14:29:35 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:29:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc 14:30:03 thanks 14:30:08 Zakim, take up agendum 1 14:30:08 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda" taken up [from DanC] 14:30:25 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:30:25 On the phone I see JanneS, ILRT, DanC 14:30:26 ILRT has DaveB, AndyS, ericP 14:30:48 +??P6 14:31:03 Zakim, ??P6 is SteveH 14:31:03 +SteveH; got it 14:31:16 +Kendall_Clark 14:31:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0175.html 14:31:42 last week's minutes are there 14:31:44 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0175.html Minutes of the DAWG telecon 2005-08-02 14:32:28 I sent regrets for 23 August 14:33:01 zakim, who is here? 14:33:01 On the phone I see JanneS, ILRT, DanC (muted), SteveH, Kendall_Clark 14:33:02 ILRT has DaveB, AndyS, ericP 14:33:03 On IRC I see RRSAgent, kendall, JanneS, DaveB, Zakim, AndyS, SteveH, ericP, DanC 14:33:49 KC, JanneS at risk next week. 14:33:51 but i'm otherwise not at risk 14:34:13 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:13 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SteveH 14:34:22 Howard and Lee have sent regrets for 16-Aug 14:34:24 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:24 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SteveH 14:34:27 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:28 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SteveH 14:34:34 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:34 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JanneS 14:34:36 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:36 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ericP 14:34:43 Zakim, pick a scribe 14:34:43 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Kendall_Clark 14:35:09 scribe: Steve or else EricP 14:35:47 agenda + WSDL 2 last call 14:35:53 zakim, mute me 14:35:53 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:36:05 Zakim next item 14:36:09 Zakim, next item 14:36:09 agendum 2. "comment "Query forms should be resources, not operations"" taken up 14:36:11 zakim, unmute me 14:36:11 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:38:36 +[IBMCambridge] 14:38:46 discussion about http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2005Aug/0036 14:38:53 markB's original comment http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0227.html 14:39:20 EliasT has joined #dawg 14:39:43 KendallC: splitting the operation into GET uri requires e.g. more intelligent clients to separate the operation from the expression to the protocol request 14:40:26 q+ to suggest that Mark get a round to produce a use case 14:40:55 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:40:55 On the phone I see JanneS, ILRT, DanC, SteveH, Kendall_Clark, [IBMCambridge] 14:40:57 ILRT has DaveB, AndyS, ericP 14:41:03 Zakim, IBMCambridge is EliasT 14:41:03 +EliasT; got it 14:41:16 q- 14:41:28 KendallC: will formulate a response and having it circulated via WG before officially getting back to Mark 14:42:09 ACTION KendallC: write another draft response to Mark Baker's comment and send to WG for possible discussion 14:42:21 Zakim, next item 14:42:21 agendum 3. "toward Protocol last call" taken up 14:42:46 1.57 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/ 14:43:39 (There are two k examples - first has a syntax error) 14:44:04 (OK - I see why now) 14:44:11 yes, the first k. has an intentional...gotcha 14:44:40 B.d 14:44:44 pls add sub-section nos :) 14:46:03 the subsection id would be 2.B.d I guess 14:50:15 nit - the sparql query results in the refernece section needs date, dated url, a bit of expansion 14:51:30 DaveB: yep, thx, all those refs need to be fixed up 14:51:37 IIRC you'll have to change (example) domains from my.other.example to something.example.{com|org|net) 14:52:00 no, .example is a TLD 14:55:29 yeah, i thought it was foo.example, for example hosts, but now I don't know :> 14:56:45 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.example 14:57:39 ACTION KC: abstract/abbreviate http trace examples 14:57:47 AndyS, I think Joseki3 can only take on --data parameter. 14:57:51 ACTION DanC: extract and machine-check examples 14:57:55 s/on/one 14:58:11 I find that people don't know any % encoding (cos browsers don't require it) 14:58:13 . ACTION SteveH: elaborate "CONSTRUCT with content negotiation" into a test case 14:58:19 Ah, so .example is safe? 14:58:33 Elias - --data to Joseki3? Client? 14:58:48 yes. sorry. arq. 14:59:23 ACTION KendallC: fix d. ASK with simple RDF dataset...XML is wrong. 14:59:32 Shoudl support multiple - I'll check (which version?) 15:00:02 Last week CVS Head. 15:00:41 I might be wrong. I'll double check if you like. 15:00:48 Ah - THAT version :-) So the ARQ client only accepts one --data? i.e. one default-uri= in protocol request? 15:00:54 yes. 15:01:29 I'll check - you're likely to be right - plenty of chances for me to have got it wrong :-( 15:02:00 arq.sparql shoudl accept multiple --data and these should get into the protocol request 15:02:13 and you have it in the IRC log now :-) 15:02:23 who's scribing today? 15:02:24 :-) 15:02:29 I'm trying 15:02:30 ACTION SteveH: elaborate "CONSTRUCT with content negotiation" into a test case [continued/elaborated] 15:02:30 JanneS I believe. 15:02:49 KendallC, I can help you with the refactoring of the examples. 15:02:56 note to self, break results into good and acceptable 15:03:02 JanneS: can you make sure all of the comments from people re: protocol spec make it into the minutes? My irc client isn't scrolling back today, and I don't want to miss any feedback. 15:03:22 Elias: cool. i'd appreciate the help. 15:03:23 ok, I'm doing my best. 15:03:49 raw data is getting logged to http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc already 15:03:58 oh, cool. that'll work. 15:05:35 kendall, I guess we're going to need a dataset representation. 15:06:04 kendall, this might do http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-query.n3 15:06:58 KendallC: 2 things still so decide before LC: 1. how to return faults in SOAP/WSDL 15:08:06 "Figure 1.3 WSDL 2.0 fragment" ==> does not agree with WSDL 15:11:21 KendallC: AndyS also commented on the fact that a server even supporting SPARQL extensions may have to return fault as the SPARQL query expression may not be valid w.r.t w3c rec 15:12:22 DanC: such extensions can only be semantical but not syntactical. Syntactical non-conformance with the sparql grammar MUST be faults 15:12:49 I know I don't want to do *that*. 15:15:11 DanC: we can endorse the design where a SPARQL service may support other languages than SPARQL - or we may limit what a SPARQL service may do. (I hope I got this right) 15:17:06 KendallC: from WSDL perspective the query is only a string. 15:17:16 15:17:18 DanC: did you define a SPARQL specific type in WSDL? 15:17:22 KendallC: nope 15:17:39 "called st:query in Figure 1.0, composed of two further parts: one SPARQL query string" 15:20:07 PROPOSED: a SPARQL service _must_ return MalformedQuery for queries that are not SPARQL Query Strings 15:20:15 AndyS: we could leave the non-sparql-query response unspecified 15:21:59 AndyS: i'm actually fine with it too... 15:22:02 DaveB: don't know how wsdl supports this but one could enforce the behaviour if the expression is SPARQL. 15:23:06 in wsdl you could just add another operation to the interface 15:24:05 seems like a circular argument. if the query processor is not SPARQL then it doesnt follow the spec, and it fails the may... *shrug* 15:24:55 a superset of foo isn't a foo? 15:25:29 is anyone planning to do a subset of foo? :-/ 15:25:51 heh! 15:27:07 (interesting question... what's the state of the art in interface evolution? are there best practices?) 15:29:17 it's tricky 15:29:33 though the conversatives seemed to have a small majority here, today 15:30:55 DanC: conservative approach might be put on the table now... what do you all think? 15:31:57 Hmm, I'm switching my vote to the conservative side (for the first time, ever, I will have voted conservative!) 15:34:05 no lessons to learn from HTTP 1.0 -> 1.1 :_( 15:37:07 PROPOSED: a SPARQL service _must_ return MalformedQuery for queries that are not SPARQL Query Strings 15:37:39 RESOLVED, W3C/EricP and UMD/KC abstaining 15:40:53 ACTION EricP: review protocol document 1.58 15:41:20 ACTION SteveH: review proto-wd after Friday signal from KC, hopefully in time for monday's agenda or tuesday's telcon 15:41:40 eek, sorry to eat so much agenda 15:41:47 Zakim, next item 15:41:47 agendum 4. "comment "Security Considerations"" taken up 15:42:27 3. Policy Considerations 15:42:34 with security and privacy sections 15:42:48 there's a section in xml res, in ietf registration 15:43:18 in http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-rdf-sparql-XMLres-20050801/#mime 15:43:33 ACTION EricP: add "see also protocol security considerations" to rq23 15:44:19 http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#N1805C 15:44:27 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt 15:44:28 ah, interesting analogue 15:44:29 KendallC: I have included the denial-of-service aspects of the protocol in the editor's draft 15:44:54 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#QTSyn 15:45:32 (did the query lang mime type section get decided? i drafted a security considerations section in that) 15:45:33 ACTION 8 = EricP: add "security considerations" to rq23, incl "see also protocol security considerations" 15:45:43 in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/mime.txt 15:46:13 (that was continued without discussion, daveb; we're not done with the queryMimeType issue... er... or maybe we did decide but there are actions pending) 15:47:13 I'd be happy to have that discussion in one doc or the other, with a link from the one where it isn't, to the one where it is. 15:47:20 q+ to talk about multiple froms 15:47:33 ack SteveH 15:47:33 SteveH, you wanted to talk about multiple froms 15:48:34 SteveH: multiple HTTP requests need to be flagged in case of multiple FROMs allowed (IETF requirement - ref?) 15:49:18 + FROM NAMED 15:49:24 Zakim, next item 15:49:24 agendum 5. ""SPARQL Query Results XML Format: XML 1.1" comment" taken up 15:49:39 yep, same deal with from & from named 15:49:50 http://www.w3.org/mid/1123099748.20865.18.camel@localhost 15:50:30 [[ 15:50:31 For 15:50:31 XML 1.1 documents, individuals can use the XML Schema as indicated in 15:50:31 [1]. 15:50:31 Philippe 15:50:32 [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/NOTE-xml11schema10-20050511/ 15:50:34 ]] 15:51:00 Dan has become such a logical positivist! :> 15:51:13 the "C" in "DanC" stands for "Carnap"! 15:52:03 ACTION DaveB: see if PLH would be satisfied with s/can/may/ in what he suggeste 15:52:11 Zakim, next item 15:52:11 agendum 6. ""SPARQL Results Format and Unbound Variables" comment" taken up 15:52:33 http://www.w3.org/mid/42F4CEEB.5090306@umd.edu 15:52:40 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#security Security Considerations 15:53:23 i have written a Security Considerations section and committed it in rq23 1.460 15:53:36 I'll note your action item immediately done :) 15:53:54 who's a good boy? 15:54:27 did you get your gameboy back yet? You should... 15:54:38 bah 15:55:33 I can't hear DaveB well on the phone today. Too bad. 15:56:52 DaveB: the present design supports consumers that want just one way to search for the binding of a variable 15:57:51 I think the suggestion was to change to ... 15:58:03 DanC, yes, i have but ive not run figures on it 15:59:19 er, s/variable/binding/ 16:00:21 giving binding an unbound attribute doesn't seem to be too hard to check xpath'ly 16:00:43 ADJOURN. 16:00:44 -SteveH 16:00:45 -EliasT 16:00:48 -ILRT 16:00:50 -Kendall_Clark 16:01:06 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 16:01:38 -DanC 16:01:40 -JanneS 16:01:41 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended 16:01:42 Attendees were JanneS, DaveB, AndyS, ericP, DanC, SteveH, Kendall_Clark, EliasT 16:02:11 kendall, you might send mail to the WG showing the not-too-hard XPaths. or ask somebody at UMD to supplement the comment with them 16:03:25 the thing about bandwidth v's easy of XSLT, is that writing a hard XSLT hurts once, whereas your mobile device taking twice as long to get the results hurts for every query 16:04:13 gzip helps, but its not ideal 16:16:40 good point, SteveH ... but... writing a hard XSLT hurts once for every new developer that picks up SPARQL 16:34:42 it's hard to compete with the kind of pain you can get from XSLT 17:50:26 DanC, not neccesarily, as most will hack pre-written XSLT sheets, or use DOM/SAX/whatever 18:20:26 Zakim has left #dawg 18:29:46 RRSAgent, bye 18:29:46 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-actions.rdf : 18:29:46 ACTION: KendallC to write another draft response to Mark Baker's comment and send to WG for possible discussion [1] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T14-42-09 18:29:46 ACTION: KC to abstract/abbreviate http trace examples [2] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T14-57-39 18:29:46 ACTION: DanC to extract and machine-check examples [3] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T14-57-51 18:29:46 ACTION: KendallC to fix d. ASK with simple RDF dataset...XML is wrong. [4] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T14-59-23 18:29:46 ACTION: SteveH to elaborate "CONSTRUCT with content negotiation" into a test case [continued/elaborated] [5] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T15-02-30 18:29:46 ACTION: EricP to review protocol document 1.58 [6] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T15-40-53 18:29:46 ACTION: SteveH to review proto-wd after Friday signal from KC, hopefully in time for monday's agenda or tuesday's telcon [7] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T15-41-20 18:29:46 ACTION: EricP: add "security considerations" to rq23, incl "see also protocol security considerations" [8] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T15-43-33 18:29:46 ACTION: DaveB to see if PLH would be satisfied with s/can/may/ in what he suggeste [9] 18:29:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/08/09-dawg-irc#T15-52-03