15:00:44 RRSAgent has joined #forms 15:00:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-irc 15:00:53 ebruchez has joined #forms 15:00:56 rrsagent, make log public 15:01:02 zakim, [IBM] is Charlie 15:01:03 +Charlie; got it 15:01:09 +John_Boyer 15:01:18 Rafael has joined #forms 15:01:21 +??P36 15:01:37 zakim, ??p36 is me 15:01:37 +Schnitz; got it 15:01:40 + +1.812.535.aaaa 15:01:43 +??P18 15:01:44 zakim, mute me 15:01:48 Schnitz should now be muted 15:01:50 zakim, aaaa is me 15:02:00 +Blake; got it 15:02:01 zakim, ??P18 is ebruchez 15:02:14 + +1.919.434.aabb 15:02:15 Roger has joined #forms 15:02:20 +ebruchez; got it 15:02:22 zakim,code; 15:02:33 zakim, code? 15:02:39 Meeting: Weekly Forms WG Teleconference 15:02:49 I don't understand 'code;', Roger 15:02:54 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007May/0084.html 15:02:59 zakim, what is the code? 15:03:00 the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Roger 15:03:03 John_Boyer has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007May/0084.html 15:03:10 the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Roger 15:03:30 I still have a bit of my cold left, I might be a bit quiet therefore 15:03:44 zakim, dial steven-617 15:03:44 ok, Steven; the call is being made 15:03:45 Chair: John 15:03:45 +Steven 15:03:50 Scribe: Charlie 15:04:07 Regrets: Susan, Nick, Leigh 15:04:11 +??P8 15:04:39 zakim, +??P8 is Rafael 15:04:39 sorry, Rafael, I do not recognize a party named '+??P8' 15:04:50 zakim, P8 is Rafael 15:04:50 sorry, Rafael, I do not recognize a party named 'P8' 15:04:57 zakim, ??P8 is Rafael 15:04:57 +Rafael; got it 15:05:13 zakim, who is here? 15:05:13 On the phone I see Charlie, John_Boyer, Schnitz (muted), Blake, ebruchez, +1.919.434.aabb, Steven, Rafael 15:05:15 On IRC I see Roger, Rafael, ebruchez, RRSAgent, John_Boyer, Blake, Zakim, Schnitz, Charlie, markbirbeck, Steven 15:05:18 zakim, rafael has roger 15:05:18 +roger; got it 15:06:02 wellsk has joined #forms 15:06:11 +Mark_Birbeck 15:06:12 unl has joined #forms 15:06:13 zakim, 1.919 is wellsk 15:06:13 sorry, John_Boyer, I do not recognize a party named '1.919' 15:06:25 zakim, aabb is wellsk 15:06:25 +wellsk; got it 15:06:37 zakim, who is here? 15:06:37 On the phone I see Charlie, John_Boyer, Schnitz (muted), Blake, ebruchez, wellsk, Steven, Rafael, Mark_Birbeck 15:06:39 Rafael has roger 15:06:40 On IRC I see unl, wellsk, Roger, Rafael, ebruchez, RRSAgent, John_Boyer, Blake, Zakim, Schnitz, Charlie, markbirbeck, Steven 15:06:40 David_Landwehr has joined #forms 15:06:41 Topic: Reports 15:06:49 Zakim, code? 15:06:49 the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), David_Landwehr 15:06:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007May/0084.html 15:06:54 Zakim, thanks 15:06:54 you are very welcome, David_Landwehr 15:07:15 Next F2F, June 13-15 15:07:24 please fill out reg form 15:07:43 +??P11 15:07:48 me too 15:07:48 Steven: tweaks done 15:07:52 + +49.336.293.aacc 15:07:56 Zakim, ??P11 is David_Landwehr 15:07:56 +David_Landwehr; got it 15:07:59 Zakim, mute me 15:07:59 David_Landwehr should now be muted 15:08:39 Steven: XForms title is autogenerated-can't be changed 15:09:07 Action: Steven to change template 15:10:09 please fill out questionnaire as network access and building access is driven off that too 15:10:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007May/0063.html 15:10:48 John: questionnaire on tech plenary, assume we're shooting for end of the week 15:11:23 zakim, mute me 15:11:23 sorry, unl, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 15:11:28 John: so we have thurs afternoon, fri, sat 15:11:49 zakim, +49.336.293.aacc is me 15:11:49 +unl; got it 15:11:53 Steven: AC meets for 1/2 day, thurs AM so not scheduling WGs for then 15:12:02 zakim, mute me 15:12:02 unl should now be muted 15:12:05 so we spill over to Sat AM 15:12:30 and hence need to confirm that WG participants sign up to do this 15:12:58 or we decide to not use sat AM 15:13:15 John: we can work out later, i'll say we're not flexible on days 15:14:18 John: made estimate of 6 people attending wed tech plenary 15:14:29 out of about 17 15:14:46 zakim, unmute me 15:14:46 Schnitz should no longer be muted 15:14:52 Charlie: i will attend 15:14:57 I will 15:15:02 zakim, mute me 15:15:02 Schnitz should now be muted 15:15:04 i won't attend 15:15:05 i will 15:16:00 Steven: good idea to attend so groups can meet each other 15:16:11 topics of interest cross-groups 15:16:27 backplane could be discussed 15:16:33 Charlie: if we get IPR resolved... 15:16:52 zakim, unmute me 15:16:52 Schnitz should no longer be muted 15:17:16 zakim, mute me 15:17:16 Schnitz should now be muted 15:17:59 Looks like there are 4 AC reps on the WG 15:18:16 Topic: Xforms 1.0 3rd edition 15:18:17 .... Sebastian, Raman, Erik, Kenneth 15:18:33 John: doc is about ready 15:18:51 one outstanding issue is regarding patent policy 15:19:15 pub rules checker on 2nd edition, proposed rec was under 2002 policy 15:19:32 pub rules checker was failing at that time given we're now under 2004 policy 15:19:51 we updated to that, passed pub rules, published the doc 15:20:07 was not right process, pub rules changed by june to understand diff policies 15:20:20 status for 3rd edition has to state relationship to previous version 15:20:49 pub rules has "1.0 still under 2002 policy, governed by transition rules as stated in 2004 policy" 15:20:58 just want to be clear where we are 15:21:14 Steven: 2nd ed claimed 2004, but was actually 2002 15:21:21 3rd ed is still under 2002? 15:21:22 John: yes 15:21:43 1.0 edition is wrong to say it's under 2004 15:22:20 s/edition/2nd edition 15:22:39 Steven: Ian issued call for exlusions...indicates falls under 2004 policy 15:22:45 s/exlusions/exclusions 15:23:23 John: Ian indicated we should go under 2002 policy with transition procedures 15:23:33 and I indicated to him we would do this 15:24:10 I clarified to Ian that we had actually published 2nd edition...waiting for confirmation his recommendation is still correct 15:24:24 Steven: let me check now with him on IRC 15:24:38 Topic: Forms joint task force 15:24:47 zakim, unmute me 15:24:47 Schnitz should no longer be muted 15:24:51 John: do we need quest. or does it go to HCG 15:24:59 Steven: raised with HCG...need to check their minutes 15:25:06 John: they did discuss, but waiting for us... 15:25:18 John: we'll bring it up in next HCG meeting 15:25:19 k 15:25:24 zakim, unmute me 15:25:24 Schnitz was not muted, Schnitz 15:25:30 zakim, mute me 15:25:30 Schnitz should now be muted 15:25:31 Question about support for xsi:type 15:25:35 ;-) 15:25:41 Topic: Question about support for xsi:type 15:25:48 28 15:26:55 John: is it valid to use xsi:type when there is no schema? 15:27:18 problem with using xsi:type and referring to internal schema is not valid unless server also loads internal schema 15:27:22 so interesting question 15:27:32 just looking at processors, seems like no problem 15:27:45 Regrets+Joern 15:27:54 but on submission those declarations not available 15:27:55 rrsagent, make minutes 15:27:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:28:07 opinions? 15:28:12 Mark: what are you suggesting? 15:28:20 John: not suggesting either way... 15:28:26 rrsagent, make log public 15:28:32 Mark: we discussed a lot of this during xforms basic 15:28:35 rrsagent, make minutes 15:28:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:28:39 I think we should support these types 15:28:55 want the ability to use types without schema for convenience 15:29:03 John: we're not talking about type MIP 15:29:37 Erik: regarding submitted data problem, this is fine with us 15:30:02 no requirement that document needs to be validated with same schema on submission 15:30:14 ScribeOptions: -implicitContinuations 15:30:19 could have MIP making xsi:types not relevant no submission 15:30:30 stripping those attributes on submisssion 15:30:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:31:23 John: anyone belive xsi:type should only be applied if form author as attached a schema? 15:31:29 s/belive/believe 15:31:52 I think the user would expect xsi:type to work 15:31:59 Erik: we did specify xsi:type had semantics of schema, but we didn't specify how this should behave 15:32:00 me too 15:32:23 Mark: we refer to schema data types 15:32:35 can be used independently of full schema 15:32:52 Erik: don't have strong opinion...MIP could do the same thing 15:33:12 Erik: was more concerned that the spec was unclear 15:33:41 John: section 5.2, generally section 5, contains language suggesting that processing of instances is informed by schema of xforms 15:33:49 so there's an implict schema available to the parser 15:34:07 5.2 lists xforms data types 15:34:14 as "built-in xml schema datatypes" 15:34:41 Mark: in basic you can use these independently of full schema, so why inhibit use here? 15:35:04 Erik: clear we want to allow in MIP, but in parsing instance it's a bit different 15:35:38 Mark: but why not for consistency allow both? 15:36:12 Erik: could imaging building an instance using xsi:type but not having ability to disable those attributes for validation etc 15:36:37 s/imaging/imagine 15:37:06 Erik: but using the bind it's clear whether to valid the node or not 15:37:18 John: this implies xsi:type is not preferred 15:37:40 Mark: xforms full talks about using xml schema, this is available to full processor, basic processors might do something different 15:37:59 Erik: if we want to make xforms schema-language agnostic in the future 15:38:07 Mark: that's future work 15:38:52 Erik: i do think the spec is not very clear on this 15:39:19 need to fix the language to specify that xsi:type attributes are processed even in absence of schema 15:39:37 John: ok...action item??? 15:39:48 Erik: do you think it's clear enough? 15:40:15 John: i think you're asking for a statement in section 5 on datatypes 15:40:19 connecting their usage to xsi:type? 15:40:28 Erik: not sure about specific section, it's mentioned several times 15:40:48 Erik: just need to clarify that processor must deal with xsi:type on instance elements 15:41:19 John: not clear to me where this change should be made...where it's unclear 15:41:36 issue needs some more work 15:41:53 Erik, could you look at the spec and see where to make this change? 15:42:02 zakim, mute me 15:42:02 Mark_Birbeck should now be muted 15:42:07 Action: Erik to recommend where the spec should be clarified about xsi:type handling 15:42:09 28 15:42:33 Topic: References to 'deferred update behavior' 15:43:17 28 15:43:37 John: don't mind dropping the word "special" 15:43:45 on the update behavior 15:44:23 since we're just describing normal deferred update behavior, not an exception to it 15:44:33 which is well defined 15:44:36 any objections? 15:44:51 Action: John to remove "special" on deferred update behavior 15:44:54 Need rigorous definition of "Acceptable XPath Expression" 15:44:58 q+ to ask about adding issues to issue db 15:45:07 Topic: Need rigorous definition of "Acceptable XPath Expression" 15:45:22 URL? 15:45:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-forms/2007JanMar/0053.html 15:46:00 John: issue we have not defined what's acceptable as an xpath expression 15:46:13 in binding expressions 15:46:42 Erik: also last call comment asking for definition of acceptable xpath expression 15:46:52 "acceptable" is not a good word...we don't say what happens if not acceptable 15:47:02 in bind for example we say a rebuild is required 15:47:09 but in ui binding we don't seem to do the same thing 15:47:18 confusing to me what acceptable means and its consequences 15:47:29 My action "10 01Action: Steven to change template" has been done 15:47:39 move away from that term and talk about dynamic bindings and when they can be used 15:47:41 -David_Landwehr 15:48:10 Erik: what we're trying to say is complicated, but we understand how it's supposed to work...wording is just not intuitive 15:48:20 John: sense an action item... 15:48:48 Action: Erik to propose alternate wording for "acceptable" xpath expression 15:49:05 Topic: Instance replacement fix needed 15:49:58 Steven: [ot] who has responsibility for adding actions to DB? need this for last call? 15:50:13 John: [ot] for Last call in particular? 15:50:31 Topic: Last call issues 15:50:41 John: i'd like to clarify this process 15:50:57 Steven: issues we agree to handle, have to forward to email address of the db 15:51:10 when we deal with an issue, need to update DB with solution 15:51:20 then reply to the person asking if they're ok with the decision 15:51:32 John: what did we do for 1.0 15:51:35 zakim, unmute me 15:51:35 Schnitz should no longer be muted 15:51:42 Sebastian: we did this for 1.0 15:52:07 Steven: i think the easy way is for some single person to take this on 15:52:24 Sebastian: agree, would be best for someone with interest in the system 15:52:37 Steven: we're using Shane's system so it's easy 15:52:52 issues just need to be forwarded there, with later update after decision 15:53:09 John: on prior telecon we started that process, made progress up to march 14 on the telecon 15:53:15 Steven: and updated db at same time 15:53:48 John: hoped we could continue that process, with someone to handle db updates...volunteers??? 15:53:59 zakim, unmute me 15:53:59 unl should no longer be muted 15:54:03 zakim, pick a victim 15:54:03 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Schnitz 15:54:26 Uli: I will take the job 15:54:33 zakim, mute me 15:54:33 Schnitz should now be muted 15:54:43 Steven: i'll fill you in on process offline 15:55:01 zakim, thank you 15:55:01 you are very welcome, Schnitz 15:55:03 ;-) 15:55:16 Topic: Instance replacement fix needed 15:55:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007May/0081.html 15:56:35 John: issue is if you replace an instance we don't describe fully in the spec that ui controls might receive value-changed and other MIP events 15:56:59 has led to discussion about other points in the lifecycle where we might have/want events 15:57:18 could be a problem since alerts etc might get fired at initialization 15:57:36 so would suggest we clarify behavior specifically of refresh 15:57:45 after instance replacement, get rrrr sequence 15:59:19 Erik: we have 2 different problems, initialization and instance replacement 15:59:37 can read the spec on refresh and think it works with replacement 16:00:04 John: agree that refresh language is deficient in that it doesn't clarify this 16:00:16 Erik: i was only raising issue of replacement 16:01:01 many apologies, but I have to go. 16:01:07 -Mark_Birbeck 16:01:24 we define refresh based on instance node, with complete replacement it's difficult to define behavior in terms of changes to existing nodes 16:02:03 zakim, unmute me 16:02:03 Schnitz should no longer be muted 16:02:07 thx & bye 16:02:10 -Steven 16:02:12 -Blake 16:02:12 -unl 16:02:14 -wellsk 16:02:16 -ebruchez 16:02:17 bye 16:02:18 -Schnitz 16:02:20 -Rafael 16:02:22 -Charlie 16:02:24 -John_Boyer 16:02:26 HTML_Forms()11:00AM has ended 16:02:26 Uli? 16:02:28 Attendees were Charlie, John_Boyer, Schnitz, +1.812.535.aaaa, Blake, +1.919.434.aabb, ebruchez, Steven, roger, Mark_Birbeck, wellsk, David_Landwehr, unl 16:02:30 wellsk has left #forms 16:02:39 Uli? 16:02:58 Blake has left #forms 16:03:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:03:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 16:03:11 rrsagent, bye 16:03:11 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-actions.rdf : 16:03:11 ACTION: Steven to change template [1] 16:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-irc#T15-09-07 16:03:11 ACTION: Erik to recommend where the spec should be clarified about xsi:type handling [2] 16:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-irc#T15-42-07 16:03:11 ACTION: John to remove "special" on deferred update behavior [3] 16:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-irc#T15-44-51 16:03:11 ACTION: Erik to propose alternate wording for "acceptable" xpath expression [4] 16:03:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/05/30-forms-irc#T15-48-48