14:58:56 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 14:58:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc 14:59:10 chair: Yves 14:59:13 scribe: Felix 14:59:17 scribeNick: fsasaki 15:00:11 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006OctDec/0043.html 15:00:16 rrsagent, make log public 15:00:24 zakim, dial felix-home 15:00:24 ok, fsasaki; the call is being made 15:00:25 I18N_TS()10:00AM has now started 15:00:27 +Felix 15:00:53 + +1.303.962.aaaa 15:01:37 AZ has joined #i18nits 15:02:11 +[IPcaller] 15:02:26 +??P18 15:02:58 chriLi has joined #i18nits 15:05:04 +Sebastian_Rahtz 15:05:24 rahtz has joined #i18nits 15:05:38 topic: action items 15:05:45 action: Sebastian to create a big test file for the ITS test suite (>1 MB) to test the implementation efficiency of namespace binding(s) (DONE) 15:06:57 Sebastian: it does not test very much, only has translate yes / no 15:07:54 Felix: should we have pointer attributes in the big file? 15:08:52 action: Sebastian to insert some pointer-like data category information into the huge test file 15:09:35 topic: CR phase: current state 15:11:32 Felix: we could request PR maybe in December, but I'd say first half of January is o.k. too 15:11:51 Sebastian: is the namespace issue resolved? Can I change my implementation like that? 15:12:06 Andrzej: I have to check with my team 15:12:46 Yves: I work with Dom, like you do, so there should be no problem, I can tell you how it works 15:13:19 15:14:20 (test data discussion) 15:14:31 15:14:50 15:15:04 Andrzej: example is from OpenOffice ITS rules file 15:15:04 15:15:51 Yves: you need to use the xmlns attributes instead of the element 15:16:49 action: Andrzej to check if his implementation works with without the element, using xmlns instead 15:17:07 topic: on output format 15:17:14 Sebastian: is the output type optional? 15:17:48 .. at the moment it would be complicated to support the output type 15:18:15 Felix: No need to have that information 15:18:53 Yves: o.k., output type is optional 15:19:07 Sebastian: we need a script to compare the results 15:19:22 action: Felix to write a script which compares the results 15:19:35 Sebastian: can the output of nodes be different? 15:19:53 .. i.e. the order of nodes? I guess not 15:21:23 topic: getting rid of ns element? 15:22:05 Sebastian: could we have both the ns elements and xmlns attributes in the test files, intermediately? 15:23:04 Action: Yves to make sure to have both the ns elements and xmlns attributes in the test files, intermediately 15:24:03 http://www.w3.org/International/its/tests/ 15:24:23 Sebastian: test result page: Do we need success in each cell? 15:24:49 Felix: we need success in two columns for each row 15:26:17 topic: Inheritence and Override 15:27:12 Yves: I thought lately that a local rule would override everything, also what is selected by a global rule directly 15:27:24 .. Felix pointed out that CSS does the same as ITS currently 15:27:39 Sebastian: two questions: is the interpretation correct, and is it clear in the spec? 15:27:54 Yves: agree. It is not clear in the spec currently 15:28:11 Yves: we also have no sample which addresses the issue 15:28:34 Andrzej: we define every element explicitely 15:28:54 .. we stipulate for every element what information applies for it 15:29:09 .. we don't reply on inheritance 15:29:17 Yves: you put labels to the tree? 15:29:22 Andrzej: right 15:30:19 Yves makes an example for a global rule that selects s.t. inside a locally specified element, e.g. locally

, globally 15:30:52 Yves: would the inside

be overriden by the local

? 15:30:55 Andrzej: no 15:31:17 action: Yves to make an inheritance example for Andrzej and send it to him 15:31:36 s/inheritance/inheritance & overriding/ 15:32:03 s/send it to him/send it to him, both verify that inheritance works the right way/ 15:32:33 Sebastian: I don't see an alternative to having inheritance as a "second stage" thing 15:33:12 topic: full xpath in selectors 15:33:17 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006OctDec/0044.html 15:36:15 Sebastian: should we have a subset of XPath in XSLT? 15:36:21 Felix: hard to test, maybe 15:39:24 Yves: how about having this as a best practice? 15:39:59 Sebastian: if the rule is simple and easy to understand we could just add it 15:40:43 Felix: should this be a note or normative text? 15:40:58 Sebastian: depends on how complex this his 15:41:28 http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#NT-Pattern 15:42:29 action: Felix to explain what axes are possible with the XSLT pattern used in the match attributes 15:43:23 topic: f2f next year 15:46:33 Yves: if you have ideas, please propose them 15:46:46 topic: ITS talks 15:47:03 Yves: thanks to Christian to the talk at TEKOM 15:47:40 Christian: thanks, the talks made clear that ITS is known, people are waiting for commercial tools 15:47:46 topic: AOB 15:47:58 -Sebastian_Rahtz 15:48:01 -Yves 15:48:02 -Felix 15:48:03 -Christian 15:48:04 -Andrzej 15:48:05 I18N_TS()10:00AM has ended 15:48:07 Attendees were +1.303.962.aaaa, Yves, [IPcaller], Andrzej, Christian, Felix, Sebastian_Rahtz 15:48:25 present: Andrzej, Christian, Felix, Sebastian, Yves 15:48:33 regrets: Richard 15:48:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:48:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:50:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:50:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:51:36 x 15:51:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:51:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 15:53:55 meeting: i18n ITS Working Group 15:53:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:53:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 16:46:38 rrsagent, bye 16:46:38 I see 7 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-actions.rdf : 16:46:38 ACTION: Sebastian to create a big test file for the ITS test suite (>1 MB) to test the implementation efficiency of namespace binding(s) (DONE) [1] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-05-45 16:46:38 ACTION: Sebastian to insert some pointer-like data category information into the huge test file [2] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-08-52 16:46:38 ACTION: Andrzej to check if his implementation works with without the element, using xmlns instead [3] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-16-49 16:46:38 ACTION: Felix to write a script which compares the results [4] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-19-22 16:46:38 ACTION: Yves to make sure to have both the ns elements and xmlns attributes in the test files, intermediately [5] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-23-04 16:46:38 ACTION: Yves to make an inheritance example for Andrzej and send it to him [6] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-31-17 16:46:38 ACTION: Felix to explain what axes are possible with the XSLT pattern used in the match attributes [7] 16:46:38 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-i18nits-irc#T15-42-29 16:46:40 zakim, bye 16:46:40 Zakim has left #i18nits 16:46:49 fsasaki has left #i18nits