17:01:36 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 17:01:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-irc 17:01:36 yes, but I'm having trouble with it 17:01:44 Meeting: SWBPD Vocab Managment TF 17:02:02 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:02:02 sorry, danbri, I don't know what conference this is 17:02:03 On IRC I see RRSAgent, tbaker__, Zakim, aliman, danbri, Ralph 17:02:04 SW_BPD(VM)1:00PM has now started 17:02:10 +Ralph 17:02:10 zakim, this will be SWBP 17:02:12 ok, danbri; I see SW_BPD(VM)1:00PM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 17:02:13 got Ralph's voice saying this is the W3C... etc then it dropped... 17:03:00 zakim, who's on the call? 17:03:01 I notice SW_BPD(VM)1:00PM has restarted 17:03:02 On the phone I see Ralph, Tom_Baker, Danbri, Elisa_Kendall, ??P6 17:03:29 +Alistair_Miles (was ??P6) 17:05:14 -Elisa_Kendall 17:05:25 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005May/0071.html 17:05:27 elisa: coming soon, new ODM draft! 17:06:09 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005May/0070.html 17:07:13 q+ to request an agenda amendment 17:07:39 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005May/0071.html Tom's talking points 17:08:06 q+ to comment re rescoping 17:08:58 TomB: the narrower scope feels much more manageable 17:09:51 ack danbri 17:09:51 danbri, you wanted to comment re rescoping 17:09:53 q- 17:09:57 Alistair: there's an issue in Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on SemWeb that relates to VM 17:10:31 DanBri: the cut-down proposal focuses on RDF vocabularies. good to have this crisp focus 17:11:34 ... lots of good text in the Wiki document that should not be lost 17:11:41 q+ 17:12:34 Ralph: agrees on narrower scope. 17:12:46 how do we get traction on drafting words that can become a document? 17:12:58 applaud Alistair on starting 17:13:14 was comfortable with most of wiki draft and would like to see some migrate to new one 17:13:34 we noted that not everyone understands importance of maintaining stable URIs 17:13:44 those kinds of concepts are important in initial draft 17:14:01 my margin notes: technical issues we may or may not be able to get into 17:14:10 how do we version namespaces? etc 17:14:31 if it feels good to us to say that we're focusing on RDF vocabularies, then take subset from wiki - good next step 17:15:01 Alistair: when I hacked note - try to look from potential user's point of view 17:15:13 i want to know "what can I know from this" 17:15:21 we say what we can say, and that's it 17:15:35 say the things that we definitely can say - and that is our scope 17:15:38 q? 17:15:42 danbri: 17:15:44 q- 17:16:01 users of w3c tech end up feeling stupid because they cannot figure out 17:16:08 e.g., xslt with rdf... 17:16:18 so if there are tricky or unsolved problems 17:16:21 q+ 17:16:39 I agree that the WG should not invent "best practices" 17:16:47 Ralph: we should document those things we consider BP 17:17:16 strength: DC/FOAF/SKOS have faced these issues - extracting from that experience is really valuable 17:17:58 Tom: ok to scope on what we know, but would like to push a little beyond that 17:18:19 ... e.g. evolving issues section 17:18:31 q+ 17:18:49 ... broader scope than just what can be said with certainty 17:19:27 ... I'd like to salvage some of the Wiki issues, perhaps in shorter form 17:19:46 ... note design and policy decisions even when best practice is not fully baked 17:20:24 Alistair: 99% of potential users 17:20:28 Alistair: I'd like the note to take a strong stance from the point of view of the users 17:20:35 ... users are not interested in unsolved issues 17:20:41 ... they want to know only what they need to know 17:21:01 q+ to [dis?]agree with al 17:21:06 ... need to understand the user community 17:21:23 ... I'd like never ever again to refer to 'hash vs. slash' 17:21:43 ... this just draws them into a long historic debate 17:22:00 ralph: i was going to ask about target readership... 17:22:21 ...sympathise re not exposing students (?) to debates which only give them a sense of some deep topic which they'll not find an answer to 17:22:35 ...at same time, people trying to use this stuff, often get perplexed by things for which there is no answer 17:22:47 ...shouldn't be afraid to mention issues for which we've no answers 17:22:58 "yes we know there's an issue, but we don't have an answer" 17:23:06 sounds good ralph 17:23:23 ...we perhaps don't need to give as much rationale for why something is best practice 17:23:29 ...i sometimes go overboard on that 17:23:38 most users say: tell me what to do? 17:23:42 ...you suggest that the target readership may not care on that 17:24:24 Danbri: agree with Ralph - while we shouldn't scare people with academic stuff 17:24:41 there are often some practical questions - what mime type should I configure my server, 17:24:52 can I put http doc there and content-negotiate, etc. 17:25:01 +1 on both Ralph & danbri 17:25:23 Ralph: we can recommend hash without even hinting at debate 17:25:25 q+ 17:25:35 Ralph, you wanted to comment on acknowledging issues 17:25:44 danbri, you wanted to [dis?]agree with al 17:26:29 Danbri: what to put at URI - if reader clicks and can;t get something readable, etc 17:26:32 [use case for GRDDL -- publishing a text/html document at a namespace URI that contains the RDF Schema / OWL Ontology ] 17:26:48 q+ 17:27:19 Alistair: good to take a look at the issues from a very pratical perspective 17:27:31 ... e.g. what mime types should be used where 17:27:35 """Where the resources that are the members of an RDF vocabulary are denoted by HTTP URIs, an HTTP GET request with the header field 'accept=application/rdf+xml' against that URI should return an RDF/XML serialisation of an RDF graph that includes a description of the denoted resource.""" 17:28:17 ... can say your URIs should support application/rdf+xml without going into the hash vs. slash debate 17:28:31 Tom: see point 9 of my talking points 17:28:56 ... Andy Powell has a nice paper addressing point 9d 17:29:23 ... would be useful to summarize in 2-3 sentences and cite other documents like Andy's paper 17:29:52 ... don't think we want to address Vocabulary Ownership 17:30:13 q? 17:30:16 q+ 17:30:26 q- 17:30:43 q+ to note that re SKOS, 'vocab ownership' proves complex to talk about, even for one organization (w3c) 17:40:09 Tom: propose VM telecons every other week 17:40:18 ... e.g. between WG weeks 17:41:31 Tuesdays 1300 UTC 17:42:38 June 7 17:44:32 June 21 17:44:59 q? 17:45:31 Alistair: the Publishing Thesaurus Quick Guide has different URIs from what was originally published 17:47:04 Ralph: yes, I changed those UKAT URIs because W3C PubRules does not permit citing URIs that are 404 17:47:30 Alistair: the community does not understand the issue 17:47:45 ... getting them to use URIs at all is a big achievement 17:48:21 ... there is a downloadable RDF version of UKAT and GEMAT (sp?) that use URIs that do not dereference 17:49:19 Ralph: oops, I may have acted too hastily then in changing the Quick Guide 17:53:34 Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.3.10 17:54:38 q+ to propose a best practice 17:55:29 http://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities_13.html "Fixed in Apache httpd 1.3.33" 17:55:43 q- 17:56:00 q+ to ask whether keeping server software up to date is SW Best Practice 17:56:37 DanBri: I found a web server at example.org and example.com 17:57:12 ... I am worried that there is an insecure Web server that could be logging accesses to example.{com,org} 17:57:29 ... this could scare people away from using http: 17:58:16 danbri, sounds like a good footnote 17:58:24 ... e.g. URN crowd has taken advantage of concerns over http 17:58:47 ... need to inform people of social policies around namespace documents 17:58:57 ... e.g. changing your schema changes the interpretation of existing documents 18:00:18 next meeting: 7 June, 1300 UTC 18:00:47 -Tom_Baker 18:00:47 ACTION: Alistair post a starting draft in the VM area on www.w3.org 18:00:49 -Alistair_Miles 18:00:53 -Ralph 18:00:55 -Danbri 18:00:56 SW_BPD(VM)1:00PM has ended 18:00:57 Attendees were Ralph, Danbri, Tom_Baker, Elisa_Kendall, Alistair_Miles 18:01:04 i will post a brief report tomorrow 18:01:20 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/ the VM TF area 18:01:41 zakim, bye 18:01:41 Zakim has left #swbp 18:55:40 ChrisW has joined #swbp 18:56:06 zakim, list telecons 18:56:29 Zakim has joined #swbp 18:56:35 zakim, list telecons 18:56:35 I don't understand 'list telecons', ChrisW 18:56:40 zakim, list 18:56:40 I see XML_QueryWG(ttf)3:00PM active 18:56:41 also scheduled at this time are WAI_UAWG()2:00PM, SW_BPD(oed)3:00PM 18:56:54 zakim, this will be SW_BPD 18:56:54 ok, ChrisW; I see SW_BPD(oed)3:00PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 18:58:35 rrsagent, leave 18:58:35 I see 1 open action item: 18:58:35 ACTION: Alistair post a starting draft in the VM area on www.w3.org [1] 18:58:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-irc#T18-00-47-1 18:59:00 RRSAgent has joined #swbp 18:59:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-irc 18:59:49 SW_BPD(oed)3:00PM has now started 18:59:55 +[IBM] 19:00:03 zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me 19:00:03 +ChrisW; got it 19:02:12 + +1.310.822.aaaa 19:02:15 -ChrisW 19:02:17 +ChrisW 19:02:33 zakim, aaaa is JerryH 19:02:33 +JerryH; got it 19:02:58 +??P5 19:04:25 Natasha has joined #swbp 19:04:34 Natasha has left #swbp 19:04:52 zakim, ??p5 is natasha 19:04:52 +natasha; got it 19:05:45 +Deb_McGuinness 19:05:51 +??P8 19:05:53 +Mike_Uschold (was ??P8) 19:05:55 +PatH 19:05:58 DeborahM has joined #swbp 19:06:01 hi 19:07:00 patH has joined #swbp 19:07:03 Natasha has joined #swbp 19:08:02 +Elisa_Kendall 19:09:53 agenda item 1: N-ary note 19:10:18 issue of the first two patterns being different or not 19:10:25 is this worth putting in a note 19:12:49 http://smi-web.stanford.edu/people/noy/nAryRelations/n-aryRelations-2nd-WD.html 19:12:58 latest editors draft 19:20:27 Ralph has left #swbp 19:37:08 -Mike_Uschold 19:48:06 -natasha 20:00:36 -JerryH 20:00:36 -Deb_McGuinness 20:00:37 -ChrisW 20:00:38 -PatH 20:00:39 -Elisa_Kendall 20:00:40 SW_BPD(oed)3:00PM has ended 20:00:41 Attendees were ChrisW, +1.310.822.aaaa, JerryH, natasha, Deb_McGuinness, Mike_Uschold, PatH, Elisa_Kendall 20:02:02 Mike, Pat & Chris of the opinion that "pattern1" and "pattern2" are not different patterns, just different use cases 20:02:25 Chris: called them different use cases removes the need to discuss why they are different so extensively, 20:02:34 ... as the note seems to have gotten too long. 20:02:57 ...suggest calling it one pattern, and removing some of the discussion as to why they are different 20:03:33 MikeU: suggest talking about the naming conventions used after each pattern 20:03:57 Natasha will talk to Alan about steps forward 20:04:15 ACTION Chris: send around n-ary vocabulary in OWL Full 20:04:46 Chris: WG is very positive about the idea of publishing actual ontologies in w3c URI space 20:05:14 ...many requests to have a "standard" way to annotate "Classes representing n-ary relations" in order to support interoperability 20:05:45 Agenda item 2: simple part whole 20:06:17 Discussion of whether the RDFS pattern is really needed. All it says is that partOf is a property. 20:06:52 This doesn't appear to be very useful to have in note, the RDFS primer tells people how to declare properties in RDF 20:07:26 Natasha: lots of experience from Protege users, they expect OWL to have "partOf" built in, and we 20:07:33 ...get a lot of questions on how to model it 20:08:10 ...saying that "it's just a relation" is actually a useful thing to say. 20:08:36 ...for some reason a lot of people think it's different, so this can help 20:08:56 Chris will work with new individual pattern and merge into the note. 20:09:18 Agenda Item 3: OWL-Time 20:09:35 Group welcome Jerry Hobbs to OEP at long last 20:09:47 looking forward to having OWL-TIme a W3C note 20:10:13 Chris: I have found - for purely aesthetic reasons - that having an "event" class in OWL-Time is impure 20:10:40 Jerry: Does no harm, simply allows for events as well as time points to be order according to Allen relations 20:11:22 Chris: Agreed is does no harm - this is purely aesthetic. Suggest separating "core" OWL time from this layer using imports 20:11:35 ACTION Chris: send around a version that has been split this way. 20:12:12 Jerry: publishing OWL-Time in the W3C space a desireable thing. Looking at June before work can begin on this 20:12:27 Agenda Item 4: Units & Measures 20:12:46 Elisa: still making slow progress on evaluation criteria for all the ontologies out there 20:13:04 ...ODM still a big obstacle, finished in two weeks and then this will start moving 20:13:20 ...being able to publish this in W3C space a big motivation 20:14:09 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 20:14:31 rrsagent, format minutes 20:14:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-minutes.html ChrisW 20:14:54 rrsagent, bye 20:14:54 I see 2 open action items: 20:14:54 ACTION: Chris to send around n-ary vocabulary in OWL Full [1] 20:14:54 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-irc#T20-04-15 20:14:54 ACTION: Chris to send around a version that has been split this way. [2] 20:14:54 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/05/12-swbp-irc#T20-11-35