Timer: 0

Testing: decelerate, autoReverse.
At 0 seconds, box with the word time will appear blue. They are both blue so you can't see the word time.
At 2 seconds, box and time will start animating color from blue to red. The word time is decelerated and the box is linear.
At 2-4 seconds, the word time will appear and disapper.
At 4 seconds, box and time will be red and autoreverse.
at 4-6 seconds, the word time will appear and disapper.
At 6 seconds, box and time will be blue again.
This will repeat 5 times freezing at 22 seconds.

<DIV id="d1" style="position:absolute;color:blue;font-size:1in;top:5;left:5"> Time</DIV;>
<t:animateColor attributeName="color" to="red" begin="2s" decelerate="1" autoreverse="true" repeatCount="5" dur="2s" targetElement="d1" additive="replace" calcmode="linear" fill="freeze"/>

Copyright: Copyright 1998-2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. Author: Debbie Newman, Microsoft
Version: 11/02/2000
Module: animateColor
Feature: decelerate, autoReverse, attributeName, to, begin, accelerate, dur, targetElement, additive, calcmode, fill=freeze
File Name: animateColor_decelerate_autoreverse_001.htm
Media Components: none