17. Should a project contribute to standardization itself or should this be done through its consortium partners

There are different aspects to consider when deciding to create a formal membership link with the standards body, either directly as a project, or through one of the consortium partners. In the end however, the decision must be driven by which is the best way to influence the standardisation process towards consensus that project results should be an industry standard. Some aspects that are common to both approaches to membership are:

All of the aspects can usually be addressed and since most standards organizations are open towards contributions from research projects, contacts should be established with them to discuss the various options, and how to best proceed.

However, there are pros and cons to participating as a project as wellas to participating as a consortium partner with regard to achieving consensus for research results becoming standards. Some upfront discussions amongst the partners concerning how the project will participate in standards bodies and what restrictions might exist for some partners is therefore needed to avoid surprises later on, such as having to reallocate resources because a partner is prevented from becoming a member and undertaking planned standardization tasks.

17.1 Pros and cons to participating as a project



17.2 Pros and cons to participating as a consortium partner



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See also

  1. Should every project interface with standards organizations
  2. How do I embed standardization activities in my project'swork plan
  3. What do I do when my project comes to an end and standardization activities have not yet been finalized
  4. How should my project initiate a new standardization process

Created by Bart Brusse & Rigo Wenning
last updated $Date: 2006/11/03 14:35:16 $