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Section 0. Contact and confidentiality

Contact e-mail:,

Do you mind your use case being made public on the working group website and documents?

Section 1. Application

1.1. What is the title of the application?
GTAA Web Browser

1.2. What is the general purpose of the application?
What services does it provide to the end-user?
The application provides a way to search for and browse through the GTAA thesaurus' terms as a Web application, giving access to its content on the Web.

*1.3. Provide some examples of the functionality of the application. Try 
to illustrate all of the functionalities in which the vocabulary(ies) 
and/or vocabulary mappings are involved.
The vocabulary is divided in different facets, some of which are organised according to different hierarchies (Broader term/Narrower term for the Subject and Genre facets, additional Categories for the Subject facet). The browser gives access to terms from a given or all of the facets, according to the thesaurus' structure. It gives the possibility to access all Subject terms of a given Category, to refine by combining different Categories (most of the terms belong to more then one Category), and then to browser through the different elements of the thesaurus structure: Broader Terms and Narrower Terms are displyed as a tree, Related terms, non preferred terms and Scope notes are displayed in a box. Relationships between terms from different facets (a particular King in the Person facet, the subject Kings and the country which this King rules in the Geographical Location facet, for example) were computed and added to the thesaurus browser as an dditional navigation functionality. For facets whith no hierarchical structure by default, we added some inclusion links in the case of the Geographical Location and provide an alphabetical access. A generic alphabetical access is also possible for all the facets, including these with a hierarchical structure, by means of a specific search box as is detailed in section 1.6.  

1.4. What is the architecture of the application?
What are the main components?
Are the components and/or the data distributed across a network, 
or across the Web?
The GTAA Web Browser is accessible across the Web: the browser is implemented as a web application that can retrieve thesaurus data from an extensible set of data sources. One of those is Sound & Vision’s primary source of the GTAA, a relational database. Using this source, radio and television professionals will always have the latest modifications of the GTAA available. To accommodate the needs of researchers in CHOICE and CATCH the browser can also use an
RDF/OWL representation of the thesaurus as its data source. This RDF/OWL store can be updated on request using a separate web application.

1.5. Briefly describe any special strategy involved in the processing 
of user actions, e.g. query expansion using the vocabulary structure.
Query refinment using the thesaurus structure: As most Subject terms are part of more than one Category, we offer the user a filtering functionality. Categories and sub-categories are displayed in association with the number of Terms belonging to them. When the user selects a category, its Terms are displayed and a box in the Browser is updated with the list of other categories these Terms can belong to, and the number of overlapping terms. For example, if a user selects the Category Military Issues, the terms related to Military Issues are displayed, and other overlapping categories are proposed for narrowing down the number of terms. If the user selects also Traffic and Transportation, he will get the list of military vehicles in the thesaurus. He can narrow down his query even further by selecting Vessels, in which case the list is narrowed down to military vessels. The number of terms to be displayed can thus be narrowed down to a dozen by two or three clicks.

All the relationships in the thesaurus are implemented as hyperlinks to navigate in its content, and as mentioned in 1.3: Relationships between terms from different facets (a King in the Person facet, the subject Kings and the country which this King rules, for example) were computed and added to the thesaurus browser as an dditional navigation functionality. [...] we added some inclusion links in the case of the Geographical Location [facet, that are also browsable as hyperlinks].

1.6. Are the functionalities associated with the controlled 
vocabulary(ies) integrated in any way with functionalities provided by other means? (For example, search and browse using a structured 
vocabulary might be integrated with free-text searching and/or some sort of social bookmarking or recommender system.)
The Browser contains an Alphabetical search box, with a spell checker functionlity and a list of synonyms computed from general language dictioanries as an additional entry point to the thesaurus' preferred terms.

1.7. Any additional information, references and/or hyperlinks.

Véronique Malaisé, Lora Aroyo, Hennie Brugman, Luit Gazendam, Annemieke de Jong, Christain Negru and Guus Schreiber.(2006). Evaluating a thesaurus browser for an audio-visual archive. EKAW'06, Prague, October 2006.

Brugman, H., Malaisé, V., Gazendam, L. (2006). A Web Based General Thesaurus Browser to Support Indexing of Television and Radio Programs. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006). 24-26 May 2006, Genoa, Italy.

Section 2. Vocabulary(ies)

In this section we ask you to provide some information about the 
vocabulary or vocabularies you would like to be able to represent using SKOS.

Please note:
-- If you have multiple vocabularies to describe, you may repeat this 
section for each one individually or you may provide a single 
description that encompasses all of your vocabularies.
-- If your use case describes a generic application of one or more 
vocabularies and/or vocabulary mappings, you may skip this section.
-- If your vocabulary case contains cross-vocabulary links (between the 
vocabularies you presented or to external vocabularies), please fill in 
section 3!

2.1. What is the title of the vocabulary? If you're describing multiple 
vocabularies, please provide as many titles as you can.
GTAA thesaurus: Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven – Common Thesaurus for Audiovisual Archives

2.2. Briefly describe the general characteristics of the vocabulary, 
e.g. scope, size...
The GTAA thesaurus is the primary source for vocabulary used in the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (the Dutch national public Audiovisual and radio archives) documentation process. It covers a wide range of topics, as it is meant to describe anything that can be broadcasted on TV or radio. 
It contains approximately 160.000 terms. The GTAA terms are divided in 6 disjoint facets: Keywords (3800 preferred terms), Locations (14.000), Person Names (97.000), Organization-Group-Other Names (27.000), Maker Names (18.000) and Genres (113 terms)

2.3. In which language(s) is the vocabulary provided?
In the case of partial translations, how complete are these?
The GTAA is in Dutch.

*2.4. Please provide below some extracts from the vocabulary. Use the 
layout or presentation format that you would normally provide for the 
users of the vocabulary. Please ensure that the extracts you provide 
illustrate all of the features of the vocabulary.
The vocabulary is shown to the user in the interface of the Web Browser described in the Application section, the extract below shows the constructs around a Term:

Preferred Term: ambachten
Related terms: 
artistieke beroepen
Broader Term: beroepen
Narrower terms: 
Scope Note: niet voor afzonderlijke ambachten maar alleen als verzamelbegrip, bijv. voor (markten van) oude ambachten
05 economie
09 techniek
some terms also have a UF (Use For) relationship to non preferred terms:
Use for: 

2.5. Describe the structure of the vocabulary.
What are the main building blocks?
What types of relationship are used? If you can, provide examples 
by referring to the extracts given in paragraph 2.4.

The thesaurus mainly uses constructs as presented in the ISO 2788 standard (ISO, 1986) and commonly used in companies or institutions: amongst others, Broader Term, Narrower Term, Related Term, Scope Notes. 
Terms from all facets of the GTAA may have Related Terms,  Use/Use for and Scope Notes, but only Keywords and Genres can also have a Broader Term/Narrower Term relations, organizing them into a set of  hierarchies.
Additionally, Keywords terms are thematically classified in 88 subcategories of 16 top Categories. 
Although the data model that is used for the thesaurus allows links between terms across facets, no instances of these links currently exist.

2.6. Is a machine-readable representation of the vocabulary already 
available (e.g. as an XML document)? If so, we would be grateful if you 
could provide some example data or point us to a hyperlink.
The thesaurus can be accessed via the Web Browser presented in the previous section, at the URL:

2.7. Are any software applications used to create and/or maintain the 
There is a module used at Sound and Vision to edit and update manually the thesaurus, internally. 

Are there any features which these software applications currently 
lack which are required by your use case?
Generating unique identifiers for Preferred terms, checking the consistency so that hierarchical or associative relationships only occur between Preferred terms. Making a Concept-based vue of the thesaurus, instead of a term-based one.

2.8. If a database application is used to store and/or manage the 
vocabulary, how is the database structured? Illustration by means of 
some table sample is welcome.

2.9. Were any published standards, textbooks or written guidelines 
followed during the design and construction of the vocabulary?
Did you decide to diverge from their recommendations in any way, 
and if so, how and why?
A report was written for building the thesaurus and its datamodel, based on the ISO recommendation. We complied to these documents, containing a DTD of the XML representation of the thesaurus, for our conversion, and discussed with experts about the meaning of constructs not mentionned in the ISO standards (like the classification of keywords into Categories and cross facet links).

2.10. How are changes to the vocabulary managed?
A commitee of expert decides for the relevant updates to do to the thesaurus and publishes updated versions, which are uploaded in the documentalist's daily system (called iMMiX). We will access this update in the form of an XML export in our project, and convert it to SKOS. For the moment, we only access the Word export of the thesaurus' latest version.

2.11. Any additional information, references and/or hyperlinks.
Mark van Assem, Veronique Malaisé, Alistair Miles and Guus Schreiber.(2006). A method to convert thesauri to SKOS. In Proc. Third European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'06), Budvar, Montenegro, June 2006.
Brugman, H., Malaisé, V., Gazendam, L. (2006). A Web Based General Thesaurus Browser to Support Indexing of Television and Radio Programs. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006). 24-26 May 2006, Genoa, Italy.

Section 3. Vocabulary Mappings

In this section we ask you to provide some information about the 
mappings or links between vocabularies you would like to be able to 
represent using SKOS.

Please note:
-- If your use case does not involve vocabulary mappings or links, you 
may skip this section!

3.1. Which vocabularies are you linking/mapping from/to?

*3.2. Please provide below some extracts from the mappings or links 
between the vocabularies. Use the layout or presentation format that you 
would normally provide for the users of the mappings. Please ensure that 
the examples you provide illustrate all of the different types of 
mapping or link.

3.3. Describe the different types of mapping used, with reference to 
the examples given in paragraph 3.2.

3.4. Any additional information, references and/or hyperlinks.