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Ontology Proforma

Ontology Classes

Each class to be added to the ontology requires the following information:

Name of the Class 
This is the suggested name for the new class.
This is a description of the new class
Parent Class 
This is the class in the ontology which is the parent of the new class. The root of the class hierarchy is the !DeliveryContext class.
Associated UAProf 2 Attribute 
This is the name of an associated attribute from the UAProf 2 vocabulary. Where classes are being defined that are equivalent to or are associated with existing UAProf definitions, this relationship is captured in the ontology.

Ontology Properties

Each property to be added to the ontology requires the following information:

Name of the Property 
This is the suggested name for the new property. Typically it is the name that will be used within the API that references this characteristic. You can suggest the ontology name for the property if you prefer.
This is a description of the new property
Related Class 
This is the class in the ontology to which the new property is related. For example, a property named camera might be related to the ontology class Device.
Data Type 
This is the data type associated with the characteristic. It might be a base type, such as integer, boolean or string. Alternatively, it might be a class, such as Aspect Ratio which encapsulates a more complex data type.
This is the number of times that the property appears. Some properties appear exactly once. For example, a display has exactly one aspect ratio. Some characteristics may be optional and others may appear multiple times. For example, it is increasingly common for mobile devices to have more than one display.
Unit of Measure 
Some properties are associated with particular physical units. For example, one measure of the size of a display is its physical length and height. For these characteristics, the typical unit of measure needs to be captured. Often, there may be multiple appropriate units. The ontology is capable of supporting this multiplicity.
Associated UAProf 2 Attribute 
This is the name of an associated attribute from the UAProf 2 vocabulary. Where properties are being defined that are equivalent to or are associated with existing UAProf definitions, this relationship is captured in the ontology.