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Variant management

From W3C Unified Service Description Language
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Approach USDL Variant Management

General Info

USDL needs extensions and alterations along several dimensions. A user or community might need additional or alternative attributes, classes, relations or even whole modules. Users might call the same entity differently. Further, the information might deviate depending on “context categories,” e.g., geopolitical, industry, or business process.

We conjecture that this will lead to a proliferation of USDL variants for specific countries, industries, etc. much like what has happened in the product world. We need a mechanism to sync or otherwise interrelate these variants with the main (comprehensive/core) USDL.

There exists a disruptive solution consisting of four main pillars

  1. Canonical Grammar : UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS)
  2. Context Logic: UN/CEFACT Unified Context Methodology Technical Specification
  3. Tooling: Knowledge Integration Library formerly called Warp10
  4. Processes: Tool-supported processes for governance

It is our idea to use this solution also for USDL

Useful Links
