graphic with four colored squares
Cover page images (keys)

Web Services Policy Expression Alternatives

Eric Prud'hommeaux <>,
Philippe Le Hégaret <>

XML 2006
December 6, 2006

Why WS-Policy Alternatives?

Web Services Policy 101

Web Services Policy

… general purpose model and corresponding syntax to describe the policies of entities in a Web services-based system

Used in:

Possible Uses of WS-Policy

WS-Policy Expression 101


  <wsap:AddressingRequired />
  <mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization />

WS-Policy Assertion

… represents an individual requirement, capability, or other property of a behavior.

<wsap:AddressingRequired />

Nested Policy Expression

                 <sp:HttpDigestAuthentication />                  

WS-Policy Assertion (second try)

… represents an individual requirement, capability, or other property of a behavior.

<sp:HttpDigestAuthentication />

… could be context dependent.

WS-Policy Alternatives


  <wsap:AddressingRequired />

Normal form

      <wsap:AddressingRequired />
      <mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization />
      <wsap:AddressingRequired />
      <mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization />
      <wsap:AddressingRequired />
      <wsap:AddressingRequired />

Nested Policy Expression

                <sp:HttpDigestAuthentication />   
                <sp:HttpBasicAuthentication />               

Normal Nested Policy Expression

                 <sp:HttpDigestAuthentication />   
                 <sp:HttpBasicAuthentication />   

WS-Policy as Regexps

WS-Policy Written in XML

  <wsap:AddressingRequired />

A Name is Just a Name

  <A />
  <B wsp:Optional="true"/>

WS-Policy Written in Regexps

A B? ( C | D )

( sp:TransportBinding | 
  sp:AsymmetricBinding )

"Canonicalized" Regexp

( A B C ) | ( A B D ) | ( B C ) | ( B D )

( AddressingRequired AsymmetricBinding ) |
( AddressingRequired TransportBinding ) |
( AddressingRequired AsymmetricBinding OptimizedMimeSerialization ) |
( AddressingRequired TransportBinding OptimizedMimeSerialization )

String match of

( AddressingRequired TransportBinding )

looks for policy intersections.

Hard to "Canonicalize"

  <sp:Body />

SignedParts and Body become one opaque identifier.

Secret knowledge allows me to know that really means:




Nested Policies

From the surface syntax,



New Regexp Convention



What Were We Doing Again?

Requirement: X and Y

… do X and Y.


Requirement: X xor Y

… do X or Y, but not both.


Requirement: X and maybe Y

… do X and maybe Y.

  <Y wsp:Optional="true"/>

Requirement: X and maybe Y


Requirement: X iff Y

… do X if and only if you do Y.

<wsp:Policy wsp:Optional="true">

Requirement: X iff Y


What Else Can We Express?

Capability: X iff Y

… do X and Y (together).

  <All wsp:Optional="true">

(Of course, you need to use the expanded form.)

Capability: X iff Y matches what?

Some requirements that match the capability X iff Y:

  <Y wsp:Optional="true"/>

What Tools Solve This Problem?

Off-the-shelf query tools:


for $pol in fn:doc("libs.xml")/Policy/All/
where $pol/wsap:AddressingRequired
      and $pol/mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization
      and count($pol/*[not(wsap:AddressingRequired)
                       and not(mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization)]) = 0
return $pol

returns a node if libs.xml expresses that capability.


ASK { ?pol rdfp:requires (
    [ rdfp:policyName mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization ]
    [ rdfp:policyName wsap:AddressingRequired ] ) }

Wait, What Data Did That Query?

The RDF (Turtle) representation looks very much like this query.

_:somePolicy rdfp:requires (
    [ rdfp:policyName mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization ]
    [ rdfp:policyName wsap:AddressingRequired ] ) }

Using XML Schema

Using XML Schema

  1. to represent policy assertions
  2. to check Infoset artifacts
  <wsap:AddressingRequired />

XML Schema for Addressing

<xs:element name="soap12:Headers">
      <xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:MessageId' minOccurs='0'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:From' minOccurs='0'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:ReplyTo' minOccurs='0'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:FaultTo' minOccurs='0'/>

XML Schema for Addressing extended

<xs:element name="soap12:Headers">
      <xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:MessageId' minOccurs='1'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:From' minOccurs='1'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:ReplyTo' minOccurs='0'/>

Addressing assertion extended


More complex wire expressions

  <wsap:AddressingRequired />
  <mtom:OptimizedMimeSerialization />

MTOM Envelope

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Related;boundary=MIME_boundary;

Content-Type: application/xop+xml; type="application/soap+xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <>

    <m:data xmlns:m=''>

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>

// binary octets for png


Message Envelope

<message optimizedMimeSerialization='true'>
      <m:data xmlns:m=''>

XML Schema for Addressing+MTOM

<xs:element name="message">
    <xs:element ref="httpHeaders" />
    <xs:element ref="soap12:Envelop">
	  <xs:element name="soap12:Headers">
		<xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
		<xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>
		<xs:element ref='wsa:MessageId' minOccurs='0'/>
		<xs:element ref='wsa:From' minOccurs='0'/>
		<xs:element ref='wsa:ReplyTo' minOccurs='0'/>
		<xs:element ref='wsa:FaultTo' minOccurs='0'/>
	  <xs:element ref="soap12:Body" />
  <xs:attribute name="optimizedMimeSerialization"
      xsi:type="xsd:boolean" fixed='true'/>

Another example

  <wsap:AddressingRequired />
  <sp:SignedParts wsp:Optional="true">
    <sp:Body />

Using XML Schema

    <xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
    <xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>
    <xs:element name='wsse:Security' minOccurs='0'/>
      <xs:element ref='ds:Signature'>

Another Example (2)

      <wsap:AddressingRequired />
        <sp:Body />
      <wsap:AddressingRequired />

Welcome to UPA Hell!

      <xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>
      <xs:element name='wsse:Security'/>
        <xs:element ref='ds:Signature'>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:To'/>
      <xs:element ref='wsa:Action'/>

So, using XML Schema



And what about capabilities vs requirements?

So, Does WS-Policy make sense?

Minor proposal: add support for wsp:Optional on Policy/All and ExactlyOne

Stronger proposal: don't allow arbitrary elements in a policy assertion!


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