List of comments on “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)” (dated 13 July 2007)

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There are 62 comments (sorted by their types, and the section they are about).

1-20 21-40 41-60 61-62

question comments

Comment LC-1836: IRI issue from MMI
Commenter: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org> (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Pablo Cesar
Resolution status:

c) Answered in another place:

2.5 Is an IRI acceptable for a URI?

=> Please see resolution at LC-1825, and CC response to Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>.
1795 1825
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Comment LC-1834: integration with SMILfrom MMI
Commenter: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org> on behalf of Multimodal Interaction WG (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Pablo Cesar
Resolution status:

a) SMIL integration:

1.1 We think the biggest question about SMIL 3.0 LCWD [1] for MMIWG is
"how SMIL works with MMI Architecture [2] and SCXML [3]". So we
concentrated on the interface and functionality related to the

1.2 Maybe we (=SYMM-WG and MMI-WG) should hold some discussion about
the requirements on the interfaces. One possibility might be coming
Tech Plenary in November.

2.2 How speech/pen input could work with SMIL in interactive

2.3 How SMIL cooperate with other flow control languages e.g.
SCXML [3] ?

Can SCXML invoke a "SMIL modality" to present information from the
user? And/or can SMIL invoke SCXML to provide user interaction
(as opposed to only rendering to the user)?

Please see also the comment 5.4 below.

2.4 Can we use SMIL more than once in a specific application?

Can we use SMIL for (1) a talking head module which synchronize
speech synthesis and lip movement synthesis and (2) the main
server which control the syncronization with HTML based GUI etc.

2.6 How SMIL handle information which needs security e.g. credit card

Regarding "15.7 The SMIL StateSubmission Module"

5.4 What kind of data and event exchanges should be considered in
practical SMIL ready multimodal applications?

How SMIL and SCXML [3] relate to each other? Can SCXML invoke a
"SMIL modality" to present information from the user? Can SMIL
invoke SCXML to provide user interaction (as opposed to only
rendering to the user)?
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Comment LC-1780: Additional attributes
Commenter: Jason Player <jcplayer@MIT.EDU> (archived message)
Context: 6.7 SMIL 3.0 LinkingAttributes Module
assigned to Daniel Weck
Resolution status:

Dear Working Group Members,

I am currently having problems creating what I feel should be an easy
SMIL. I need control of some basic parameters at the start of a SMIL
file and some for the linking of files.

Here is what I am trying to do:
I have a series of video lectures that we are trying to reference for
a course. Ideally we want to show a small piece of the full lecture
but in context of the full lecture. This way a student can watch the
snippet and if they are interested, the can either drag the playback
head to just before the piece for more context or click on one of the
hyperlinks in the index and jump to that topic.

The problem:
I can get close to the desired behavior by first linking to a SMIL
file with a video with a beginClip and an endClip. But the problem is
that I don't have the full clip there so a person can't see the
context without first clicking a hyperlink to a SMIL file with the
full version of the video with a complete index, and then clicking on
a hyperlink.

Here's what I think I need:
The ability to seek to a specific time- either as a Linking attribute
(6.7 of the spec) or as part of the Media Objects as an initial
attribute (7.x.x ??). Sort of a bookmark feature (or named anchor in
HTML). Basically on clicking of a link go to this file and advance to
a specific time while maintaining the full length of the file (unlike
clipBegin, clipEnd which clips the file), e.g.

<a href="7.013-S06-VL19-0317-0729.smil" seek/advance/goto/
bookmark="30s"> Overview</a>


<video src="ocw-7.013-24mar2006-220k.rm" region="video" seek/advance/
goto/bookmark="3:07" />

*** The key is that it is only activated once. This way a person can
interact with the full video clip at anytime after the video/media
object seeks to a particular time.

The extra credit version would be to make a seekBegin and seekEnd
attribute, which would play set time while displaying the full time
line. Also, the seekBegin and seekEnd would be deactivated if the
video's current playing time was outside the range specified. The
problem with this is that I'm not sure what should happen after the
seekEnd time is reached. I don't believe it is possible to pause a
content region??If you can think of the appropriate behavior, by all
means feel free to spec it.

I am welcome to hear any feedback. Who knows- maybe it can already be
done this way and I don't know what I'm talking about.

Best regards,
Jason Player
Jason Player
Web Production Specialist
MIT OpenCourseWare
One Broadway, 8th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
P 617-324-6044
F 617-253-2115
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Comment LC-1851: XForms-15
Commenter: Charles F Wiecha <wiecha@us.ibm.com> on behalf of XForms WG (archived message)
Context: 15. SMIL 3.0 State
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:

15. Synchronous or asynchronous submission?

Is submission synchronous in SMIL 3.0 as in XForms 1.0? If so, what is the
behavior of the main timing control cycle during submission -- is there the
potential for blocking user or other interaction/presentation unacceptably
while waiting for a response to a submission? What is the behavior of
submission notification events relative to the execution of normal SMIL
timing behavior, e.g. are submission events queued for execution and if so
with what relationship to other SMIL processing?
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Comment LC-1844: XForms-8
Commenter: Charles F Wiecha <wiecha@us.ibm.com> (archived message)
Context: 15. SMIL 3.0 State
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:

8. Additional event required for data model deletion?

If delete is in fact supported as mentioned above, will another event be
required to notify authors on deletion? If so what notation will be used
to refer to the deleted node since it no longer exists?
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Comment LC-1845: XForms-9
Commenter: Charles F Wiecha <wiecha@us.ibm.com> on behalf of XForms WG (archived message)
Context: 15. SMIL 3.0 State
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:

9. Multiple contentControlChange events dispatched?

There are two signatures for the contentControlChange event, one that fires
on any change and the other that indicates a specific change. Will
application authors in general receive both events for each change?
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Comment LC-1847: XForms-11
Commenter: Charles F Wiecha <wiecha@us.ibm.com> on behalf of XForms WG (archived message)
Context: 15. SMIL 3.0 State
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:

11. Are events supported in SMIL 3.0 submission?

Section 15.7.3 indicates that SMIL 3.0 submission follows the design of
submission in XForms -- does this include the events in XForms submission
as well? If so, do they follow XML/DOM event processing?
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general comment comments

Comment LC-1793
Commenter: Marcin Hanclik <Marcin.Hanclik@access-company.com > (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Marcin Hanclik
Resolution status:

Dear Group,

I hope I do not ask any old well-known question...

Was it intentional not to refer to RFC2119 when specifying the required
and recommended features in the SMIL3.0 specification?

I have reviewed a few chapters and there are statements like "are
required to be supported" or "is recommended to be supported".

RFC2119 terms are however used in XML, XHTML etc specs that referred to
in SMIL3.0.

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Comment LC-1829: thanks for smilText
Commenter: Al Gilman <Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org> (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

We are pleased to see the inclusion of smilText modules.


This will make it easier for people to furnish captions with their
presentations that users can actually use.

This is the only comment the Protocols and Formats Working Group found
to make on this Last Call.



/chair, PFWG
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Comment LC-1877: TEXT
Commenter: Spiral Universe <mihaly.balogh@yahoo.com> (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0) W...
assigned to Thierry Michel
Resolution status:

Thanks Daniel but I was thinking of something totally different. Let's say I have 2 movies, one for the content and one is the advertisement. Somewhere in the middle of content movie I "insert" the advertisement movie (most probably using an excl node) and while this ad is playing I want that the player to display the position of the content movie in it's seekbar (just ignoring that there is another video playing). I just don't understand how this seekbar could be synchronized with videos.

Daniel Weck <daniel.weck@gmail.com> wrote: Hi !

You can certainly skip content using SMIL.

Let's assume the advert is a 5mn clip encoded within the video file,
say between 5mn and 10mn. The goal is to play the video between 0 and
5mn, then again immediately between 10mn and the end of the video:

Hope that helps, Dan/

On 21 Sep 2007, at 16:07, Spiral Universe wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing a research on SMIL and there is a first question that
> it's on my mind and I couldn't find a concrete answer. As I
> understand SMIL document have a timeline concept, just like a video
> (can play, pause, seek, etc). But what about nodes that I don't
> want to be included in the timeline? Suppose there is a midroll
> advertisement inserted into a video that I don't want to be visible
> for the user? Should this be resolved with the SMIL player
> implementation or does SMIL already support stuff like this ?
> Regards,
> Mihaly Balogh

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Comment LC-1837: XForms -1
Commenter: Charles F Wiecha <wiecha@us.ibm.com> on behalf of XForms WG (archived message)
Context: 15. SMIL 3.0 State
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:

1. Use of the "expr" attribute name is too generic

We understand that the "expr" attribute functions like a gating condition
on the execution of a SMIL element which otherwise is under the control of
the normal SMIL timing mechanism. "expr", meaning "expression", seems to
us to be too generic a name for this function as the meaning of the
expression in terms of the overall control logic of SMIL is not indicated
by this choice of name. In XForms 1.1 we have introduced the "if"
attribute which, although it's function may not be equivalent, could be
considered as an alternative name for this attribute.
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typo comments

Comment LC-1805: typo in 15.6.5
Commenter: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <Dr.O.Hoffmann@gmx.de> (archived message)
Context: 15.6.5 Data Model (section 15.6.5)
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

Hello SMIL working group,

this looks like a typo:


'This is not be be confused...'

'This is not to be confused...'?
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substantive comments

Comment LC-1814: Use of 'must' in informative sections
Commenter: Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org> (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Marcin Hanclik
Resolution status:

Hello www-smil,

While reading

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)
W3C Working Draft 13 July 2007

I noticed several instances of the word 'must' in informative sections. This is problematic, due to the common usage of 'must' as a conformance requirement in W3C specifications.

Please either

a) reword these sections to avoid 'must', or
b) add clarificatory wording regarding use of 'must' in the specification as a whole and noting any relationship to RFC 2119, or
c) consider making some of the informative sections normative, if 'must' is indeed used as a conformance requirement in some cases
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Comment LC-1826: Please use only one namespace
Commenter: Simon Pieters <zcorpan@gmail.com > (archived message)
Context: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0)...
assigned to Julien Quint
Resolution status:

Prior SMIL specs have introduced many namespaces:


It seems that SMIL 3.0 adds at least 63 more to this list:


It says that:

The XML namespace identifier for the complete set of SMIL 3.0 modules,
elements and attributes, are contained within the following namespace:


...but this is not correct. Namespaces in XML are opaque strings. [1] The
following are all completely different elements:

<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/07/SMIL30/"/>
<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/07/SMIL30/AccessKeyTiming"/>

You are effectively forcing implementors to ignore the namespace
altogether or use some other means that to deal with the 174 different
namespaces in SMIL. As I understand it, it's also effectively impossible
to write a RELAX NG schema for SMIL 3.0 because it uses multiple

It is not appropriate to have several namespaces for the same language.
Even with a new version of a language, if it is intended to be backwards
compatible (work in UAs that only support an older version of the
language) it should use the same namespace. XHTML has only one namespace.
SVG has only one namespace. MathML has only one namespace. And so forth.

Given that there already are 111 different namespaces for SMIL prior to
SMIL 3.0, I would suggest that SMIL 3.0 clears this up by introducing one
new namespace that is to be used for all future revisions of SMIL:


...and use a separate attribute to deal with module identifiers (e.g.
module="AccessKeyTiming") if necessary.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NSNameComparison
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Comment LC-1779: Accept-Language, systemLanguage, and the 'switch' Element
Commenter: Doug Schepers <schepers@w3.org> (archived message)
Context: 4. SMIL 3.0 Content Control
assigned to Jack Jansen
Resolution status:


As the SVG WG wrote to you in a liaison in May 2007 [1], the
systemLanguage attribute of the 'switch' element [2] does not adequately
account for quality-values in Accept-Language strings. The result of
this is that users who have assigned quality values to their language
acceptance are unlikely to get the ideal language option, even if one is
available. The boolean nature of 'switch', in this regard, should be
amended to evaluate at a more discrete level for systemLanguage.

We have proposed an alternate algorithm [1] which, while slightly more
complex, does yield the ideal results, even in combination with other
test attributes. However, this feedback does not seem to have be taken
into account in SMIL 3.0. Any algorithm that solves this issue is fine
with us, but the issue should be solved in SMIL 3.0.

SVG relies on the SMIL definition of 'switch' for use in our own
specification, and we need proper i18n. We are happy to work with you
to come up with a solution.

[1] (member-only) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/symm/2007Apr/0016.html

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI
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Comment LC-1791: 7.7 SMIL MediaOpacity Module
Commenter: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <Dr.O.Hoffmann@gmx.de> (archived message)
Context: 7.7 SMIL MediaOpacity Module
assigned to Eric Hyche
Resolution status:

Hello SMIL working group,

the attributes related to opacity in SMIL as
mediaOpacity or mediaBackgroundOpacity etc currently use
values given in percentage.
-> Isn't it useful to use opacity values between 0 and 1 as
in CSS(3) and SVG for compatibility reasons and easier usage
for authors and developers and avoiding confusion with values
of opacity related attributes or properties in different languages?
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Comment LC-1794: 7.13.2 MediaPanZoom Module
Commenter: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <Dr.O.Hoffmann@gmx.de> (archived message)
Context: 7.13.2 Elements and Attributes for the MediaPanZoom Module
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

Hello SMIL working group,

I think, I found a few problems with this module.

a) General definition

'The SMIL MediaPanZoom module integrates the functionality of the SVG viewBox
attribute and adapts it for use within the SMIL media framework.'

I think, it is in the current definition only in some points related to the
SVG viewBox:

'The value of the viewBox attribute is an ordered list of four numbers,
separated by whitespace and/or a comma:'

- This indeed fits to the SVG viewBox.


' width
A non-negative length value (using CSS2 pixel or non-negative percentage
that defines the horizontal dimension of the viewBox. If pixel notation is
the 'px' suffix may be omitted. A negative value is an error. The default
value of
width is auto.'

- This does not fit to SVG and not to the previous description, because the
value is not a number anymore if it can contain the unit 'px' or can be noted
in percentage. If the default width is 'auto', this is neither a number, nor a
percentage value, nor a length value (a number and a unit).
This section is inconsistent in itself and 'width' and 'height' are not
consistent with the SVG definition of viewBox.

Comparison with SVG:

-> viewBox on an image element for example does not
work in SVG as described here for SMIL3.
In SVG 1.1 or SVG tiny 1.2 CR it is noted:
'i.e. the 'image' element has an implicit 'viewBox' of
"0 0 raster-image-width raster-image-height"'
Similar thing we get in SVG tiny 1.2 CR
for the elements video and animation.
To conclude, the viewBox described in this draft does not
have much more in common with the SVG viewBox element as the name.
It works more or less in a similar way for the elements svg and symbol.
Maybe it is a good idea to change the name of the SMIL attribute to
avoid confusion, for example what about zoomBox?

b) The example contains errors:

'<smil ...>
<root-layout height="200" width="300" backgroundColor="red" />
<region id="B" top="0" left="0" height="50" width="75"
backgroundColor="blue" />
<ref id="R0" src="table_233x150.jpg" viewBox="0,0,50,75" dur="20s"
region="T" fit=""meet" >
<animate attributeName="viewBox"
values="(25,20,50,75); (45,55,50,75);(140,40,50,75);
(35,0,100,150); (0,0,100,150);"
dur="20s" />

- the animate element, the values attribute:
-> The last ';' is wrong
-> the '(' and ')' are not part of the viewBox attribute or the values
therefore this is wrong too.
-> values="25,20,50,75; 45,55,50,75;140,40,50,75;35,0,100,150; 0,0,100,150"

c) Animation problem (?)

-> What about calcMode paced for viewBox?
Due to some wrong formulas in the SVG tiny 1.2 CR
I already did some calculations about this for several
attributes with lists of numbers or even with a mixture
of values of different units. viewBox is either a list of
two vectors or a list of one vector and two scalars.
There can be a paced change of the value of a viewBox.
The procedure can be to expand the value consisting of
4 numbers to a list of 4 points or vectors to the corners
of the viewBox. For each point or vectors a paced change
can be gained, using the euclidian distance. If this is
fulfilled, this results in a paced change of each point
of the viewBox. But because each corner needs to be
animated separately, this is no interpolation between the
given values anymore, therefore the condition of calcMode
paced is not fulfilled, to interpolate between the values.
Therefore we can be pretty sure, that there is no
behaviour completely consistent with the definition of
calcMode paced.
What is the expected correct behaviour? Fallback to
calcMode linear?
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Comment LC-1816: i18n comment 2: Define what text wrapping option
Commenter: Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org> on behalf of i18n (archived message)
Context: 8. SMIL 3.0 smilText
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 2
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0708-smil30/
Editorial/substantive: S
Owner: AP

Location in reviewed document:
8 [http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-SMIL3-20070713/smil-text.html]

Comment: smilText defines the attribute 'textWrapOption'. No indication is given as to how text wrapping works. In particular, the breaking options don't match the more mature ones that appear in CSS3 (see:http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-css3-text-20070306/#text-wrap)
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Comment LC-1797: 8. SMIL 3.0 smilText
Commenter: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <Dr.O.Hoffmann@gmx.de> (archived message)
Context: 8. SMIL 3.0 smilText
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

Hello SMIL working group,

some comments on chapter 8


The effective value of this attribute is used.'

-> What is an 'effective value'?
-> Define or reference definition...
-> or something like this:
The textWrapOption value of the parent element
is used.'?



'This time is defines as being relative ...'
'This time is defined as being relative ...'?


typo? (missing whitespace)

'no preceding tev/clearelement'

'no preceding tev/clear element'



-> shouldn't this be inside the informative box?


smilText element content:

'The smilText element may contain character content.'
'The smilText element may contain the elements tev, clear, br
or character content.'?



- The p element in XHTML has a semantic meaning
of a paragraph and has nothing to do with styling, but
with the meaning of the content. It is maybe not a
good idea to define it here without a meaning just for
styling purposes. Wouldn't it be sufficient to note
that a div can be within a div (but maybe not
more then one level of nesting)?

- Another idea to get a little bit more meaning
to the meaningless elements of this module is
to add for example an attribute to smilText, div and span
like textSemantics or textMeaning with a comma or
space separated list as value with list items
like h'digit', p, q, abbr, em, strong, pre, article, abstract,
poem, stanza, line etc
(some more are available in the drafts for 'HTML5' or XHTML2),
partly similar to (X)HTML elements with semantic meanings
or of semantic structures, currently not represented with
(X)HTML elements, but nice for SMIL presentation.
Author defined semantic value fragments could start with
'-' for example to expand this a little bit.
Of course authors can use (X)HTML right
from the start to avoid meaningless text
elements, but SMIL adds an additional
feature like timing to the text, therefore there
might be a reason to use this instead of

Therefore one can write
<div textMeaning="stanza em"> ... </div>
<div textMeaning="p poem -concretePoetry"> ... </div>

This is not much more to implement, because there
is no need to have a default styling for all these
things, anyway the meaning of the content is
machine readable and identificable as an author
expects from a good markup language.
If the author needs more than this
'minimal semantics', XHTML can be used, but even
with ideas like 'microformats' this will not be
much better for many text types as poems...
And if CSS is available, authors can use this
for styling too, using a selektor like
div[textMeaning~="-concretePoetry"] or
the styling attributes of smilText of course.
Anyway these presentational attributes move
smilText a little bit in the direction that
presents text as a graphical object, as it is
in SVG, is this intended? If not, it would
be sufficient to style it with CSS, isn't it?

div element:

'This element accepts as content zero or more characters to which the
specified styling is applied.'
'This element accepts as content p or span elements or zero or more characters
which the specified styling is applied.'?

-> etc for the p element ...?


-> I think, textWrapOption is useful for div, this avoids further
fragmentation of text, if the author needs for example a container
of non wrapping text as pre in XHTML inside a larger text
fragment. I think, without the textWrapOption for div the
author has to divide his text in three smilText elements to
get the same effect. But often this three fragments of text
belong together as one text inside one large text container.




"... as is shown in line 30'w ..."

-> what is the meaning of 'w?

'Finally, the text element on line 35 illustrates that it is
possible to mix in-line and external text in a single document.'

-> line 36?




-> Because luckily the textFontSize is given in
absolute or relative sizes, units like em, ex,
glyphs are much more useful for authors to guess
some useful rate as px, because the relation between
the size of a glyph and a pixel is not known by
the author.
To get something useful, we have to know, how
reading works, maybe we need something like
words per second to get an even more useful
guess for a textRate appropriate for a slow reader
as glyphs per second...
Maybe one has to ask some experts on psychology
or behaviour research or something like this to
get some information about a useful unit for
textRate concerning typical reading strategies and
rhythms including a hint for authors about a
useful value range for textRate for
accessibility reasons.
Looking for this at wikipedia something like
word fragments per second can be a useful
unit - a word fragment is either a complete
word if below say 10 glyphs or for longer
words a fragment of the word of about 7
A typical range would be around
2-5 word fragments per second for normal reading.
Because it is more difficult to read moving
text or specific fonts or sizes, this can
be used as a hint for authors for a maximum
value of a useful textRate.
This applies only to alpabetical scripts,
only in parts to syllabary or Scripts
using symbols. Maybe for them the approximation
withs glyphs per second is more useful...

Of course to get a smooth motion or a paced
change of text position, viewers might
transform the textRate again in an
average value in px per second, because the
viewer knows the size of a glyph in px and
can determine a presentational textRate similar
as this is done for font-size in CSS.

-> lines per second continuous or in jumps are
not very useful too, because the number of
glyphs or words in a line depend on the font
size and authors cannot guess some useful
rate in lines per second, except maybe for
poems with short stanzas and lines, in such a case
it maybe very useful to give information
about the rhythm of the poem with a textRate
in lines per second, else this normally will
reduce readability of the text...

-> for accessibility reasons there should be
a simple method for readers to manipulate
this textRate to their personal abilities in
each user agent, else such a feature is
more a method to torture readers...
(I really dislike such moving text sections
in movies in TV with tooooo tiny fonts and
toooo fast motion, one has to manipulate the
player and has to use a lens/magnifier to
separate the glyphs from noisy pixels ;o)
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Comment LC-1821: i18n comment 7: vertical text support
Commenter: Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org> on behalf of i18n (archived message)
Context: 8. SMIL 3.0 smilText
assigned to Dick Bulterman
Resolution status:

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 7
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0708-smil30/
Editorial/substantive: S
Owner: AP

Location in reviewed document:
8 [http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-SMIL3-20070713/smil-text.html]

Comment:There is no way to deal with vertical text with the various layout/styling options?
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1-20 21-40 41-60 61-62

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Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: index.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:42:39 dom Exp $
Please send bug reports and request for enhancements to w3t-sys.org