13:55:05 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:55:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc 13:55:09 meeting: i18n ITS WG 13:55:11 chair: Yves 13:55:13 scribe: Felix 13:55:16 scribenick: fsasaki 13:55:37 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007AprJun/0016.html 13:55:41 rrsagent, make log public 14:00:06 I18N_TS()10:00AM has now started 14:00:13 +Yves_Savourel 14:00:53 +Felix 14:01:18 Jirka has joined #i18nits 14:01:49 zakim, who is here? 14:01:49 On the phone I see Yves_Savourel, Felix 14:01:50 On IRC I see Jirka, RRSAgent, Zakim, fsasaki, YvesS 14:02:05 present+ Yves, Jirka, Felix 14:02:06 +??P12 14:02:11 regrets+ Sebastian 14:02:33 +Christian 14:02:44 present+ Christian 14:02:49 zakim, who is here? 14:02:49 On the phone I see Yves_Savourel, Felix (muted), Jirka, Christian 14:02:50 On IRC I see Jirka, RRSAgent, Zakim, fsasaki, YvesS 14:03:10 topic: action items 14:03:11 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:03:36 action: Felix to prepare the BP WD for publication (ONGOING) 14:03:51 Felix: document will be published on Friday 14:04:12 zakim, mute me 14:04:12 Jirka should now be muted 14:04:29 ok 14:04:41 s/ONGOING/DONE/ 14:04:55 action: Christian to try to look at EMMA (DONE) 14:04:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2007AprJun/0007.html 14:05:20 Yves: Felix and me looked at the mail, I made a note about one example 14:05:41 Christian: your note was right, I'll change the example 14:06:44 Felix: example how to send a a comment: 14:07:01 to: public-some-wg , cc: public-i18n-its , public-i18n-core 14:07:31 Felix: i18n core would be in the loop, and it is our comment 14:07:56 Christian: I'll send the comment 14:08:09 action: Christian to send comment on EMMA 14:08:22 Felix: i18n core tracks comments like this: http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/ 14:08:41 .. for a single review a separate HTML page like http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0704-xforms11/ 14:09:53 .. it is some effort, but I wanted to bring the proposal to you 14:10:01 Yves: seems to be a lot of effort 14:10:25 .. we could have a simplified web page which lists the specs we commented on and point to the initial mails 14:10:43 .. the other way would be that the person who sends the comment to keep track of it 14:11:05 .. having a simplified page would be the best solution 14:11:36 Felix: agree 14:12:12 Christian: maintaining the overview page would not be too much effort 14:12:26 .. more worried about the individual review 14:13:12 Yves: I start a summary page of comments 14:13:40 action: Yves to start a summary page for comments we made on other drafts 14:14:14 action: Felix to follow up with issue found in the Rec document about "lro" vs "rlo" (DONE) 14:14:25 http://www.w3.org/International/its/itstagset/its-errata.html 14:15:16 Felix: I updated the errata page with the error 14:16:41 .. we can publish the updated REC later after we have more errors 14:17:14 action: Yves to do add rule for xml:lang='zxx' and translate in DITA integration (POSTPONED) 14:17:24 topic: ITS Recommendation 14:22:07 Felix: got some feedback from Japanese members that ITS should get more outreach, e.g. having it as an ISO standard, which makes it easier to appraoch governmental institutions 14:22:29 Yves: in localization industry, ISO is not so important. Tool vendors are more important 14:23:05 .. it is a big effort to go to ISO , maybe national standards would be easier, but maybe it is the same effort 14:24:01 Jirka: I'm in ISO WG for markup languages 14:24:29 .. it is possible to have existing specs in s.t. which is called fast track process 14:24:51 .. it means that existing specs from e.g. OASIS or W3C become ISO standards 14:25:06 .. problem is maintainance. Must be clear who maintains: ISO or original submitter 14:25:34 .. in some countries having ISO stamps makes them more attractive for governmental organizations 14:26:00 Yves: very helpful. Maybe we can add an item to the agenda of the f2f to discuss that 14:26:40 Jirka: I can send pointers about the fast track process 14:26:51 action: Jirka to send pointers about ISO fast track process 14:27:26 Christian: I also think we should try to relate ITS to upcoming technologies like W3C specs 14:27:39 .. and we should try to relate ITS to producers of multilingual content 14:27:54 .. however, we also need to see tool support for ITS 14:31:26 Jirka doesn't think that it makes sense to have one standard released by two standard bodies, it makes further maintenance harder 14:31:35 Jirka thinks that tool vendors are more important then ISO stamp 14:31:42 Jirka thinks that we definitively push ITS in the new HTML WG, but this WG solves different problems at this time 14:32:40 Both Yves and Christian are talking to various tool vendors / tool creators about ITS adoption already 14:33:16 Jirka: I'm preparing a vote for openoffice XML format. I can integrate into the vote that ITS should be integrated into the format 14:33:46 s/openoffice/office open XML/ 14:34:03 everybody likes the idea a lot 14:34:19 Yves: we will discuss outreach also at the f2f 14:34:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007AprJun/0013.html 14:34:34 topic: ITS in atom 14:34:45 yves: we have not followed up on this topic 14:35:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2007AprJun/0017.html 14:37:03 Felix summarizes the mail http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2007AprJun/0013.html and http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2007AprJun/0017.html 14:38:04 Yves: do you know about Atom? Is ITS useful? 14:38:24 Felix: not sure 14:38:45 Yves: I'll follow up on the bidi attribute and also ITS in general 14:38:59 action: Yves to look on Atom and the bidi attribute and possibly ITS in general 14:39:12 topic: Reviewing W3C Work for ITS 14:39:40 Christian: looked at SPARQL 14:40:04 .. found similar issues as i18n core WG 14:40:29 .. the variable binding result format http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/ might use ITS 14:42:49 Felix: not sure if it needs a review, maybe it is auto generated and needs no localization 14:43:23 Christian: should we take more time to look into this and see also the outcome of the Atom review? 14:43:25 Yves: sure 14:43:34 Felix: does SPARQL need ITS? 14:43:37 Christian: don't think so 14:44:03 action: everybody to look at SPARQL and the SPARQL result format for potential ITS review 14:45:11 Yves: no new drafts 14:45:31 Christian: what about non-ITS specs? 14:45:45 .. like TMX? 14:46:06 Yves: we should gather the comments and send them out officially 14:46:28 action: Yves to look into TMX and SRX for ITS related comments 14:46:39 s/and SRX // 14:46:47 Yves: don't think there is s.t. in SRX 14:47:07 Christian: relationship between segmentation rules and our "Within Text" rules? 14:47:46 Yves: theoretically yes, practically not. SRX deals only with regex in text. ITS "Within Text" deals with element structure 14:47:59 .. you can implement both without knowing each other 14:49:00 .. "Within Text" has to do with s.t. which is sent to a tool. After that , another tool might use that information to do text segmentation 14:49:25 Christian: SRX is a standard for segmentation rules, so isn't it related to "Within Text"? 14:49:38 Yves: it is related, but at different stages of the process 14:49:50 Christian: we could make a joint comment to make the relationship to ITS clear 14:49:57 Yves: good point 14:51:16 Felix: we could make such relations also clear in the BP document 14:51:29 Yves: other formats: XLIFF: has no directionality aspect in it 14:51:40 Christian: yes. 14:51:56 action: Everybody to look into XLIFF 1.2, TMX 2. and SRX 2 14:52:25 action: Yves to add non-w3c specs to the comment overview page 14:52:36 topic: Best Practices Working Draft 14:52:55 Yves: made no change, waited for publication 14:53:05 .. at the f2f, mabye we could try some online editing 14:53:27 s/f2f/next call or f2f/ 14:54:15 .. I have web ex and could set up a meeting 14:54:55 (some concerns about OS useability, for people who don't have windows) 14:55:13 topic: Face-to-face meeting at SAP Paris 14:55:18 Yves: as a reminder 14:55:38 .. one more topic: outreach discussion 14:56:09 topic: AOB 14:56:23 Yves: will not be at next call, Felix will chair 14:56:43 -Christian 14:56:44 -Jirka 14:56:44 -Yves_Savourel 14:56:45 Jirka has left #i18nits 14:56:46 -Felix 14:56:47 I18N_TS()10:00AM has ended 14:56:48 Attendees were Yves_Savourel, Felix, Jirka, Christian 14:56:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:56:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:02:44 rrsagent, bye 15:02:44 I see 12 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-actions.rdf : 15:02:44 ACTION: Felix to prepare the BP WD for publication (ONGOING) [1] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-03-36 15:02:44 ACTION: Christian to try to look at EMMA (DONE) [2] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-04-55 15:02:44 ACTION: Christian to send comment on EMMA [3] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-08-09 15:02:44 ACTION: Yves to start a summary page for comments we made on other drafts [4] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-13-40 15:02:44 ACTION: Felix to follow up with issue found in the Rec document about "lro" vs "rlo" (DONE) [5] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-14-14 15:02:44 ACTION: Yves to do add rule for xml:lang='zxx' and translate in DITA integration (POSTPONED) [6] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-17-14 15:02:44 ACTION: Jirka to send pointers about ISO fast track process [7] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-26-51 15:02:44 ACTION: Yves to look on Atom and the bidi attribute and possibly ITS in general [8] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-38-59 15:02:44 ACTION: everybody to look at SPARQL and the SPARQL result format for potential ITS review [9] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-44-03 15:02:44 ACTION: Yves to look into TMX and SRX for ITS related comments [10] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-46-28 15:02:44 ACTION: Everybody to look into XLIFF 1.2, TMX 2. and SRX 2 [11] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-51-56 15:02:44 ACTION: Yves to add non-w3c specs to the comment overview page [12] 15:02:44 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/25-i18nits-irc#T14-52-25 15:02:46 zakim, bye 15:02:58 Zakim has left #i18nits 15:02:59 zakim, bye 15:03:06 zakim, bye 15:03:10 fsasaki has left #i18nits