13:47:16 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 13:47:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc 13:47:25 meeting: i18n ITS working group 13:47:27 chair: Yves 13:47:30 scribe: Felix 13:47:35 scribeNick: fsasaki 13:48:25 Hi Felix. We have regrets from: Andrzej, Diane, and Najib. 13:48:52 Hi Yves, thanks for the info 13:49:05 regrets: Andrzej, Diane, Najib 13:49:17 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0137.html 13:59:28 I18N_TS()10:00AM has now started 13:59:36 +Yves_Savourel 14:00:15 +Felix 14:00:58 +Sebastian_Rahtz 14:01:39 rahtz has joined #i18nits 14:02:34 chriLi has joined #i18nits 14:03:21 + +49.622.776.aaaa 14:04:28 topic: action items 14:04:44 action: Felix to check how to create path description with DOM (PENDING) 14:06:09 Yves: did you see last weeks mail from Felix 14:06:23 Sebastian: I looked at today's mail, that looked fine 14:06:38 Christian: Did not look at it, since I don't implement 14:07:08 Sebastian: The node description might be a problem 14:07:46 .. i.e. the element 14:08:03 .. for debugging the difference is interesting, but besides that it is fine 14:08:33 .. if Felix carries on generating that, I will strip out the attribute 14:09:12 Yves: I could do the same 14:10:18 Felix: how about a counter for each element? 14:10:34 Yves: for me the output of the selection would be easier to create 14:11:45 Yves: Felix found some errors in the draft 14:11:50 Felix: also in the implementation 14:12:42 Yves: the last example had some problems 14:12:50 Felix: maybe because of my XSLT approach 14:13:03 Yves: So Sebastian and me will try to generate that output 14:13:15 action: Felix to write a summary on our position of the XHTML modularization issue (DONE 14:13:37 my first try http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0126.html 14:14:18 GoutamSaha has joined #i18nits 14:14:21 Yves: comments? 14:14:33 Sebastian: Basic point is: XHTML Mod is only an example 14:14:38 .. and Felix is saying that 14:15:23 Yves: So we wait for Steven's feedback 14:15:40 Christian: I would like to have another look before we send the mail out 14:15:44 Felix: o.k., I'll wait 14:15:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0115.html 14:16:17 action: Sebastian to look at the namespace issue mentioned at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0115.html (PENDING) 14:18:20 Sebastian: We took the namespace of to allow ITS markup for the rules file itself 14:18:29 Yves: we also had an external comment 14:19:33 Felix: would it be fine with your implementations? 14:19:40 Sebastian: is maybe a problem 14:20:21 s/Sebastian to look/Sebastian and Yves/ 14:20:37 action: Yves to put a paragraph at the top of the document which explains the numbering of examples (DONE) 14:20:48 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html#Modularization 14:21:12 action: Yves to write a mail to calreq(?) about our f2f and set up a HP (DONE) 14:21:21 Yves: posted also the f2f HP 14:21:37 action: All to try out the "translate" test case to achieve compatibility of output For implementations (ONGOING) 14:21:59 s/For implementations (ONGOING)/For implementations (DONE)/ 14:22:17 action: Andrzej and everybody who has time to look at OpenDocument for creating a section in the modularization (PENDING) 14:22:30 action: Diane to look if there is any Boeing XML document type where ITS could be tried out (PENDING) 14:22:50 action: Felix (maybe Richard) to contact STC people about editing the best practices draft (DONE) 14:23:19 action: Yves to get DocBook feedback from Norm (PENDING) 14:23:46 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?&product=ITS 14:25:55 fsasak has joined #i18nits 14:26:21 Christian: Some problematic issues? 14:26:39 Yves: something about the inheritance 14:26:56 .. but Sebastian said that is just life 14:27:10 Sebastian: what to do about the NS issue? 14:27:22 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3319 14:28:11 action: Sebastian to think about a reply on the NS binding issue, bug 3319 14:28:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:29:46 action: Yves to get back to Kara for feedback 14:32:40 Felix: how about http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126 ? Christian, can we leave last call without implementing this? 14:32:48 Christian: It is very important. 14:33:00 Yves: we have to discuss it before last call leaving 14:33:17 .. last time we thought of changing the translate data category 14:33:29 .. but maybe we need a new data category 14:34:11 action: Yves to look into http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126 14:38:13 Felix: about general strategy for the future: should we do test suite work and replying to comments together? 14:38:17 Yves: both are important 14:38:54 Sebastian: If it is about prose, we can make a fast change, but things like the NS one effect the implementations 14:39:03 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?&product=ITS 14:41:04 Sebastian: Felix, could you change on the assigned persons? 14:42:07 action: Felix to change the assigned persons for the different bugs 14:43:10 topic: Implementation/Test suite 14:44:37 Sebastian: Have you used other data categories than translatability? 14:44:57 Felix: locInfo, terminology, directionality, but not all examples 14:45:05 topic: Best Practices 14:45:30 Yves: Martin send some feedback 14:45:40 Felix: I made some changes to the CSS etc. 14:45:45 Yves: it looks better now 14:46:16 .. I have made some changes 14:46:26 .. to address Richard's concerns 14:46:48 .. I got some feedback from DITA people 14:47:01 .. I started to work on generic techniques 14:47:09 .. I also worked on ITS and DITA 14:47:20 .. I am still struggling with ITS and the DITA DTD 14:47:35 GoutamSaha has joined #i18nits 14:47:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0135.html 14:48:31 topic: Translating and the Computer 28 conference 14:49:36 Yves: if somebody wants to go, it might be good 14:49:49 .. btw., I made a submission for localization world about ITS 14:50:05 Christian: I asked people from the OASIS standards day about our submisson 14:50:14 .. we have to wait until the end of July 14:50:50 .. Felix, the presentations for XTech and Extreme Markup Languages, could I get them? 14:51:29 XTech link http://www.w3.org/2006/Talks/0518-xtech-its/ 14:52:22 Extreme Presentation link http://www.w3.org/People/fsasaki/its-eml05 14:52:49 Yves: I look for other stuff 14:54:04 -Sebastian_Rahtz 14:54:07 -Felix 14:54:09 -Yves_Savourel 14:54:14 -Christian 14:54:15 I18N_TS()10:00AM has ended 14:54:16 Attendees were Yves_Savourel, Felix, Sebastian_Rahtz, Christian 14:54:17 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make draft public', fsasaki. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:54:37 present: Christian, Felix, Goutam, Sebastian, Yves 14:54:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-minutes.html fsasaki 14:54:54 Good Night Felix, Yves 14:55:01 bye Goutam 14:55:21 How are you Felix? 14:55:41 fine, thank you. I hope you are fine too 14:56:17 bye Goutam. 14:56:48 I have been sent to some other department and it seems I am out of the W3C project 14:57:24 oh, why did that happen? 14:57:32 I see 14 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-actions.rdf : 14:57:32 ACTION: Felix to check how to create path description with DOM (PENDING) [1] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-04-44 14:57:32 ACTION: Felix to write a summary on our position of the XHTML modularization issue (DONE [2] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-13-15 14:57:32 ACTION: Sebastian to look at the namespace issue mentioned at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006AprJun/0115.html (PENDING) [3] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-16-17 14:57:32 ACTION: Yves to put a paragraph at the top of the document which explains the numbering of examples (DONE) [4] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-20-37 14:57:32 ACTION: Yves to write a mail to calreq(?) about our f2f and set up a HP (DONE) [5] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-21-12 14:57:32 ACTION: All to try out the "translate" test case to achieve compatibility of output For implementations (ONGOING) [6] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-21-37 14:57:32 ACTION: Andrzej and everybody who has time to look at OpenDocument for creating a section in the modularization (PENDING) [7] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-22-17 14:57:32 ACTION: Diane to look if there is any Boeing XML document type where ITS could be tried out (PENDING) [8] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-22-30 14:57:32 ACTION: Felix (maybe Richard) to contact STC people about editing the best practices draft (DONE) [9] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-22-50 14:57:32 ACTION: Yves to get DocBook feedback from Norm (PENDING) [10] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-23-19 14:57:32 ACTION: Sebastian to think about a reply on the NS binding issue, bug 3319 [11] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-28-11 14:57:32 ACTION: Yves to get back to Kara for feedback [12] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-29-46 14:57:32 ACTION: Yves to look into http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126 [13] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-34-11 14:57:32 ACTION: Felix to change the assigned persons for the different bugs [14] 14:57:32 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/06/21-i18nits-irc#T14-42-07 14:57:45 Bye Yves