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Decision Mtg 20 Agenda

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Decision Meeting #20 Goal & Agenda


The dial-in information for this week's meeting is here. The Decision Incubator Activity is intended to explore the use cases and design of a Decision Representation format (e.g. in XML, RDF, OWL…) available on the wiki along with its use by participants in testbed settings for experiments and exercises. Each meeting will be an opportunity to summarize progress & contributions to the wiki, review next steps and action items, and to review the current representation format.

Summary from the Last Meeting

At our last meeting #19 (see minutes), we reviewed the status of our incubator work and the tasks and schedule for completing the incubator work by the end of April. The primary tasks are to finish the final report, integrate the component patterns to create the sample decision format, and finish the design of any tools that demonstrate the use and significance of a standardized decision format. The final report outline includes introduction, background and need, scope, use cases, requirements, issues & challenges, ontological patterns & solutions, sample decision ontology, representation formats, examples, candidate tools for instrumentation, examples, recommendations, and conclusion. Eva observed that we should also include a state-of-the-art review/summary. We've learned much from our invited participants and we want to ensure we include their lessons learned in areas such as security, formats, and levels of decision-making.

Jeff recommended the participants consider the future plans for this work, which could include consideration for whether the participants are interested in recommending the formation of a follow-on W3C Working Group on this topic. The W3C process for this type of transition is described at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/REC-track.html.

The schedule for the remaining three months of the incubator was discussed. The roughly six remaining meetings will focus on integrating the patterns into a decision format and then finalizing the final report.

Goal for this Meeting

At this January 13th, 2011 meeting of the Decision Incubator, we will review a new pattern for representing a Question, review the existing or remaining patterns, and discuss how to bring the patterns together to generate the sample decision format. This meeting and the next will focus on this key deliverable, the decision format. The remaining four meetings will focus on the final report.


The following agenda items will be discussed at the next meeting. The topic, time, summary and discussion leader are provided for each agenda item.

(0) Introductions & Agenda Overview (5 min, Jeff)

We'll briefly consider the current status and agenda items for any suggested changes.

(1) Question Pattern(20 min Piotr Nowara)

Piotr will review a pattern for representing a "question", which is an important component of our decision use cases.

(2) Review of Existing and Needed Decision Patterns (20 min Eva/Jeff)

Eva and Jeff will help lead a review and discussion of the patterns identified as significant for our decision work, identify if those patterns exist or need to be contributed, and discuss how to integrate those patterns to arrive at our decision format.

(3) Around the Horn (20 min All)

We'll see if we can visit with each of our participants to get an update on latest activities in representing or modeling decisions, security, situation reporting, higher-level decision components or other issues relevant for decision-making.