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SemWalker: Strategy and Progress

Sandro Hawke,


What is a Semantic Web Browser?

Software which lets users browse RDF data published on the web

Hopefully the term "Data Browser" will come to mean this

Single-Item Page

see a lot information about something

Multi-Item Page

see a little information about each of many items

Class-Specific Views

different content and layout for different class items

Real-Time Harvesting

fetch the data from the web when the user wants it (with caching)

delays in publication are often unacceptable

Real-Time Inference

Let people rely on the formal semantics; let the machines do the work

Control Over Sources

Let readers see (and control) where data came from

one possible design:

A Better Way To Make Data-Oriented Web Sites?

Consumers (Data Users)

Market Forces

SemWalker Strategy

Downhill steps to the Semantic Web


(@@@ expand these examples)

@@? Some Requirements

The Code

Development History

Dec 2001server-side browser mockup
Mar 2002SemWalker name; first python prototype
Apr-Oct 2003second python prototype
Feb-Nov 2004prolog version (DAML funding as part of Ontaria)



RDF Store


say more? forward chaining, too, eg for index


rules for mapping from triples to XHTML trees

The End