20:21:05 RRSAgent has joined #sml 20:21:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc 20:23:30 Pratul calls meeting to order ... 20:23:36 agenda: PLH on w3c process 20:23:58 Pratul Dublish on SML 20:24:08 John Arwe on SML Interchange Format 20:24:13 then we'll walk through the specs 20:24:58 Kirk has joined #sml 20:25:47 Pratul has joined #sml 20:25:57 Zulah has joined #sml 20:26:12 test has joined #sml 20:26:27 ginny has joined #sml 20:26:34 VijayIntel has joined #sml 20:26:45 Jim has joined #sml 20:26:47 q+ 20:27:03 [If we want queue management, we need Zakim.] 20:27:05 Present: Pratul, Jijay, Sandy, Paul, Kirk, Virginia, James, Philippe, Michael, Marvin, Zulah, Brian\ 20:27:06 Zakim has joined #sml 20:27:17 http://www.w3.org/2007/Talks/0506-sb-w3cintro/Overview.html 20:28:33 [John Arwe arrives] 20:28:59 PLH walks through Steve Bratt's slides, with emphasis on the process ... 20:31:23 Paul has joined #sml 20:44:48 Paul has joined #sml 20:44:57 time 20:50:07 PD: how do we evangelize and get more members? 20:50:30 PLH: talk to likely organizations individually, present the technology at the Tech Plenary ... 20:54:24 Pratul: presentation of SML 21:17:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 21:19:34 s/Brian\\/Brian/ 21:19:42 Chair: Pratul, John 21:19:46 Scribe: Marvin 21:20:14 Meeting: SML face-to-face meeting 21:20:25 trackbot-ng, status 21:22:45 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0002.html 21:25:52 cgi-irc has joined #sml 21:29:25 zakim, this is sml 21:29:25 sorry, cgi-irc, I do not see a conference named 'sml' in progress or scheduled at this time 21:30:37 johnarwe has joined #sml 21:44:22 marv has joined #SML 21:44:39 scribe: marv 21:49:28 marv has joined #sml 21:50:43 scribe: marv 21:51:27 Present: Pratul, Jijay, Sandy, Paul, Kirk, Virginia, James, Philippe, Michael, Marvin, Zulah, Brian, Valentina 22:00:50 -> http://cmdbf.org/ 22:01:13 Vijay from Intel is present too:) 22:01:36 Unless Jijay was meant to be Vijay 22:02:27 -> http://cmdbf.org/CMDB-Federation-white-paper-vision-v1.0.pdf The Federated CMDB Vision "A Joint White Paper from BMC, CA, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, and Microsoft" 22:03:13 query kirk test -- is this the way to to send a private msg? 22:26:05 ginny_ has joined #sml 22:28:34 marv has joined #SML 22:29:09 Kirk: Is there a reason SML ref is not compatible with XPATH 2.0 ? 22:29:30 Pratul: We did not look at 2.0 at the time 22:29:56 How is cyclic determined? 22:30:10 Documents are nodes, references are edges. A cycle exists when the ref chain points 22:30:23 to a previously ref document. 22:30:44 Is SML closed under references? 22:31:16 Not, unless ‘targetRequired’ is set for each individual reference.. 22:31:34 Can you restrict deref values? 22:32:31 Yes, as part of the expression. 22:33:23 Is ‘deref(Courses)’ in the presentation a simplification for deref(Courses/course)? 22:33:36 Yes. 22:33:55 What if there are two references in one deref’d node? 22:34:15 The xpath selector decides. 22:34:35 What is intended deployment environment for SML and models? 22:34:52 From MS perspective, we wanted to build models of IT systems. But the spec has 22:35:12 nothing to do with that use case. 22:35:33 What does ‘SML based’ mean? 22:35:52 CMDB uses SML models to validate IT configurations and we say it is SML based. 22:36:14 Can SML ref attribute have a declared default? 22:37:27 It defaults to true. 22:38:25 Pratul's presentation ends. 22:41:17 valentina has joined #sml 22:41:55 John's presentation begins 22:45:02 Michael: Define incomplete? 22:46:32 John: Can't say what complete is, so we must allow incomplete. 22:47:02 Pratul has joined #sml 22:49:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 22:50:22 s/John's/Topic: John's/ 22:52:43 i/Chair:/Topic: Pratul presentation on SML/ 22:53:27 i|http://www.w3.org/2007/|Topic: W3C Process Overview| 22:53:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 23:01:03 Regrets: Bassam 23:07:15 Paul: Will presentations be emailed out? 23:08:43 John/Michael: They will be archived in some open way-- html, pdf-- and url made available. 23:09:42 Michael: Rationale for document requirement? 23:10:06 John: Historical, unsure. 23:10:39 s/document requirement/requirement for identifying 'root' documents/ 23:14:23 Topic: Editors 23:14:47 Resolution: Valentina, Virginia, Marvin, Bassam 23:18:48 s/Bassam/Bassam, Jim 23:30:51 Zakim has left #sml 23:33:27 Zakim has joined #sml 23:33:27 pratul has joined #sml 23:33:32 rrsagent, where am I? 23:33:32 See http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T23-33-32 23:35:24 rrsagent, bye 23:35:24 I see no action items 23:35:34 RRSAgent has joined #sml 23:35:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc 23:35:59 second test ... 23:36:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 23:41:25 trackbot-ng, status 23:42:32 ACTION Philippe: demonstrate the trackbot 23:47:26 ack 23:50:19 cgi-irc has joined #sml 23:52:55 join #test 00:01:18 ginny has joined #sml 00:01:30 ACTION: Philippe to demonstrate the trackbot 00:01:30 Created ACTION-2 - Demonstrate the trackbot [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2007-06-19]. 00:02:15 pratul has joined #sml 00:03:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 00:04:52 action-2 closed 00:04:52 Sorry... I don't know how to close ACTION yet 00:07:56 rrsagent, help 00:08:49 Jim has joined #sml 00:15:20 Sandy1 has joined #sml 00:19:51 marv has joined #SML 00:22:02 Kirk: Should validation be separated out? 00:25:11 Discussion -- More readable if the validation is mixed in, 00:27:11 Michael: Introduction carries history of IT Management. Should introduction be clearer that it extends beyond IT? Cross doc validation in general. 00:30:07 Paul has joined #sml 00:30:41 ACTION: Michael: Open issue in Bugzilla to generalize the introduction. 00:30:41 Sorry, couldn't find user - Michael: 00:30:54 Paul has joined #sml 00:31:45 s/Michael/msm/ 00:34:49 Michael explains Bugzilla process 00:35:59 ACTION: MSM-SEA : Open issue in Bugzilla to generalize introduction 00:35:59 Sorry, couldn't find user - MSM-SEA 00:37:52 For the record, the issue is issue 4627, http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4627 00:40:40 ACTION: MSM-SEA: Set Bugzilla notification policy appropriately 00:40:40 Sorry, couldn't find user - MSM-SEA: 00:41:31 MSM requests feedback on notification level from group 00:41:40 ACTION: Michael to open issue in Bugzilla to generalize introduction 00:41:42 Created ACTION-3 - Open issue in Bugzilla to generalize introduction [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2007-06-19]. 00:41:58 ACTION: Michael to set Bugzilla notification policy appropriately 00:41:58 Created ACTION-4 - Set Bugzilla notification policy appropriately [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2007-06-19]. 00:43:26 What about Schema 1.1? 00:44:44 John: Mark introduction as non-normative 00:46:28 ACTION to marv As editor, designate normative and non-normative sections in editing 00:48:39 ACTION: marv to designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. 00:48:39 Sorry, couldn't find user - marv 00:49:23 trackbot-ng, status 00:49:44 Zulah has joined #sml 00:49:50 ACTION: Marvin to designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. 00:49:50 Created ACTION-5 - Designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. [on Marvin Waschke - due 2007-06-19]. 00:51:17 Michael: XML 1.0 v XML 1.1 need explicit statement 00:52:53 Valentina: Align SML and SML-IF terminology 00:53:52 Valentina: 'Rules' must be defined more completely, 00:54:00 Paul has joined #sml 00:56:40 John: Model Definition should become Model Def Document 00:57:40 John: Further explain SML model 00:58:35 John: Definition of 'complete' 01:02:20 ginny has left #sml 01:04:52 rrsagent, generate minutes 01:04:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html marv 01:05:28 plh has joined #sml 01:07:27 s/Jijay/Vijay/ 01:07:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 01:07:53 s/Jijay/Vijay/g 01:07:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-minutes.html plh 01:08:52 zakim, bye 01:08:52 Zakim has left #sml 01:08:57 rrsagent, bye 01:09:24 rrsagent, bye 01:09:24 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-actions.rdf : 01:09:24 ACTION: Philippe to demonstrate the trackbot [1] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T23-42-32 01:09:24 ACTION: Philippe to demonstrate the trackbot [2] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-01-30 01:09:24 ACTION: Michael: Open issue in Bugzilla to generalize the introduction. [3] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-30-41 01:09:24 ACTION: MSM-SEA : Open issue in Bugzilla to generalize introduction [4] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-35-59 01:09:24 ACTION: MSM-SEA: Set Bugzilla notification policy appropriately [5] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-40-40 01:09:24 ACTION: Michael to open issue in Bugzilla to generalize introduction [6] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-41-40 01:09:24 ACTION: Michael to set Bugzilla notification policy appropriately [7] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-41-58 01:09:24 ACTION: marv to designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. [8] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-48-39 01:09:24 ACTION: Marvin to designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. [9] 01:09:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/11-sml-irc#T00-49-50