15:21:54 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy 15:21:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc 15:21:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:21:56 Zakim has joined #ws-policy 15:21:58 Zakim, this will be Policy 15:21:58 ok, trackbot; I see WS_Policy()12:00PM scheduled to start in 39 minutes 15:21:59 Meeting: WS Policy WG Teleconference 15:21:59 Date: 23 August 2006 15:23:05 zakim, please read agenda from http://whatfettle.com/2006/07/RDFAgenda/http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0124.html 15:23:05 working on it, cferris 15:23:08 agenda+ Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair 15:23:10 agendum 1 added 15:23:11 agenda+ Review and approval of telcon minutes, Chair 15:23:14 agendum 2 added 15:23:15 agenda+ Future WG meetings, Chair 15:23:16 agendum 3 added 15:23:17 agenda+ Editorial team report 15:23:18 agendum 4 added 15:23:19 agenda+ Review action items, Chair 15:23:20 agendum 5 added 15:23:22 agenda+ Detailed review of current drafts 15:23:23 agendum 6 added 15:23:24 agenda+ Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes) 15:23:26 agendum 7 added 15:23:27 agenda+ Minor Technical Issues (30 minutes) 15:23:29 agendum 8 added 15:23:31 agenda+ Major Technical Issues (30 minutes) 15:23:33 agendum 9 added 15:23:35 agenda+ New issues (since Aug 7) 15:23:37 agendum 10 added 15:23:39 agenda+ Any other business 15:23:41 agendum 11 added 15:23:43 done reading agenda, cferris 15:23:57 Chair: PaulC 15:38:12 Fabian has joined #ws-policy 15:45:05 Chris: There is a updated agenda ! 15:45:13 Sorry for its late arrival. 15:47:00 Yakov has joined #ws-policy 15:47:09 scribe:Yakov 15:52:08 My last email to WS-Policy took 3 hrs to get distributed... 15:52:11 WS_Policy()12:00PM has now started 15:52:18 + +1.508.628.aaaa 15:53:09 scribe:Yakov 15:54:28 +??P8 15:54:39 zakim, ??P8 is me 15:54:39 +Fabian; got it 15:56:12 rrsagent, where are we? 15:56:12 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'where are we' 15:56:18 rrsagent, where am i? 15:56:18 See http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T15-56-18 15:57:04 abbie has joined #ws-policy 15:58:00 Topic: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0137 15:58:10 Chris - please note that VER 2 agenda has a slighly different structure. 15:58:17 whenry has joined #ws-policy 15:58:19 +Abbie_Barbir 15:58:27 hmmm.... I'm trying to sort out how to deal with that 15:58:41 zakim, what is the agenda? 15:58:41 I see 11 items remaining on the agenda: 15:58:43 1. Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair 15:58:44 2. Review and approval of telcon minutes, Chair 15:58:45 3. Future WG meetings, Chair 15:58:46 4. Editorial team report 15:58:47 5. Review action items, Chair 15:58:48 6. Detailed review of current drafts 15:58:49 JCrump has joined #ws-policy 15:59:06 FrederickHirsch has joined #ws-policy 15:59:17 7. Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes) 15:59:18 8. Minor Technical Issues (30 minutes) 15:59:19 9. Major Technical Issues (30 minutes) 15:59:21 10. New issues (since Aug 7) 15:59:24 11. Any other business 15:59:25 +??P2 15:59:26 + +44.796.805.aabb 15:59:31 + +1.719.302.aacc 15:59:42 dmoberg has joined #ws-policy 15:59:47 zakim, +1.719.302.aacc is whenry 15:59:47 +whenry; got it 15:59:54 + +1.781.999.aadd 15:59:59 agenda 8 = Possible out-of-scope issues 16:00:13 zakim, +1.781.999.aadd is JCrump 16:00:13 +JCrump; got it 16:00:20 +??P12 16:00:22 agenda 9 = Minor technical issues (30 minutes) 16:00:22 zakim, mute me 16:00:25 whenry should now be muted 16:00:29 asir has joined #ws-policy 16:00:29 maryann has joined #ws-policy 16:00:40 zakim, ??P12 is dmoberg 16:00:41 +dmoberg; got it 16:00:45 agenda 10 = major technical issues (30 minutes) 16:00:54 agenda 11 = New issues 16:01:00 - +44.796.805.aabb 16:01:05 agenda 12 = AOB 16:01:16 agenda+ AOB 16:01:18 ruchith has joined #ws-policy 16:01:21 bijan has joined #ws-policy 16:01:23 zakim, what is the agenda? 16:01:23 I see 12 items remaining on the agenda: 16:01:24 1. Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair 16:01:26 2. Review and approval of telcon minutes, Chair 16:01:27 3. Future WG meetings, Chair 16:01:28 4. Editorial team report 16:01:30 5. Review action items, Chair 16:01:31 6. Detailed review of current drafts 16:01:33 7. Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes) 16:01:34 8. Possible out-of-scope issues 16:01:35 9. Minor technical issues (30 minutes) 16:01:36 10. major technical issues (30 minutes) 16:01:37 11. New issues 16:01:38 12. AOB [from cferris] 16:01:40 +m2 16:01:59 +Frederick_Hirsch 16:02:06 + +1.781.643.aaee 16:02:10 +Chris_Ferris 16:02:10 prasad has joined #ws-policy 16:02:12 monica has joined #ws-policy 16:02:15 +[IPcaller] 16:02:20 + +1.617.933.aaff 16:02:21 zakim, IPcaller is me 16:02:22 +bijan; got it 16:02:27 zakim, mute me 16:02:27 bijan should now be muted 16:02:30 sanka has joined #ws-policy 16:02:31 zakim, who is here? 16:02:31 On the phone I see +1.508.628.aaaa, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, ??P2, whenry (muted), JCrump, dmoberg, m2, Frederick_Hirsch, +1.781.643.aaee, Chris_Ferris, bijan (muted), +1.617.933.aaff 16:02:35 On IRC I see sanka, monica, prasad, bijan, ruchith, maryann, asir, dmoberg, FrederickHirsch, JCrump, whenry, abbie, Yakov, Fabian, Zakim, RRSAgent, cferris, paulc, charlton, 16:02:38 781-643-1843 is maryann 16:02:38 ... trackbot 16:02:39 + +1.415.402.aagg 16:02:51 +??P25 16:03:02 zakim, aaaa is Yakov 16:03:02 +Yakov; got it 16:03:19 + +44.796.805.aahh 16:03:30 zakim, 781-643-1843 is maryann 16:03:30 sorry, bijan, I do not recognize a party named '781-643-1843' 16:03:32 zakim, aaee is maryann 16:03:32 +maryann; got it 16:03:54 zakim, aagg is Lee 16:03:54 +Lee; got it 16:04:20 someones at the beach 16:04:21 zakim, ??P2 is Asir 16:04:21 +Asir; got it 16:04:29 danroth has joined #ws-policy 16:04:38 +Prasad_Yendluri 16:04:40 zakim, Asir has Dan 16:04:40 Dan was already listed in Asir, cferris 16:04:50 zakim, who is here? 16:04:50 On the phone I see Yakov, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, Asir, whenry (muted), JCrump, dmoberg, m2, Frederick_Hirsch, maryann, Chris_Ferris, bijan (muted), +1.617.933.aaff, Lee, ??P25, 16:04:53 ... +44.796.805.aahh, Prasad_Yendluri 16:04:54 Asir has Dan 16:04:55 On IRC I see danroth, sanka, monica, prasad, bijan, ruchith, maryann, asir, dmoberg, FrederickHirsch, JCrump, whenry, abbie, Yakov, Fabian, Zakim, RRSAgent, cferris, paulc, 16:04:57 ... charlton, trackbot 16:05:01 zakim, +1.617.933.aaff is ruchith 16:05:01 +ruchith; got it 16:05:30 +[IPcaller] 16:05:41 no 16:05:44 I'm on skype 16:05:45 and muted 16:05:57 zakim, [IPCaller] isprobably me 16:05:57 I don't understand '[IPCaller] isprobably me', sanka 16:06:07 zakim, aaff is probably Mark 16:06:07 sorry, cferris, I do not understand your question 16:06:11 topic: Roll call and selection of secretary 16:06:20 zakim, who is on phone 16:06:20 I don't understand 'who is on phone', sanka 16:06:21 zakim, who is here? 16:06:21 On the phone I see Yakov, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, Asir, whenry (muted), JCrump, dmoberg, m2, Frederick_Hirsch, maryann, Chris_Ferris, bijan (muted), ruchith, Lee, ??P25, 16:06:25 ... +44.796.805.aahh, Prasad_Yendluri, [IPcaller] 16:06:26 Asir has Dan 16:06:28 On IRC I see danroth, sanka, monica, prasad, bijan, ruchith, maryann, asir, dmoberg, FrederickHirsch, JCrump, whenry, abbie, Yakov, Fabian, Zakim, RRSAgent, cferris, paulc, 16:06:32 ... charlton, trackbot 16:06:46 zakim, m2 is Monica 16:06:46 +Monica; got it 16:06:47 zakim, [IPcaller] is probably me 16:06:47 +sanka?; got it 16:06:59 zakim, aahh is probably mark 16:06:59 +mark?; got it 16:07:09 zakim, who is here? 16:07:09 On the phone I see Yakov, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, Asir, whenry (muted), JCrump, dmoberg, Monica, Frederick_Hirsch, maryann, Chris_Ferris, bijan (muted), ruchith, Lee, ??P25, mark?, 16:07:16 ... Prasad_Yendluri, sanka? 16:07:18 Asir has Dan 16:07:22 On IRC I see danroth, sanka, monica, prasad, bijan, ruchith, maryann, asir, dmoberg, FrederickHirsch, JCrump, whenry, abbie, Yakov, Fabian, Zakim, RRSAgent, cferris, paulc, 16:07:27 ... charlton, trackbot 16:08:25 zakim, unmute me 16:08:25 bijan should no longer be muted 16:09:09 zakim, mute me 16:09:09 bijan should now be muted 16:09:20 zakim, ??P25 is PaulC 16:09:20 +PaulC; got it 16:09:33 -ruchith 16:09:58 Paul: Discussed new agenda 16:10:19 Tony Nadalin: will take notes next week 16:10:24 +ruchith 16:10:25 Regrets: Seumas, Tony Nadalin, Toufic, Umit 16:10:37 zakim, unmute me 16:10:37 bijan should no longer be muted 16:10:50 +DOrchard 16:10:53 zakim, take up action 16:10:54 I don't understand 'take up action', cferris 16:10:58 Monica: scribe on Sept 6 16:11:12 zakim, mute me 16:11:12 bijan should now be muted 16:11:17 zakim, mute me 16:11:17 sanka? should now be muted 16:11:22 -mark? 16:11:25 topic: Review and approval of telcon minutes 16:11:26 zakim, next agendum 16:11:26 agendum 1. "Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair" taken up 16:11:32 zakim, next agendum 16:11:32 agendum 1 was just opened, cferris 16:11:34 zakim, mute me 16:11:34 ruchith should now be muted 16:11:40 zakim, take up agendum 1 16:11:40 agendum 1. "Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair" taken up 16:11:46 zakim, next agendum 16:11:46 agendum 1 was just opened, cferris 16:12:10 +Glen 16:12:18 GlenD has joined #ws-policy 16:12:34 Paul: amend the minutes with additional people 16:12:36 dorchard has joined #ws-policy 16:13:07 Paul: Umit pointed out the doc is misleading. It'd be useful to fix 16:13:12 zakim, unmute me 16:13:12 bijan should no longer be muted 16:13:43 zakim, mute me 16:13:43 bijan should now be muted 16:13:48 Bijan: was present last week as well 16:14:05 q+ 16:14:09 Paul: make changes 16:14:24 topic:Future WG meetings 16:14:25 I was present also 16:14:28 q- 16:14:53 Paul: need to register to F2F 16:15:02 corrected agenda link: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0137.html 16:15:23 Can we list who are registered? 16:15:29 zakim, move to next agendum 16:15:29 agendum 2. "Review and approval of telcon minutes, Chair" taken up 16:15:33 Here is the link to reg - http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/39293/policyf2f20060912/ 16:15:35 Paul: please let chairs know about NOT attending 16:15:43 zakim, take up agendum 16:15:43 I don't understand 'take up agendum', cferris 16:15:48 zakim, move to next agendum 16:15:48 agendum 2 was just opened, cferris 16:15:52 zamkin, unmute me 16:15:56 zakim, take up next agendum 16:15:56 agendum 2 was just opened, cferris 16:16:08 zakim, unmute me 16:16:08 bijan should no longer be muted 16:16:13 zakim, mute me 16:16:13 bijan should now be muted 16:16:16 zakim, close this agendum 16:16:16 agendum 2 closed 16:16:17 I see 10 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:16:18 3. Future WG meetings, Chair 16:16:21 zakim, take up next agendum 16:16:21 agendum 3. "Future WG meetings, Chair" taken up 16:16:28 zakim, unmute me 16:16:28 sanka? should no longer be muted 16:16:49 zakim, unmute me 16:16:49 whenry should no longer be muted 16:17:28 Paul: perosnal registration page -> result 16:17:32 topic: Editorial team report 16:17:41 zakim, please close this agendum 16:17:41 agendum 3 closed 16:17:42 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:17:43 4. Editorial team report 16:17:47 zakim, next agendum 16:17:47 agendum 4. "Editorial team report" taken up 16:18:09 Prasad: Working on AI - ongoing 16:18:54 Prasad: AI against W3C staff HTML generation scheme 16:19:12 zakim, mute me 16:19:12 sanka? should now be muted 16:19:13 Prasad: Felix will this up 16:19:32 Prasad: Convert Primer to W3C format 16:19:54 Prasad: highlight all changes in spec 16:20:01 Paul: questions? 16:20:38 Paul: AI-59 AI-51 - outstanding 16:21:04 Asir: AI-59 AI-51 are done 16:21:15 Paul: Please update the status 16:21:42 Regrets+ Skip Snow, Charlton Barreto 16:21:49 topic: Review action items 16:22:09 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicy/actions/open 16:22:43 Is everyone hearing this noise or have I been thrown out? 16:22:56 Paul AI-35 Glen proposed to close it 16:23:03 danroth has joined #ws-policy 16:23:09 zakim, who is making noise 16:23:09 I don't understand 'who is making noise', cferris 16:23:10 -whenry 16:23:16 zakim, who is making noise? 16:23:27 cferris, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Asir (84%), Chris_Ferris (15%), maryann (69%), Yakov (69%) 16:23:31 resolution: mark the AI-35 as done 16:23:45 +whenry 16:23:46 AI-44 16:24:12 AI-48 16:24:34 Paul: due on Sep 6 16:24:58 AI-59, 51 - were done. Asir will update the status 16:25:13 topic: Detailed review of current drafts 16:25:21 zakim, close agendum 16:25:21 I don't understand 'close agendum', cferris 16:25:28 Paul: continue to review working drafts 16:25:29 zakim, close this agendum 16:25:29 agendum 4 closed 16:25:30 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:25:31 5. Review action items, Chair 16:25:34 zakim, next agendum 16:25:34 agendum 5. "Review action items, Chair" taken up 16:25:45 zakim, close this agendum 16:25:45 agendum 5 closed 16:25:46 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:25:48 6. Detailed review of current drafts 16:25:48 topic: Editorial and wording changing issues 16:25:51 zakim, next agendum 16:25:53 agendum 6. "Detailed review of current drafts" taken up 16:26:00 zakim, close this agendum 16:26:00 agendum 6 closed 16:26:04 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:26:06 7. Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes) 16:26:06 zakim, next agendum 16:26:10 agendum 7. "Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes)" taken up 16:26:13 topic: a) Typo wsp:tPolicyURIs in Section 3.3 first example 16:26:55 resolution: assign to editors 16:26:57 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3605 16:26:57 Created ACTION-63 - Implement the resolution for issue 3605 [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 16:27:28 RESOLUTION: Issue 3605 closed as editorial and assigned to the editors to apply 16:27:47 topic: Conformance Sections needed for both specs, Umit 16:28:13 Paul: proposes to add empty section and keep the issue open 16:28:40 action: Asir to draft proposal 16:28:40 Created ACTION-64 - Draft proposal [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2006-08-30]. 16:29:11 action 2 = Asir to draft proposal for issue 3559 16:29:17 ACTION: Editors to add empty sections for Conformance in WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment 16:29:17 Created ACTION-65 - Add empty sections for Conformance in WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 16:29:41 topic: Remove misleading reference to a Requester policy 16:30:32 resolution: close the issue 3586 - no changes in the doc 16:30:53 RESOLUTION: close the issue 3586 - no changes in the doc, effectively solved by other work 16:31:17 topic: Clarify the relation of overlapping definitions in the fr. 16:32:08 David: Issue 3562 - the work is ongoing 16:33:41 topic: Possible out of Scope issues 16:33:57 zakim, close this agendum 16:33:57 agendum 7 closed 16:33:58 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:33:59 8. Possible out-of-scope issues 16:34:32 s/AI against W3C staff HTML generation scheme/We have diffmk update from Norm Walsh. Seems to work fine. We have an AI assigned to W3C staff to integrate diffmk into WS-Policy build process so that HTML diff version of the specs can generated by invoking a build target/ 16:34:40 Paul: Issue 3592 in not in the scope 16:34:47 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3592 16:35:19 s/in not in the scope/is not in the scope 16:35:22 zakim, unmute me 16:35:22 sanka? should no longer be muted 16:35:45 Glen: looks implementation specific 16:35:59 zakim, mute me 16:35:59 whenry should now be muted 16:36:22 I think this is actually playback. 16:36:35 zakim, mute me 16:36:35 sanka? should now be muted 16:37:14 s/Convert Primer to W3C format/Converted the "Understanding WS-Policy white paper" converted Primer in W3C format and checked in into CVS/ 16:37:15 action: Willima to chech on Seimas whether to close the issue 3592 16:37:15 Sorry, couldn't find user - Willima 16:37:54 action 4 = William to check on Seumas as to whether to close issue 3592 16:37:57 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3616 16:39:17 q+ 16:39:21 Paul: proposes to make it as a candidate to be resolved next 16:39:27 s/highlight all changes in spec/we have a new Non-Normative Appendix in all policy specs called "Changes in this Version of the Document" that provides a list of substantive changes since the last Working Draft. This supplements the Change Log/ 16:39:48 Glen: agrees 16:40:11 +1 to Glen's comment and the chair's proposal 16:40:33 zakim, unmute me 16:40:33 sanka? should no longer be muted 16:40:41 Dale: negotiation - out-of-scope 16:40:59 As long as we don't preclude discussion of negotiation use-cases, I think we're good to push particular negotiation mechanisms, etc, off to v.next 16:41:15 zakim, mute me 16:41:15 sanka? should now be muted 16:41:33 Dale: intersection is not defined 16:41:48 q+ 16:41:57 Dale: not an issue 16:42:10 note: Dale might want to augment the minutes with his points on the possible inclusion of some ranking attribute 16:42:15 s/converted Primer in/to primer in/ 16:42:47 q- 16:43:10 Chris: there was a lot of support for negotian at F2F 16:43:40 Paul: mark the issue as be done next 16:43:57 A prerequisite of negotiation is that some way of marking ranking or preference exists. So no point of going into negotiation without the prerequisites. But maybe some blessed way of putting ranking on policy alternatives would be useful. Paul notes that this can always be done by an extension. 16:44:28 RESOLUTION: Issue 3616 closed and marked as v.next: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3616 16:45:02 ACTION: PaulC and Chris to investigate how to mark/close an issue as designated for v.next 16:45:02 Sorry, couldn't find user - PaulC 16:45:33 topic: Minor Technical Issues (30 minutes) 16:45:36 yes it did 16:46:15 zakim, where am i? 16:46:15 I don't understand your question, cferris. 16:46:21 rrsagent, where am i? 16:46:21 See http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-46-21 16:47:54 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3561 16:47:55 Created ACTION-68 - Implement the resolution for issue 3561 [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 16:48:25 ACTION: Chris to update issue 3561 (on behalf of Felix) 16:48:25 Sorry, couldn't find user - Chris 16:48:36 RESOLUTION: 3561 close with proposal in message 65 as amended by 73 16:49:06 b) Policy Application to Web services Model description inac 16:50:12 Applied in the Web services 16:50:12 model, policy is used to convey the conditions for an interaction between a Web 16:50:12 service requestor and a Web service provider.” 16:51:35 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3552 16:51:35 Created ACTION-69 - Implement the resolution for issue 3552 [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 16:51:39 RESOLUTION: close with the issue http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3552 16:52:03 3549 proposal : http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/att-0117/policy-framework-3549-proposal.pdf 16:52:14 RESOLUTION: Issue 3552 closed with proposal in bugzilla entry http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3552 16:52:18 c) Require assertions to be distinguished from parameter elements, Frederick http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3549 16:52:27 q+ 16:53:08 Frederick: proposes to continue the discussion 16:54:05 Frederick: this issue is only to separate parameters from assertions 16:55:31 q+ 16:55:44 Paul: Frederick needs clarifications ot the email loop http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0117.html 16:55:45 ack dm 16:55:49 ack dan 16:55:55 s/ot/on 16:56:41 Frederick: normalization now is a separate issue 16:57:11 q+ 16:57:14 Dan: please provide some examples to illustrate the ambiguity 16:57:21 -Abbie_Barbir 16:57:53 q+ 16:57:57 ack asir 16:57:59 Frederick: need to add some additional details in the text to overall model 16:58:10 +Abbie_Barbir 16:58:32 Asir: agrees on the substance but need to understand what exactly should be clarified 16:58:33 ack fabian 16:58:39 q+ 16:59:16 Fabian: please define the term "nested assertion" 16:59:18 nested assertion is still not defined in Frederick's proposal 17:00:05 q+ 17:00:10 ack dan 17:00:13 ack fred 17:00:21 Dan: the text is correct. Clarifying the issue may create a problem 17:00:55 q+ 17:00:59 Frederick: the goal was to have a discussion and also to make it clear how to do the nesting 17:01:10 Frederick, I answered this question on e-mail - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0140.html 17:01:21 ack cferris 17:02:05 q+ 17:02:07 Christopher: need clarification of the issue 17:02:27 q+ 17:02:35 ack dan 17:02:42 +??P9 17:02:45 Dan: proposes to discuss the issue in Primer 17:02:51 -Prasad_Yendluri 17:03:42 Paul: Frederich should enumarate the questions, and others to review 17:03:50 ack maryann 17:03:54 ack paulc 17:03:58 q+ 17:04:24 Mayann: Amend the proposal to move this to Primer 17:04:42 s/Mayann/Maryann 17:05:03 q+ 17:05:13 ack fred 17:05:31 ack monica 17:05:55 q- 17:06:15 Monica: also proposes to consider pushing this to Primer 17:06:52 Correction: We should be conscious not to push so much to the Primer so it doesn't implicitly become a normative document. 17:07:12 ACTION: Frederick to enumarate th equestion - issue http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3549 17:07:12 Created ACTION-70 - Enumarate th equestion - issue http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3549 [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2006-08-30]. 17:07:36 s/ th equestion/ the questions 17:08:44 ACTION: Dan to review for issue 3549 the material in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0117.html 17:08:44 Sorry, couldn't find user - Dan 17:09:08 ACTION: danroth to review for issue 3549 the material in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0117.html 17:09:08 Sorry, couldn't find user - danroth 17:09:30 topic: Add discussion/examples of domain expressions 17:09:36 q+ 17:09:55 ack asir 17:10:42 q+ 17:11:29 ack cferris 17:11:35 Paul: Issue 3557 - Asir to get clarification from Ashok through email 17:13:09 topic: Major Technical Issues (30 minutes) 17:13:31 expectation setting, re-raise this discussion after umit and ashok have had a chance to respond 17:13:39 so chris suggested that Umit will be on vacation and that she will then probably need some time to respond to issue 3557 17:13:44 zakim, close this agendum 17:13:44 I do not know what agendum had been taken up, cferris 17:14:41 Chris Proposal - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0130.html 17:14:56 Asir's Amendments - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0133.html 17:15:21 Christopher: Issue 3544 - proposal to clarify list of elements, which are extensible via elements or attributes 17:16:02 Christopher: agrees with Asir's ammendments 17:16:43 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3544 17:16:43 Created ACTION-71 - Implement the resolution for issue 3544 [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 17:16:50 RESOLUTION: Issue 3544 closed with proposal from Chris as amended by Asir's email 133 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0133.html 17:17:34 topic: b) Normalization should make empty nested policy elements 17:17:35 q+ 17:18:26 ack fre 17:18:31 Frederick: Proposes to close the issue 17:18:49 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0063.html 17:19:03 Asir: agrees with Frederick 17:19:41 s/see/Item not correct: 17:19:51 explanation - case cannot occur 17:19:54 RESOLUTION: Issue 3548 closed with exlanation in bugzilla entry http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3548. The edge case can never occur 17:20:16 topic: c) Semantics of successful intersection determined by domain-specific assertion content 17:20:40 Paul: there is no any proposal 17:20:48 glen intends this to start the discussion 17:21:38 paul suggests some email discussion working off of this thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0138.html 17:22:55 update with a pointer to the email thread? 17:23:05 ACTION: Glen to update 3577bugzilla 17:23:06 Created ACTION-72 - Update 3577bugzilla [on Glen Daniels - due 2006-08-30]. 17:23:41 topic: d) Optional Assertions may not be usable in all circumstances 17:24:00 action 13 = Glen to update 3577bugzilla entry with the suggested format we're using 17:24:09 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Jul/0039.html 17:24:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0075.html 17:25:02 continue discussion of issue 3564 on the mailing list 17:25:05 Paul: proposes to continue the email discussion 17:25:52 zakim, sanka? is me 17:25:52 +sanka; got it 17:26:11 + +1.604.681.aaii 17:26:11 Glen: clarifies that email thread contained the necessary details. Will add then to bugzilla 17:26:38 s/then to bugzilla/them to bugzilla 17:26:39 toufic has joined #ws-policy 17:27:46 zakim, next agendum 17:27:46 agendum 8. "Possible out-of-scope issues" taken up 17:27:56 zakim, close this agendum 17:27:56 agendum 8 closed 17:27:56 I had replied to Umit on this topic - I replied to the group 17:27:57 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:27:58 9. Minor technical issues (30 minutes) 17:28:00 zakim, next agendum 17:28:00 agendum 9. "Minor technical issues (30 minutes)" taken up 17:28:11 zakim, close this agendum 17:28:11 agendum 9 closed 17:28:12 topic: New issues (since Aug 7) 17:28:13 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:28:14 10. major technical issues (30 minutes) 17:28:15 zakim, next agendum 17:28:15 agendum 10. "major technical issues (30 minutes)" taken up 17:28:20 zakim, close this agendum 17:28:20 agendum 10 closed 17:28:21 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:28:22 11. New issues 17:28:24 zakim, next agendum 17:28:24 agendum 11. "New issues" taken up 17:28:56 a) Policy framework should document extensibility points 17:29:28 q+ 17:30:20 David: Issue 3590 is open. The proposal from Asir to close without action 17:31:09 David: framework has extensibility points, which are documented well 17:32:11 David: Attrribute can be added to the policy or to the policy reference 17:33:44 Child elements for policy reference. Any child should be treated as assertion. It should be documented 17:33:59 ack maryann 17:34:56 David: make a change in a notational convention 17:35:13 q+ 17:36:30 Christopher: Proposes to close the issue and assign it to the Editors. 17:37:45 ack asir 17:38:00 here are the 5 : 17:38:38 wsp:Policy/@{any} 17:38:38 wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/@{any} 17:38:38 wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/{any} 17:38:38 wsp:Policy/wsp:ExactlyOne/@{any} 17:38:38 wsp:Policy/wsp:ExactlyOne/wsp:All/@{any} 17:38:54 the first two can be handled editorially, since the elipses are already in the spec 17:39:07 link is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0108.html 17:40:54 daveo's are about attributes... asir's point out element extensibility 17:41:13 David: extensibility points are not clearly documented 17:41:38 daveo suggests that this confusion may be exactly why we need some clarity in the spec 17:42:22 proposal part 1, document attribute extensbility of wsp:Policy/@{any} and wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/@{any} 17:42:39 part2 are the remaining 3 in bugzilla 17:43:03 plus the ones pointed out by Asir 17:44:22 q+ 17:44:29 +1 to daveo 17:44:29 ack asir 17:44:49 q+ 17:45:24 q+ 17:45:37 Paul: need email dialog between Asir and David about extensibilty point 17:45:53 s/extensibilty point/extensibilty points/ 17:46:10 q- 17:46:33 ack cf 17:46:56 ACTION: Editors to apply proposal part 1, document attribute extensbility of wsp:Policy/@{any} and wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/@{any} 17:46:58 Created ACTION-73 - Apply proposal part 1, document attribute extensbility of wsp:Policy/@{any} and wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/@{any} [on Editors - due 2006-08-30]. 17:47:38 q+ 17:48:39 Chris: Proposes to make everything extansible 17:48:40 now, bijan, that's at least a motivation we can put in the spec :-) 17:49:36 ack asir 17:49:48 ACTION: Asir and daveO to carry on the discussion of extensibility points on the mailing list 17:49:48 Created ACTION-74 - And daveO to carry on the discussion of extensibility points on the mailing list [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2006-08-30]. 17:50:58 Asir: Proposes to create a new issue with the requirements to extensibility points 17:51:14 David and Paul disagree 17:51:29 paul agrees with daveo that there is no need of the overhead of a separate issue for dealing with those points that are in disagreement 17:52:32 topic: Coordination item, Maryann Hondo 17:53:00 Maryann: already sent a note to WS-Addressing 17:53:14 q+ 17:53:15 Paul: please update in bugzilla 17:53:45 -Lee 17:53:52 ack cf 17:54:08 Christopher: Proposes to defer c) 17:54:36 f)Clarify conversion of compact to normal form in Framework section 4. 17:55:46 Frederick: Possibly there are some issues in specifying the normalization process 17:56:57 Paul: Need to start email thread with bug# reference 17:57:17 and insert the link to bugzilla 17:58:26 Paul: email dialog + bugzilla 17:58:35 -dmoberg 17:58:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:58:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-minutes.html cferris 17:58:45 dmoberg has left #ws-policy 17:58:52 -Monica 17:59:01 -Glen 17:59:04 -Asir 17:59:05 -sanka 17:59:05 -JCrump 17:59:07 -Frederick_Hirsch 17:59:08 -Yakov 17:59:09 -maryann 17:59:10 -Chris_Ferris 17:59:11 -prasad 17:59:12 JCrump has left #ws-policy 17:59:13 - +1.604.681.aaii 17:59:14 -PaulC 17:59:15 -whenry 17:59:17 -bijan 17:59:20 -Fabian 17:59:27 -DOrchard 17:59:28 -maryann 17:59:28 sanka has left #ws-policy 17:59:40 maryann has left #ws-policy 17:59:42 zakim, who is here? 17:59:42 On the phone I see ruchith (muted), Abbie_Barbir 17:59:43 On IRC I see toufic, danroth, dorchard, monica, prasad, asir, whenry, abbie, Fabian, Zakim, RRSAgent, cferris, paulc, charlton, trackbot 17:59:52 zakim, disconnect r 17:59:52 ruchith is being disconnected 17:59:53 -ruchith 17:59:54 -Abbie_Barbir 17:59:55 WS_Policy()12:00PM has ended 17:59:57 zakim, disconnect a 17:59:58 Attendees were +1.508.628.aaaa, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, +44.796.805.aabb, whenry, JCrump, dmoberg, Frederick_Hirsch, +1.781.643.aaee, Chris_Ferris, bijan, +1.415.402.aagg, Yakov, 18:00:01 ... +44.796.805.aahh, maryann, Lee, Dan, Prasad_Yendluri, ruchith, Monica, mark?, PaulC, DOrchard, Glen, prasad, sanka, +1.604.681.aaii 18:00:04 sorry, cferris, I don't know what conference this is 18:03:28 Present: Yakov, Fabian, Abbie_Barbir, Asir, William Henry, JCrump, Dale Moberg, Monica, Frederick_Hirsch, maryann, Chris_Ferris, Bijan, +1.617.933.aaff, Jong Lee, PaulC, 18:04:13 Present+ Dave Orchard, Sanka, 18:04:24 rrsagent, make minutes member 18:04:24 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes member', cferris. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:08:06 zakim, please excuse us 18:08:06 Zakim has left #ws-policy 18:08:14 rrsagent, please excuse us 18:08:14 I see 15 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-actions.rdf : 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3605 [1] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-26-57 18:08:14 ACTION: Asir to draft proposal for issue 3559 [2] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-28-40 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to add empty sections for Conformance in WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment [3] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-29-17 18:08:14 ACTION: William to check on Seumas as to whether to close issue 3592 [4] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-37-15 18:08:14 ACTION: PaulC and Chris to investigate how to mark/close an issue as designated for v.next [5] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-45-02 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3561 [6] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-47-54 18:08:14 ACTION: Chris to update issue 3561 (on behalf of Felix) [7] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-48-25 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3552 [8] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T16-51-35 18:08:14 ACTION: Frederick to enumarate th equestion - issue http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3549 [9] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-07-12 18:08:14 ACTION: Dan to review for issue 3549 the material in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0117.html [10] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-08-44 18:08:14 ACTION: danroth to review for issue 3549 the material in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Aug/0117.html [11] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-09-08 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to implement the resolution for issue 3544 [12] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-16-43 18:08:14 ACTION: Glen to update 3577bugzilla entry with the suggested format we're using [13] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-23-05 18:08:14 ACTION: Editors to apply proposal part 1, document attribute extensbility of wsp:Policy/@{any} and wsp:Policy/.../wsp:PolicyReference/@{any} [14] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-46-56 18:08:14 ACTION: Asir and daveO to carry on the discussion of extensibility points on the mailing list [15] 18:08:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/23-ws-policy-irc#T17-49-48