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Contact e-mail: s.currier #


General purpose and services to the end user

intraLibary proposes web-based learning object repository software, supporting storage, sharing, reuse and repurposing of learning resources.

Functionality examples

Application architecture

The application is a data-driven web-application implemented in J2EE which runs in a Java Servlet Engine, using a relational database for data persistence.

Special strategies involved in the processing of user actions

Complex queries can be performed across different vocabularies.

Integration between vocabulary-linked functions and other application functions

Searching can combine controlled vocabularies and free text fields in metadata.

Additional references

Project website:






Classification Vocabularies: intraLibrary supports the ability to browse using trees constructed from taxonomies and classification schemes used in the LOM Classification element. Any number of taxonomies can be used in a given installation of intraLibray. They can be imported as ZThes files, or entered manually term by term. They can be edited manually. When metadata is being created or edited for a resource within intraLibrary’s Metadata Editor, the taxonomies can be searched within the Classification Editor to find appropriate terms to classify by. Individual nodes can also be selected directly in order to classify. We support the full LOM Classification element, i.e. individual classifications for resources can be assigned a classification type, such as “Discipline” or “Educational Objective”, and also assigned keywords and descriptions. The LOM classification type vocabulary can be extended. So, our customers can select or create any taxonomy for this. The most commonly used are DDC, JACS, LearnDirect, MESH. JACS and LearnDirect are educational subject classifications relevant to the UK. Some customers also develop bespoke taxonomies and often choose to manage these via ZThes and import them, rather than manage them within the application.

Other vocabularies: LOM metadata has a number of fields where controlled vocabularies can be used - these are almost invariably flat lists of terms. These vocabularies can be managed from within the application through web forms. Terms can be imported in VDEX format or added manually. As required by the LOM, a source and value for each term is stored, and it is also possible to create labels for the standard terms; this allows understandable human terms to be used for values which may be numbers, or may be jargon; it also allows alternative language terms to be used.

Language(s) in which the vocabulary is provided

We currently provide most standard LOM vocabularies in Spanish, as we have a full Spanish version. IntraLibrary has the capability to be extended to any number of languages.

Structure explanation

Classification Vocabularies: These can be any depth. IntraLibrary only support tree structure: BT and NT; no RT or NL (Node Label in ZThes). “Use For” terms (alternative terms) appear as mouseover text on the standard classification node only, but intraLibrary does not support searching or browsing by these yet. There is no support for faceted classifications.

Other vocabularies: Generally these are just flat lists.

LOM requires specifying a “source” for vocabularies, some kind of vocabulary authority with unique ID.

Software applications used to create and/or maintain the vocabulary, features lacking for the case

For ZThes format, a macro was developed on MindManager2002 which turns a mind map into a ZThes vocabulary. Now the taxonomy is normally created in Word using Word structuring, then importing to MindManager, then using the macro to create an XML ZThes file.

For VDEX there is a new prototype editor available for the RELOAD content packaging tool.

Structure of the database used to currently manage the vocabulary

Main table for storing taxonomies structured as follows:

Standards and guidelines considered during the design and construction of the vocabulary

It is important to fully support interoperability with the ZThes and VDEX standards.