Toward More Transparent Government Workshop on eGovernment and the Web 18 - 19 June 2007 United States National Academy of Sciences Washington DC, USA Jointly sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) Position Paper from the Federal CIO Council's Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) Brand Niemann, Government Co-Chair SICoP is very interested in this Workshop and its goals, specifically those that relate to best practices (Goals 2 and 5) and better interoperability (Goal 6). SICoP is chartered under the Federal CIO Council's Best Practices Committee to work on the same objective as this Workshop, namely "current best practices that can be gleaned from specific eGov Web applications with the aim of learning about new standardization requirements, as well as identify means to disseminate knowledge about the best practices of successful eGov applications." See SICoP work supports the January 17, 2007, Federal CIO Council's Strategic Plan FY 2007-2009, pages 10-11 re Goal 2: Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to or stakeholders. Provide updates to the FEA Data Reference Model (DRM) and establish DRM implementation strategies, best practices, and success stories. The purpose of these activities is to contribute to the usability of the DRM by maintaining an effective process for modifying the DRM and sharing strategies for success. See SICoP has a history of partnering with the W3C, DARPA DAML Program, ARDA AQUANIT Program, and others in the production of its three White Papers, many pilots, and many conferences and workshops. For example, the Semantic Web Applications for National Security (SWANS) Conference, April 7-8, 2005, was produced jointly by the DARPA DAML Program (Mark Greaves, Director), and Rick Morris and Brand Niemann (SICoP Co-Chairs) and featured Sir Tim Berners-Lee and several agency CIOs and senior leaders. See SICoP's two most recent conferences were focused on (1) Building DRM 3.0 and Web 3.0 for Managing Context Across Multiple Documents and Organizations (February 6, 2007); and (2) Building Knowledgebases for Cross-Domain Semantic Interoperability (April 25, 2007) The best practices, state-of-the-art Semantic Web and Technology applications, and support for the W3C's Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO) Interest Group are documented at: SICoP enjoys an excellent relationshop with industry as a public-private [partnership to advance E-Government for the Federal CIO Council's Best Practices Committee. Non-government SICoP Co-chair, Mills Davis,, authored SICoP's 2nd White Paper entitled "Semantic Wave 2006 - Executive Guide to the Business Value of Semantic Technologies" which was delivered to the Federal CIO Council on January 6, 2006, and featured at the 2006 Semantic Technology Conference. Mills Davis will provide an update to that paper at the 2007 Semantic Technology Conference. SICoP participants will also present about 15 other presentations at this years conference. See Mills Davis, in collaboration with Nova Spivak, Radar Networks and John Breslin, DERI, have suggest an "Internet Evolution to 2020" that SICoP is implementing with Knowledgebases and Semantic Wikis See SICoP would be pleased to suggest demos from our recent conferences and especially those that we have given Special Recognitions to that are documented for the upcoming 2007 Semantic Technology Conference at