14:30:58 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:30:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/07-dawg-irc 14:31:06 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:31:06 On the phone I see PatH, ??P19, ??P20 14:31:07 +Kendall_Clark 14:31:08 +DanC 14:31:08 DaN, YES BUT NOT TIL TONIGHT OR TOMOROW. 14:31:13 Zakim, ??P19 is DaveB 14:31:13 +DaveB; got it 14:31:14 ??P20 is AndyS 14:31:20 zakim, ??P20 is AndyS 14:31:20 +AndyS; got it 14:31:21 a day or two is fine, pat 14:31:27 OK 14:31:44 DanC has changed the topic to: RDF Data Access 7 Jun. scribe: PatH http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ 14:31:51 zakim, mute me 14:31:51 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:31:53 +??P24 14:31:55 +EricP 14:32:02 Zakim, take up item 1 14:32:02 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0333.html" taken up [from DanC] 14:32:06 It will make the sound of pending extinction :< 14:32:09 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:32:09 On the phone I see PatH, DaveB, AndyS, Kendall_Clark (muted), DanC, ??P24, EricP 14:32:17 zakim, unmute me 14:32:17 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:32:54 +Jeen_Broekstra 14:33:01 Regrets: Howard, Yoshio Fukushige 14:33:34 JanneS has joined #dawg 14:33:36 Yoshio is on IRC 14:34:16 Zakim, ??P24 is JanneS 14:34:16 +JanneS; got it 14:34:41 sorry I generally avoid talking about politics, but mentioning Friedman -- who never met an official ass he wouldn't kiss -- is provocation too much! :> 14:34:48 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:34:48 See http://www.w3.org/2005/06/07-dawg-irc#T14-34-48 14:34:53 DanC, sorry, phone sortage, skyping asap 14:34:59 roger 14:35:28 PROPSED: to accept http://www.w3.org/2005/05/31-dawg-irc as a true record 14:35:37 +[IPcaller] 14:35:47 Zakim, IPcaller is SteveH 14:35:47 +SteveH; got it 14:35:49 Zakim, mute me 14:35:49 SteveH should now be muted 14:35:55 so RESOLVED. 14:36:20 I rrobably cant make 14 june 14:36:24 *probably 14:36:39 agenda + next meeting 14:36:49 zakim, mute me 14:36:49 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 14:37:02 I will have to miss 14th also. 14:37:37 Zakim, next agendum 14:37:37 agendum 2. "issue wsdlAbstractProtocol" taken up [from DanC] 14:37:59 my suggestion http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005AprJun/0335.html 14:38:13 zakim, unmute me 14:38:13 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 14:38:30 Kendall knows what it says. 14:38:38 oh, don't scribe that. :> 14:38:43 :) 14:39:41 I don't understand the motivation to avoid the union, frankly. Certainly not at the cost of doubling the number of operations. Or, if Jeen is right, trebling them. :> 14:41:34 splitting? 3ish 14:41:44 hmm, if I get my QueryAndTransform interface, does that 2x it again? 14:41:45 Eric+Dan+jeanne like splitting 14:42:04 +maybe daveb, iirc 14:42:15 I'm moving to neutral really 14:42:16 Thanx, jeen 14:43:44 jeen: aligns with our implementation, will send info 14:44:41 DanC: Yes, Kendall, issue is abstract, editor's call 14:45:09 q+ 14:45:40 well, my point about "code smell" is that it *could* be not entirely arbitrary, in which case we should know that. 14:46:41 q- 14:47:53 I have too FWIW 14:48:02 DaveB worries about number of operations, Kendall agrees? but isnt worried. XSLT is considered but nobody cares too much. 14:49:49 PROPOSED: to close wsdlAbstractProtocol ala http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-protocol/ 1.51 2005/06/06 18:35:00 , i.e. one interface, one operation; HTTP keywords query, default-graph-uri, named-graph-uri 14:49:54 kendall: design tries to look like ordinary Web service 14:49:56 +1 to KendallC 14:50:49 DanC: close discussion; DaveB Second; no obj; DaveB abstains 14:50:49 RESOLVED, DaveB Jeen, SteveH abstaining 14:51:16 The WSDL XML is broken apparently (http://swig.xmlhack.com/) 14:51:40 AndyS: there's a bare "&". oops. I've fixed it in my draft. 14:51:54 Zakim, next agendum 14:51:54 agendum 3. "issue: fromUnionQuery" taken up [from DanC] 14:51:56 OK - just so it does not get lost. 14:52:01 no, i saw it. 14:52:03 thx 14:52:27 Zakim, take up item 4 14:52:27 agendum 4. "issue valueTesting" taken up [from DanC] 14:52:56 section http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#tests 1.373 $ of $Date: 2005/06/07 16:25:52 $ 14:53:16 (oh, i forgot to mention that I have to leave by 11:45 my time; i.e., 75 minutes total) 14:53:17 Yoshio: we skipped it till later 14:53:20 zakim, unmute me 14:53:20 SteveH should no longer be muted 14:53:28 thanks 14:53:30 till later in the telcon, i think :> 14:54:12 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ValueTesting/ 14:54:37 SH: not too happy about NaN being false. and "" 14:54:37 SteveH some things are false, such as NaN values 14:54:37 ""@fr is false 14:54:41 Steve not happy with some parts, empty strings 14:55:31 with lang tags 14:56:37 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ValueTesting/extendedType-eq-pass.rq 14:56:48 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ValueTesting/extendedType-ne-fail.rq 14:57:18 Are we under attack? 14:57:26 Dan might be. 14:58:05 (near table 11.2 a broken link, the "Xquery F&O Primitive...[17]" link is 4040 ) 14:59:06 I'm behind on this issue, FWIW. 14:59:12 er, FYI 14:59:29 loc:location [ r:type loc:geodetic ; 14:59:29 loc:rotational "30.300000"^^loc:latitude ; 14:59:37 loc:location [ r:type loc:EarthCenteredEarthFixed ; 14:59:37 loc:rotational "-7420507.1"^^loc:ECEF_X ; 14:59:55 some values neither = not =/= 15:00:09 not/nor 15:01:06 DaveB: solution is given, so? 15:01:18 ^- AndyS 15:01:28 Ta. 15:02:31 The example is puzzling all round. 15:02:45 PROPOSED: to address valueTesting ala http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#tests 1.373 2005/06/06 14:45:18 and http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ValueTesting/extendedType-ne-fail.rq 15:03:02 (approval of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/ValueTesting/extendedType-eq-pass-result.n3 not for now) 15:03:07 seems extendedType-eq-pass-result.n3 needs fixing 15:03:17 should be identical to extendedType-eq-fail-result.n3 15:03:22 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:03:22 On the phone I see PatH, DaveB, AndyS, Kendall_Clark, DanC, JanneS, EricP, Jeen_Broekstra, SteveH 15:04:34 AndyS likes to follow Xpath 15:06:35 RESOLVED, KC, PatH abstaining 15:07:15 ericP: eq-pass has a typo - air: is not declared 15:07:41 ACTION EricP: finish extendedType-eq-pass-result.n3 test 15:07:53 ericP: also eq-fail! 15:08:26 DaveB, roger 15:09:24 zakim, mute me 15:09:24 SteveH should now be muted 15:09:47 AndyS notes IRI/URI stuff still TODO editorially in section 11 15:09:56 Zakim, next agendum 15:09:56 agendum 3. "issue: fromUnionQuery" taken up [from DanC] 15:10:42 zakim, mute me 15:10:42 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:10:43 zakim, unmute me 15:10:43 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:10:54 (coughing fit, sorry) 15:11:15 Lots of mail. DanC summarises: 2 designs, no 3 designs. 15:11:42 DaveB, done -- tx 15:13:07 First 2 designs in ed. draft: is closure queried or lower bound? 15:13:16 "9 Specifying RDF Datasets" has "@@Add text to say that specifying the dataset overrides an service dataset." 15:13:41 3rd design given in email, aggregate graph. 15:13:48 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/AggregateGraph 15:14:29 aggregate contains merge of named graphs. 15:15:39 All servers would have to do things right. 15:18:24 Yoshio, ignore that, I wasnt following the point. 15:18:58 OPTIONS: (a) without FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is unconstrained; with FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is bounded from below by given references. (b) like (a) but FROM/FROM named completely specify the dataset, (c) datasets have "aggregate graph" rather than background/default graph, and it always contains the merge of the named graphs 15:20:03 ericP: agg. graph design requires giving name to trusted source/graph 15:20:20 (Clark's Conjecture: Semantic Web would *leap* ahead, as if by magic, if we could ban use of the word "trust".) 15:20:29 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:20:29 On the phone I see PatH, DaveB, AndyS, Kendall_Clark, DanC, JanneS, EricP, Jeen_Broekstra, SteveH (muted) 15:22:10 Does aggregate graph start empty or certain default graph? 15:22:25 zakim, unmute me 15:22:25 SteveH should no longer be muted 15:23:37 agg. graph always contains the 'default' graph in the datatset, the G in {G, ...} 15:23:41 It may not matter, but I don't grok that claim, Dan. 15:24:06 thanks pat 15:24:25 SH: +agg -others 15:25:07 JB: +a ... RDFS ... 15:25:30 -b 15:25:50 EP: +c, =a, =b 15:26:06 JS: -b, =a, =c 15:26:12 KC: +++a, object to b, don't understand c 15:26:42 AS: +a, =b ... 15:26:55 DB: +c =a =b 15:27:09 PH: +a =b =c 15:28:27 a and c seem to have no strong opposition; b is opposed by SH, JS, KC 15:28:42 The authors revised it: http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2004/HPL-2004-57R1.html 15:28:43 and by me as well 15:28:47 * I will leave irc but will continue by phone for 10 more mins. 15:28:54 I heard Jeen oppose (b), I think. 15:28:55 ah, yes 15:29:03 b is opposed by several 15:29:12 (T_T;) 15:29:29 counting... c a c a a c a . 3-3 tie 15:30:14 3-4 15:31:16 I only saw 2x +c, me and eric, both =a =b 15:31:31 Allow me to summarize: option c is basically a more constrained version of option a. A leaves it up to the implementation/publisher what is in the default graph. C requires that all named graphs are in the default graph (or aggregate graph as it is called there). correct? 15:31:54 Seems right, jeen. 15:32:14 jeen, thats a matter of perspective, in some ways a is more constrinaing 15:33:00 DaveB: RDFS wont work with c. 15:33:24 (my understanding is that Steve's implementation does C and does RDFS) 15:33:25 s/RDFS wont work with c/convince me that RDFS wont work with c/ 15:33:27 jeen: aaargh. 15:33:34 I oppose C, fwiw, because I think it should be entirely up to the provider of the graph to determine what goes in the graph. C, as I understand it, constrains the publisher of the graph with regard to what the publisher can, well, publish. 15:34:48 KendallC, C says that the default query (with no GRAPH constraints) queries the merge of all the named graphs 15:34:51 Jeen: Fair summary 15:34:52 (sounds like sesame is meets the constraints in C too) 15:35:24 DaveB: c not a, becasuz its simpler? 15:35:56 jeen: yes, simpler; but issue concerns trust? 15:36:01 not all inputs are equal 15:36:09 zakim, mute me 15:36:09 SteveH should now be muted 15:36:41 Enjoy dinner, Yoshio 15:36:55 can we cut the noise, I cant hear 15:37:22 Zakim, mute me 15:37:22 Jeen_Broekstra should now be muted 15:37:30 I don't think or claim that giving notice will change the outcome. I just care about the appearance of fairness. 15:37:32 Zakim, unmute me 15:37:32 Jeen_Broekstra should no longer be muted 15:37:36 zakim, mute me 15:37:36 Kendall_Clark should now be muted 15:37:36 Pat locally muted 15:37:37 -DanC 15:37:46 +DanC 15:37:46 zakim, mute me 15:37:48 AndyS should now be muted 15:37:52 zakim, unmute me 15:37:52 AndyS should no longer be muted 15:38:04 It's the Voice of God commanding compliance with design A! 15:38:14 :) 15:38:17 But, as is typical with "the voice of god", it's damn ambiguous! :> 15:38:37 zakim, unmute me 15:38:37 Kendall_Clark should no longer be muted 15:38:52 zakim, unmute me 15:38:52 SteveH should no longer be muted 15:39:33 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:39:33 On the phone I see PatH, DaveB, AndyS, Kendall_Clark, DanC, JanneS (muted), EricP, Jeen_Broekstra, SteveH 15:40:41 c a c a a c 15:40:53 janne, got any advice/preference? 15:43:45 kendall: basically a web-social question of constraining what publishers do. 15:44:08 a view I take, FWIW, precisely because of webarch. 15:44:57 PROPOSED: to go option (a) without FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is unconstrained; with FROM/FROM_NAMED, dataset is bounded from below by given references. 15:45:07 Pat sees Kendalls point. 15:46:20 procedurally i guess you only need one objection :> 15:46:21 SH objects. abstaing: EricP, DaveB 15:46:30 so RESOLVED. 15:47:02 sarcasm has to be constrained somehow! :> 15:47:47 this closes fromUnionQuery? 15:48:11 the devil is definitely the left side. well done, eric. 15:48:19 ACTION AndyS: revise rq23 to suit fromUnionQuery design 15:48:32 Ive never been called a deep blue sea before. 15:49:09 Zakim, next agendum 15:49:09 agendum 5. "punctuationSyntax" taken up [from DanC] 15:49:28 Zakim, take up agendum 6 15:49:28 agendum 6. "pending Comments, useMentionOp" taken up 15:51:09 ACTION DanC: respond to timbl on behalf of the WG, after looking at what ericP wrote 15:51:20 yes, WG decision on useMentionOp sticks 15:51:37 Zakim, next agendum 15:51:37 agendum 5. "punctuationSyntax" taken up [from DanC] 15:52:01 Zakim, take up item 7 15:52:01 agendum 7. "Last Call for SPARQL QL" taken up [from DanC] 15:52:47 i've been responding to protocol comments, FWIW, since the last publication. 15:53:36 Handling comments at last call, it all gets formal. Rather like a dance at a 17th century ball. 15:53:42 AndyS notes: 15:53:50 LC comment => 15:54:16 (1) editor attempts to explain (no bytes changing) 15:54:58 Ah, but the great century for formal balls was the 18th and into the bow-end of the 19th. :> 15:55:21 s/editor/editors/ 15:56:02 Yes, Kendall, but in the 17th they were trying hard to be formal but there was still straw on the floor. Its more like that. 15:56:14 (2) Repeat comment but now a LC comment. Chair can quote decision on email. 15:56:29 *ah*, excellent. It's formal, but the pig is liable to wander through...! 15:56:34 Quite. 15:56:58 (3) New information ; WG member persuded to need bytes chnage 15:57:14 (3a) editorial => editor can pass to WG as such 15:57:22 can or must, Andy? 15:57:25 Chair decides. 15:57:28 must 15:57:33 righ 15:57:35 er, right 15:58:06 (3b) non-editorial: formal process to agree change 15:58:54 do it 15:59:27 I agree WG should do an internal review 15:59:51 KC, SH volunteer to do a last call review 15:59:57 JB too 16:01:45 -JanneS 16:02:24 Pat also has to leave v. soon. 16:03:04 EricP's yacker grammar: http://www.w3.org/2005/01/yacker/uploads/sparqlTest/bnf?lang=perl 16:03:59 Directory: SyntaxFull 16:04:05 PROPOSED: to address punctuationSyntax ala the 70-ish tests in syntax/full 16:04:12 in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/SyntaxFull/ 16:04:13 PROPOSED: to address punctuationSyntax ala the 70-ish tests in SyntaxFull 16:04:23 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/SyntaxFull/syntax-basic-01.rq 16:04:31 SELECT * 16:04:31 WHERE { } 16:04:51 RESOLVED, PatH and EricP abstaining 16:05:42 -DaveB 16:05:43 RESOLVED to meet 14 Jun with KendallC to scribe. 16:05:43 -Kendall_Clark 16:05:43 -PatH 16:06:00 -DanC 16:06:38 -SteveH 16:06:44 steve, I didn't explicitly action anybody to mark those 70 tests approved. can you do that? 16:06:53 i.e.. would you please? 16:07:08 DanC, sure 16:07:12 tx 16:07:14 the bulk approval was as good as we could get. I also didn't like some of them 16:07:35 I'll be somewhat liberal about re-considering individual tests. 16:08:03 DaveB, why deidnt you abstain or so? I was wondering what the state of the '.'s is, im not really happy with what I understand from the doc, but dont know it well enough to abstain 16:09:49 I don't think all the state of '.'s is yet tested 16:14:24 -EricP 16:14:27 DaveB has joined #dawg 16:14:28 -AndyS 16:14:31 jeen has left #dawg 16:15:06 16:25:23 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 16:25:40 RRSAgent, bye 16:25:40 I see 3 open action items: 16:25:40 ACTION: EricP to finish extendedType-eq-pass-result.n3 test [1] 16:25:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/06/07-dawg-irc#T15-07-41 16:25:40 ACTION: AndyS to revise rq23 to suit fromUnionQuery design [2] 16:25:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/06/07-dawg-irc#T15-48-19 16:25:40 ACTION: DanC to respond to timbl on behalf of the WG, after looking at what ericP wrote [3] 16:25:40 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/06/07-dawg-irc#T15-51-09