15:15:04 RRSAgent has joined #mwts 15:15:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/27-mwts-irc 15:17:17 cgi-irc has joined #mwts 15:17:27 all, I sent in conf call details 15:17:30 ready now 15:18:06 oops, let me sign back as carmelo 15:19:03 Carmelo has joined #mwts 15:20:05 Dom are you on IRC? 15:24:48 On the call, carmelo, Til Drimitri and carmelo 15:25:01 dom has joined #mwts 15:25:02 Call was late due to bridge problems 15:25:07 Carmelo took notes. 15:25:23 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mwts/2007Mar/0025.html 15:25:25 Scribe: Carmelo 15:25:33 Present: Till, Carmelo, Dmitri, Dom 15:25:41 Chair: Dom 15:25:47 RRSAgent, make log public 15:25:51 Meeting: MWI Test Suite WG Teleconf 15:26:32 Topic: Conformance test suites for mobile web tecchs 15:26:48 ACTION: Dom to try and get in touch with user agent developers (OpenWave and Nokia) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-mwts-minutes.html#action05] 15:27:16 DOM asked from help from steering committee and some feedback was given 15:27:36 Jataayu 15:27:56 Also get in contact with DATAUL???,an indian company 15:28:14 jataayu's browser: jB5 15:29:18 Still hoping for extra responses. 15:29:25 s/DATAUL/Jataayu/ 15:29:44 Any extra feedback? 15:29:47 none given 15:30:16 ACTION: Dom to look at implementing an id for test session [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-mwts-minutes.html#action05] [PENDING] 15:30:25 This still pending 15:30:52 Harness code was sent in to the list. 15:30:53 ACTION: Dom to send test harness code to mailing list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-mwts-minutes.html#action07] [DONE] 15:31:26 Carmelo to look into the code a bit later todat 15:31:51 Till and Dimitri to look at code tomorrow 15:32:19 DOm expecting that by next week most of the suggestions to harness be implemented. 15:33:25 The buttoms vs Link usage was discussed 15:34:28 Till explained that links are a bit basic and easy to use. 15:35:45 Any other comments on Harnness? 15:36:23 ACTION: Dom to get back to Bert on CSS MP collaboration [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-mwts-minutes.html#action13] [PENDING] 15:36:30 on the CSS collaboration issue, this is pending 15:37:43 CSS do not have enough resources to maintain the test suite 15:38:49 ACTION: Carmelo to check with Tim Bolland wrt status of CSS Test suite and relation to WCSS Test suite 15:40:54 ACTION: Dom to check whether we're allowed to put the WCSS Test suite in the mobile test harness 15:40:56 Dom asked Will theharness be a bit more useful to Opera and the CSS usage? 15:41:08 Till - Yes it would 15:41:41 ACTION: Till to get feedback from his Opera colleagues on making the Javascript more usable on mobile devices [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-mwts-minutes.html#action08] [DONE] 15:43:54 Till commented on new version of the test harness 15:44:17 Dom - anyone willing to explore modifying the test suite. 15:45:01 ACTION: Till to send suggestions on DOM mobile test suite to public mailing list 15:46:01 Any interest on opera for the XTML suite? 15:46:23 The XHTML Suite that is 15:46:51 ACTION - on DOM to explore using XHTML MP as part of the harness 15:47:02 DOM - What about SVG Tiny? 15:47:14 Till ---> Yes 15:47:44 ACTIO Item on DOM using the SVG Tiny on the harness. 15:48:53 Dom - anyone remember discussing the testing framework last week? 15:49:19 Carmelo - not discussed 15:49:52 DOM - feedback on this is quite good 15:50:08 24 people interested on looking at such a system 15:50:22 about half were interested on submitting results 15:51:07 DOM - if we can get the 14 interested parties involved, will be a great start 15:51:26 17:48 Carmelo: not a valid action item :) 15:51:33 Dom - Carmelo, Till, and Drimitri, any feedback on this? 15:52:33 Correction on Action Item above "ACTION Item on Dom using the SVG Tiny on the harness. 15:54:26 Dom - Is testing framework a good use of the resources of this group? 15:54:33 Carmelo - Yes 15:54:53 Dom - usefult o start drafting a submission document. 15:56:32 ACTION Item on Carmelo to draft a document for test submissions. 15:57:11 Next meeting? 15:57:17 Dom will be out 15:57:29 carmelo will send agenda 15:58:39 and chair 15:58:51 Carmelo also to look at helping with conf call if need be 15:59:31 Schedule for May needs to be discussed 15:59:32 Schedule for May needs to be discussed 16:00:28 ACTION Item on Dom to get a survey together for May availability 16:06:30 dom has joined #mwts 16:07:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:07:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/27-mwts-minutes.html dom 16:22:49 dom_ has joined #mwts 17:11:36 dsilaev has left #mwts