14:53:47 RRSAgent has joined #i18ncore 14:53:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc 14:53:52 meeting: i18n core WG 14:53:54 chair: Francois 14:53:56 scribe: Felix 14:53:59 scribeNick: fsasaki 14:54:05 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2007Jan/0022.html 14:54:09 rrsagent, make log public 14:58:50 Mick has joined #i18ncore 14:59:31 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started 14:59:39 +Ienup_Sung 14:59:40 -Ienup_Sung 14:59:41 +Felix 14:59:42 +Ienup_Sung 15:00:47 ienup has joined #i18ncore 15:00:52 +Michael_Monaghan 15:03:12 r12a has joined #i18ncore 15:03:18 ienup has joined #i18ncore 15:03:29 zakim, dial richard please 15:03:29 ok, r12a; the call is being made 15:03:31 +Richard 15:06:21 agenda at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2007Jan/0022.html 15:06:29 topic: last minutes 15:06:31 http://www.w3.org/2007/01/23-i18ncore-minutes.html 15:06:56 minutes approved 15:07:04 topic: Action items 15:07:14 action: Felix to bring i18n core comments to data binding WG (DONE) 15:07:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JanMar/0031.html 15:07:48 action: Felix to go back to VBWG asking about our CCXML comments (DONE) 15:09:02 action: Felix to go back to XML core with our comments on c14n 1.1. (DROPPED) 15:09:18 ienup has joined #i18ncore 15:09:33 action: Francois to draft s.t. for a note about C064 / C065 (PENDING) 15:10:01 action: Ienup to go to the Unicode UTC and check the stability of the "latest version" URI for referencing Unicode (ONGOING) 15:10:14 Ienup: yesterday I sent a mail saying that I'm talking to Mark 15:10:32 .. Mark said they have a URL we can use, so I'd recommend the URL and close the AI 15:10:55 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2007Jan/0023.html 15:11:41 regrets+ Francois 15:12:55 Felix: Agree with closing the AI but keeping track of the URI described in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2007Jan/0023.html , we might need it for an update of C064 / C065 15:13:34 action: all to give feedback on LTLI update (PENDING) 15:13:57 action: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list (PENDING) 15:14:10 action: Francois to build a current issues list on charmod norm (PENDING) 15:14:29 action: Francois to have a look at issue 3698 and gather information onoptions for diacrictics in collations (PENDING) 15:14:44 action: Francois to reread Martins mail and to write a reply to him (PENDING 15:14:56 (the 15:14:58 mail was about the proposed edited recommendation request of xml:base, 15:15:00 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2006Dec/0014.html ) 15:15:17 topic: Charmod C064 considered unclear 15:15:31 postponed until next week 15:15:39 topic: xml:base 15:16:30 Felix: I'll ping Francois later to see if he can follow up on this before 31 January 15:16:42 topic: PLS 1.0 review 15:17:30 Richard: I'll look at it after the meeting 15:18:07 topic: IDN "does it work?" document 15:18:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JanMar/0027.html 15:18:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JanMar/att-0027/idn.html__charset_UTF-8 15:18:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JanMar/0032.html 15:18:28 Michael: I made an update since that 15:18:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2007JanMar/att-0032/idnv2.html__charset_UTF-8 15:19:08 Richard: looks good, did not have a chance to look at it yet in detail 15:19:29 Michael: Mark said IE looks a little bit more elegant than other solutions 15:19:59 .. should we give time to review this? 15:20:16 Richard: this is an replacement for a section in an existing article, right? 15:20:18 Michael: yes 15:20:27 Richard: I'll also send this to the GEO WG 15:21:32 action: Richard to send the "IDN does it work?" document to GEO 15:21:48 Ienup: I can also send the document to various people 15:21:57 Richard: the document is quite long and a bit complex 15:22:14 .. the GEO documents are sent out for review on the www-international list 15:22:23 .. might also be good to do this here 15:22:35 Ienup: good idea 15:23:09 Michael: I'll make some formatting changes and condense the document, before distributing it 15:23:34 .. the explanation of how some browsers act is covered in some "mouse over" information which is bad since you can't print that 15:23:41 .. I'll reformat that before I'll distribute 15:23:51 .. after that I'll send it to www-international? 15:24:16 Richard: contact me as you are ready. We might want to integrate it into the original article, after that we send it to www-international 15:24:29 Michael: ok, I'll contact you first 15:24:38 topic: CSS 2.1 review 15:25:38 Richard: I'll send the mail about the BDO stuff, I'll try to do that this week 15:26:25 .. if you get a chance to read it, it's fine. CSS 2.1 is far advanced 15:26:39 Felix: ok, let's do it like that 15:26:48 topic: LC reviews 15:26:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2007Jan/0020.html 15:27:16 http://www.w3.org/TR/mobileOK-basic10-tests/ 15:28:01 Felix: any volunteers? 15:28:48 Richard: character encoding support is important in the draft for us 15:28:52 http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#CHARACTER_ENCODING_USE 15:29:09 Richard: can't see a lot other issues 15:29:22 action: Felix to add mobileOK to LC radar 15:30:02 topic: LTLI update 15:30:14 postponed 15:30:25 topic: XQuery full text review - udpate? 15:30:29 postponed 15:30:45 topic: activity renewal 15:31:12 Richard: form for renewal is out until 2nd February 15:31:32 .. positive responses so far, one suggestion about MathML, except that not much to report 15:32:05 s/2nd/7th/ 15:32:30 Richard: after activity renewal, everybody has to rejoin the WGs, so you'll have to talk to your AC reps for that 15:32:47 .. we also have to make a recruitment plan for i18n , if you have any ideas, please let us know 15:32:54 Michael: how many people are necessary? 15:33:19 Richard: the more the better. Some people don't attend meetings, but contribute in other ways 15:34:58 ienup has joined #i18ncore 15:38:27 topic: trip report from Richard 15:39:01 Richard: went to conference organized by Pan localization project 15:39:18 .. they are working with people developing standards for keyboards etc 15:39:39 .. they train a smaller group of people in each country to become i18n / l10n engineers 15:39:48 .. last week they had a meeting in Bhutan 15:40:02 .. brought people from 16 countries together 15:40:24 .. they will do a survey starting from the conference 15:40:25 http://www.panl10n.net/english/Survey.htm 15:40:34 .. above is a previous survey they did 15:40:50 .. also in the workshop they put together some policy statements 15:41:41 .. there was also a presentation by Ram Noham (scribe not sure about spelling) 15:41:49 .. specialist in IDNs 15:42:26 .. I represented W3C and explained what we do 15:42:31 http://www.panl10n.net/english/Program20.htm 15:42:49 Michael: how long has the pan localization been around? 15:42:56 Richard: I think 3 years 15:43:19 .. they recently launched Linux for Tibetanian and other languages 15:43:38 .. the link above leads to the HP which has more info 15:44:25 http://people.w3.org/rishida/blog/ 15:45:00 Felix: any potential members? 15:45:18 Richard: not sure, the people might not join themselves, but spread the news in their country 15:46:37 .. went back via India, people are still very interested in i18n 15:46:58 .. they are interested in CSS support for lists using Indian numbers 15:48:19 Felix: would be great to have a requirements document (or several) for India or other Asian countries about their layout requirements 15:49:16 -Ienup_Sung 15:49:17 -Michael_Monaghan 15:49:19 -Felix 15:49:20 -Richard 15:49:21 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended 15:49:22 Attendees were Ienup_Sung, Felix, Michael_Monaghan, Richard 15:49:39 Richard: maybe a bit early (they are still in an early stage of discussion), maybe we can look into this later this year 15:49:42 topic: AOB 15:49:49 meeting adjourned 15:49:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:49:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-minutes.html fsasaki 15:59:17 rrsagent, bye 15:59:18 I see 12 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-actions.rdf : 15:59:18 ACTION: Felix to bring i18n core comments to data binding WG (DONE) [1] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-07-14 15:59:18 ACTION: Felix to go back to VBWG asking about our CCXML comments (DONE) [2] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-07-48 15:59:18 ACTION: Felix to go back to XML core with our comments on c14n 1.1. (DROPPED) [3] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-09-02 15:59:18 ACTION: Francois to draft s.t. for a note about C064 / C065 (PENDING) [4] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-09-33 15:59:18 ACTION: Ienup to go to the Unicode UTC and check the stability of the "latest version" URI for referencing Unicode (ONGOING) [5] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-10-01 15:59:18 ACTION: all to give feedback on LTLI update (PENDING) [6] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-13-34 15:59:18 ACTION: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list (PENDING) [7] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-13-57 15:59:18 ACTION: Francois to build a current issues list on charmod norm (PENDING) [8] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-14-10 15:59:18 ACTION: Francois to have a look at issue 3698 and gather information onoptions for diacrictics in collations (PENDING) [9] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-14-29 15:59:18 ACTION: Francois to reread Martins mail and to write a reply to him (PENDING [10] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-14-44 15:59:18 ACTION: Richard to send the "IDN does it work?" document to GEO [11] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-21-32 15:59:18 ACTION: Felix to add mobileOK to LC radar [12] 15:59:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-i18ncore-irc#T15-29-22 15:59:21 zakim, bye 15:59:22 Zakim has left #i18ncore 15:59:24 fsasaki has left #i18ncore