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(moved from Rulesystem_Arrangement_Framework)

Rule Language Dialects

Rule languages can be broadly categorized as belonging to one of the following types:

Deductive languages are further classified into the dialects of

These languages are often evaluated top-down in response to a query.

Reactive languages are further classified into the dialects of

These languages are often evaluated bottom-up in response to changes in the knowledge base.

Normative rules are also known as integrity constraints (IC).

Mapping between deductive rule and reactive rule terminology

The following table is an approximate and partial mapping between common terminology used in deductive rule languages and reactive rule languages. Within deductive rules, the focus is on LP terminology, and within reactive rules, the focus is on PR terminology.

deductive concept

reactive concept


rule body


events have no mapping to deductive rules

rule head

single assert action

suggests a subset of deductive and PR with same semantics

logic variable

pattern variable

function symbol and arguments

nested facts flattened using fact/pattern variables

allows structured facts



built-in predicate

test, pattern matching operator

cannot occur in actions

procedural attachment

user-defined/built-in test in condition, arbitrary actions with side-effects

a technique to make deductive rules reactive

relation type

fact (or event) type

non-ground fact

no mapping to reactive rules

ask query, get result

fire rules, lookup derived facts

how rulesets are used