Timer: 0
Backgroundcolor = #00ff00

animateColor will begin at 1 second and have a duration of 2 seconds.
note additive=sum.
At 0 seconds, the color will be GREEN - #00FF00.     
At 1 second, animateColor begins and the color will start at GREEN.
At 1.5 seconds, the midpoint of animateColor, the color will be #007F7F.     
At 3 seconds, the color will be BLUE - #0000FF - and animateColor Ends.     
After animateColor ends, fill=remove should return the background-color to #00FF00.     
**Note: calcmode="paced" each color value changes evenly over time duration

<div id="timedElement" style="border:1px solid black;background:GREEN; width:100; height:100;"></div>
<t:animateColor targetElement="timedElement" attributeName="backgroundColor" begin="1s" dur="2s" additive="sum" to="#0000ff" fill="remove" calcmode="paced"></t:animateColor>

Copyright: Copyright 1998-2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. Author: Debbie Newman, Microsoft
Version: 10/09/2000
Module: animation
Feature: animateColor calcmode=paced, additive=sum, fill=remove
File Name: animateColor_to_remove_paced.htm
Media Components: None