slide 43
Copyright © 2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)
Data categories
Local use:
<p> この本は <its:ruby><its:rb> 慶応義塾大学 </its:rb><its:rp> ( </its:rp>
<its:rt> けいおうぎじゅくだいがく </its:rt><its:rp> ) </its:rp></its:ruby>
の歴史を説明するものです。 </p>
< rb > required, contents ruby base text
< rp > contains ruby parentheses
< rt > contains the ruby text and an optional <rbspan>
< rbc > ruby base container (for complex ruby)
< rtc > ruby text container (for complex ruby)
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Slide 43 of 50
The ITS specification provides elements that cover the usage described in the Ruby Annotation specification.
The example of use shows how you would use ITS markup to associate a run of hiragana text with kanji base text in Japanese. It includes markup for ruby parentheses, which provide a useful fallback approach if an application doesn't support ruby text display.