13:59:59 RRSAgent has joined #html 13:59:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/04/04-html-irc 14:00:09 rrsagent,make log world 14:00:16 zakim, this will be html 14:00:16 ok, Steven, I see HTML_WG()10:00AM already started 14:00:21 +??P12 14:00:24 zakim, who is here? 14:00:24 On the phone I see [IBM], ??P12 14:00:25 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, ShaneM, Steven 14:00:30 zakim, dial steven-617 14:00:30 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:00:32 +Steven 14:01:06 zakim, mute rich 14:01:06 sorry, Steven, I do not know which phone connection belongs to rich 14:01:14 zakim, [ibm is Rich 14:01:14 +Rich; got it 14:01:19 zakim, mute rich 14:01:19 Rich should now be muted 14:01:27 zakim, ack rich 14:01:27 unmuting Rich 14:01:28 I see no one on the speaker queue 14:02:02 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Teleconference 14:02:53 yamx has joined #html 14:03:06 Which tel number will we use? 14:03:20 zakim, #html 14:03:20 I don't understand '#html', ShaneM 14:03:24 lol 14:03:32 The same as the past weeks? 14:04:07 Regrets: Melinda, Alessio 14:05:00 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Apr/0000 14:05:06 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Apr/0000 14:05:15 Chair: Steven 14:05:23 Scribe: Shane 14:05:51 + +44.442.087.61.aaaa 14:05:54 ACTION: Steven to check IE form for Shane [recorded in 14:05:54 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/28-html-minutes.html#action01] 14:05:57 -- Done 14:05:59 +??P24 14:06:21 zakim, P24 is yam 14:06:21 sorry, ShaneM, I do not recognize a party named 'P24' 14:06:31 zakim, ??P24 is yam 14:06:31 +yam; got it 14:06:53 Topic: Rechartering 14:07:09 Shane and Steven had a meeting with ChrisL and IanJ. Working through some issues. 14:07:33 ACTION: Remember to ensure you are a member of the XHTML 2 working group by contacting your AC rep. 14:07:56 AC representatives have the appropriate form already. 14:08:56 Remember that you should only send mail to the public-xhtml2 mailing list. The old working group mailing list is deprecated. 14:10:28 This mailing list is viewable by the public, but only working group members can join the mailing list. 14:10:39 ACTION: starting next week change IRC channels to #xhtml. 14:10:49 ACTION: Steven to send a message about the new logistics. 14:10:49 yamx has joined #html 14:11:57 A live drafts page will be available at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Drafts 14:12:11 TOPIC: RDFa and Shane's Questions 14:14:07 Should @href be indicated as being "clickable" or "actuatable" in the module specification? 14:14:38 This was discussed at the RDFa meeting this week. 14:14:56 Steven believes that we should NOT require this in the context of XHTML 1.1 becuase it just won't happen. 14:16:58 Shane thinks that @href means "link youcan follow" and if we make it global, it needs to mean that everywhere. 14:18:21 Mark suggests that the RDFa spec doesn't need to say anything about the clickability. And if we need to specify that, we could do it in a separate document. 14:18:39 Rich wants to know what semantics RDFa adds to href? 14:19:05 Mark indicated that it has some meaning when interpreted by an RDFa processor. In that context @href means the object of a triple. It has no other meaning in "RDFa" 14:21:34 Mark points out that rel="stylesheet" or rel="alternate stylesheet" has some semantics too.... but that needs to be defined elsewhere. It has nothing to do with RDFa 14:23:20 RESOLVED: remove the clickability from @href in RDFa 14:23:59 Mark indicated that "rarification" is going to go away from RDFa. Shane asked what we should change specifically? 14:24:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2007JanMar/0070 14:25:20 RDFa: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Group/2007/ED-xhtml-rdfa-20070317/ 14:28:44 XHTML2: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-metaAttributes.html#sec_24.2. 14:30:12 ACTION: Steven to propose a rephrasing of the about atribute inheritance rules. 14:31:26 Topic: @profile vs. rel=profile 14:33:07 RESOLVED: Stipulate that @rel="profile" is equivalent to @profile. 14:33:28 Mark thinks that @profile needs to be included in this specification. 14:33:40 Shane says it is in M12N already; all we need to do is reference it. 14:35:05 -Rich 14:35:26 +[IBM] 14:35:36 Zakim, [IBM is Rich 14:35:36 +Rich; got it 14:35:51 Topic: @class and RDFa 14:37:23 Mark thinks RDFa needs class around. Shane thinks that class comes from M12N. 14:37:47 Steven points out that the RDFa modules document can easily require the presence of the xhtml:class attribute 14:39:04 Steven is concerned about using class because class has not been traditionally a QName.... Steven things that @role is a better vehicle becuase it is a QName already 14:42:59 Mark has an idea that we could overlaod class to do lots of things, possibly even removing the @property attribute 14:44:05 RESOLVED: ensure that the class attribute is required by RDFa. Note that this means xhtml:id and xhtml:title are required as well. The Core attributes. 14:47:34 Mark thinks that a resulting markup language needs to incorporate @role via the Role Attribute Module. 14:48:22 Steven thinks we could require @role via the RDFa module. Mark thinks that there is no reason unless role maps to rdf:type 14:51:15 Rich feels role should be equivalent to an rdf:type 14:51:48 Steven_ has joined #html 14:53:24 ...arcane discussion about role vs type ... 14:59:59 ACTION: Mark to write up stuff about role as predicate. 15:00:23 ACTION: Shane to include the role module into the example xhtml+rdfa driver 15:00:49 Rich has joined #html 15:01:28 -??P12 15:01:31 -Steven 15:01:32 - +44.442.087.61.aaaa 15:01:33 -yam 15:01:34 -Rich 15:01:35 HTML_WG()10:00AM has ended 15:01:36 Attendees were [IBM], Steven, Rich, +44.442.087.61.aaaa, yam 15:03:55 Nick has joined #html 15:05:50 rrsagent, make minutes 15:05:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/04/04-html-minutes.html Steven_ 15:34:00 ShaneM has left #html 16:05:05 NickVdB has joined #html 16:52:02 Zakim has left #html 16:58:22 Nick has joined #html