Web 2.0 and MBUI Coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999, she wrote: "The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come." The term is now closely associated with Tim O'Reilly because o the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. According to Tim O'Reilly: Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Tim Berners-Lee described the term "Web 2.0" as a piece of jargon" (2006-07-28) : "Nobody really knows what it means...If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along." This involved a new generation of web applications which featured rich interactive web sites, user provided content and social networks, and the concept of "the long tail". Web pages as applications with dynamic content driven by scripting. Suddenly everyone was making use of features that had been lying dormant since their introduction in earlier versions of Internet explorer, namely, XMLHTTP and dynamic HTML. This new wave of applications were inspired by the success of Google Maps and other google applications that demonstrated the potential of making HTTP requests from within web page scripts. The variations across browsers in the details for how they handle scripting and style sheets proved a huge burden for developers. This encouraged the development and widespread adoption of scripting libraries for a variety of purposes, e.g. GUI components, animations, Ajax and JSON, and simple wysiwyg editing widgets. Meanwhile, there is a lack of good interoperable web authoring tools. Instead developer teams need to learn a variety of languages and environments, e.g. HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Perl, Python, ASP.NET, JavaScript, Flash and so on. This has made it harder for people with different roles in the developer team to communicate, e.g. business logic, data models, graphics design, usability, and script hacking. The is a lack of support for clean separation of concerns. http://www.openajax.org "The OpenAjax Alliance is working to address interoperability issues among development environments for AJAX as well as to facilitate the creation of secure mashups." IDE Working Group has responsibility for industry standards for describing Visual and non-visual Controls and Ajax library APIs for use in design-time and potentially run-time scenarios, see: http://www.devsource.com/c/a/Architecture/AJAX-IDE-Interoperability-at-the-OpenAjax-Alliance/ The OpenAjax Hub is a set of standard JavaScript functionality defined by the OpenAjax Alliance that addresses key interoperability and security issues that arise when multiple Ajax libraries and/or components are used within the same web page. http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/IDE_Charter_v2 http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/OpenAjax_Metadata_Specification The Open Ajax Alliance is working on making it easier to plug JavaScript components together, both at run time and at authoring time. This involves defining a framework for metadata for such components, and in theory will allow JavaScript component libraries to plug into a variety of different authoring tools. It would be worth looking at this framework in the context of MBUI. What kinds of controls are there? What customizable properties do they have? What kinds of events to they respond to? What kinds of events do they raise? In principle, these libraries can help authors with the implementation of support for WAI/ARIA. I should show some examples to the MBUI F2F. Web 2.0 applications often involve mashups, where a web page makes use of multiple services, e.g. combining Google Maps with real estate data. Each service is defined in terms of an API built on top of HTTP. These may be associated with client or server-side scripting componets. In principle these could be described by models and used within a model-based authoring tool. It would be worth looking at some examples as they are likely to involve very different kinds of components compared to the small set of traditional GUI components normally considered in academic work. I should find the documentation for Google Maps and Yahoo Pipes to show the MBUI F2F. http://code.google.com/apis/maps/ http://developer.yahoo.com/ http://manual.widgets.yahoo.com/ http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/