 (so we can discuss it briefly here) 15:27:04 Sent to public-rdf-dawg-request 15:27:29 huh, that requires me to bounce it 15:27:37 they should go to public-rdf-dawg 15:29:13 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2007JulSep/0030.html -> FW: test status and test service 15:29:21 iv_an_ru has joined #dawg 15:29:34 I can hear you but the connection dies if I try to speak. 15:31:15 We've failed to prepare a live specimen for today conference, hope to place it online before the weekend. 15:31:28 EricP: congrats 15:32:19 ADJOURNED 15:32:23 -Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:32:29 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:32:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/07/24-dawg-minutes.html ericP 15:32:36 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 15:32:37 -azazello 15:33:51 -> http://www.w3.org/2007/07/24-dawg-minutes 15:34:10 -EricP 15:34:14 -AndyS 15:34:15 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended 15:34:16 Attendees were AndyS, EricP, Chimezie_Ogbuji, iv_an_ru, azazello