15:06:12 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 15:06:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/11/01-swbp-irc 15:06:20 rrsagent, make log public 15:06:30 Meeting: Weekly RDF in XHTML TF 15:06:33 Chair: Ben 15:06:41 +Ralph 15:06:43 +??P10 15:06:53 RalphS has joined #swbp 15:06:56 zakim, ? MarkB 15:06:56 I don't understand '? MarkB', Steven 15:07:03 zakim, ? is MarkB 15:07:03 +MarkB; got it 15:07:17 zakim, who is here? 15:07:17 On the phone I see Steven, Jeremy, Ralph, MarkB, Ben_Adida 15:07:18 On IRC I see RalphS, RRSAgent, benadida, Zakim, Steven 15:07:58 jeremy has joined #swbp 15:08:07 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Oct/0083.html 15:08:23 Topic: CURIE and IPTC 15:08:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2005Oct/0092.html 15:10:18 Mark: I think the IPTC metadata will mostly be transported in newsml "packets" 15:10:28 ... in an (XML) envelope 15:10:40 ... not in the HTML payload 15:13:24 Ben: CURIEs did two things for us: (1) they allowed abbreviation of URIs like QNames but without restriction on the 'name' part and (2) they were a convenient solution to the bnode reference issue 15:16:04 Mark: note that Misha said that IPTC intends to use CURIE regardless of what XHTML2 does 15:16:19 Ben: CURIE with []? 15:16:44 Steven: IPTC is defining its own attributes, so they don't need the '[]' approach 15:17:58 RalphS: the team hesitates to have another mechanism for referencing 15:18:05 ... why not use entities 15:18:36 ... the bnode question hasn't bubbled up yet 15:18:55 ... general unease about new syntax (square brackets in particular) 15:22:10 Thanassis has joined #swbp 15:22:38 q+ 15:23:22 Ralph: any new syntax would raise concerns; it's not specifically about our choice of square brackets 15:23:32 Thanassis has joined #swbp 15:23:49 Jeremy: several concerns; partly about the length of identifiers, partly about bnode references 15:24:45 ... the CURIE solution provides a way to not have to put all the complexity up front 15:27:46 Ralph: perhaps if we had presented the requirements and the pros and cons of each of the options then the rationale for the CURIE solution would be better understood 15:28:07 Ben: several of Mark's mails have the pros and cons of options we considered 15:28:47 ... I'd like to start preparing a [rational] document next week 15:30:57 Ralph: is the issue that xmlns doesn't work the way IPTC wants a real issue for us? 15:31:06 Jeremy: yes, xmlns doesn't work the way anyone wants 15:31:40 ... I've found several cases that will cause problems; e.g. embedding XHTML2 inside an [RDF/A] XHTML2 chunk 15:32:42 Mark: IPTC is talking about using some other attribute than xmlns 15:33:09 ... to declare the substitution rules 15:33:33 ... might even permit the declarations to be contained in a separate document 15:35:19 Jeremy: we've gone to CURIE to abandon syntactic restrictions on the right-hand side of QNames 15:35:35 ... perhaps we can abandon the left-hand side of QName as well 15:36:28 Mark: CURIE could define substitution mechanism without specifying the source of those substitutions 15:36:56 ... even XPath is using namespace prefixes; no one has proposed entities 15:44:32 Mark: I've blogged about the CURIE solution last week and folks are commenting positively 15:44:45 http://internet-apps.blogspot.com/ 15:45:17 http://internet-apps.blogspot.com/2005/10/curies-compact-uri-syntax-semantic.html 15:45:55 http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/8196 15:46:59 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-current-issues 15:47:38 Topic: issue 7: syntactic sugar for class attribute 15:47:53 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-current-issues#class 15:48:58 MarkB has joined #swbp 15:49:14 Ralph: concerns about overloading of the class attribute 15:49:22 ... the real use of class is to make CSS work, right? 15:50:00 Steven: why do we need to do this if we use role? role and class are very similar but role has more clear semantics 15:50:56 ... role is meant to do the right thing 15:51:00 +q 15:51:07 q+ 15:51:22 ... class is now also used for microformats 15:52:40 Mark: when role was first proposed it was because class would be overloaded 15:52:53 ... but the reason class would be overloaded was that it did not use QNames 15:53:56 ... now class has been extended to define some semantic meaning but people feel class and role have different semantics 15:54:17 ... it would be a mistake to not define a meaning for class 15:54:57 Steven: this would be a big change for the entire Web community due to namespace defaulting 15:54:58 q+ 15:55:23 ... people would not be able to use unqualified names in the way the used to use them 15:56:31 Mark: if I want a foaf:address and also to style these in green I shouldn't have to duplicate more markup 15:57:00 Steven: an unqualified name is supposed to be interpreted as in the local namespace 15:57:30 Ben: we could define class to be a CURIE 15:57:52 Mark: we could also define a different namespace defaulting rule 15:58:03 Ralph: it would be too confusing to have different namespace defaulting rules 16:00:51 class="foo" 16:00:55 Mark: we've defined the namespace rule to make rel='next' work the way we want, with next in a particular namespace 16:01:35 Ben: if we want class="foo" to mean foo in a local namespace then we either have a 3rd namespace defaulting rule or class is a URI only, not a CURIE 16:02:02 Mark: alternatively we can say that unqualfied value does not have a defined namespace 16:02:50 ... e.g. the union attribute [in XML Schema] is defined to be based on the target namespace 16:04:13 Ben: next meeting 8 Nov? 16:04:19 Steven, Jeremy: regrets 16:04:44 Ben: please use mailing list for additional comments 16:04:53 -Steven 16:04:54 -Jeremy 16:04:56 -Ralph 16:04:57 -MarkB 16:04:59 -Ben_Adida 16:05:00 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)10:00AM has ended 16:05:01 Attendees were Ben_Adida, Steven, Jeremy, Ralph, MarkB 16:05:11 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:05:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/11/01-swbp-minutes.html RalphS 16:11:29 who was Thanassis? 16:25:14 benadida has left #swbp 16:27:38 rrsagent, bye 16:27:38 I see no action items