Disposition of comments for the Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group

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In the table below, red is in the WG decision column indicates that the Working Group didn't agree with the comment, green indicates that a it agreed with it, and yellow reflects an in-between situation.

In the "Commentor reply" column, red indicates the commenter objected to the WG resolution, green indicates approval, and yellow means the commenter didn't respond to the request for feedback.

CommentorCommentWorking Group decisionCommentor reply
LC-2104 Mohamed ZERGAOUI <innovimax@gmail.com> (archived comment)
The format for double seems richer than IEEE 754 float and double that
are respectively used for xs:float and xs:double

But the fact that base 10 is used instead of base 2 will imply
rounding issues for float and double

How do you consider to work around that ?
One of the advantages of using a base 10 representation is that it avoids rounding issues when moving floating point data between EXI and text XML and between EXI and an application that use the standard XML interfaces. XML, EXI and the standard XML interfaces all use a base 10 representation for floating point numbers, so no rounding issues will occur in these circumstances.

You are correct that rounding issues may occur when moving floating point data between EXI and a base 2 representation. These rounding issues will be identical to those that occur moving floating point data between text XML and a base 2 representation, so EXI maintains the same behavior as XML in these cases. As such we avoid introducing any *new* rounding issues. Any work-arounds developed to address rounding issues for text XML will continue to work for EXI.
LC-2175 FABLET Youenn <Youenn.Fablet@crf.canon.fr> (archived comment)
4) Typed encoding in schema-less mode
EXI enables limited typed encoding support in schema-less encoding.
Since only predefined types are supported, xsi:type seems mainly useful to encode base64 chunks with the binary encoding.
Even in that case, the usability is not so good : in some cases, elements whose content is base64 have also attributes. For instance ds:SignatureValue has an optional ID attribute.
Of course, one could still use xsi:type=base64Binary in deviation mode but interoperability may be pretty bad and putting a wrong xsi:type for the purpose of compression seems broken.
Also to be noted that:
- Attribute values cannot be typed encoded with schema-less grammars.
- Other useful types like "list of float","list of integers" cannot be used without external schema knowledge.
Improved out-of-the-box support of this use case would be very helpful.
We feel that EXI should fit smoothly into the XML stack. To avoid any
problems EXI supports type information in the same fashion as XML
does. The groups intention is not to super-set XML. XML allows one to
specify typed-values with the attribute xsi:type. EXI provides the
same mechanism and both work on elements only.

EXI makes use of XML Schema and its types form the basis for typed
values in the entire W3C environment. Introducing new types or another
type system is not the scope of our group and might affect XML
processing in general.

A newly invented typing system would be processed in the context of
EXI only. Such type information would be lost when documents are
converted from EXI to XML then back to EXI. This may cause an issue,
since it may look like XML cannot preserve what EXI is describing.

The solution for arbitrary types in EXI (as well as in XML) is using
schema information.
Please note that partial schema information are sufficient for EXI. In
the use-case you provided a ds:SignatureValue element with the
according type information for content and attributes achieves the
desired result. An EXI processor picks the given type information for
element content as well as the attributes.
LC-2164 ISHIZAKI Tooru <ishizaki.tooru@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI members,

In chapter 5.4(EXI Options), alignment option and EXI compression
option can be unified.
Then option values are
- bit-packed, byte-alignment, pre-compression, compression

If doing so, the implementation will be more simple.

Best Regards,
Tooru Ishizaki.
You are correct in that the four options
you present are the only possible ones from the alignment-compression

The reason why alignment and compression are separated as options is
to achieve better compactness for the EXI Options header. It is
expected that EXI compression is used often, so it is placed in the
"common" part of the Options header, whereas the non-default alignment
options are expected to be used only in very special circumstances and
are therefore placed in the "uncommon" part. This reduces the size of
the Options header in the usual case when the default alignment is

But none of this prescribes any particular implementation strategy. An
implementation is free to adopt the approach that you suggest,
including in its API, as long as it produces and is able to consume
correct Options headers.
LC-2166 ISHIZAKI Tooru <ishizaki.tooru@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI members,

I have a feedback of EXI specification.
In chapter 7.2(Enumerations), why can't the enumeration type
be applied for QName?

Best Regards,
Tooru Ishizaki.
Value qnames are represented as strings in EXI format. Because prefixes used
in an instance and its corresponding schema are declared in each document
independently from the other, enumerated values in schema are of little use for
types derived from xsd:QName since value qnames in EXI streams are strings.
Note, however, that markup qnames which occur as the names of elements
and attributes are represented using built-in QName datatype representation [1].

The rationale for the use of strings as the representation of value qnames
is primarily so as to avoid the anticipated processing efficiency overhead that
is likely to be involved if we used built-in QName datatype representation for
value qnames. This concern of processing efficiency overhead is particular to
value qnames, and is not foreseen for markup qnames. Therefore we use built-in
QName datatype representation for markup qnames.
LC-2103 Mohamed ZERGAOUI <innovimax@gmail.com> (archived comment)
In 7.1.2 Boolean

Please consider instead of

Otherwise, when pattern facets are available in the schema datatype,
Boolean datatype representation is able to distinguish values not only
arithmetically (0 or 1) but also between lexical variances ("0", "1",
"false" and "true"), and values typed as Boolean are represented as
n-bit unsigned integer (7.1.9 n-bit Unsigned Integer), where n is two
(2) and the value zero (0), one (1), two (2) and three (3) each
represents value "false", "0", "true" and "1".


the value zero (0), one (1), two (2) and three (3) each represents
value "0", "1", "false", "true".

such as bittesting the last bit could give the right result


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Thank you for your suggestion regarding the order of the bits in the 2-bit unsigned Integer representation used to distinguish between lexical variances of the Boolean type. The current representation allows bit-testing of the first bit to provide the value of the Boolean. It is not clear that changing the representation to allow bit-testing of the second bit rather than the first bit would provide a notable benefit.

Both representations seem equally capable, so our current plan is to keep the current representation. Please let us know if we've misunderstood some aspect of your suggestion.
LC-2106 Mohamed ZERGAOUI <innovimax@gmail.com> (archived comment)

In 7.3.3 Partitions Optimized for Frequent use of String Literals

It is said :
Editorial note
String values representing value content items are never added to the
string table once valueAmount reaches valuePartitionCapacity. The
working group is still looking at other alternatives to cap the amount
of memory used for value partitions that can result in more compact
representation of string values overall, including those that involve
reassignment of compact identifiers using some sort of round-robin
selection method, and the expected effect on processing efficiency of
each alternative.

Please consider using Move to front method [1]



[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Move-to-front_transform
When initially discussing the valuePartitionCapacity option, the
working group analyzed several different potential methods for
treating new strings when the maximum capacity is reached. These
methods included Move to front, which you proposed.

The group does not believe that Move to front can be sufficiently
efficient to serve as the replacement method, based on analysis of the
possible algorithms in this context. The string table is used constantly
when processing an EXI document, so it needs to be as efficient as
possible, and we do not believe that the potential improvement in
compactness is worth the amount of decreased processing efficiency that
Move to front is estimated to result in.
LC-2187 TAMIYA Keisuke <tamiya.keisuke@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
EXI has a mechanism of the grammer leaning (ref. Section 8).
So, an EXI parser use large memory to keep grammar data, if the XML data
has many kinds of node (ex. element).
For small devices, this is a serious problem.
I think the limitation mechanism of the grammar learning is needed in
the specification (ex. MAX number of the kind of event code).
We understand the concern you have raised over the issue grammar
learning behaviour may pose on the size of memory EXI processor
consumes and requires.

While acknowledging it is a potential issue, we had stopped short of
adding a mechanism to restrain grammar learning at the time we dicussed
the feature a while back, based on implementation report of the feature
shared by the WG memebers, which suggested otherwise that the issue did
not surface in real deployments.

One of the traits that documents for use in exchange in general is that
grammars are learned a lot up front at a pace close to linear rate, and
the learning becomes less and less frequent, eventually saturating to a
convergence. This observation helps explain why the issue is not very
likely to emerge in practice.

Based on these observation and analysis, as well as the consideration of
the cost that would otherwise be incurred if a restraining mechanism was
introduced both in terms of compactness and runtime efficiency, we stay
cautious and may require further arguments involving specific use cases
before we consider a way to alleviate the potential issue.
LC-2190 TAMIYA Keisuke <tamiya.keisuke@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
EXI has Self-Contained option (ref. S.5.4).
And the EXI parser can parse Self-Contained data without parsing other parts of the EXI document.
But how does the EXI Parser find the position (ex. bytes offset) in the EXI data?
If the EXI parser wants to parse Self-Contained data first, can it get a start position of Self-Contained data from the EXI documents?
The EXI format itself offers only a hook to support selfContained
subtrees, meaning that an EXI processor may access such an independent
fragment without reading what came first.

The working group expects many different use cases for this feature
and does not restrain its use to a specific mechanism which is likely
not be suitable for many environments. It is therefore up to an
application or system to make use of this feature and build an index
or any other solution on top of it.
LC-2171 Thomas Hornig <t.hornig@highQ.de> (archived comment)
we would like you to take into consideration to introduce the boolean field
"EXIBodyEncrypted" to the definition of the EXI header. This field could indicate that the
EXI body of an EXI stream is encrypted with the implication that a standard EXI parser
should reject such data with a corresponding notification code.

The encryption-parameters itself could then be optionally described in the "user defined" section of
the EXI header in conformance to the W3C recommendation "XML Signature and Encryption".
In this way, it could be up to the single application itself to handle encryption of the EXI body after
EXI encoding respectively decryption before EXI decoding and to set the proposed
EXIBodyEncrypted-Flag appropriate.
By this we believe that maximum efficiency and flexibility in encryption could be achieved, while
keeping EXI conformity at the same time.

We have notice that this point has been largely discussed, but again, in terms of efficiency it would
open up the chance to follow the rule "first compression, then encryption" with minimum overhead and
without the demand of another MIME-type-definition in an maybe otherwise necessary, additional
envelope to cope with alternative, efficient XML encryption.
The group believes that
EXI should integrate well with the family of XML technologies, and
therefore we would rather not define EXI-specific encryption or
digital signature methods but use the existing XML Encryption and
Signature specifications, applying them to EXI by using their defined
extension points.

As you note, the recommended rule is to first compress (or encode in
EXI) and then encrypt. Accomplishing this with XML Encryption requires
some additional specification work, but very little. We have already
talked with the XML Security working group on the best way to
accomplish this and believe we understand how to do it in a way that
fits into the XML Encryption specification. After this work is done,
we will publish it in one of our documents (we have not yet determined
which one).
LC-2168 UCHIDA Hitoshi <uchida.hitoshi@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI WG,

In 7.1 Built-in EXI Datatype Representations,
what do you think about the addition of IEEE float ?
For examples, it takes more time to decode EXI integer
because it isn't same to int type of general programing languages.

Hitoshi Uchida
We understand that the IEEE float representation is one of the most frequently
requested changes to the EXI specification. We would like to use this
opportunity to better explain our position on this issue and share with you
the rationale that supports it. As you will find outlined below, the WG had
assessed both its advantages and disadvantages in the context of EXI, as well
as alternative ways to assuage the concerns.

The WG came to believe that the use of IEEE float fits better with the
user-defined datatype representation capability [1] of EXI than is integrated
as an additional mandatory physical representation of character information
items that are typed as xsd:float or xsd:double. There are some aspects of
IEEE float that do not lend natureally themselves to the primary role of
EXI as an efficient exchange format of XML, particularly when EXI is required
to remain intrinsically compatible with existing XML family of standards
written to XML infoset, such as XML signatures. The issues the WG looked at
in particular are, less compactness and less amenability to compression,
as well as rounding issues in serialization (base-2 to base-10) and the cost
of stringification required when used with the typical XML APIs (SAX, DOM, etc.)
which are undeniably predominantly text-based.

However, by saying this, it is not our intention to derogate the value nor
it is to neglect its wide-spread use in diverse range of applications. We do
not intend to dispute the merit IEEE float brings to some applications, and
understand EXI might be seen as the perfect opportunity to see that merit
in a way fitted well to XML technologies. Though the EXI spec calls for a
deliberate assessment when considering the use of user-defined datatype
representation, obviously IEEE is one of such cases that warrant the use
of the facility without any question.

It was not an easy discussion within the WG that led to the position
mentioned above. Some argued EXI is not XML enough, and others contended
EXI as not binary enough. We respected both views to find a difficult
balance and better serve both needs. In a way, we do not see EXI as static,
rather it is a core foundation on which things can be further built to suit
use cases, which will make the use of EXI more perfect. The two notable
points of innovation provided by EXI are user-defined datatype representation,
and the provision that permits the definition of schema binding for other
schema languages.

We therefore encourage you to seek the best way to leverage user-defined
datatype definitions to represent float and double data as IEEE floats.
If you find any suggestions that would make it easier to use IEEE float
through user-defined datatype representation, we would love to hear them.
Such suggestion may well find its way into a collateral documents such as
FAQ or Best Practices.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/exi/#datatypeRepresentationMap
LC-2169 UCHIDA Hitoshi <uchida.hitoshi@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI WG,

In Restricted Character Sets,
it is better that this feature allows optional
because it takes much time to compute the restricted
characters based on pattern facets of a schema beforehand.

Hitoshi Uchida
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-exi-comments/2009Sep/0003.html tocheck
LC-2170 UCHIDA Hitoshi <uchida.hitoshi@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI WG,

In 7.3 String Table,
what do you think about a function to share the string table
between two documents ?

After an EXI processor finished encoding a first document,
it uses the string table of the first document to encode
a second document.
This function can make the size of the second document smaller.

In decoding the second document, the processor needs the first document
because the second one depends on the string table of the first one.
It may be better to add an ID to the header of the second document
to identify the depending document information like schemaID of EXI

Hitoshi Uchida
EXI already provides one feature that can be used to achieve the
functionality you request. Namely, it is possible to encode a series
of XML documents as an EXI fragment, which will retain both the string
table and any learned grammar content between individual documents of
the series.

In general, the working group believes that being able to preserve any
learned content from one encoded document to the next is primarily
applicable to situations where there is already an externally-defined
ordering among the documents, such as over a communication channel
that guarantees in-order delivery. For such situations, the solution
using fragments and relying on the external ordering seems adequate,
and thus we have no intention of defining an ordering internal to EXI.
LC-2133 Yuri Delendik <yury_exi@yahoo.com> (archived comment)

The section 8.5.4 Schema-informed Element and Type Grammars describes how to build EXI schema-informed grammar from W3C XML Schema. Relax NG or other schema languages have different constructs (e.g. interleave or value based choices) that may not be expressed in XML Schema terms, but they can be expressed in EXI grammar terms.

The whole 8.5.4 looks like example rather than specification; and has to be moved into appendix or separate document. The section that explains EXI grammar terms may contain explanation of schema-valid values. Also, it will be better to express EXI options schema in EXI grammar terms in addition to the XML schema to illuminate variations in implementations.

Creating grammar based on “strict” option state is more like creation of two independent schemas. Instead using of this option, it is better to use two different schemaIDs, e.g. urn:my-schema-strict and urn:my-schema-loose. The spec is already saying “…The parties involved in the exchange are free to agree on the scheme of schemaID field that is appropriate for their use to uniquely identify the schema information.”

The XML Schema mapping to EXI grammar terms described in section 8.5.4
[2] is a normative mapping. A conformant EXI decoder must support this
specified mapping, as stated in the conformance section [3]. As noted
in your comment, it is possible to specify mappings from other
schema languages. Requiring all conformant EXI processors to implement the
W3C XML Schema mapping feature will facilitate interoperability, and
we picked XML Schema because it is a W3C Recommendation. We do not
intend to make any judgement or preference over various schema languages.
Other mappings might be done by the EXI Working Group (or another
group) in the future but it is not planned at this time.
For those reasons, as well as since we do not see real semantic benefit by
the changes, we feel that this section is worth staying in the main body of
the specification.

A second part of your comment suggests that we use EXI grammar terms
to describe EXI Options. We will make it clear that the XML schema for
Options is provided for clarity of the specification, and it is not required
for the EXI processors to read an Options schema. Therefore we think
that adding an equivalent EXI grammar, which would be more verbose, is
not needed.

The last part of your issue is about the use of "strict" mode. The Working
Group believes that the use of the strict vs. non-strict mode is not
equivalent to the use of a different schema. The processor uses the same
schema but handles deviations from that schema when in non-strict mode.
This enables an use case where sender and receiver agrees to a schema,
and still the encoder has a liberty of arbitrarily using "strict" option
instance-by-instance basis, without pre-agreed schemaID.
LC-2108 <pub@upokecenter.com> (archived comment)
I want to make a suggestion on the section 'Deriving Character Sets from XML Schema Regular Expressions':

I want to propose that datatypes with a regular expression containing a "charClassSub" should have no restricted character set. The reason is that all the remaining parts of the regular expression derivation expect only a union of characters, which is very efficient in determining whether the expression contains a restricted character set or not. Having a 'charClassSub' as part of the derivation process may complicate this, as the program now has to subtract portions of the character set as well as add to them, which may be a problem if the character set contains a large number of characters, like this:


That regular expression above would yield a restricted character set of 64 characters; however the implementation may require storing thousands of characters (a naive implementation, yes) before it must exclude them in the 'charClassSub' portion of the regular expression. Another problem is nested 'charClassSub' sets. For example, the following regular expression is allowed:


Both problems make 'charClassSub' problematic in restricted character set derivation. I thank you for your time.
We excluded those regular expressions that contain either wildcard (".") or
negative character groups, since those expressions tend to result in
large set of characters. Even those rare cases that are not the case
often have better alternative ways to specify the same effect, such as
[^&#x30;-&#x10FFFF;] can be expressed otherwise simply as [&#x00;-&#x02F;].

On the other hand, character class subtraction is retained because,
unlike wildcard or negative character groups, the operation always
results in a number of characters smaller than that of the 1st operand.
We also found that character class subtraction does not add much
computational burden if it is properly implemented.

Please also note that it is our expectation that schema authors can
provide some help by being aware of the general cost of each operation
and specifying patterns in ways more friendly to EXI processing.
LC-2172 FABLET Youenn <Youenn.Fablet@crf.canon.fr> (archived comment)
1) Some facets are supported like minInclusive or maxExclusive.
What about the support of the length, minLength and maxLength facets which could be useful to better encode string or list sizes.
It should not be too difficult to support them based on current facet support.
Is there a rationale to not include these facets?
The EXI encoding of simple type data, and the use and disuse of certain facets
has been decided on the basis of both empirical observation of merits and its

We had looked at facets related to length to see whether EXI should be aware of
those facets to improve the simple type value encodings. The result of implementation
experiment shared by WG members indicated that the effects of leveraging those
facets were not substantive enough to make it convincing to include the function
into the format specification, given that the addition of which implies for EXI
processors to check the presence of those facets for every occurrence
of schema-bound strings before determining the method of representing the length
field. In this particular incident, the concerns about the potential processing
efficiency penalty outweighted the benefit observed. Encoding rules associated
with strings, such as string tables, are so defined as to be adequately simple
because it is a known hot spot in the processor execution, and any subtle overhead
can accue into a noticeable cost in performance.

Also, please note that at least for repeated strings, string tables kick in after the
first occurrence of that string value. Therefore, the effect would be limited to the
first occurrence of a particular string value only. We presume that this is one of
the reasons why we did not see the level of benefits we originally expected as
you do, out of the length-related facets.
LC-2173 FABLET Youenn <Youenn.Fablet@crf.canon.fr> (archived comment)
2) Guidelines for schema modeling
Is there any guideline regarding the relationship between EXI and schema modeling?
Guidelines would be useful to understand the impact of some schema modeling decisions on EXI encoding/decoding in terms of efficiency and compression.
For instance, it seems that the more global constructs (elements, types, attributes), the bigger will be the generated grammars since all global schema constructs need to be kept (right?),
having a lot of xs:all or maxOccurs="999" may also hurt efficiency.
See also question 3)
It seems that there are two aspects to your question. One pertains to design issues involved in creating XML Schemas for optimizing EXI encoding compactness. The other relates to the internal representation that an EXI implementation might use to perform schema-based encoding.

Concerning designing a schema to get more compact EXI encodings, the general rule would be, "More precise content constraints and more deterministic structure lead to a more compact EXI encodings." Examples of applying this general rule are:

-Carefully think about minOccurs and maxOccurs of particles, and requirement (vs. optionality) of attributes. The more you exploit those properties, the more compactness you can achieve.

-Use substitutionGroup, instead of depending on xsi:type mechanism, whenever possible.

-Use wildcard only when absolutely necessary. Use concrete elements and attributes if possible.

The above are simple guidelines. However, some questions related to the general rule are not so simple. An example of such a consideration is: Where is the right location for a required element in a model group? For example, in the following schema fragment, element "D" comes first. But placing "D" after "C" (as shown in the second schema fragment, below) would increase determinism. The reason for this relates to the number of possible alternatives for elements which may follow "B". So, in the first example, the elements "C", "W", "X", "Y" and "Z" may each appear after "B". However, in the second example, only element "D" may follow "B". The second example is more deterministic and should result in a more compact encoding.

<element name="D" />
<element name="B" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="C" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="W" />
<element name="X" />
<element name="Y" />
<element name="Z" />

<element name="B" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="C" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="D" />
<element name="W" />
<element name="X" />
<element name="Y" />
<element name="Z" />

Regarding the grammar size relative to schema size (which is one of the issues we believe you raise), this is the nature of schema-processing. EXI is no different from schema-validation of XML parsers using XML schemas. In principle, grammar size is proportional to the number of definitions and constructs used in the schema. This should be a consideration when generated schema-informed EXI encodings. The question of how much schema information should be stored and applied is important, because in some cases there are two conflicting goals. The first is the desire to limit grammar footprint and the second is the desire to increase determinism of the grammar.

So this is a practical issue that each use case has to cope with, rather than an inherent issue with EXI. We have not, as a group, discussed this, nor was it in our plans to develop these kinds of implementation guidelines. While such instances of schemas may cause footprint issues for a straight-forward implementation of the specification, there have been implementation reports from within the WG that there are implementation techniques that resolve such footprint issues.

We may look into schema modeling guidelines, but only after other charter-driven tasks are completed, and if time allows. It seems that guidelines addressing issues in implementing an XML schema validation parser would be pertinent to your questions (especially with respect to your question about grammar size). Considering this, the XML Schema group may have better insight than the EXI group can provide at this time.
LC-2227 Gengo Suzuki <suzuki.gengo@lab.ntt.co.jp> (archived comment)

I have an question about Document Grammars.

In 8.5.1 Schema-Informed Document Grammar, there is 'SE(*)' event
which is evaluated by 'Built-in' Element Grammar.

But this rule (perhaps) can be applied under strict mode.

I think the principle of strict mode is that if XML instance has
an element which isn't defined in XML schema, encoder should stop
with some error.

I feel lacking of consistency between Schema-Informed Document
Grammar specification and strict mode.

How do you think about it?
Or were there any arguments?


NTT Cyber Space Laboratories
Gengo Suzuki <suzuki.gengo@lab.ntt.co.jp>
TEL: +81-46-859-3412 FAX: +81-46-859-2768
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-exi-comments/2009Jul/0002.html tocheck
LC-2165 ISHIZAKI Tooru <ishizaki.tooru@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI members,

I have a feedback of EXI specification.
In chapter 4, what's the advantage of local-element-ns flag?

Best Regrads,
Tooru Ishizaki.
The advantage of the local-element-ns flag is improved compactness for
representing element QNames when Preserve.prefixes is true. Without the
local-element-ns flag, the prefix encoding for each element QName would have
to account for the possibility that the prefix is declared by an NS event
that follows the associated SE event (i.e., a prefix that has not yet been
encountered in the stream). In the common case, where there is only one
prefix declared for each namespace, the prefix encoding would increase from
zero bits per element to one bit per element. If there were two prefixes
declared for each namespace, the prefix encoding would increase from one bit
per element to two bits per element. Since there can be a lot of SE events
in a document, this can have a significant impact on compactness.
LC-2167 ISHIZAKI Tooru <ishizaki.tooru@canon.co.jp> (archived comment)
Dear EXI members,

I have a feedback of EXI specification.
In chapter 9(EXI Compression), I would like to ask you to write
the example of the decoding algorithm.

Best Regards,
Tooru Ishizaki
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-exi-comments/2009Mar/0001.html tocheck
LC-2192 Jochen Darley <joda@upb.de> (archived comment)
Hallo EXI WG,

I'll just start with an example scenario:

Let's assume www.markmail.org wants use an XML compression for their
services. Markmail offers personalized feeds of news and mailing lists
to it's customers (as RSS/Atom feed). The goal is to allow customers to
receive their personalized feed as a compressed XML stream.

If markmail implemented the compressed streams by compressing each
personalized stream by itself then they need a lot resources. My
assumption is that they will have to use a separate EXI compressor for
each (of the thousand) compressed customer streams.

The solution would be to pre-compress the feed's entries and just copy
them into the customized streams. Markmail can't use a single continuous
EXI stream because:

1) EXI has a global string table which can't be reset per block
2) EXI enforces a fixed blocksize "n" except for the last block

My solution would be to pre-compress multiple XML fragments and then
copy compressed fragments into the customers personalized stream.

My questions:

1) How will EXI support such a compressed, streaming

2) Should EXI support this scenario ?

3) What are the design intentions for the fixed blocksize?

4) Is it acceptable to remove the fixed blocksize?

5) Can a mode be added to EXI which resets the string table
for each block?

6) What are design choices/constraints which require a global
string table or the fixed blocksize?

Jochen Darley
The blocksize of EXI compression is constant for a single EXI stream so that
an EXI decoder get an approximate idea of how much memory is necessary for
buffering events before it starts decompression. One of the inclinations of
EXI design was enabling those devices with limited hardware resources, often
with very limited network resources to successfully tap into XML family of

For the scenario you described, the best solution may be to feed a flow of
separate EXI documents or EXI fragments, each of which has been compressed

The other thing that may be relevant and worth mentioning is that EXI
compression is designed to cost much less CPU cycle than gzip does, yet
consistently with better results.

This trait is known to enable certain scenarios to apply EXI compression for
their output feeds, wherein application of gzip has been perceived prohibitive
given the exhaustion of server CPU resources due to the high processing cost
entailed in compression.

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Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
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