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This section lists existing approaches that concern the translation of (parts of) MPEG-7 into RDF/OWL.

MPEG-7 Upper MDS Ontology by Hunter

Ontology Source


(Hunter, 2001)

Chronologically the first one, this MPEG-7 ontology was firstly developed in RDFS, then converted into DAML+OIL, and is now available in OWL-Full. The ontology covers the upper part of the Multimedia Description Scheme (MDS) part of the MPEG-7 standard. It comprises about 60 classes and 40 properties.

MPEG-7 MDS Ontology by Tsinaraki

Ontology Source


(Tsinaraki, 2004)

Starting from the ontology developed by (Hunter, 2001) this MPEG-7 ontology covers the full Multimedia Description Scheme (MDS) part of the MPEG-7 standard. It contains 420 classes and 175 properties. This is an OWL DL ontology.

MPEG-7 Ontology by Rhizomik

Ontology Source


(Garcia, 2005)

This MPEG-7 ontology has been produced fully automatically from the MPEG-7 standard in order to give it a formal semantics. For such a purpose, a generic mapping XSD2OWL has been implemented. The definitions of the XML Schema types and elements of the ISO standard have been converted into OWL definitions according to the table given in (Garcia, 2005). This ontology could then serve as a top ontology thus easing the integration of other more specific ontologies such as MusicBrainz. The authors have also proposed to transform automatically the XML data (instances of MPEG-7) into RDF triples (instances of this top ontology).

This ontology aims to cover the whole standard and it thus the most complete one (with respect to the previous mentioned). It contains finally 2372 classes and 975 properties. This is an OWL Full ontology since it employs the rdf:Property construct to cope with the fact that there are properties that have both datatype and object type ranges.

INA Ontology

Ontology Source

TODO: put the final ontology on a CWI site


(Isaac, 2004), (Troncy, 2003)

This ontology is not really an MPEG-7 ontology since it does not cover the whole standard. It is rather a core audio-visual ontology inspired by several terminologies, either standardized (like MPEG-7 and TV Anytime) or still under development (ProgramGuideML). Furthermore, this ontology benefits from the practices of the French INA institute, the English BBC and the Italian RAI channels, which have also developed a complete terminology for describing radio and TV programs.

This core ontology contains currently 1100 classes and 220 properties and it is represented in OWL Full.