Example for the application of architectural forms

The following XHTML document contains ITS markup, so a validation against an XHTML schema is not possible:

<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "xhtml-plus-its.dtd">
<html> ...
<its-span title="This needs special handeling"></its-span>

As a solution to the problem, the schema which contains declarations for ITS markup is annotated:

<?IS10744:arch name="its-arch"
<!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
<!ATTLIST html its-arch NAME #FIXED "archbridge">
<!ELEMENT its-span (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST its-span its-arch NAME #FIXED "span"
                   its-arch.atts CDATA #FIXED "locinfo title">

The annotation can be used for a transformation of its-span to span, and locinfo to title.