Tracker summary for Alain Couthures

XForms Users Community Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 10 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1726 (edit) open Investigate DOMActivate and HTML4 checkbox and report back.: Alain Couthures 2010-07-16 All
ACTION-1790 (edit) open Create wiki spec for min delay attribute for XForms 1.2 Alain Couthures 2011-04-20
ACTION-1907 (edit) open Send email to working group with further implementation details for load/@show=embed that describes how the implementation works and how it handles issues like IDs, event propagation, embedded models, etc. Alain Couthures 2012-06-20
ACTION-2051 (edit) open Experiment with a type for non-space string, and report back Alain Couthures 2016-02-24
ACTION-2310 (edit) open Summarise file read/write Alain Couthures 2021-12-17
ACTION-2320 (edit) open Suggest a method of specifying a response for an echo Alain Couthures 2022-04-01
ACTION-2323 (edit) open Write spec text for xforms-submit-ready Alain Couthures 2022-05-20
ACTION-2328 (edit) open Write an email froposing the use of <form/> Alain Couthures 2022-12-09
ACTION-2331 (edit) open Sketch out html:autocomplete Alain Couthures 2023-01-20
ACTION-2339 (edit) open Fix incorrect function signatures, using numeric Alain Couthures 2023-03-10

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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