13:44:08 RRSAgent has joined #i18ncore 13:44:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-i18ncore-irc 13:44:14 meeting: i18n core Working Group 13:44:19 chair: Francois 13:44:20 scribe: Felix 13:44:25 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:44:47 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2006Sep/0002.html 14:00:24 fyergeau has joined #i18ncore 14:01:05 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started 14:01:05 +Felix 14:01:22 +[IPcaller] 14:01:28 zakim, [ is fyergeau 14:01:28 +fyergeau; got it 14:05:48 r12a has joined #i18ncore 14:06:16 zakim, dial richard 14:06:16 ok, r12a; the call is being made 14:06:17 +Richard 14:07:24 yes 14:07:30 merci 14:07:34 topic: XSL-FO workshop 14:07:46 Francois: how to give intput to the workshop? 14:07:58 action: Felix to find out how to give input on the XSL-FO workshop 14:08:01 in germany ? 14:08:13 wish i could go too 14:09:48 Francois: I would like to give input to the WG, rather than to the workshop 14:11:10 topic: action items 14:11:24 (minutes from last meeting approved) 14:11:38 action: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list 14:11:50 Felix: this was done 14:11:56 +[IBM] 14:12:30 see mail from Martin at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2006Sep/0003.html (member only) 14:16:29 Francois: we just wait for Chris reaction, if he does not react, we will follow-up 14:16:48 action: Francois to give input to wiki for the LTLI summary (PENDING) 14:16:59 action: Francois to send his reply on xml schema to the list (DONE) 14:17:21 See mail at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2006JulSep/0172.html 14:17:29 (Francois describes the issue) 14:17:53 s/i18n core list/i18n core list (DONE)/ 14:18:58 Francois: put this on the agenda for next week 14:19:02 Mary: I will take a look at it 14:19:47 action: Richard to send his mail on bidi-override scope in CSS2 and CSS 2.1 to www-international and the style-list, and copy the BIDI-unicode list (ONGOING) 14:20:08 action: all to look at charmod resid test suite and gather feedback (PENDING) 14:20:35 Francois: also have this on the agenda for next week 14:21:05 Felix: better in two weeks, so that we have Richards input 14:21:16 action: Francois to build a current issues list on charmod norm (PENDING) 14:21:40 action: Mary will make the updates discussed in Mandelieu on ws-i18n (PENDING) 14:21:50 Mary: the udates from Mandelieu are still o.k. 14:25:14 .. we need more participation from other companies in the WS i18n work 14:25:44 .. esp. other implementations from other companies 14:26:07 action: Felix to look for possible participants (esp. implementors) for the WS i18n work 14:26:35 s/Mandelieu on ws-i18n (PENDING)/Mandelieu on ws-i18n (DONE)/ 14:27:24 Mary: need to put the editors copy on the W3C server 14:27:29 editors copy is at http://www.w3.org/International/core/ws-i18n/ws-i18n.html 14:30:51 discussion on the status of the relation between policy framework and ws-i18n 14:33:45 Francois: would be good to have one document with clearly separated parts, one on policy, one on the i18n specific issues 14:34:14 Felix: Mary, have you worked on policy assertions for i18n? 14:34:31 Mary: not so far. But is easy to get started with it 14:37:20 Discussion on the difference between "domain-specific" versus "not domain-specific" 14:38:06 topic: XSL-FO requirements workshop in Germany (part 2) 14:38:37 workshop HP at http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/2006-Workshop/ 14:39:07 Francois: international requirements are a good thing for XSL-FO 14:41:03 Felix: do you think there is interest in the workshop from India? 14:41:15 Richard: maybe 14:41:27 Francois: there have been announcements 14:41:32 topic: working group naming 14:42:01 Richard: Philippe Le Hegaret is happy with the core charter and the character model charter 14:42:09 .. the ws-i18n charter needs more discussion 14:42:45 .. we will recharter before the end of the year or before 14:43:05 .. the current naming is: 14:43:17 .. "core" for comments and former GEO activities 14:43:42 .. "Web Services Internationalization Working Group" for ws i18n 14:43:55 .. and the third group for character model 14:44:34 .. the question is how to name the third group or possibly the other groups 14:44:58 .. the third groups would be for spec work, initially charmod. How should we call it? 14:45:44 .. "architecture WG", "i18n infrastructure WG", "i18n deployment WG", ... 14:48:46 (discussion on the meaning of the term "core" - a group for spec writing or review / education?) 14:54:13 (Richard would like to name the charmod WG not too specific, to be able to reuse the name) 14:57:53 Francois: I would prefer "infrastructure" WG 15:01:07 Richard: i18n development WG 15:02:27 topic: next meeting 15:02:34 Richard will be absent next week 15:02:48 -fyergeau 15:02:50 -Mary 15:02:52 -Felix 15:02:53 -Richard 15:02:55 I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended 15:02:57 Attendees were Felix, [IPcaller], fyergeau, Richard, [IBM], Mary 15:03:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-i18ncore-minutes.html fsasaki 16:31:11 Zakim has left #i18ncore 18:06:55 fyergeau_ has joined #i18ncore 18:23:21 fyergeau__ has joined #i18ncore