19:22:32 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 19:22:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-wai-wcag-irc 19:22:39 RRSAgent, do not start a new log 19:22:46 RRSAgent, make log world 19:22:52 Meeting: WCAG Weekly Telecon 19:23:21 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006JulSep/0055.html 19:23:33 Chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden and Loretta_Guarino_Reid 19:24:28 Regrets: Roberto_Castaldo, Makoto_Ueki, Sorcha_Moore, Tim_Boland, Cynthia_Shelly 19:25:31 agenda+ Announcements, Questions, and Updates 19:25:38 agenda+ Team C Survey for 20 July 19:25:47 agenda+ Team B Survey for 20 July 19:25:53 agenda+ Last Call Issues from Team A for 20 July 2006 19:26:00 agenda+ Last Call Issues from Editors for 20 July 2006 19:54:48 rellero_ has joined #wai-wcag 19:54:59 Gregg has joined #wai-wcag 19:56:08 ben set up the logging; I'll turn on scribe only 19:56:28 note: one bug with scribe only is that zakim agenda topics are also excluded 19:56:38 scribeOptions: scribeOnly 19:58:38 Sofia has joined #wai-wcag 19:59:46 rellero__ has joined #wai-wcag 20:00:13 rellero__ has joined #wai-wcag 20:00:40 zakim, this will be wai_wcag 20:00:40 ok, Michael, I see WAI_WCAG()3:00PM already started 20:00:47 zakim, call Cooper-Boston 20:00:47 ok, Michael; the call is being made 20:00:49 +Cooper 20:00:54 zakim, who is on the phone? 20:00:54 On the phone I see David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic, ??P4, ??P6, Cooper 20:01:04 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 20:01:22 rellero__ has joined #wai-wcag 20:01:23 David_MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag 20:01:36 zakim, mute ??P4 20:01:36 ??P4 should now be muted 20:01:47 zakim, unmute ??P4 20:01:47 ??P4 should no longer be muted 20:01:52 +Christophe_Strobbe 20:02:01 zakim, ??P5 is Gian_Sampson-Wild 20:02:01 I already had ??P5 as MIT-Star, Michael 20:02:01 zakim, ??P4 is Ben_and_Gregg 20:02:02 +Ben_and_Gregg; got it 20:02:16 +Bruce_Bailey 20:02:19 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:02:19 On the phone I see David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic (muted), Ben_and_Gregg, ??P6, Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Christophe_Strobbe, Bruce_Bailey 20:02:23 Christophe has joined #wai-wcag 20:02:33 zakim, ??P6 is Gian_Sampson-Wild 20:02:33 +Gian_Sampson-Wild; got it 20:02:38 +Alex_Li 20:04:01 +Becky_Gibson 20:04:25 becka11y has joined #wai-wcag 20:05:36 zakim, I am becky_gibson 20:05:36 ok, becka11y, I now associate you with Becky_Gibson 20:05:55 scribe: beckya11y 20:05:58 scribeNick: becka11y 20:06:07 +??P13 20:06:08 agenda? 20:06:25 Zakim, P13 is Roberto_Ellero 20:06:25 sorry, rellero__, I do not recognize a party named 'P13' 20:06:32 zakim, ??P13 is Roberto_Ellero 20:06:32 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 20:06:33 zakim, mute ??P13 20:06:34 sorry, ben, I do not see a party named '??P13' 20:06:38 Zakim, ??P13 is Roberto_Ellero 20:06:38 I already had ??P13 as Roberto_Ellero, rellero__ 20:06:40 zakim, mute roberto 20:06:40 Roberto_Ellero should now be muted 20:06:57 judy has joined #wai-wcag 20:07:42 gregg Team B: LC-1378, LC-1385, LC-1391, LC-1393, LC-1397, LC-1398, LC-1402, LC-1403, LC-1404 20:07:52 Team A: LC-1227, LC-1228 , LC-1236 , LC-1229 20:08:01 Editors: LC-574 , LC-903 , LC-904 , LC-905 , LC-918 , LC-921 , LC-923 , LC-1002 , LC-1091 , LC-1175 , LC-1386, LC-1388 , LC-1390 , LC-1394 , LC-1399 20:08:41 Reolution: Accept those items in the survey which all participants agreed and there were no comments or edits. 20:08:41 Team C: LC-736, Team A: LC-1227, LC-1228 , LC-1236 , LC-1229, LC-574 , LC-903 , LC-904 , LC-905 , LC-918 , LC-921 , LC-923 , LC-1002 , LC-1091 , LC-1175 , LC-1386, LC-1388 , LC-1390 , LC-1394 , LC-1399 20:09:10 Topic: LC-654 20:09:33 zakim, close agendum 1 20:09:33 agendum 1, Announcements, Questions, and Updates, closed 20:09:34 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:09:36 2. Team C Survey for 20 July [from ben] 20:09:38 zakim, take up agendum 2 20:09:38 agendum 2. "Team C Survey for 20 July " taken up [from ben] 20:12:21 +??P0 20:13:18 Resolution: Accept proposal for LC-654 as ammended to reference SC 1.3.1. 20:13:55 Topic: LC-665 20:15:16 +Judy 20:17:00 -??P0 20:17:34 +??P0 20:20:39 Resolution: refer LC-665 back to team C to update the description of G94 and H57 to explain that the alt text for non-text content for words must be those same words. 20:20:50 Topic: LC-667 20:25:48 q+ 20:27:24 -Bruce_Bailey 20:28:33 +Bruce_Bailey 20:28:58 q- 20:29:49 Resolution: Send LC-667 back to team C to update the technique to require text alternatives in the alt text and in the body of the applet. 20:30:21 Topic: LC-758 20:44:08 esolution: Refer LC-758 back to committee to ask Gez to better describe how labels should be correctly prositioned in a testable fasion. 20:44:28 s/Resolution/esolution 20:44:46 Topic: LC-796 20:44:57 s/fashion/fasion 20:49:52 Resolution: LC-796 is referred back to team C. The working group does not consider Leetspeak to be accessible. 20:50:12 Topic: LC-833 20:51:05 -Bruce_Bailey 20:51:33 Resolution: Accept LC-833 as ammended. The last sentence changes to: ""Source code order is not currently listed as a sufficient technique and has specifically been de-emphasized by the Working Group." 20:51:55 Topic: LC-1069 20:52:16 +Bruce_Bailey 20:52:45 Resolution: Accept LC-1069 as ammended with Ben's addtional material from the survey. 20:53:03 Topic: LC-1159 20:53:58 Resolution: Accept LC-1159 as proposed. 20:54:18 Topic: LC-1407 20:57:20 Resolution: Send LC-1407 back to team C to look at all techniques related to table layout and create consistent language for F46, H2, H73 and H39 20:58:04 zakim, close this item 20:58:04 agendum 2 closed 20:58:06 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:58:07 3. Team B Survey for 20 July [from ben] 20:58:07 zakim, take up agendum 3 20:58:07 agendum 3. "Team B Survey for 20 July " taken up [from ben] 20:58:24 Topic: Team A survey Issue LC-609 20:58:52 s/Team A/Team B 20:59:13 zakim, who's talking? 20:59:18 -Bruce_Bailey 20:59:23 Michael, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ben_and_Gregg (50%), Loretta_Guarino_Reid (4%), Bruce_Bailey (24%), Becky_Gibson (4%), Cooper (4%) 21:00:20 zakim, mute me 21:00:20 Christophe_Strobbe should now be muted 21:01:10 +Bruce_Bailey 21:01:22 Resolution: Refer LC-609 back to committee to incorporate survey feedback. 21:01:30 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:01:30 On the phone I see David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic (muted), Ben_and_Gregg, Gian_Sampson-Wild (muted), Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Christophe_Strobbe (muted), Alex_Li, Becky_Gibson, 21:01:33 ... Roberto_Ellero (muted), Judy, ??P0, Bruce_Bailey 21:03:58 -Bruce_Bailey 21:07:21 Topic: LC-612 21:07:22 Resolution: refer LC-612 back to team b to incorporate addtional information about default presentation. 21:08:05 zakim, unmute me 21:08:05 Christophe_Strobbe should no longer be muted 21:08:06 Topic: LC-623 21:08:47 Topic: refer LC-623 back to team B to address survey comments. 21:08:57 s/Topic:/Resolution: 21:09:22 Topic: LC-1383 21:09:27 +Bruce_Bailey 21:10:31 Resolution: accept LC-1383 as proposed. 21:10:38 Topic: LC-1384 21:14:22 -Bruce_Bailey 21:16:28 +Bruce_Bailey 21:20:02 Resolution: change "primary language" to "default natural language" throughout the guideline documents 21:21:29 Resolution: accept LC-1384 as ammended to use "default natural language" 21:22:26 Topic: LC-1392 21:27:14 Resolution: close LC-1392 as proposed. 21:27:50 Action: Christophe to check support of xml:lang by screen readers and add user agent note to H57 as appropriate. 21:29:49 Topic: 1401 21:29:51 Resolution: accept LC-1401 as proposed. 21:30:33 zakim, close this item 21:30:33 agendum 3 closed 21:30:34 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:30:35 4. Last Call Issues from Team A for 20 July 2006 [from ben] 21:30:38 zakim, take up agendum 4 21:30:38 agendum 4. "Last Call Issues from Team A for 20 July 2006 " taken up [from ben] 21:31:22 Topic: Issues from Team A - Topic 810 21:33:48 Resolution: accept LC-810 as ammended with Ben's proposal, "1.2.2 Audio descriptions of video, or a [full text alternative for multimedia including any interaction], are provided for prerecorded multimedia." 21:33:59 Topic: 1223 21:37:18 Resolution: accept LC-1223 as proposed with Michael's addition of, "This is a case where higher-level SC build upon the requirements of lower-level SC with the intention of having cumulative, progressively stronger, requirements." 21:37:24 Topic: LC-1265 21:38:35 Resolution: accept LC-1265 using Michael's redrafting of the response: "Due to the wide variability on many dimensions of human ability, there are people who necessarily fall beyond the limits that a practicable set of guidelines can address. WCAG 2.0 addresses all disabilities to some extent, but none absolutely, and the focus is to create a set of guidelines that provides the broadest coverage possible while remaining reasonable for general-purpose guid 21:39:07 Topic: LC-1267 21:40:00 replacing "When people who understand WCAG 2.0 test the same content using the same success criteria, the same results should be obtained with high inter-rater reliability" with "When people who understand WCAG 2.0 test the same content using the same success criteria and *with the same understanding of how people with disabilities use the web*, the same results should be obtained with high inter-rater reliability"? 21:40:09 Topic: LC-1322 21:44:04 Resolution: accept LC-1322 as proposed 21:44:15 Topic: LC-1427 21:50:34 Resolution: accept LC-1427 as ammended to remove the first two examples (a heading and a section title) 21:51:49 q+ 21:51:57 q- 21:55:24 q+ 21:57:24 ack 21:57:25 q- 21:57:28 Ammended Resolution for LC-1427: accept LC-1427 as ammended to remove the examples from the definition of relationships. 21:57:50 zakim, close this item 21:57:50 agendum 4 closed 21:57:52 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 21:57:53 5. Last Call Issues from Editors for 20 July 2006 [from ben] 21:57:57 zakim, take up agendum 5 21:57:57 agendum 5. "Last Call Issues from Editors for 20 July 2006 " taken up [from ben] 21:57:58 Topic: Editor's survey - Topic LC-656 21:57:59 -David_MacDonald 21:58:51 Resolution: accept LC-656 as ammended with Becky's addition of: "These are a future component that will be developed in conjunction with the Education and Outreach Working Group." 21:59:17 Topic: LC-725 21:59:34 Resolution: accept LC-725 as proposed. 22:00:20 Topic: LC-890 22:00:28 -Gian_Sampson-Wild 22:02:29 Reolution: return LC-890 to editors to address the question about splitting words 22:07:28 scribe: Christophe 22:07:40 -Becky_Gibson 22:07:45 becka11y has left #wai-wcag 22:08:03 Topic: LC-847 22:13:56 -Roberto_Ellero 22:15:54 Resolution: refer LC-847 back to the editors 22:16:24 Topic: LC-849 22:19:15 zakim, who's here? 22:19:15 On the phone I see Sofia_Celic (muted), Ben_and_Gregg, Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Christophe_Strobbe, Alex_Li, Judy, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Bruce_Bailey 22:19:18 On IRC I see judy, Christophe, David_MacDonald, Sofia, Gregg, RRSAgent, Zakim, ben, Michael 22:22:21 Character. (1) The smallest component of written language that has semantic value; refers 22:22:22 to the abstract meaning and/or shape, rather than a specific shape (see also glyph), though 22:22:24 in code tables some form of visual representation is essential for the reader’s understanding. 22:22:25 (2) Synonym for abstract character. (3) The basic unit of encoding for the Unicode 22:22:27 character encoding. (4) The English name for the ideographic written elements of Chinese 22:22:29 origin. (See ideograph (2).) 22:22:44 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:22:53 Present: David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic, Ben_Caldwell, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Gian_Sampson-Wild, Michael_Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Christophe_Strobbe, Alex_Li, Becky_Gibson, Roberto_Ellero, Judy_Brewer, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Bruce_Bailey 22:25:06 Resolution: refer LC-849 back to the editors to explore baseline approach 22:25:15 Topic: LC-852 22:27:52 Resolution: refer LC-852 back to the editors 22:28:10 Topic: LC-868 22:28:24 Resolution: refer LC-868 back to the editors for technique testability issue 22:28:35 Topic: LC-879 22:35:05 Resolution: accept LC-879 as proposed 22:35:23 Topic: LC-1061 22:39:59 Resolution: accept LC-1061 as proposed 22:40:14 Topic: LC-1152 22:45:15 Resolution: refer LC-1152 back to editors with action for Ben and Christophe 22:45:39 Topic: LC-1175 22:45:53 Resolution: accept LC-1175 as amended 22:46:08 Topic: LC-1230 22:47:24 Resolution: refer LC-1230 back to editors to add some description of why the numbers are there 22:48:15 -Bruce_Bailey 22:48:16 -Sofia_Celic 22:48:18 -Alex_Li 22:48:20 -Christophe_Strobbe 22:48:43 RRSAgent, bye 22:48:43 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-wai-wcag-actions.rdf : 22:48:43 ACTION: Christophe to check support of xml:lang by screen readers and add user agent note to H57 as appropriate. [1] 22:48:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/20-wai-wcag-irc#T21-27-50